Warring States Demon God GoShogun
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Warring States Demon God GoShogun 戦国魔神ゴーショーグン | |
Other Names | Sengoku Majin GoShogun GoShogun |
Series Info | |
Broadcasting Type | TV Series |
Episodes | 26 |
Original Airing Date/Release | July 3, 1981 - December 28, 1981 |
First Appearance | Super Robot Wars EX |
The story covers the exploits of the Good Thunder team led by Captain Sabarath and their rebellion against the evil Docouga crime syndicate that has control over the Earth. At their disposal is the super robot GoShogun, and the battleship the team gets their name from, Good Thunder.
Ep No. | Title | Mecha Introduced | Characters Introduced | Adapted in |
1 | GoShogun, Take Off ゴーショーグン発進せよ |
Goshogun, Bundle Flagship, Good Thunder, Impactor | Shingo Houjo, Remy Shimada, Killy Gagley, Leonardo Medici Bundle, Suguni Cuttnal, Yatta La Kernagul, Sabarath, Kenta Sanada, OVA, Dr. Sanada, Neoneros | SRW Alpha 2 |
2 | Try-3's Fierce Fight 激闘 トライスリー |
Cuttnal Flagship | Zenigasky Jitter | |
3 | Little Fighter, Go リトルファイターGO |
4 | A Dangerous Prank 危険ないたずら |
Kernagul Flagship, Debiza | ||
5 | The Hellish Fantasyland 地獄のファンタジーランド |
6 | The Monster With Flashing Eyes 光る眼の悪魔 |
Dogave | ||
7 | Allies in the Hidden Base 隠し砦の仲間達 |
8 | Goshogun Cannot Return ゴーショーグン帰還せず |
9 | The Diamonds Burn Out ダイヤモンドは燃えつきて |
10 | The Terrifying Secret of Beamler 恐るべしビムラーの謎 |
11 | Flowers For You 花束を君に |
12 | Montmartre, Land of Goodbyes 別れのモンマルトル |
13 | Clash in the Underworld 暗黒街の激闘 |
14 | OVA Alone ひとりぼっちのOVA |
15 | The Queen of the Hot Sands 熱砂の女王 |
16 | Farewell, Days of My Youth さらば青春の日々 |
17 | Good Thunder in Great Danger グッドサンダー危機一発 |
Santos | ||
18 | Kenta Pilots Goshogun ケン太ゴーショーグンに乗る |
19 | Crush the Secret London Base 叩け!ロンドン秘密基地 |
20 | Satellite Broadcast: This is Docooga 宇宙中継これがドクーガだ |
Isabelle Cronkite | SRW Alpha 2 | |
21 | The Emperor's Intrigues 皇帝の陰謀 |
22 | Grounded! A Mystery From Below 浮上、地底からの謎 |
Doshard | ||
23 | Good Thunder on the Loose 暴走グッドサンダー |
Gonagul | ||
24 | Crush the Ocean's Enemy 海の敵を叩け |
25 | Countdown to the Final Fight 決戦秒読み開始 |
26 | The Never-Ending Journey 果てしなき旅立ち |
God Neros | SRW Alpha 2 |
Super Robot Wars Appearances
- Super Robot Wars EX
- Super Robot Wars 4
- Super Robot Wars F
- Super Robot Wars F Final
- Super Robot Wars 64
- Super Robot Wars Alpha 2
- Super Robot Wars Alpha 3
- Super Robot Wars Neo
- Super Robot Wars OE
- Super Robot Wars X-Omega
Character Appearances
- Captain Sabarath
- Shingo Hojo
- Remy Shimada
- Killy Gagley
- NeoNeros
- Leonardo Medici Bundle
- Suegni Cuttnal
- Yatta-la Kernagul
Unit Appearances
- Goshogun
- Good Thunder
BGM used
Song Title | Song Title (Romanji) | English Translation | Links |
ゴーショーグン発進せよ! | GoShogun Hashin Seyo! | GoShogun Take-Off! | Games
美しき青きドナウ | Utsukushiki Aoki Danube | By the Beautiful Blue Danube | Games
ワルキューレの騎行 | Walkure no Kikō | Ride of the Valkyries | Games