Super Robot Wars/OGs/Formulas
Terrain Ratings
Each pilot and unit has a Terrain Rating for each terrain. These Terrain Ratings are denoted by the letters S, A, B, C, and D which have their own Value and, whenever a pilot is assigned to a unit, both the pilot and unit's Terrain Rating values are added together to give their Total Value. This Total Value is compared to the each Terrain Rating's Range which, in turn, determines the Modifier which is used in the Accuracy Rate and Evade Rate formulas. Weapons have their own Terrain Rating and use that modifier for the Damage Formulas.
Rating | Value | Range | Modifier |
S | 4 | 7-8 | x1.1 |
A | 3 | 6 | x1.0 |
B | 2 | 4-5 | x0.9 |
C | 1 | 2-3 | x0.8 |
D | 0 | 0-1 | x0.4 |
Total Value | S | A | B | C | D |
S | 8 | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 |
A | 7 | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 |
B | 6 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 |
C | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 |
D | 4 | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 |
Modifier | S | A | B | C | D |
S | x1.1 | x1.1 | x1.0 | x0.9 | x0.9 |
A | x1.1 | x1.0 | x0.9 | x0.9 | x0.8 |
B | x1.0 | x0.9 | x0.9 | x0.8 | x0.8 |
C | x0.9 | x0.9 | x0.8 | x0.8 | x0.4 |
D | x0.9 | x0.8 | x0.8 | x0.4 | x0.4 |
Unit Size Modifiers
Size | Modifier |
LL | x1.4 |
L | x1.2 |
M | x1.0 |
S | x0.8 |
SS | x0.1 |
Accuracy Rate and Evade Rate
Basic Accuracy Rate
= (Accuracy stat / 2 + 140) * Terrain Rating + weapon's Accuracy + basic modifiers
Basic Evade Rate
= (Evade stat / 2 + unit's Mobility) * Terrain Rating + basic modifiers
Accuracy Rate
= (Basic Accuracy Rate - Basic Evade Rate) * defender's unit size + distance modifier + Command modifier + other modifiers - defender's terrain bonus
Final Accuracy Rate / Final Evade Rate
= Accuracy Rate + final modifiers
- Only the Final Accuracy Rate formula truncates leftover decimal values. All previous formulas keep decimals as part of their equations.
- "Basic modifiers" includes the Telekinesis, Genius, and Potential Pilot Skills.
- "Other modifiers" include Ace Bonuses which aren't marked as "Final".
- "Final modifiers" includes the Predict and Precognition Pilot Skills, the Friendship Relationship Bonus, the Focus Spirit Command, and "Final" Ace Bonuses.
- The distance modifier base range is 5 squares away from a unit. The distance modifier increases by 3% per square closer to the unit and decreases by 3% per square further away from the unit.
- For the purposes of the Basic Accuracy Rate formula, a weapon or attack that forces a unit to travel to the terrain of an enemy unit causes that weapon or attack to use the Terrain Rating of the terrain that the enemy unit is on.
Critical Hit Rate
= Attacking pilot's Skill stat - defending pilot's Skill stat + weapon's Critical Rate + other modifiers
- "Other modifiers" includes the Telekinesis and Genius Pilot Skills, the Rival Relationship Bonus, and certain Ace Bonuses.
- Critical hits deal 1.25x damage.
- Critical hits cannot occur if a pilot has Valor or Soul active.
Basic Attack Power
= (Melee or Ranged stat + Will) / 200 * weapon's Attack Power * weapon's Terrain Rating
Basic Defense
= (Defense stat + Will) / 200 * unit's Armor * unit's Terrain Rating
Final Damage
= (Basic Attack Power - Basic Defense) * defender's terrain bonus * final modifiers
- "Final modifiers" includes the Attacker, Revenge, Assist Attacker, and Focused Attacker Pilot Skills, the Love Relationship Bonus, and "Final" Ace Bonuses.
- For the purposes of the Basic Attack Power formula, a weapon or attack always uses the Terrain Rating of the terrain that the enemy unit is on.
Kill Experience
= (Pilot EXP + Unit EXP) * Level Modifier
Attack Experience
= Kill Experience / 10
Repair Module Experience
= (Amount of HP recovered / 20) * Level Modifier
Resupply Module Experience
= 200 * Level Modifier
Level Modifier | >= -10 | -9 | -8 | -7 | -6 | -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | +1 | +2 | +3 | +4 | +5 | +6 | >= +7 |
Modifier | x4.0 | x3.7 | x3.4 | x3.1 | x2.8 | x2.5 | x2.2 | x1.9 | x1.6 | x1.3 | x1.0 | x0.7 | x0.5 | x0.35 | x0.2 | x0.1 | x0.05 | x0.02 |
- All pilots and units have their own EXP value (Pilot EXP and Unit EXP). Examples:
- Elite Soldier: 5
- Last Battalion Soldier: 10
- Atad: 200
- Last Battalion Guarlion: 172
- Guarlion Trombe: 190
- Most Guarlions: 175 (some have 170)
- MAPWs reduce the experience gained to 33% (x0.33)
- Sub units in a Twin unit get 75% EXP (x0.75).
- Battleship supporters get 50% EXP (x0.5).
- The minimum guaranteed experience when killing an enemy unit is 10 and when attacking an enemy unit is 1.