Super Robot Wars/OGG/Shuffle Battler/Command Card List

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Card List

# J Name Name Effect
C001 熱血 Valor/Hot-blooded Doubles the damage done on the main card's next attack. Forces an attack.
C002 ひらめき Flash Enemy attack will miss for 2 turns.
C003 不屈 Invincible The next attack you take is reduced to 0 damage. Opponent cannot see you activate it.
C004 鉄壁 Iron Wall For 3 turns, incoming damage is reduced by 75%.
C005 集中 Concentration For 3 turns, BM consumption is reduced by 50%. However consumption cannot be lowered to 0.
C008 加速 Accel SPD +(2 dice rolls from 1-6).
C007 感応 Sensitivity For 5 turns, your Hit Rate is 100%. For 2 turns, your opponents hit rate is 100%. Forces an attack.
C009 覚醒 Awaken/Zeal For 3 turns (starting next turn), your SPD value is doubled
C010 根性 Vigor Restores the main card's HP by 30%.
C014 補給 Supply Restores all uses for 1 sub-unit.
C016 気迫 Spirit Rolls three dice (1-8), adds the result to your attack, and forces an attack.
C017 激励 Encourage For 3 turns, ATK + (2 die rolls from 1-6)
C021 偵察 Reconnaissance You can see your opponent's Command Cards.
C022 脱力 Daunt Opponent ATK is lowered by (dice roll from 1-10).
C027 応援 Cheer Doubles your Clear Points from the whole match (COM battle only). Also cuts BM use in half.
C031 Bonds ATK + (Remaining alive unit cards x 2)
C032 大激励 Great Rouse For 5 turns, ATK +(2 die rolls from 1-6). For 2 turns, Enemy gains ATK +(1 dice roll from 1-6)
C034 予測 Prediction During the player phase only, halves the enemy's SPD.
C035 かく乱 Confusion For 3 turns, halves the enemies hit rate. Opponent cannot see you activate it.
C037 連撃 Continuous Attack Forces an attack and adds +6 to that attack. Attack power is further increased by 1 every time you attack. Effect disappears if you select a command other than attack.
C040 期待 Hope Restores up to 3 random command cards.
C043 ブースター Booster MOV +2. Gain another turn.
C044 メガブースター Mega Booster MOV +4. Gain another turn.
C045 アポジモーター Apogee Motor SPD +2, MOV +2. Gain another turn.
C049 チョバムアーマー Chobham Armor DEF +1. Gain another turn.
C053 テスラ・ドライブ Tesla Drive SPD +4. Gives the unit an Evasion Type.
C056 陸__装置 Land Equipment Forces an attack. Afterwards, if you attack Star/All-rounder units, ATK +2.
C059 S-アダプター S-Adapter Forces an attack. If opponent is Melee, Ranged, or TK type, ATK +3.
C060 ハイパージャマー Hyper Jammer During the enemy's turn, SPD +20.
C062 マルチセンサー Multi-sensor Forces an attack. During the accuracy calculation only, SPD +10.
C066 一撃必殺の心得 One-hit Sure-kill Knowledge Your next attack becomes a critical.
C067 リペアキット Repair Kit After the current battle ends, +20HP. No effect if you escape.
C069 カートリッジ Cartridge 1 already used command card is randomly selected to become useable again.
C070 スーパーリペアキット Super Repair Kit Randomly restores the uses of one Sub-unit or one Command card.
C072 SSPドリンク SSP Drink Randomly restores up to two used command
C074 勇者の印 Hero's Mark ATK +4, DEF +4.
C077 メガジィネレーター Mega Generator Forces an attack. For this attack, add 1/2 of your MOV as bonus ATK.
C079 ソーラーパネル Solar Panel Restores 3HP per turn.
C081 ABフィールド AB Field DEF +4 versus Shooting types.
C082 G・ウォール G-Wall DEF +2 versus Melee & Shooting types
C085 ねじりハチマキ Twisted headband ATK+ (dice roll from 1-8). Gain another turn.
C086 コマンドクラッシュ Command Crash Forces an attack. If it hits, destroy's one of your opponent's Command Cards.
C087 アタッカー Attacker Forces an attack. For 2 turns, Attack +4.
C088 インファイト+ Infight + MOV +4, Gives the main unit a secondary Melee Type. Forces an attack.
C090 T-LINKシステム T-Link System ATK +2, Gives the main unit a secondary Spark/TK Type. Forces an attack.
C093 母の慈愛 Mother's Charity Same effect as Love. Also, Ryusei, Latune, Mai, and Aya units receive ATK +4 and DEF +2.
C094 フィリオのごほうび Filio's Reward Main unit recovers all HP. Also, Ibis & Sleigh units receive the effects of Trust and Bless.
C101 地球脱出計画 Earth Escape Plan Applies the effects of Booster, Mega Booster, Apogee Motor, Servo Motor, High-Performance Thruster, and Accel. If the opponent is Elzam, Ratsel, or Shu, they get ATK +15.
C106 大統領の気まぐれ President's Whimsy Same effect as Trust. Also, if the opponent is female, has the effect of Daunt x2.
C108 驚異の運動性能 Amazing Exercise Performance Has the same effect as Mega Booster and Giga Generator. If your opponent is a Bartol or a Mironga, ATK +4. Otherwise, your DEF drops to 0.
C109 規格外の存在 Abnormal Existence Has the same effect as Soul and Repair Kit. However, one unused Command Card will be removed. If opponent is Masaki, Lune, or Shu, gain ATK +15.
C111 手厚い看護 Generous Nursing Fully heals the main unit and forces an escape.
C112 Mitsuko's Punishment Has the same effect as Intimidation. If the opponent is Rank D or C, has the effect of Disturb. If your Main Unit is S Rank, removes all stat debuffs.
C113 変身能力 Transformation ability Copies the opponent's main unit. However, stats remain the same. (Abilities change)
C114 ラージの調査 Raji's Inquiry Selects two of the enemies stats, and lowers them (raises B.M.) by (die roll 1-6). Rolls for each stat are done separately, and the same stat can be picked twice.
C115 マ改造 Mari-modeling Compares your SPD & DEF values. The higher one is doubled, the lower one is cut to 1/4. If the values are the same, both are doubled.
C116 レイオス・プラン Leos Plan Takes your SPD & DEF values, and averages them together.
C117 ??? ??? Next phase, if the opponent chooses "Attack", then their attack hits their own unit. Opponent cannot see you activate it.
C118 正義 Justice For 3 turns, the user's dice rolls become "better"*. Opponent cannot see you activate it.
C119 持訓 Practice One stat (ATK/DEF/SPD/CRT/MOV/BM) is increased by (dice roll 1-10) [BM goes down]
C120 共鳴 Resonance Opponent's sub-unit command is blocked for 3 turns.
C121 底力 Prevail When HP is 1/4 or less, gain ATK +6, SPD +10, and DEF +4, but lose one of your dice for attacking.
C122 必殺 Sure Kill Forces an attack. Guarantees that all your die will roll the maximum value possible.
C123 疾風 Gale SPD + (3 dice rolls from 1-10).
C124 怒り Anger Damages all enemies by (2 dice rolls from 1-10), ignoring DEF.
C125 激怒 Rage Damages all enemies by (4 dice rolls from 1-8), ignoring DEF
C126 我慢 Patience The damage of your opponent's next attack is halved, and the damage received is added to the power of your next attack. Opponent cannot see you activate it.
C130 探索 Search Uses a random Command Card.
C131 復活 Revival Fully heals a random defeated unit.
C132 見極め Determine CRT +(3 dice rolls from 1-10)
C133 挑発 Provoke For 3 turns, your opponent can only use the Attack command.
C134 身代わり Substitution If you receive an attack that would destroy your main unit, your sub-unit with the highest HP will take the damage instead.
C135 Dream Swap HP and B.M. with your opponent.
C136 奇襲 Surprise Attack SPD +(die roll from 1-10), ATK +(die roll from 1-10), and forces 2 attacks. However, unable to act next turn.
C137 捨て身 Abandonment Nullifies all stat changes for both players, lowers your DEF to zero, and doubles the power of your opponent's next attack. If your unit survives, your next attack is multiplied by 5.

-*This seems to make the chance of rolling higher numbers more likely, but it cannot be confirmed.