Super Robot Wars/OGs/Bullet List

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This system lets you customize eligible weapons with stat buffs (and certain trade-off effects) by equipping them with special "bullets" that sometimes drop from enemies.

To create a special bullet: On the Intermission Map, Search for "武器選択"(Weapon Selection) -> "特殊弾"(Special Bullets) -> "開発"(Develop). Choose "新規開発" (New Development) and choose 2 or 3 Bullets to combine their effects.

English Japanese Effect
Attack↑ Ammo↓ 攻撃力↑ 弾数↓ +200 Attack, Ammunition -2
Attack↑ Range↓ 攻撃力↑ 射程↓ +200 Attack, Maximum Weapon Range -2
Range↑ Attack↓ 射程↑ 攻撃力↓ Range +2, -200 Attack
Range↑ Ammo↓ 射程↑ 弾数↓ Range +2, Ammunition -2
Accuracy↑ Range↓ 命中↑ 射程↓ Hit Accuracy +40, Maximum Weapon Range -2
Accuracy↑ Critical↓ 命中↑ クリティカル↓ Hit Accuracy +20, Critical Rate -40
Critical↑ Range↓ クリティカル↑ 射程↓ Critical Rate +40, Maximum Weapon Range -1
Critical↑ Accuracy↓ クリティカル↑ 命中↓ Critical Rate +80, Hit Accuracy -40
Will↑ Attack↓ 気力↑ 攻撃力↓ Will Requirement -5, Attack -100
Will↑ Ammo↓ 気力↑ 弾数↓ Will Requirement -5, Ammunition -1
Barrier Weaken↑ Will↓ バリア弱体 気力↓ Halve the Enemy's Barrier Effect, Will Requirement +5
Barrier Pierce↑ Will↓ バリア貫通 気力↓ Ignore the Enemy's Barrier Effect, Will Requirement +10
Sky Terrain Rating↑ 地形適応空↑ Increase Terrain Adaptation on Air
Land Terrain Rating↑ 地形適応陸↑ Increase Terrain Adaptation on Land
Water Terrain Rating↑ 地形適応海↑ Increase Terrain Adaptation on Water
Space Terrain Rating↑ 地形適応宇↑ Increase Terrain Adaptation on Space
Add Post-Movement 行動後攻撃可能 Weapon gains the Post-Movement property
Attack↑ 攻撃力↑ Attack +100
Range↑ 射程↑ Maximum Weapon Range +1
Accuracy↑ 命中↑ Hit Accuracy +20
Critical↑ クリティカル↑ Critical Rate +40
Will↑ 気力↑ Will Requirement -5
Attack↑ Critical↑ 攻撃力↑ クリティカル↑ Attack +200, Critical Rate +30
Range↑ Accuracy↑ 射程↑ 命中↑ Weapon Range +1, Hit Accuracy +40
Terrain Ratings↑ 地形適応↑ Increase All Terrain Adaptations

There are also secret bullet adaptations that are activated by combining certain bullets. The combination order doesn't matter. (Some of these may need to be tested for errors)

Bullet Part 1 Bullet Part 2 Bullet Part 3 Secret Bonus Overall Bullet Properties
Attack↑ Ammo↓ Range↑ Ammo↓ Attack↑ Critical +15 Attack +300, Range +2, Ammo -4, Critical Rate +15
Attack↑ Ammo↓ Range↑ Ammo↓ Range↑ Attack +100, Hit +20 Attack +300, Range +3, Ammo -4, Hit Accuracy +20
Attack↑ Ammo↓ Range↑ Ammo↓ Will↑ Ammo↓ Armor Down (Level 3) Attack +200, Ammo -5, Range +2, Will Req. -5, Reduce Enemy's Armor
Attack↑ Ammo↓ Accuracy↑ Range↓ Accuracy↑ Critical↓ Hit +10, Will Req. -5 Attack +200, Range -2, Ammo -2, Hit accuracy +70, Critical rate -40, Will Req. -5
Attack↑ Ammo↓ Critical↑ Accuracy↓ Attack↑ Attack -100, Range +1 Attack +200, Range +1, Ammo -2, Hit accuracy -40, Critical rate +80
Attack↑ Range↓ Range↑ Attack↓ None Hit +20, Critical +10, Weaken Barrier Hit accuracy +20, Critical rate +10, Halve the Enemy's Barrier Effect
Attack↑ Range↓ Range↑ Attack↓ Barrier Weaken↑ Will↓ Will Req. -15, Pierce Barrier Will Req. -10, Ignore the Enemy's Barrier Effect
Attack↑ Range↓ Accuracy↑ Range↓ Critical↑ Range↓ Range +1, Post Movement Attack +200, Range -4, Hit +40, Critical rate +40, Weapon Becomes Useable Post-Movement
Attack↑ Range↓ Will↑ Attack↓ Will↑ Ammo↓ Post Movement Attack +100, Range -2, Ammo -1, Will Req. -10, Weapon Becomes Useable Post-Movement
Attack↑ Critical↑ Critical↑ Range↓ Critical↑ Accuracy↓ Mobilty Down (Level 2) Attack +200, Range -1, Hit accuracy -40, Critical rate +150, Reduce Enemy's Mobility
Attack↑ Critical↑ Range↑ Accuracy↑ Terrain Ratings↑ Weaken Barrier Attack +200, Critical rate +30, Range +1, Hit accuracy +40, Halve the Enemy's Barrier Effect
Range↑ Attack↓ Accuracy↑ Range↓ Attack↑ Critical↑ Attack +100, Accuracy Down (Level 3) Attack +100, Hit accuracy +40, Critical rate +30, Reduce Enemy's Hit Accuracy
Range↑ Attack↓ Will↑ Attack↓ Will↑ Attack↓ Armor Down (Level 2) Attack -400, Range +2, Will Req. -10, Reduce Enemy's Armor
Range↑ Ammo↓ Critical↑ Accuracy↓ Critical↑ Attack +100, Will Req. -5 Attack +100, Range +2, Ammo -2, Hit accuracy -40, Critical rate +120, Will Req. -5
Accuracy↑ Range↓ Accuracy↑ Critical↓ None Hit +20, Accuracy Down (Level 2) Range -2, Hit accuracy +80, Critical rate -40, Reduce Enemy's Hit Accuracy
Accuracy↑ Range↓ Accuracy↑ Critical↓ Accuracy↑ Critical +30, Accuracy Down (Level 2) Hit accuracy +80, Range -2, Critical rate -10, Reduce Enemy's Hit Accuracy
Accuracy↑ Range↓ Accuracy↑ Critical↑ Movement Down (Level 1) Hit accuracy +60, Range -2, Critical rate +40, Reduce Enemy's Movement
Accuracy↑ Critical↓ Critical↑ Accuracy↓ None Barrier Weaken↑ Hit accuracy -20, Critical rate +40, Halve the Enemy's Barrier Effect
Critical↑ Range↓ Critical↑ Accuracy↓ Critical↑ Mobility Down (Level 2) Critical rate +160, Range -2, Hit accuracy -40, Reduce Enemy's Mobility
Critical↑ Range↓ Range↑ Critical↑ Mobility Down (Level 3) Critical rate +80, Range -1, Reduce Enemy's Mobility
Critical↑ Range↓ Accuracy↑ Critical↑ Movement Down (Level 1) Critical rate +80, Range -2, Hit accuracy +20, Reduce Enemy's Movement
Critical↑ Range↓ Accuracy↑ Range↑ Accuracy↑ Movement Down (Level 1) Critical rate +40, Range -1, Hit accuracy +60, Reduce Enemy's Movement
Critical↑ Accuracy↓ Critical↑ Critical↑ Attack +100 Attack +100, Critical rate +160, Hit accuracy -40
Barrier Weaken↑ Will↓ Barrier Weaken↑ Will↓ None Attack↓ (Level 2) Halve the Enemy's Barrier Effect, Will Req. +10, Drops Enemy's Attack
Barrier Weaken↑ Will↓ Barrier Pierce↑ Will↓ None Attack↓ (Level 3) Ignore the Enemy's Barrier Effect, Will Req. +15, Drops Enemy's Attack
Will↑ Will↑ None Hit +20, Ability Down (Level 2) Will Req. -10, Hit accuracy +20, Drops Enemy Pilot's Stats 20 Points
Will↑ Will↑ Barrier Weaken↑ Will↓ Hit +30, Ability Down (Level 3) Will Req. -5, Halve the Enemy's Barrier Effect, Hit accuracy +30, Reduces Enemy Pilot's Stats 30 Points
Critical↑ Attack↑ Attack↑ Hit +10 Attack +200, Critical rate +40, Hit accuracy +10
Any 3 Terrain Ratings <-- <-- Terrain Ratings Up Increase all Terrain Ratings by one level