Super Robot Wars/64
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Japanese Title: スーパーロボット大戦64
Release Date: Nintendo 64 1999/10/29
Product Id:
Memory Pack: 2 blocks of internal memory + 2 Memory Controller Pack blocks
Number of Scenarios: 124 playble scenarios
Description: The first and only SRW game released on the Nintendo 64.
It features 4 different main characters, each one of them with their own unique mecha, rival and specific scenarios.
It was the first SRW featuring combination attacks among units.
The game can use the N64's Transfer Pak with the Game Boy Color game Super Robot Wars: Link Battler in order to unlock extra units.
Scenario Info
Pilot Info
Mech Info
- Parts List
- Mech Abilities
- Unit Upgrades (Extra Weapons and Upgrades)
- Upgrades carryover
- Combination Attacks
- Unit List