Real Robot Battle Line/Story Translation

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Story Translation

This translation is done via Google Translate and is roughly interpreted to make sense. I have no ability to natively read Japanese.

Stages 1-13

Stage 1 - Duplicator

  • After CG scene

Musica had never seen a Duplicator before in person. Duplicators are one of the military's biggest secrets, so that's not so strange. With this machine then can call and duplicate machines and people; but the people are specifically called "Branches". Elijah likens it to a time machine, that people and machines can be called from different points in time despite being from the same world.

It's pretty old technology though, so it's a wonder if it still works. This one, probably does, and is connected to Earth! The question is 'what time'. As they're investigating something seems to go wrong.

No, it's an enemy attack. It's not just Azulonia's troops, but they have Branches! Wollon's surprised they were discovered so fast, and orders Musica and Glen to squad up. Musica doesn't seem too eager to be in an actual battle, but Wollon insists that she's there as his backup for a reason, quit being a spoiled brat. Elijah even suggests duplicating a Branch while they're there. Wollon is worried about Elijah's eagerness, but asks if he can pull it off. The duplicator is super-stable so he can, with some time. Glen rejects the suggestion; they're here to just investigate, not break rules! Azulonia's troops are already here, and know about the Duplicator, so Wollon refuses to let it fall into their hands. And hopefully it works! Glen is still opposed, seeming to have an issue with using Branches Ralph has spooted a large-scale Duplicator, as the reports suggested. But should he really hand it over to Northern Bright? Look at their troops! Does he even have to do anything at all? Instead he'll leave the effort to Nei Mo Han (of L-Gaim). Nei says nothing but is ORDERED, as a Branch, to respond. Ralph doesn't actually care though, even if his soldiers want the rules to be followed. Ralph understands that Nei had no choice in being a Branch, but it's still a good idea to follow orders. Nei is pissed, but gets called out that he can't go against Ralph, he can see it in Nei's eyes.

Wollon recognizes the Augur, and is shocked to see they Duplicated Nei Mo Han, one of the 13 of the Poesdial Army. And not just Nei, but Anton and Heckler as well. With 3 of those 13 people, Musica's already feeling overwhelmed. Glenn points out that they're all A-Class Branches, and the other army seems to have no shortage of them. Wollon asks Musica and Glenn not to overdo it, just bide time until the Duplicator works. He explains its easier to attack from the back or side of an enemy, where the armor is weaker. Attacking from the front can also be prevented by a shield. Counter attacking will always attack the enemy's front, so sometimes evasion or defense is better. Elijah points out that Heavy Metal units also have a resistance to beam weapons. If the Choir's Charged Particle Rifle won't work, use a beam saber. Glenn is real good with hand-to-hand!

Wollon calls out Nei Mo Han as his opponent, to which they're offended he thinks they can fight on equal footing! But, Nei appreciates the confidence, and will take Wollon on separately! Nei, Wollon, and several soldiers take their battle elsewhere

Anton is about to follow, but Heckler tells him to stay and leave that rabble to Nei. Nei left them in charge here and should be thankful. They can't betray Nei's orders, or the rest of their team!

  • Gundam crew arrives

Elijah's gotten the Duplicator to work, to the amazement of Musica and Wollon. What appears are 5 machines, including the legendary Gundam! Wollon teases Elijah a bit about being a war machine fanatic. Elijah didn't just duplicate the Gundam and it's allies, but also Char. As Musica somehow feels nostalgic about Char, Wollin forbidds them to shoot at Char's Duplicate.

Char says they should be in Texas colony but... they're not. Hayato and Kai thinks they're supposed to be at Solomon. Sayla note they're under gravity and if that's one of Zeon's new weapons . Wollon says he's just as confused as they are, but they're on a different planetoid, a different world. Amuro's never seen such mobile suits, and thinks they belong to Zeon as well. They still don't believe they're on another world, but, just look at the sky and station behind them. Yup, that's 3 moons alright! Wollon explains that here, neither Federation nor Zeon matter, so theyu should follow his advice to survive.

But what right do they have to tell them what to do? Hayato and Char still want to destroy eachother, but if that's what they want, then they're free to just die, just keep fighting. Effectively, they don't have a choice but to do as Wollon says. He suggests they follow him, so they can see the truth of things with their own eyes. Char can't grasp the current situation so he'll obey, for now. Sayla also pushes for the Fed boys to follow him, since that'll lead to survival for now. Amuro doesn't want to fight beside Char, obviously but... Sayla points out that this isn't even thier world, so what does 'enemy' or 'ally' even matter. Amuro hates how simple that is, but they'll follow his orders too. Char wants answers later, but survival comes first.

Ney is upset that everyone's having this big talk during a battle with them. is this some kind of Tea ceremony?

  • Post battle/On Map

Musica tries to report in, but communications are down? Glen can't pick up their senior officers on radar either. Elijah's got nothing either... Considering their opponents, are thier seniors dead? Finallly Wollon responds, he's a bit banged up, but fine.

  • Post Battle

Char now demands his explanation. Wollon explains that this is "Urus", and the Gundam crew are on a totally different planet. Amuro calls out they had no right t obring them here, but Wollon will remain selfish, and ask to keep using them. Char actually agrees with Amuro; and if they've been brought here, then send them back to thier world. Wollon can't send them back beacuse... they were created FROM thier original world. They're a copy. This scrambles Hayato's brain. They're not in their original world, and if they got sent back, their originals are still there. They, literally, can't exist in the same place. Nobody knows how to accept this, but Char suspects that they're just expected to cooperate. This isn't the first time Wollon has done this, but he promises on his life that... he can't guarantee his own life right now, everything depends on thier skills. Char hates that all he is, now, is a reproduction of the original. And he's supposed to just live and fight like this? Yup~! Well, guess that's all there is then, fighting to stay alive. At least Musica seems apologetic for it. But Wollon will at least explain at their field base.

At the field base, even Fraw Bow is here. Fraw is happy to see Amuro but he shoves her aside, not wanting to be bothered at all. This sets Sayla off, and even Kai is ticked; it's not like he was the only one this happened to. Char has to come to terms that there are OTHER pilots, not just Amuro, whom he'd been obsessing over. Char remembers meeting Amuro at Side 6, to which Amuro thanks him for that, back then... But Char says they should be more careful in front of a Zeon officer. It doesn't matter where they did or didn't meet, they're soldiers in an army. Sometimes they have to do things they're reluctant to do, himself included. But Zeeks killed Kai's family, though Char retorts they've also killed Zeon pilots... they had parents and siblings too.

Musica interupts thier bickering about the follies of war, saying that even if they're in a different situation, it'd be impossible to just cast aside their prior commitments and views. But if they don't work together now, none of them will survive. Char suggests that this may be a temporary truce then. Musica takes time to approach Char on his own... she's been a fan of his for a while, and now she gets to meet him! But Char thinks that longing for people isn't... human. This puts her off a little but, she asks what she's allowed to call him. She wants to call him "Mister Char" but... that makes him feel weird, and thus, Musica seems weird... but also somehow familiar

Glen asks Elijah what the new unit is for. He says he duplicated the Guntank and Guncannon by accident. As well as Char's Zaku. What a peaceful guy Elijah is.

Stage 2 - Silver Pursuit (A)

  • After Intermission

Wollon explains they're at a temporary base at the North Pole of Urus, but even this far north they're exposed to Azlonia invasion. With thier current strength, it's currently impossible to stop the enemy's invasion, and the base is to be abandoned and destroyed. Elijah doesn't like the idea of destroying this new Duplicator, but the alternative is letting the enemy have ANOTHER Duplicator. And Minovsky particles are curretnly so thick they can't get ahold of HQ, so, the decision lays with them. Once they're done with this base, they'll head for the nearest Reef Base. Wollon is even going to let Musica start taking the lead in combat. Musica seems a bit apprehensive about it, but Glen and Elijah seem to be okay with this. Wollon has to insist, stating he's injured and can't fight on the front lines, making Musica relent and accept.
Musica really didn't want to get into combat, and being on this 10 year old ship is only making her mood more sour. Elijah explains that this ship, the Silverado, is still plenty good. Transportation is easy, maintenance capacity is great. Even though it's seen lots of active duty, it's still a functioning ship! Elijah doesn't do any combat himself though, so all the fighting is left up to Glen and the rest. Glen gets upset at this comment, but Elijah retorts that someone has to man the ship, does he want to NOT have a place to return to? Wollon assigns the remaining soldiers to the engine room, radar, communication; repurposing the grunts to now be ship staff. He then addresses Fraw Bow, who comments that she's fine with being on the bridge again; most of the instruments are similar to the White Base. Glenn gets upset at using a Branch on the bridge, but, Wollon insists that the voice of telegraphers have ALWAYS been women! This is final!

Goodbye fair Duplicator! You brought us legends.

Ralph chides his foes to do their best but then realizes that the Duplicator is exploding. Furious, Ralph orders that they follow them, instructing his soldiers to get ready for sortie, even the Branches.

A girl in a Heavy Metal calls out to the Silverado, asking it to stop! Fraw picks up on the communication more clearly, but Elijah calls out that they're being chased. Glenn recognizes the model HM, but also that it's a Branch, and insists they leave them alone. Wollon chides him for having some kind of grudge, where Fraw outright asks if he hates Branches. Wollon volunteers the answer; his parents were killed by Branch terrorists. Musica scolds him for lumping all Branches together; hate them all for the acts of one. Elijah asks what to do about the girl hailing them, leaving Musica to decide...

  • Option 1 is - 止まると敵に追いつかれちゃう "If you stop, you'll be overtaken by the enemy", and leads to 2 more options, with 2 more stage variants.
  • Option 2 is 見過ごすなんて、できいわ "You can't overlook it"
    • (This stage follows option 2)

  • Before battle/sortie

Musica orders the hangar bay opened for this total stranger to enter the ship. Giving her thanks the girl introduces herself as Fanneria Amu. But shortly after docking, enemy forces catch up. They're actually thieves, led by Miyama Leelin, and they're after Amu and everything she's got, which now includes the Silverado. Wollon recognizes that from a list of escaped Branches. Glenn, naturally, is irked to see more Branches, calling them just garbage, making Elijah recoil that he even commented on anything. Wollon tells them to sortie, of course without him.

  • If you sortie Glenn-

A man named Hassha also appears, claiming to have cut off the escape route, meaning Musica caused them to fall behind. But it seems like the whole thing is a scam, with Amu now on board, looking for anything to take. But Amu monologues that they're only doing this because they're broke. Seems like Elijah was already broke anyway, so not even pockets to pick!

Amu returns to Leelin, revealing that the Silverado had NOTHING to take, and battle begins.

  • If you do NOT sortie Glenn-

Elijah checks in on Glenn, who is pondering why women are so kind to everyone. Elijah doesn't see anything wrong with that, while Amu is spying on them off in a corner, seeming rather pleased to be in on this conversation. Glenn calls them pretty unpleasant, but, Amu disagrees.
On the battlefield, Amu seems to want to help Musica out. Lee Lin is pissed that Amu is betraying him, calling them out for how Lee helped them before. But, well, that was before, that was their originals, and in the past! Amu instantly joins up, taking Glenn's place in battle.

  • In battle

If you convince Amu with Glenn, despite his apprehension, Amu seems enamored with his looks, and joins instantly. However, half of your money is gone now.

  • Upon defeating Lee Lin

With their leader gone, Hassha calls for a ceasefire. Musica shows mercy to the thieves, agreeing that if they help her, they'll be safe. Glenn doesn't think Branches can be trusted so easily though. Elijah credits it all to Musica. Any of the remaining thieves bail out, leaving the team to return to the Silverado.
Amu agrees to help too, if she didn't already join, but at this point she already gave half your money to Leelin.

  • If 4 turns pass

The Azulonia army finally catches up in the middle of dealing with bandits. Lee Lin bails out, Hassha decides he's going to quit being a bandit and join with his, finding it to be the smarter, safer option! Amu agrees to help too, if she didn't already join, but at this point she already gave half your money to Lee Lin. Ralph catches up and is ready to send his forces out to take the Silverado crew on, Branches included.

Stage 3 - Golden Fox Woman

  • Straight into Battle

Wollon protests the Azulanian army's persistence, but Ralph counters that Wollon is only good at talking. Wollon remembers Ralph, some jerkoff who just uses and throws Branches away. Ralph says that's normal, and promptly orders Nei Mo Han to take out their enemies. For now, that's all Nei can do to survive, but confirms that she can also destroy Char and Amuro. Hassha, if he's around, makes a particular note about killing Char and Amuro too...

When Anton goes down, Nei tells him to withdraw, she's not overwhelmed with these enemies. Same for Hacker when he goes down. Nei goes down with minimal protest.

With the battle over, time to hurry on to Reef Base. Ralph's squad returns, berating the Branches that just lost. So much for A-Ranks, right? Ralph seems to think they can just get better Branches despite that, but Amuro and Char are going to be huge problems. Ones to be dealt with very soon. Ralph orders his goons to go request reinforcements, and let's the team go for now.

  • After Battle

Back on the bridge of the Silverado, Wollon announces there's another day before they reach their base. Musica demands to know what's going on, only to be told Azulonia's forces are invading, plus they need to report the finding, and loss, of the Duplicator they used. Elijah brings up that there are specific rules about NOT Duplicating Char, but fortunately Wollon hasn't reported that to anyone yet so they're not in trouble for that... yet. Char's already been Duplicated 3 times, and the last one was 30 years ago. Amuro's considered an S-Class Branch, and even Kamille has been duplicated 20 times or so. But Char... he's been Duplicated 3 times, and brought about 3 rebellions. Since then EVERYONE stopped trying to Duplicate him. A rebellion even occurred in Wollon's home country. Glenn worries that Char's too dangerous a person to be left alone, but Wollon insists that right now, everything is okay, so, don't worry about it. Glenn calls him out on some sloppy, lazy commanding. But instead, he comes back that he's fought alongside Branches 3 times already. They had to live, and die, together, and you won't get anywhere without trusting each other. It's no different fighting along Branches than with anyone else. Obviously Glenn doesn't agree, but Glenn doesn't need to understand now, just, work with it for the time being.

Musica goes to visit Amuro privately. Though he claims he's tired, he lets her in. Musica has to ask; do they (the Branches) resent her and her team? It'd only be natural to! They were called there, against their will, now they're forced into fighting... Amuro worries about being able to go back to his world at all. No, he can't. He's a copy, there's still his original back there. Instead Amuro apologizes, realizing that there's nothing she can do about 'her' anyway. But then... Musica starts crying! She utterly laments that the Branches are stuck here, regardless of family or friends... they can never go back and see them. Amuro is honestly relieved. Amuro appreciates that someone would cry for them. It makes them, you know, the same. Musica moves topics, asking what Amuro thinks about Char. He practically hate him; had Char not attacked Side 7, people's families wouldn't have died, he could be living in peace... He can't help but hate Char. Musica admits that she actually admires him, she wants to be as skilled a pilot as he is. She then asks Amuro not to hate Char so much. She's sure that what he did to Side 7 was just him following orders that he couldn't go against. Amuro keeps silent, letting her go on, but she excuses herself after that.

Stage 4 - The Enemy is an Ally (A)

Finally, the crew have arrived on base, but Musica is still feeling anxious, despite being on the mainland of the Northern Bright. As is Elijah, who was the one who fired up a new Duplicator, and consequently broke it! At best he can hope for just a salary reduction, or a demotion. But odds are, it's life in prison. Glenn chides him that he won't live life that long worrying about it so much! But Elijah is delicate, unlike Glenn, so of course he's worried. Wollon is taking Elijah with him to the base commander, since he'd be the best one to explain the... condition of the Duplicator. Whining, Elijah goes along

Instantly Wollon and Elijah are placed under arrest, under suspicion of violating military regulations. They are hereby detained. However Wollon swings his authority around, as captain, HE should be the one held responsible, alone. However, during this small debate, klaxons go off. Azulonia is attacking! The base commander mentions it's the Ace of the previous war, and tells Wollon to take responsibility for this happening! Wollon is more than eager to do so, but is instructed to stay. Instead, his subordinates will handle responsibility! Elijah's ordered to tell Musica to sortie, but the Commander flips! Why make HER sortie!? Well, because a Duplicated Branch squad needs a commander! The commander doesn't want to really expose the Chief of Staff's daughter to that kind of danger. But Wollon already says that the commander's position is in jeopardy. Can he really allow the base to fall, right now? Like this? The commander will be sure to hold Wollon accountable, while he starts to hope that he'll both succeed and 'be taken care of'. He's a commander in this remote region for a reason; not some soldier who fights all day! Why yes, he is cowardly scum!

  • Before battle/sortie

Ralph has a new squad of Branches, and tells them the enemy also have Branches from the same world, but don't slack off! Ramba Ral knows how to do what he's told. Gaia, Ortega, and Mash are here too, under the guise that they'll get to go home when this is done.

Musica isn't that confident in being commander, but she can't let her superior down! If you sortie Char and Amuro (and odds are you do) Amuro recognizes that the enemy now has Zakus. He worries how Char is going to react, and Char says he's not going to fight. Musica suggests that maybe he could convince some of them to come to our side, to which he agrees; thus we are introduced to the "Convince" mechanic.

Convincing enemies requires two relevant characters to be adjacent, and use the "Convince" command that now appears. Only certain characters can persuade others, and even then, certain characters may have better odds than others, or no odds at all... yet!

Base Commander Roche recognize the 'Forbidden' Char Aznable. Wollon just apologizes for the Duplicating accident. This is ABSOLUTELY a breach of protocol! But Wollon never said WHO he had Duplicated. Roche calls Wollon a God of Plagues, but... does he want Wollon to abandon defending the base? Sayla and Char will both recognize the Gouf if they're deployed. When Sayla and Ramba engage, Sayla is sure that he had died before but... Ramba vaguely recognizes her voice, and even calls her Artesia when he does! But no, she can't be in the enemy army! When Char and Ramba battle, Ramba believe he should've lost his life because he didn't protect Garma. Char says he was ordered by Kycilia, which is also why he's a Colonel now. Ral questions that, but, regardless of circumstances, he HAS to fight Char now!

When you have Sayla convince Ramba Ral. Again, he recognizes her voice, so much to even call her 'Princess'. Undoubtedly, this is Artesia! Sayla kindly asks him to surrender. Ral seems to be at internal odds, worrying for his wife, but also for the Princess. Unclear how to proceed, Ral retreats instantly, and it counts as defeating him. If Char convinces Ral, he starts to feel a bit nostalgic for him. He says he's "Edward", or, does he remember the older name? Ral can't believe it though. Jimba Ral took good care of him earlier. Ramba remembers this, and begins apologizing for the inconvenience. But it's thanks to that Char was allowed to see the world.

Char tries to convince Ortega to come along with them, but he just thinks Char got lost. Char asks him why they're fighting since this isn't Earth. When did he start fighting his Zeon compatriots? But he says it's no good right now! If Char tries to convince Gaia, he doesn't believe it for a second. Despite that Char appreciates Gaia's abilities, he politely declines. Char tries to convince Mash, but he's quickly cut off. Just stop now. Char seems to think there's some reason for all this, and Mash suggests there might be...

  • After battle

Back in the Command room, Roche is being told by one "Lazlo" that he doesn't mind things are they are. instead, it seems he'd rather talk to Wollon than Roche! Wollon apologizes for the trouble he's been causing. Lazlo doesn't seem bothered by this but... hadn't he claimed he was injured? Wollon sure looks fine now. And if it's not as bad as it seems, then Lazlo will need Wollon to report to Headquarters! Wollon worries about getting to Southampton, but Lazlo insists there's something more pressing, leaving the fact that he needs Wollon's power going unspoken. Wollon asks about leaving Musica behind, but Lazlo says that this is a sort of trail for her as well. Including Char, he is leaving the management of the Branches to Musica. Wollon thinks that Musica is good but... she's not that... But Lazlo believe in Musica, as well as leaving Glenn and Elijah along with her. He wants Musica to know more about Branches, even if it's through battle. But now, there seems to be a little speed up in the schedule, and refuses, teases Wollon that he has some sort of plan.

After the discussion, Roche says he's leaving the base. He says that the special forces that Musica is a part of will be reorganized. Musica is now in charge. But wait... Musica's not even of rank to be in charge! Well, as of now, by special circumstance of wartime, she's been promoted to Captain. These are order from HQ, as well as managing the Branches. But Musica refuses, citing she hasn't even experienced real battle yet! (despite that we're 4 stages in and she's our heroine..) No, this is a command from HQ, there is no refusing. And already she's being ordered to help on the front lines, rescuing some of their allies. Currently Azulonia's front line has a rather inferior Branch unit. Musica asks what forces Roche commands, but he's part of an independent military branch, he isn't assigned to that kind of stuff! That's for the Silverado Corps. Musica, however, is allowed to act at her own discretion! Glenn has questions about this strategy, namely that their current ship is vastly inferior and ill-equipped. Roche won't allow the new deployment of any ships; but at least they'll be well equipped and supplied themselves. It's now that mission need to be done effectively and within the rules. This, sadly, shuts Glenn up, and Roche scuttles off.

Glenn thinks all of this is because of who Musica's father is. Musica apologizes, and tells Glenn that he doesn't have to follow those orders, he can do things at his own discretion. Elijah suggests that it might be easier of she were a General. Glenn doesn't like that they've been given such an order, or role, but even Musica can't deny her own orders. In that case, Glenn WILL do as he likes, but, he wasn'ts to just blast music and do as he likes! Well that just makes Glenn unreliable, doesn't it? After a bit of laughing, Musica asks that, when in battle, they follow procedures

Musica runs into Sayla later on, whom she's just checking in on. She's fine, but Musica came to ask about that soldier in the blue MS, Ramba Ral. He seemed like an acquaintance, right? Sayla hesitates at first, but opens up that Ral used to raise her, and she never thought they'd meet in a place like this. Musica understands that it would be hard to fight someone so close to her. Sayla wonders if trying to talk to the enemy might lower team's morale, but Kai interrupts, wondering what kind of secrets the girls are talking about. Musica says it's just talk about MS maintenance. Kai says he'll take care of it, while Musica whispers to Sayla that, when she's ready to talk about it, they should talk, because they're all friends here, right?

Stage 5 - Holy Warrior VS Holy Warrior

  • The first route splits all converge here

Glenn complains about having to meet up with the supply team, to which Elijah reminds him that her name is Matilda, captain of the Supply Corps. Now that's a name Amuro recognizes! The whole White Base crew recognizes her, but Hayato points out that she should have died. Musica has to remind them that she was likely Duplicated before she'd died. Char begins to show his interest in Duplication, asking if that it can be done in the same world, despite the passage of time. Elijah explains that even from the same world, you can Duplicate on a different time axis. In fact other copies of Amuro and Char have appeared only a few days apart. Musica says that she can't call them the same people by Duplication. Amuro asks if it's possible to bring people back if they've died in their original world. You could duplicate them from before their death, and then replace them, but, yes, you can, technically. While Fraw and Amuro ponder over the people they could bring back, Musica notes that it's not necessarily going to mean that person is happy. Char says that it's too convenient for a place he's not familiar with, and he doesn't like it at all. Glenn says that's natural for a Branch to feel that way, but Musica thinks that even as Branches, they're still no different from humans! She thinks everyone should have the same rights. She's been seeing too much prejudice against Branches these days (that means you too, Glenn). Musica wants to get rid of all that kind of stuff. All the while Elijah's been agreeing with everyone, so Glenn call him out; which side is he even on? Well, he's on everyone's side, but before that gets further, there's a ping on the radar, a blue ID; a sign of someone claiming to be an ally.
This is Legi, who Glenn thinks is the Supply Captains' younger sister. Legi seems happy to meet Glenn finally, but already Glenn can tell he's not good at dealing with those kind of people; flirty types perhaps? Fraw asks who this is; Musica says this is Major Legi Mellows, Wollon's younger sister. But before Glenn can keep complaining, there's another ping on the radar; a red ID, something chasing the transport unit.

  • In Battle/Before sortie

It's Azulonia special forces, a lot of them in a tight formation at that. Legi has to defend the transport unit, and until the Silverado arrives, she'll fight back with the Branches. Legi calls out that they're not the only ones with Duplicated Aura Battlers. Ralph is here, not too surprised to see Aura Battlers, pointing out that they have high power, and is eager to test himself against their Branches as well. Burn Burnings is also eager to test his mettle as a Knight, and advance his position! He'll show these 'Earth People' his power! Garalia berates him for only wanting to get ahead in such a place. Todd, Tokamk, and Show are also among the enemy squadron. Marvel, on our side, recognizes Show and the Dunbine, and Cham even senses his Aura. Marvel's so happy to see Show after leaving everyone, but Cham thinks that she means she had a fight with Show before. Musica and Glenn are going to help Legi and her crew as Elijah explains that Aura Battlers have a barrier that negates weak physical attacks, but melee and beam attacks will work fine! Aura Battlers are also very evasive, so it's best to get around behind them.

  • After sortie

Upon deployment, Glenn calls out to Ralph, saying he won't be running away this time! Ralph isn't too happy to see him tough, and, as the "Blue Sword of Azulonia" he's going to deal with Glenn himself. Musica didn't ask for him to be her 'dance partner', she'll take someone else. Ralph appreciates her being fearless, but he'll make to bury such a pretty face without scratching it!

-Should Matilda be shot down, she asks one of her passengers to escape. "Doc" wants her to escape too but she can't leave with the supplies
-Todd recognizes Allen, who's glad to see him in a place like this, until he calls him a little chicken 'bastard', much to Todd's dismay. If Allen shoots him down, they're both surprised that it managed to even happen!
-Try to convince Show with Marvel, and she'll call out, asking to be recognized. Unfortunately, he doesn't' know her at all... or Cham!? Cham doesn't like being called a Fairy, especially by Show; she's a Mi Ferario. Marvel seems to realize that maybe this is a Show from before they met? If so, maybe if they do it like before it should work... She compares him to Drake, having no sense of right or wrong. No... just a stupid man who's helping Azulona! Marvel knows about Ursus, and asks if Show is in charge of the Azulona troops. But Show has NO clue what she's on about! Looks like talking to him like this is useless.
-When Show goes down, Cham panics! But Marvel believes in Show's Aura power, and he won't die so easily
-On the chance you take down Ralph, he blames the fact the rest of his squad are just messing around that he bails out. He drops a rare Full Repair.

After the fighting, Musica calls out for Matila. If the Medea goes down, Matilda is fine, but the supplies are toast. Otherwise, well, all's good!

  • After battle

Legi is on board to introduce the team to their new mechanic, who Musica recognizes as "Doc". Doc hasn't seen this team in a while, and is already asking Elijah how the engine is holding up. Legi asks how much they know Doc; Glenn's managed a month of mechanical theory back at the military academy, while Elijah skipped out on classes so he didn't learn too much, and Musica says she was fired within a month. Apparently their teacher, Doc, was the worst, but they were at least a top-notch mechanic. Doc is glad to see Musica's grown up, but clearly he's just being a pervert by touching her! Elijah gets his own slap for making a comment on how small Musica's chest is too. That aside, Doc says to leave all the repairs and remodeling to him! But Legi is also giving the team the other 5 characters we saw in battle; Marvel Frozen, Cham Huau who IS NOT a fairy, Fei Chenka, Allen Pardy, and Jeryl Nyamhee, who instantly annoys Glenn. Musica is looking forward to their cooperation and success on the front lines. Jeryl calls out that she's trying to treat them like they're on equal footing. Half-hearted sympathy can hurt other people, she calls out. Glenn already hates this Branch so he wants to get rid of them now. Jeryl seems to be familiar that she's been summoned more than once, and almost doesn't care if she's disposed of or not. Musica is sure they'll be happy with this crew, but she has no intention on making Glenn change his mind. Nor will she budge on treating them as equals.

Amuro catches up with Matilda in the halls, and Matilda realizes that Amuro is VERY happy to see her. If Matilda got shot down earlier, Musica is there to apologize for doing poorly. Matilda doesn't seem too upset, but, as far as the supplies... The Gadem Corps were dispatched, so daily supplies don't have to be worried about. If Matilda's Medea wasn't shot down...

Suddenly, Amuro and Sayla see Char, who seems injured. Musica is just as worried, but he says it's just a scratch. He just paid for something he did. Char doesn't know who, but he does know he got shot from behind. Musica sends him and Elijah to Med-Bay, immediately, and Sayla tags along. But now Musica is worried that there's an enemy on their ship! But whooo?

Stage 6 - Insurgent

  • On the map

Matilda is about to take her leave. Amuro wishes her safe travels, and she returns the sentiment, leaving him sputtering and blushing. Legi asks Musica what she should do; at which point you can ask her to escort the Medeas (top option) or help your team (bottom option). If you send her off, she'll leave you with 10,000 Cents from headquarters and head off with Matilda. Ask her to help you and Glenn will seem pretty pleased that she quickly agrees to stay on and help. Legi teases him a bit afterward, so it gets hard to tell if the two are flirting or otherwise.

  • On the Silverado

Amuro is sad to see Matilda go, still hanging onto a crush for her, but also conflicted that he's seeing her, alive. As Elijah assures that they'll see each other again, warning go off, Fraw's picked up something on the northwestern mountain range. Unfortunately it's an unknown signal, so there's no way to tell if it's enemies or not. Glenn suspects that it's some of the more rebellious Branches that have started their own guerrilla groups. For now, it's only 3 machines though.

  • Back on the battle map

Kyao tells Daba he's getting head of everyone, making him realize that it's too early. Leccee realizes that what they've spotted isn't the Azulonian army, but our Northern Bright crew. Daba wants to be sure, prompting Kyao to realizes something is a bit off. Daba is sure that they're being chased, when Elijah calls out to them. But Glenn realizes that something else is also coming.

Gavley claims he's cornered Daba and his bunch. But Chai also notices our Northern Bright ship and says he needs to not chase too far! But Gavley doesn't seem all that worried about how 'strong' we may or may not be. Daba's surprised that they've already caught up to them. Musica chimes in, realizing Glenn was likely right, and offers Glenn the option to help them out! Glenn says that they don't have the time to not help, especially in such a place. Elijah points out that if they get Daba and his crew as allies, it's going to help a lot in the fight about to happen. Musica then calls out to Daba, telling him that they are also here to help! Daba and Leccee are quick to take the offer to be bailed out, but Kyao thinks they're just as likely to get mugged and left defenseless.

  • Battle

Gavlet looks offended at the small amount of enemies he's fighting. The team soon sortie some small numbers before Lilith starts sensing something or... someone. However Cham seems to think that the's another Mi Ferario. But no, she says she's a Miraly. Lilith wants to go see who this other person is, asking Daba if it's okay to do so.

When Gavlet is defeated, the whole enemy squadron retreats, or when there are 4 or less enemies left.

  • Back on the Silverado

Daba apologizes for having to be saved, and Musica introduces herself, saying he's got nothing to worry about. Daba is quick to see himself off, but Lilith holds him off, bringing up Cham once again. She wants another chance to talk with her, someone at least similar to herself, but... not! Cham feels the same. Musica is quick to offer Daba some help, leading him to wonder why she trusts people so quickly. Musica mentions that they already share common enemies, so why can't she trust him? So Musica extends her usual hand out to let Daba and his crew joins them, but he insists that by helping him she'll be betraying her army. On that, he and his team leave, saying they'll meet again for sure, as do the two fairy-types.

If Amu is among your allies, she'll leave with Daba, saying Glenn's been cold to her. Glenn brings up Branches again, and gets promptly scolded.

Well, now what? Musica's a bit stuck on Daba's words that she'll be betraying her army... But something goes wrong on the ship; an explosion! Char has also come to investigate the explosive on the ship. Someone set it on Char's machine specifically! But who would do such a thing... Char's a bit suspicious of Musica, but she insists she'd never try to kill him! No, he knows she'd never do that, but then, again, who?

Even Amuro is worried about Char being constantly targeted. Kai thinks that they'll be next since they're 'closer' to Char. Kai starts to suspect Glenn, since he's such an obvious Branch-hater. But Hayato thinks he's more afraid of Branches and wouldn't do something like that; Fraw Bow agrees. Kai continues on with suspects; next are the Aura battlers; Jeryl's crew. Sayla's getting fed up with his accusations, and Amuro just wants the suspect found.

Finally, the crew have entered the Senan region. This is where their mission is, to repel the Azulona army and save their allies. The most fierce fighting is over at Lebut base. The other is Shade base, which is critical to the enemy's supply lines. There's less enemies here, but there's more likely to be reinforcements. The top option is Lebut, and the bottom is Shade.

For now, we take Lebut base. Musica continues to worry about Char. Amuro saw him go to the shower room earlier, which prompts Fraw to call out how infrequently Amuro takes a bath, instead of just showers. Kai jokes about getting Musica to shower with him, but Cham flutters off to go check on Char.

Cham and Musica finally bust the suspect in the shower room! It's Hassha, who's finally cornered Char! He's sure he can get big rewards for bringing Char back to Azulonia! Char openly accuses Hassha, but he says he's not been the one trying to kill Char, and that's just been making his goals harder! But can he actually kill Char? Hassha suspects, at this close a distance, there's no question! Cham flutters in, distracting Hassha, letting everyone else burst in and flip the situation! Hassha bails out quickly but Amuro opens fire! Char thanks Musica for being there for him. Musica starts to accuse Hassha, but Char corrects that it's been someone else trying to kill him, Hassha's intentions were different, meaning there's still someone on board after Char! Fraw on comms calls out that Hassha's sortied without permission, but Musica says to just let him go... Our one guy with the Good Luck spell!

Stage 7 - Defense (Lebut Base route)

  • On Lebut Base

We're introduced to Gic Boldie, commander of Lebut Base. After Musica introduces herself, Gic says she'll be assigned to defend the left wing. Glenn doesn't like the way he states their assignment, but they don't have a reputation, so it's a given that they're treated like grunts. Glenn asks if they get any troops assigned to them, but Elijah would rather just let their own peoples take care of it.

  • Battle Map/Sortie

In short order, enemies appear, led by Bern Burnings. He says they won't make the same mistake as last time. Todd says he's not an idiot 'like him', and while Tokamk flinches, take note that Show is missing from the enemy formation. Galeria mentions they even sent Zet to sortie. He responds that, today, it's better that he's been sortied rather than building more Aura Battlers. After Glenn's usual complaint of Branches, it's time to sortie. If you send Marvel, she'll point out that Show isn't around, and Cham can't sense his Aura either.

Putting Tokamk down, again, has Bern point out just "how useful" he is.

When you take down Zet, he protests that 'our machines' are better than the Aura Battler that he made. It's key that you take him down.

If you leave less than 5 enemies, Bern decides that these losses are unacceptable, and decides to withdraw; similarly when he himself is destroyed! Glenn seems upset that they withdraw and don't get to finish off the enemies. Musica wonders if he means that they were assigned the worst job possible. Commander Gic radios in, saying that they actually did well repelling the attack. Glenn curses like he's just blowing hot air, but at the least they're being given some supplies to pick up.

If you took down Zet Light, you'll get a choice of what to do with him. Doc chimes in pointing out that he's a rather good mechanic, and he'll make him EVEN BETTER! Elijah suggests taking him in as a pilot instead. Glenn wants neither; he was an enemy AND, well, Branch. Bickering aside, it's ultimately yours (Musica's) decision. The first option is taking him as a pilot, and getting his machine. The second will net you just his machine, and the third is the Death Penalty. Having a Resupply spell so soon isn't a bad pick, and he gets Luck at lv 10, and his machine is better than the stock Dumlo and Dana o'Shea you have already. Choosing either of the first two, and he'll comment that he'll run away some day.

  • On the Silverado

Sayla is arguing with someone, which Musica overhears outside her room. Sayla's brings up something she was told about Newtypes by Jinba Ral, that they're the 'ideal type'. But she feels that thinking that way would make the people of Urus their enemy. Char says that that the situation has completely changed. Newtypes here, it's a new type for humankind, and Char thinks this is just karma. Sayla shouts after him, but this is where Musica steps in, but Char is already one, she doesn't get to see who Sayla was arguing with. Sayla doubles down; nobody was ever there with her. So now it's kind of... funny that Sayla was yelling by herself.

In the hangar, Glenn is looking over a new model Choir, which they got as part of the supplies from Commander Gic. It's a B-type Choir, with higher mobility. The 'youngsters' call this Choir Hi-Boost, so Doc says. Whatever it's called, Glenn wants it!

Stage 7 - Recovery (Shade Base route)

Stage 8 - Show Zama

  • Battle Map

Immediately we start with Todd yelling at Show about the 'relationship' they had. Show tries to warn him about exciting his Aura too much. Not too far away, Fraw informs Musica that they're picking up the strange noises on the communication line again. Two men are arguing, but the Minovsky particle interference is too strong to get anything more clear. Marvel, naturally, recognizes Show's voice, and can tell he's fighting with someone. Cham easily picks up on his Aura too! Marvel pleads to go ahead after Show, but Musica refuses. Rather, she won't let Marvel go on her own and orders everyone to ready for sortie

Burn appears with more forces, telling Todd this is too much for him to do alone, but Todd insists that since it's just Show, he's more than enough! Burn reminds him this is Northern Bright territory and their enemy could come at any moment. As such, there's enemies at 2 o'clock. Elijah's impressed by the enemy numbers when Musica orders the sortie.

  • After sortie

Marvel begins calling out to Show, he responds that he doesn't know what Justice is, but he doesn't agree with Azulonia's way of it!

You can immediately continue Show and Todd's conversation by trying to convince him. He came to Urus, on Azulonia's side and doesn't know why. He then asks for Todd's help, but Todd is sick of hear all this crap about 'friends'. It only makes him hate Show more!

Shooting down Todd causes Burn to curse the Northern Bright army! He begs for forgiveness when Garalia is shot down too. Burn says nothing but drops a Booster when defeated

--However, let's try having Show fight Garalia, and attack her with the Aura Sword, (which is at the top of your move list, and strongest). Both Show and Garalia seem... confused. Even Musica is confused as to what's happening. A cutscene will play of the two clashing, and being carried off by the Aura Road. Congratulations, you've finished the stage, and will immediately go into the next scenario. If you attack Garalia with any other weapon, or never have Show and Garalia battle, this event will not occur and you can clear the stage as you see fit.

Musica introduces herself to Show after the battle. Cham's been dying to reunite with him! Show asks Musica and Marvel what he should be doing, what's right for him? He can't feel a malicious Aura coming from our group, so he wants to fight alongside us, and ask if we'll cooperate with him. Marvel accepts him before Musica can.

  • On the Silverado

Seems like Cham has been filling Show in on things before they run into Musica. Marvel asks what their plans are now. She's still not sure of the enemy's intentions. Musica plans on simply returning to HQ and asking them about the Azulonia spy. Marvel has her own wonders about that... is it really an Azulonia spy to be worried about?

Char has some to speak with Musica privately. Char asks her about human innovation. He doesn't think there's any innovation in humankind if they're relying so heavily on the Duplicators. Do such spoiled people think Branches should be purged? Musica is shocked to hear this? Who said anything about purging!? Char begins to "Char" again, saying he wants to guide humanity. He says even Musica is getting in the way of how the government does things. Isn't she dissatisfied by this too? Of course she is, but... Char continues that unless the current government is fixed, and Duplicators are abandoned, there can't be any evolution for the people of Urus, and Char believes that Musica has the power to do so. He'll let her mull on this...

Stage 9 - Earth

  • In Battle

Musica, Show, and Garalia appear over a field at night. Musica's body feels heavy as she tries to assess what's going on. Show wonders why Musica appeared 'through the sea', but she says she thought she was just enveloped in light a moment ago! To her, it feels like gravity's increased too. As several modern jets go by, Garalia wonders if those are reinforcements. Show recognizes the jet fighters though! Garalia shoots the jets down, but hates the way Show looks back at her. Show begs her to stop, they're not on Urus anymore! That instantly worries Musica, and Garalia asks whats he's talking about. Didn't Garalia realize those are jet fighters she just took down!? Musica realizes this is 20th century Earth! Show's sure of it, and even tells the other two to adjust their communication frequency, there should be a terrestrial broadcast!

The broadcast cuts in, claiming that yesterday, over Tokyo, the strange flying object called "Dunbine" appeared, and a young man calling himself Show Zama...

Musica is surprised to hear it talking about Show. Show explains that HE appeared over Tokyo yesterday! When Musica asks if this is Tokyo, she's corrected, as Show points out the Shikoku skyline, Tokyo is to the north. Still wholly confused, Musica suspects that this Show is the original, NOT a Branch! Show mutters something about being a copy though, so perhaps he's not even sure... Garalia gets upset again and asks what Show is doing, but she's told to listen to him, listen to the damn radio! Musica says she can't stop Garalia unless she attacks her. It seems it can't be helped, so Show says leave it to him! Musica retreats.

When you defeat, or severely damage, Garalia, Show urges her to go back to Urus. Something is clearly obstructing Garalia's sight and ears, as she's only said "What are you doing?" and "What are you saying?" to everything going on around her. Show asks if she was listening to the radio at all. They should NOT be here! Garalia continues to question Show, she even has a chance to go home! Show explains they got there because Dunbine and Bastole's Aura had maxed out! If they do it again, surely they can fly back towards Urus! Garalia agrees, thinking that only dogs die on Earth. Urus is better than that, at least. Show is sure that this isn't the world they should be in. Garalia seems to get it, but asks if Show thinks they can really go home... Show seems to think so. They appeared on Earth because that's his home. Garalia thinks Musica might be the key to getting back, so they ask her to keep Urus in mind while they focus their Aura.

As the screen goes white, something goes wrong. Show calls out to Garalia.

Show and Musica appear back on Urus, just outside the Silverado. But Garalia is nowhere to be seen. And there's no clue what went wrong.

  • On the Silverado

Glenn explains that they were engulfed in a light then the three of them were gone. But what of the enemy? Well, they were taken care of, obviously. Marvel and Cham are happy to see Show returned safely too! Musica thinks back on going to a different world... based on everyone's feelings... But it's not like she can just bring that up... Show does though, saying they went back to the Earth, in the 20th century. They managed to return home, but Show says that it was when the 'original' him had gone back. Char laments again that they ARE all just copies. Marvel says they all just have to accept that. Musica introduces herself to Show after the battle. Cham's been dying to reunite with him! Show asks Musica and Marvel what he should be doing, what's right for him? He can't feel a malicious Aura coming from our group, so he wants to fight alongside us, and ask if we'll cooperate with him. Marvel accepts him before Musica can.

(From here, the end of the scenario plays out as if you'd cleared the stage normally)

Seems like Cham has been filling Show in on things before they run into Musica. Marvel asks what their plans are now. She's still not sure of the enemy's intentions. Musica plans on simply returning to HQ and asking them about the Azulonia spy. Marvel has her own wonders about that... is it really an Azulonia spy to be worried about?

Char has some to speak with Musica privately. Char asks her about human innovation. He doesn't think there's any innovation in humankind if they're relying so heavily on the Duplicators. Do such spoiled people think Branches should be purged? Musica is shocked to hear this? Who said anything about purging!? Char begins to "Char" again, saying he wants to guide humanity. He says even Musica is getting in the way of how the government does things. Isn't she dissatisfied by this too? Of course she is, but... Char continues that unless the current government is fixed, and Duplicators are abandoned, there can't be any evolution for the people of Urus, and Char believes that Musica has the power to do so. He'll let her mull on this...

Stage 10 - Return