Units List/Banpresto Originals

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Unit Descriptions

Super Robot Wars 2

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
Game: SRW 2 Designer: Junichi Moriya 26 Games
  • SRW 3
  • SRW EX
  • SRW 4
  • SRW 2G
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW F
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW Masoukishin II
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW OE [DLC]
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω [LT]
  • SRW X
  • SRW T
  • SRW DD
  • SRW 30

グランゾン Granzon Game: SRW 2 Designer: Kenta Aoki 22 Games
  • SRW 3
  • SRW EX
  • SRW 4
  • SRW 2G
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW F
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW Masoukishin II
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω [LT]
  • SRW DD

ヴァルシオン Valsion Game: SRW 2 Designer: Junichi Moriya 8 Games
  • SRW 3
  • SRW EX
  • SRW 4
  • SRW 2G
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)
  • SRW DD

ミサイル Missile Game: SRW 2 Designer: SRW OG

Super Robot Wars 3

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ヴァルシオーネ Valsione Game: SRW 3 Designer: Junichi Moriya (Classical)
Hidehiro Tsuchiya (OG Series)
9 Games
  • SRW EX
  • SRW 2G
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW DD

ネオ・グランゾン Neo Granzon Game: SRW 3 Designer: Shinya Terashima 14 Games
  • SRW EX
  • SRW 4
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW Alpha (DC)
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD

グレイターキン Greaterkin Game: SRW 3 Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW DD

ガルガウ Galgau Game: SRW 3 Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)

ドルーキン Druekin Game: SRW 3 Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)

シルベルヴィント Silberwind Game: SRW 3 Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW DD

ディカステス Dikastês Game: SRW 3 Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)

ヴァルシオン改 Valsion Custom Game: SRW 3 Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW EX
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)

Super Robot Wars EX

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ガッデス Gaddess Game: SRW EX Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi 10 Games
  • SRW 4
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω

グランヴェール Granveil Game: SRW EX Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi 10 Games
  • SRW 4
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω

ザムジード Zamzeed Game: SRW EX Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi 9 Games
  • SRW 4
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω

ジャオーム Jaohm Game: SRW EX Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi 6 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ソルガディ Solgady Game: SRW EX Designer: Kageyama Ichiko 6 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ガルガード Galguard Game: SRW EX Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi 4 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ディアブロ Diablo Game: SRW EX Designer: Shinya Terashima 7 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω

ノルス Nors Game: SRW EX Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ガディフォール Gadifal Game: SRW EX Designer: Kageyama Ichiko 6 Games
  • SRW 4
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ルジャノール改 Rujanoll Kai Game: SRW EX Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ブローウェル Blowel Game: SRW EX Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3

ブローウェルカスタム Blowel Custom Game: SRW EX Designer: SRW OG 2nd
グラフ・ドローン Graph Drone Game: SRW EX Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3

機装兵 Mechanical Soldier Game: SRW EX Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW OG 2nd

レンファ Renfa Game: SRW EX Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3

ナグロッド Nagrodd Game: SRW EX Designer: Kageyama Ichiko 4 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

バフォーム Baform Game: SRW EX Designer: Miya Yutaka 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd

ゴリアテ Goliath Game: SRW EX Designer: Kageyama Ichiko 5 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ギルドーラ Gildora Game: SRW EX Designer: Kageyama Ichiko 5 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ギルドーラII Gildora II Game: SRW EX Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd

ソディウム級移動要塞 Sodium Class Mobile Fortress Game: SRW EX Designer: Kageyama Ichiko 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

Eulid II
Game: SRW EX Designer: 5 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

デュラクシール Duraxyll Game: SRW EX Designer: Hajime Katoki 4 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω

ウィーゾル Wizoll Game: SRW EX Designer: Miya Yutaka 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ナグツァート Nagzart Game: SRW EX Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW OG 2nd

デモンゴーレム Demon Golem Game: SRW EX Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3

サーヴァ・ヴォルクルス Shiva Volkruss Game: SRW EX Designer: 7 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD

Super Robot Wars 4

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ヴァルシオーネR Valsione R Game: SRW 4 Designer: Shinya Terashima 10 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω

ウィーゾル改 Wizoll Kai Game: SRW 4 Designer: Daisei Fujii 6 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

Nors Rei
Nors Grania
Game: SRW 4 Designer: 7 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW X-Ω

ゲシュペンスト・タイプR Gespenst Type R Game: SRW 4 Designer: Kunio Okawara 3 Games
  • SRW F
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)

ゲシュペンスト・タイプS Gespenst Type S Game: SRW 4 Designer: Kunio Okawara 3 Games
  • SRW F
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)

ゲシュペンストMk-II Gespenst Mk-II Game: SRW 4 Designer: Kunio Okawara 2 Games
  • SRW A
  • SRW Impact

ガロイカ Garoika Game: SRW 4 Designer: 5 Games
  • SRW F
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

カレイツェド Kareized Game: SRW 4 Designer: Daisei Fujii 3 Games
  • SRW F
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd

レストレイル Lest Rail Game: SRW 4 Designer: Daisei Fujii 3 Games
  • SRW F
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd

グラシドゥ=リュ Grassidow Ryu Game: SRW 4 Designer: Miya Yutaka 3 Games
  • SRW F
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd

レストグランシュ Lest Glanche Game: SRW 4 Designer: Daisei Fujii 3 Games
  • SRW F
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd

ゼラニオ Zelanio Game: SRW 4 Designer: SRW OG 2nd
ゲイオス=グルード Geios Guld Game: SRW 4 Designer: Miya Yutaka 2 Games
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd

ライグ=ゲイオス Liege Geios Game: SRW 4 Designer: Daisei Fujii 5 Games
  • SRW F
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd

バラン=シュナイル Baran Schnile Game: SRW 4 Designer: Shinya Terashima 4 Games
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW DD

ヒュッケバイン Huckebein Game: SRW 4 Designer: Hajime Katoki 8 Games
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW V
  • SRW T

Wing Gust
Gust Lander
Game: SRW 4 Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 9 Games
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW V
  • SRW T
  • SRW DD
  • SRW 30

Super Robot Wars Gaiden: Masoukishin - The Lord Of Elemental

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ギオラスト Giolast Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi SRW Masoukishin 2
ディンフォース Dinforce Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi SRW Masoukishin 2
ジェイファー Jeifar Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi SRW Masoukishin 2
ファルク Falc Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi SRW Masoukishin 2
ザイン Zyne Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ラストール Lastoll Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi SRW Masoukishin 2
ラ・ウェンター La Wenter Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

フェンター Fenter Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Hitoshi Fukuchi None
Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Miya Yutaka
Rikiya Hashiguchi (Nezeria redesign)
SRW Masoukishin F
ダイオン Dyon Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ジンオウ Jin Oh Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: SRW Masoukishin 2
トゥルーク Turuch Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Daisei Fujii None
バイラヴァ Bairava Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: SRW Masoukishin 2
Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Miya Yutaka SRW Masoukishin 3
Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Miya Yutaka SRW Masoukishin 3
Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Miya Yutaka SRW Masoukishin 3
ベンディッド Bendeid Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Miya Yutaka None
Gatswo +
Gatswo Σ
Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Miya Yutaka
Rikiya Hashiguchi (+, ∑ redesign)
SRW Masoukishin 3
真ナグツァート Shin Nagzadd Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: None
死霊装兵 Ghost Soldier Game: SRW Masoukishin Designer: Sachiko Kono
Daisei Fujii
3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin 2
  • SRW Masoukishin 3
  • SRW Masoukishin F

Shin Super Robot Wars

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
Game: Shin SRW Designer: Hajime Katoki 9 Games
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW DD

R-2 R-2 Game: Shin SRW Designer: Hajime Katoki 3 Games
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)

R-2パワード R-2 Powered Game: Shin SRW Designer: Hajime Katoki 9 Games
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

R-3 R-3 Game: Shin SRW Designer: Hajime Katoki 3 Games
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)

R-3パワード R-3 Powered Game: Shin SRW Designer: Hajime Katoki 10 Games
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

SRX SRX Game: Shin SRW Designer: Hajime Katoki 11 Games
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD
  • SRW 30

アマジャ Amaja Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
アルテミス Artemis Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
Kyou Kai
Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
ゲルドラ Geldra Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
Zadok Kai
Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
Shiece Kai
Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
ジャム Jam Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
Shtol Ktoul
Shtol Ktoul Kai
Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
スカウト Scout Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
Badio Kai
Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
Riconitore Kai
Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
Battle Crasher
Battle Crasher Kai
Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
フーレ Huleh Game: Shin SRW Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OG (1)

ヘルモーズ Hermodr Game: Shin SRW Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW Alpha
  • SRW Alpha 3

ズフィルード Zfylud Game: Shin SRW Designer: Yasuhiro Moriki SRW Alpha
輸送機 Transport Plane Game: Shin SRW Designer: None
シャトル Shuttle Game: Shin SRW Designer: SRW MX

Super Robot Wars F

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ゲシュペンストMk-II・タイプR Gespenst Mk-II Type R Game: SRW F Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2)

ゲシュペンストMk-II・タイプS Gespenst Mk-II Type S Game: SRW F Designer: 5 Games
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)

オーグバリュー Org-Valu Game: SRW F Designer: Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) 4 Games
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd

ビュードリファー Beudrifar Game: SRW F Designer: Daisei Fujii 2 Games
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd

ゼイドラム Zeidram Game: SRW F Designer: Daisei Fujii 3 Games
  • SRW F Final
  • SRW OG 2nd

Super Robot Wars F Final

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ゲシュペンスト Gespenst Game: SRW F Final Designer: Kunio Okawara 5 Games
  • SRW Compact 2
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW T
  • SRW 30

グレイターキンII Greaterkin II Game: SRW F Final Designer: Daisei Fujii 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

Super Robot Wars 64

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
アースゲイン Earthgain Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW Link Battler
ヴァイローズ Vairose Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW Link Battler
スーパーアースゲイン Super Earthgain Game: SRW 64 Designer: SRW Link Battler
スイームルグ Simurgh Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) SRW Link Battler
エルブルス Elbrus Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii None
スイームルグS Simurgh S Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW Link Battler
ソルデファー Soldefar Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW Link Battler
ノウルーズ Norouz Game: SRW 64 Designer: SRW Link Battler
Ashclief AF
Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) SRW Link Battler
スヴァンヒルド Svanhildr Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW Link Battler
シグルーン Sigrún Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) SRW Link Battler
ラーズグリーズ Radgrid Game: SRW 64 Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW Link Battler
アヴィエスレルム Aviesrealm Game: SRW 64 Designer: None
ジェイクラップス Jaykrupps Game: SRW 64 Designer: None
ヴァルディスキューズ Valdiscuse Game: SRW 64 Designer: None

Super Robot Wars Compact 2

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
アルトアイゼン Alteisen Game: SRW Compact 2 Designer: Kazue Saito 5 Games
  • SRW Impact
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2)
  • SRW DD

アルトアイゼン・リーゼ Alteisen Riese Game: SRW Compact 2 Designer: Kazue Saito 10 Games
  • SRW Impact
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW 30 [DLC]

ヴァイスリッター Weissritter Game: SRW Compact 2 Designer: Kazue Saito 5 Games
  • SRW Impact
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2)
  • SRW DD

ライン・ヴァイスリッター Rein Weissritter Game: SRW Compact 2 Designer: Kazue Saito 10 Games
  • SRW Impact
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW 30 [DLC]

アインストクノッヘン Einst Knochen Game: SRW Compact 2 Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW Impact
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)

アインストグリート Einst Glied Game: SRW Compact 2 Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW Impact
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)

アインストゲミュート Einst Gemüt Game: SRW Compact 2 Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW Impact
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)

アインストレジセイア Einst Regisseur Game: SRW Compact 2 Designer: 5 Games
  • SRW Impact
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW DD

ノイ・レジセイア Neue Regisseur Game: SRW Compact 2 Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW Impact
  • SRW OG 2

Super Robot Wars Alpha

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ヒュッケバインMk-II Huckebein Mk-II Game: SRW Alpha Designer: 5 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW DD

ヒュッケバインMk-III Huckebein Mk-III Game: SRW Alpha Designer: 6 Games
  • SRW Alpha 2
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW X-Ω

ヒュッケバインボクサー Huckebein Boxer Game: SRW Alpha Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2.5)

ヒュッケバインガンナー Huckebein Gunner Game: SRW Alpha Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2.5)

Grungust Type-2
Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 7 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW X-Ω

龍虎王 RyuKoOh Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 9 Games
  • SRW Alpha 2
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW 30 [DLC]
  • SRW DD

虎龍王 KoRyuOh Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 7 Games
  • SRW Alpha 2
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW 30 [DLC]

龍王機 Ryuohki Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 3 Games
  • SRW Alpha 2
  • SRW OG 2nd

虎王機 Koohki Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 3 Games
  • SRW Alpha 2
  • SRW OG 2nd

ヒュッケバインEX Huckebein EX Game: SRW Alpha Designer: None
グルンガスト改 (α) Grungust Kai (Alpha Series) Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake None
R-GUNパワード R-GUN Powered Game: SRW Alpha Designer: 11 Games
  • SRW Alpha Gaiden
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD

ジュデッカ Judecca Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Mitsuru Owa 2 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)

メギロート Megillot Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Mitsuru Owa 4 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OGs (1)
  • SRW DD

ゼカリア Zechariah Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Sugiura Toshiro 2 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)

ハバクク Habbakuk Game: SRW Alpha Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)

エゼキエル Ezekiel Game: SRW Alpha Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OGs (1)

アンティノラ Antenora Game: SRW Alpha Designer: None
アストラナガン Astranagant Game: SRW Alpha Designer: Sugiura Toshiro None

Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
量産型ゲシュペンストMk-II Gespenst Mk-II M Game: SRW Alpha Gaiden Designer: Kunio Okawara 5 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW X-Ω

量産型ヒュッケバインMk-II Huckebein Mk-II M MHRDT 3 Custom Game: SRW Alpha Gaiden Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

量産型グルンガスト弐式 Mass Produced Grungust Type-2 Game: SRW Alpha Gaiden Designer: None
ベルゲルミル Bergelmir Game: SRW Alpha Gaiden Designer: Naoto Tsushima 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW DD

スレードゲルミル Thrudgelmir Game: SRW Alpha Gaiden Designer: Masayuki Fujiwara 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)

アウルゲルミル Aurgelmir Game: SRW Alpha Gaiden Designer: Masayuki Fujiwara None
核ミサイル Nuclear Missile Game: SRW Alpha Gaiden Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW OG
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OG (1)

R-1改 R-1 Kai Game: SRW Alpha Gaiden Designer: None

Super Robot Wars A

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ソウルゲイン Soulgain Game: SRW A Designer: Kazue Saito (Concept)
Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) (Final Draft)
7 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD

アンジュルグ Angelg Game: SRW A Designer: Kazue Saito (Concept)
Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) (Final Draft)
5 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW OG 2nd

ヴァイサーガ Vaisaga Game: SRW A Designer: Kazue Saito (Concept)
Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) (Final Draft)
6 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω

アシュセイヴァー Ashsaviour Game: SRW A Designer: Kazue Saito (Concept)
Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) (Final Draft)
5 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW OG 2nd

ラーズアングリフ Laz Angriff Game: SRW A Designer: Kazue Saito (Concept)
Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) (Final Draft)
3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)

ツヴァイザーゲイン Zweizergain Game: SRW A Designer: Kazue Saito (Concept)
Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) (Final Draft)
2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)

Super Robot Wars Impact

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ペルゼイン・リヒカイト Persönlichkeit Game: SRW Impact Designer: 6 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW DD
アインストアイゼン Einst Eisen Game: SRW Impact Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2)

Super Robot Wars R

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
エクサランス・ストライカー Excellence Striker Game: SRW R Designer: Mitsuru Owa 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)

エクサランス・ガンナー Excellence Gunner Game: SRW R Designer: Mitsuru Owa None
エクサランス・ダイバー Excellence Diver Game: SRW R Designer: Mitsuru Owa None
エクサランス・フライヤー Excellence Flyer Game: SRW R Designer: Mitsuru Owa 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)

エクサランス・コスモドライバー Excellence Cosmo-Driver Game: SRW R Designer: Mitsuru Owa 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)

エクサランス・ライトニング Excellence Lightning Game: SRW R Designer: Mitsuru Owa SRW OGG
エクサランス・エターナル Excellence Enternal Game: SRW R Designer: Mitsuru Owa SRW OGG
Excellence Fighter Game: SRW R Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)

ヒュポクリシス Hypokrisis Game: SRW R Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2.5)

エレオス Eleos Game: SRW R Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2.5)

テュガテール Thugater Game: SRW R Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2.5)

デュミナス・プロートン Duminass Proton Game: SRW R Designer: Daisei Fujii 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2.5)

デュミナス・デウテロン Duminass Deuteron Game: SRW R Designer: Daisei Fujii None
デュミナス・トリトン Duminass Triton Game: SRW R Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW OGG

Super Robot Wars OG

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
R-GUN R-GUN Game: SRW OG Designer: Hajime Katoki 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (1)
  • SRW DD

71式戦車バルドング Type 71 Tank Waldung Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1/2)
81式PTキャリア Type 81 PT Carrier Game: SRW OG Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (1/2.5)

SF-29ランゼン SF-29 Rangzen Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
F-28メッサー F-28 Messer Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1/2)
F-32シュヴェールト F-32 Schwert Game: SRW OG Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

ハガネ Hagane Game: SRW OG Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 6 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω

シロガネ Shirogane Game: SRW OG Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)

クロガネ Kurogane Game: SRW OG Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 5 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

ヒリュウ改 Hiryu Kai Game: SRW OG Designer: Seiji Ono 6 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω

タウゼントフェスラー Tausendfussler Game: SRW OG Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2)

Killer Whale
Killer Whale DS
Game: SRW OG Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2)

アルバトロス Albatross Game: SRW OG Designer: Seiji Ono 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2)

ペレグリン Peregrine Game: SRW OG Designer: Seiji Ono 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2)

グレートアーク Great Ark Game: SRW OG Designer: Seiji Ono SRW OGs (1)
ライノセラス Rhinoceros Game: SRW OG Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2)
  • SRW DD

マハト Macht Game: SRW OG Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1)

リオン Lion Game: SRW OG Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

ガーリオン Guarlion Game: SRW OG Designer: Seiji Ono 4 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

ガーリオン・カスタム Guarlion Custom Game: SRW OG Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)

ガーリオン・カスタム“トロンベ” Guarlion Custom "Trombe" Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
バレリオン Barrelion Game: SRW OG Designer: 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)

グルンガスト零式 Grungust Type-0 Game: SRW OG Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 4 Games
  • SRW OGs (1/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

ジガンスクード Giganscudo Game: SRW OG Designer: Seiji Ono SRW OGs (1/2)
量産型ゲシュペンストMk-II・タイプTT Gespenst Mk-II M Type TT Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
ヒュッケバイン009 Huckebein 009 Game: SRW OG Designer: Hajime Katoki SRW OGs (1)
シュッツバルト Schutzwald Game: SRW OG Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (1/2.5)

ビルトシュバイン Wildschwein Game: SRW OG Designer: Sugiura Toshiro 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)

ビルトラプター Wildraubtier Game: SRW OG Designer: Kenichiro Morino 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (1/2/2.5)

メギロート・アフ Megillot Ach Game: SRW OG Designer: None
ミシュレイ Mishlei Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
ミシュレイ・アフ Mishlei Ach Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
イルメヤ Yirmeyah Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
イルメヤ・アフ Yirmeyah Ach Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
ヴァイクル Vayyikra Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
ヴァイクル・ベン Vayyikra Ben Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
R-GUNリヴァーレ R-GUN Rivale Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
セプタギン Septuagint Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1)
移動砲台 / M-ADATS M-ADATS Game: SRW OG Designer: SRW OGs (1/2)

Super Robot Wars Alpha 2

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
グルンガスト参式 Grungust Type-3 Unit-1 Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 5 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

ダイゼンガー Dygenguar Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hiroshi Ando 9 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD
  • SRW 30 [DLC]

マガルガ Magaruga Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Kenichiro Morino SRW OG 2nd
龍人機 Ryujinki Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake SRW OG 2nd
ビルトビルガー Wildwurger Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hajime Katoki 8 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD

ビルトファルケン Wildfalken Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru 8 Games
  • SRW OG 2
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD

アルテリオン Altairlion Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Seiji Ono 3 Games
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OG 2nd

ベガリオン Vegalion Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Seiji Ono 3 Games
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OG 2nd

ハイペリオン Hyperlion Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Seiji Ono 3 Games
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OG 2nd

カナフ Kanaf Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya SRW OG 2nd
ケレン Keren Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya SRW OG 2nd
ザナヴ Zanav Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya SRW OG 2nd
ナシム・ガンエデン Nassim Gan Eden Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya 2 Games
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OG 2nd

カナフ・アフ Kanaf Ach Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
ケレン・アフ Keren Ach Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
ザナヴ・アフ Zanav Ach Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
衛星ミサイル Sattelite Missile Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: None
中性子ミサイル Neutron Missile Game: SRW Alpha 2 Designer: None

Super Robot Wars Compact 3

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ヤルダバオト Ialdabaoth Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: Takaragi Kintaro 4 Games
  • SRW OGs (2.5)
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD

ヤルダバオト (神化) Ialdabaoth (Deified) Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: SRW OGG
ボフリィ Bofry Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: SRW OGG
ハルパス Halphas Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: SRW OGG
フラウス Flaus Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: SRW OGG
アガレス Agares Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: Takaragi Kintaro 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2.5)

ビレフォール Valefor Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: 4 Games
  • SRW OGs (2.5)
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD

ビレフォール (神化) Valefor (Deified) Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: None
アンドラス Andras Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: Takaragi Kintaro SRW OGG
ペイリネス Peirines Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: SRW OGG
マルディクト Maldict Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: SRW OGG
グラシャラボラス Glasyalabolas Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: SRW OGG
エクスティム Extim Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: SRW OGG
ラハ・エクスティム Raha Extim Game: SRW Compact 3 Designer: SRW OGG

Super Robot Wars D

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
エール・シュヴァリアー Aile Chevalier Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω

ジェアン・シュヴァリアー Géant Chevalier Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ブランシュネージュ Blanche Neige Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω

デア・ブランシュネージュ Dea Blanche Neige Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ガナドゥール Ganador Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa None
ストレーガ Strega Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa None
フォルテギガス Forte Gigas Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ベルグランデ Bellegrande Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa SRW OG 2nd
ベルグランデS Bellegrande S Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa None
アンゲルス Angelus Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa SRW OG 2nd
アンゲルスS Angelus S Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa None
スカルプルム Scalprum Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa SRW OG 2nd
スカルプルムS Scalprum S Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa None
ファービュラリス Fabularis Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ストゥディウム Studium Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa SRW OG 2nd
インペトゥス Impetus Game: SRW D Designer: SRW OG 2nd
フォルティス・アーラ Fortis Ala Game: SRW D Designer: SRW OG 2nd
ウィオラーケウム Violaceum Game: SRW D Designer: Mitsuru Owa SRW OG 2nd
プリスクス・ノクス Priscus Nox Game: SRW D Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ファートゥム Fatum Game: SRW D Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW OG 2nd

Super Robot Wars Scramble Commander

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
フラグメント Fragment Game: SRW SC Designer: None
ソーディアンズダガー Swordian's Dagger Game: SRW SC Designer: SRW OGG
ソーディアンズガード Swordian's Guard Game: SRW SC Designer: SRW OGG

Super Robot Wars MX

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ガルムレイド Garmraid Game: SRW MX Designer: Kenta Aoki SRW OG 2nd
サーベラス Cerberus Game: SRW MX Designer: Kenta Aoki SRW OG 2nd
ガルムレイド・ブレイズ Garmraid Blaze Game: SRW MX Designer: Kenta Aoki 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd
サーベラス・イグナイト Cerberus Ignite Game: SRW MX Designer: Kenta Aoki 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

シニストラ Sinistra Game: SRW MX Designer: None
テルグム Tergum Game: SRW MX Designer: SRW OGG
デクステラ Dextra Game: SRW MX Designer: None
フロンス Frons Game: SRW MX Designer: SRW OGG
メディウス・ロクス (第1形態) Medius Locus (1st Form) Game: SRW MX Designer: Kazue Saito SRW OG 2nd
メディウス・ロクス (第2形態) Medius Locus (2nd Form) Game: SRW MX Designer: Kazue Saito SRW OG 2nd
メディウス・ロクス (最終形態) Medius Locus (Final Form) Game: SRW MX Designer: Kazue Saito None
AI1 AI1 Game: SRW MX Designer: SRW OG 2nd

Super Robot Wars GC

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ソウルセイバーFF Soul Saber FF Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara (Original)
Taiga Ota (OG)
M Ganzy (OG)
2 Games
  • SRW XO

ソウルセイバーFG Soul Saber FG Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara SRW XO
ソウルセイバーGF Soul Saber GF Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara SRW XO
ソウルセイバーGG Soul Saber GG Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara (Original)
Taiga Ota (OG)
M Ganzy (OG)
2 Games
  • SRW XO

スーパーソウルセイバーFF Super Soul Saber FF Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara 2 Games
  • SRW XO

スーパーソウルセイバーFG Super Soul Saber FG Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara 2 Games
  • SRW XO

スーパーソウルセイバーGG Super Soul Saber GG Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara 2 Games
  • SRW XO

スーパーソウルセイバーGF Super Soul Saber GF Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara 2 Games
  • SRW XO

ヘッドセイバー Head Saber Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara SRW XO
セイバーブースター Saber Booster Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara SRW XO
ヘッドセイバーブースター Head Saber Booster Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara SRW XO
ソウルガンナー Soul Gunner Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara SRW XO
Soul Lancer
Soul Lancer/F
Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara SRW XO
Cloud Harken
Cloud Harken/F
Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara SRW XO
クロイツ・ヴァールハイト Kreuz Wahrheit Game: SRW GC Designer: Kunio Okawara SRW XO
ガーディアル・ブラッド Guardial Blood Game: SRW GC Designer: SRW XO
オーダイ Oudai Game: SRW GC Designer: SRW XO
アラウンザー Allaunzer Game: SRW GC Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW XO

Super Robot Wars OG 2

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
アルブレード Arblade Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Takanobu Terada (Concept)
Hitoshi Kanemaru (Redesign)
3 Games
  • SRW OGs (2)

SF-29Vランゼン改 SF-29V Rangzen Kai Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: SRW OGs (2)
ソルプレッサ Sorpresa Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2)

フュルギア Fylgja Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2)

フェアリオン Fairlion Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Seiji Ono 5 Games
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW DD

カリオン Calion Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Seiji Ono 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)

アステリオン Astelion Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Seiji Ono SRW OGs (2)
ジガンスクード・ドゥロ Giganscudo Duro Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Seiji Ono 4 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

アウセンザイター Aussenseiter Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Hiroshi Ando 7 Games
  • SRW Alpha 3
  • SRW OGs (2)
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW X-Ω
  • SRW DD
  • SRW 30

ゲシュペンスト・タイプRV Gespenst Type RV Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Io Takuya 4 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

AMガンナー AM Gunner Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Hajime Katoki 3 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)
  • SRW OG 2nd

ラピエサージュ Rapiecage Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW OGs (2)
シュテルン・レジセイア Stern Neue Regisseur Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: None
量産型アシュセイヴァー Ashsaviour M Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: SRW OGs (2)
エルアインス R-Eins Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru SRW OGs (2)
ランドグリーズ Randgrid Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)

ガンセクト Gunsect Game: SRW OG 2 Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OGs (2/2.5)

Super Robot Wars Alpha 3

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
雷鳳 LiOh Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

大雷鳳 DaiLiOh Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
轟龍改 Gouryu Kai Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
雷虎改 Raiko Kai Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
真・龍虎王 Shin Ryukooh Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake None
真・虎龍王 Shin Koryuoh Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake None
ベルグバウ Werkbau Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Kazuma Kaneko None
ディス・アストラナガン Dis Astranagant Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Kazuma Kaneko None
ASソレアレス AS Soleares Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) None
ASアレグリアス AS Alegrias Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) None
バンプレイオス Banpreoth Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Hajime Katoki None
メギロート・ベン Megillot Ben Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ヨエラ Joelah Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ヨエラ・ベン Joelah Ben Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
エスリム Esrim Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
エスリム・ローシュ Esrim Rosh Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ハーガイ Haggai Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ハーガイ・ヤッド Haggai Yad Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
シュムエル Shemuel Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
シュムエル・ベン Shemuel Ben Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ガデル Gader Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ベミドバン Bemidban Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Seiji Ono None
ジュモーラ Shemorah Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ヴァイクラン Vayikran Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ディバリウム Devariim Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ズフィルード・エヴェッド Zfylud Eved Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
真・龍王機 Shin Ryuohki Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Masayuki Fujiwara SRW OG 2nd
ラー・カナフ Ra Kanaf Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
ラー・ケレン Ra Keren Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
ラー・ザナヴ Ra Zanav Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
ゲベル・ガンエデン Geber Gan Eden Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
ケイサル・エフェス Keisar Ephes Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Kazuma Kaneko None
ヴァルク・バアル Varuch Baal Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ヴァルク・イシャー Varuch Ishar Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: None
ヴァルク・ベン Varuch Ben Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW DD

アルブレード・カスタム Arblade Custom Game: SRW Alpha 3 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

Super Robot Wars J

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ベルゼルート Bellzelute Game: SRW J Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi SRW OGMD
ベルゼルート・ブリガンディ Bellzelute Brigandi Game: SRW J Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi SRW OGMD
クストウェル Coustwell Game: SRW J Designer: Plex Co., Ltd. None
クストウェル・ブラキウム Coustwell Brachium Game: SRW J Designer: Koji Yamada SRW OGMD
グランティード Granteed Game: SRW J Designer: Mitsuru Owa 2 Games
  • SRW X-Ω

グランティード・ドラコデウス Granteed Dracodeus Game: SRW J Designer: Mitsuru Owa SRW OGMD
ヴォルレント Vorlent Game: SRW J Designer: Atsushi Tsuyuki SRW OGMD
ラフトクランズ Laftcranz Game: SRW J Designer: Takayuki Yanase SRW OGMD
リュンピー Rynpee Game: SRW J Designer: None
ドナ・リュンピー Dona-Rynpee Game: SRW J Designer: SRW OGMD
ガンジャール Ganjal Game: SRW J Designer: SRW OGMD
ズィー=ガディン Zui-Gadin Game: SRW J Designer: Takayuki Yanase SRW OGMD
オルゴンエクストラクター Orgone Extractor Game: SRW J Designer: None

Super Robot Wars XO

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ソウルガンナー・ストーム Soul Gunner Storm Game: SRW XO Designer: None
ソウルランサー・バースト Soul Lancer Burst Game: SRW XO Designer: None

Super Robot Wars W

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ヴァルホーク Valhawk Game: SRW W Designer: Takayuki Yanase None
ヴァルストーク Valstork Game: SRW W Designer: Takayuki Yanase None
ヴァルガード Valguard Game: SRW W Designer: Takayuki Yanase None
ヴァルザカード Valzacard Game: SRW W Designer: Takayuki Yanase None
オープス Opus Game: SRW W Designer: None
ストマ Stoma Game: SRW W Designer: None
リース Reus Game: SRW W Designer: None
アルムアルクス Arm Arcus Game: SRW W Designer: Takayuki Yanase None
アルムストラ Arm Stora Game: SRW W Designer: Takayuki Yanase None
アルムアルクス・フィーニス Arm Arcus Finis Game: SRW W Designer: None
アルムストラ・フィーニス Arm Stora Finis Game: SRW W Designer: None
ヴァルアルム Valarm Game: SRW W Designer: Mitsuru Owa None
スキエンティア Scientia Game: SRW W Designer: None
サピエンティア Sapientia Game: SRW W Designer: None

Super Robot Wars OGs

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ストーク Stork Game: SRW OGs (1/2) Designer: Seiji Ono None
コスモリオン Cosmolion Game: SRW OGs (1/2) Designer: SRW OGG
ランドリオン Landlion Game: SRW OGs (1/2/2.5) Designer: Seiji Ono 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

シーリオン Sealion Game: SRW OGs (1/2) Designer: SRW OGG
ヘビーバレリオン Heavy Barrelion Game: SRW OGs (1/2) Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

アーマリオン Armorlion Game: SRW OGs (1/2/2.5) Designer: Seiji Ono 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

グルンガスト2号機 Grungust Unit 2 Game: SRW OGs (1/2/2.5) Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake SRW OGG
大型ミサイル Large Missile Game: SRW OGs (1) Designer: None
レイディバード Ladybird Game: SRW OGs (2/2.5) Designer: SRW OGG
ガーリオン・カスタム“無明” Guarlion Custom "Mumyo" Game: SRW OGs (2/2.5) Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ズィーガーリオン Siegerlion Game: SRW OGs (2/2.5) Designer: Seiji Ono 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ジガンスパーダ Giganspada Game: SRW OGs (2/2.5) Designer: SRW DD
ヴァルシオン改・タイプCF Valsion Custom Type CF Game: SRW OGs (2/2.5) Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

アルトアイゼン・ナハト Alteisen Nacht Game: SRW OGs (2) Designer: Kazue Saito 2 Games
  • SRW Endless Frontier
  • SRW EF Exceed

シュテルン・ノイレジセイア Stern Neue Regisseur Game: SRW OGs (2) Designer: None
ラーズアングリフ・レイブン Laz Angriff Raven Game: SRW OGs (2/2.5) Designer: Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ランドグリーズ・レイブン Randgrid Raven Game: SRW OGs (2/2.5) Designer: Daisei Fujii (Ray Up) 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ヴァイスセイヴァー Weisssaviour Game: SRW OGs (2) Designer: SRW A (PSP)
トライロバイト Trilobyte Game: SRW OGs (2) Designer: Seiji Ono None
コンパチブルカイザー Compatible Kaiser Game: SRW OGs (2.5) Designer: Masami Obari 4 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd
  • SRW DD

ファイター・ロア Fighter Roar Game: SRW OGs (2.5) Designer: M Ganzy 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

アステリオンAX Astelion AX Game: SRW OGs (2.5) Designer: Seiji Ono SRW OGG
Gバイソン G-Raptor Game: SRW OGs (2.5) Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

Gラプター G-Bison Game: SRW OGs (2.5) Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ART-1 ART-1 Game: SRW OGs (2.5) Designer: Hajime Katoki 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ガロイカ・ナイ Garoika Nai Game: SRW OGs (2.5) Designer: SRW OGG
バルトール Bartoll Game: SRW OGs (2.5) Designer: SRW OGG
ミロンガ Mironga Game: SRW OGs (2.5) Designer: Ryota Magaki SRW OGG
量産型ジガンスパーダ Mass Produced Giganspada Game: SRW OGs Designer: SRW OGG

Super Robot Wars Scramble Commander 2

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
羽々斬 Habakiri Game: SRW SC 2 Designer: Takehiko Kishi None
天羽々斬 Amano Habakiri Game: SRW SC 2 Designer: Takehiko Kishi None
護送船 Convoy Game: SRW SC 2 Designer: None
アスカロン Ascalon Game: SRW SC 2 Designer: Takehiko Kishi None
アスカロン07A Ascalon 07A Game: SRW SC 2 Designer: None
アゾエーブ Azoave Game: SRW SC 2 Designer: Takehiko Kishi None

Super Robot Wars OG Gaiden

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
Gコンパチブルカイザー G Compatible Kaiser Game: SRW OGG Designer: Masami Obari 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

Gサンダーゲート G Thundergate Game: SRW OGG Designer: Masami Obari 2 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ダークブレイン Dark Brain Game: SRW OGG Designer: SRW DD
量産型ゲシュペンストMk-II改 Gespenst Mk-II M Kai Game: SRW OGG Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi 3 Games
  • SRW OG 2nd

ガロイカ・デグ Garoika Deg Game: SRW OGG Designer: None
イェッツトクノッヘン Jetzt Knochen Game: SRW OGG Designer: None
イェッツトグリート Jetzt Glied Game: SRW OGG Designer: None
イェッツトレジセイア Jetzt Regisseur Game: SRW OGG Designer: None
グリモア Gremor Game: SRW OGG Designer: None
シトリー Sitri Game: SRW OGG Designer: None
Mass Produced Wendigo
Game: SRW OGG Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
フラットフィッシュ Flatfish Game: SRW OGG Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
タッドポール Tadpole Game: SRW OGG Designer: None
鋳人 Ijin Game: SRW OGG Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa SRW DD

Super Robot Wars OG Saga Endless Frontier

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
邪鬼銃王 JaKi GunOh Game: SRW Endless Frontier Designer: Kazue Saito SRW EF Exceed
ファントム Phantom Game: SRW Endless Frontier Designer: Kazue Saito SRW EF Exceed
ヴァイスリッター・アーベント Weißritter Abend Game: SRW Endless Frontier Designer: Kazue Saito SRW EF Exceed
アークゲイン Ark Gain Game: SRW Endless Frontier Designer: Kazue Saito SRW EF Exceed

Super Robot Wars Z

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
バルゴラ Virgola Game: SRW Z Designer: Mika Akita None
バルゴラ・グローリー Virgola Glory Game: SRW Z Designer: Mika Akita SRW Z2.2
ガンレオン Gunleon Game: SRW Z Designer: M Ganzy 2 Games
  • SRW Z2.2
  • SRW DD

コルニクス Cornix Game: SRW Z Designer: None
カオス・レオー Chaos Leo Game: SRW Z Designer: Takahisa Tanobe (PLEX) None
レオー Leo Game: SRW Z Designer: None
カオス・アングイス Chaos Anguis Game: SRW Z Designer: Takahisa Tanobe (PLEX) None
アングイス Anguis Game: SRW Z Designer: None
カオス・カペル Chaos Capra Game: SRW Z Designer: Takahisa Tanobe (PLEX) None
エリファス Eliphas Game: SRW Z Designer: Takahisa Tanobe (PLEX) None
カペル Capra Game: SRW Z Designer: None
レムレース Lemures Game: SRW Z Designer: None
カオス・レムレース Chaos Lemures Game: SRW Z Designer: None
シュロウガ Shurouga Game: SRW Z Designer: Masami Obari 3 Games
  • SRW Z2.1
  • SRW Z2.2
  • SRW Z3.2

レムレース試作型 Lemures Test Type Game: SRW Z (Special Disk) Designer: None

Super Robot Wars K

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
レヴリアス Revirius Game: SRW K Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi None
セリウス Serius Game: SRW K Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi None
セリウスII Serius II Game: SRW K Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi None
セルケリウス Serkerius Game: SRW K Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi None
ソルヴリアス・レギーナ Solrivius Regina Game: SRW K Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi None
ソルヴリアス・レックス Solvirius Rex Game: SRW K Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi None
メトラ Metra Game: SRW K Designer: M Ganzy None
デズエラ Dethera Game: SRW K Designer: None
エンダーク Endark Game: SRW K Designer: M Ganzy None
ビクトーラ Victora Game: SRW K Designer: M Ganzy None
ゼナディーエ Zenadie Game: SRW K Designer: M Ganzy None
グスタティオ Gustadio Game: SRW K Designer: M Ganzy None
アルケウス Arceus Game: SRW K Designer: M Ganzy None

Super Robot Wars Neo

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
シグザール Schicksal Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
シグザリアス Schicksalias Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
イオニア Ionia Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
メルヴェーユ Merveille Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
デバ・ジノー Deva-Gino Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
デバ・ジノーβ Deva-Gino β Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
ペンパーダ Penpada Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
アルシグノス Alsignos Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
シグニクス Signics Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
プルケリマ Pulcherrima Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
スレイブ・ポット Slave Pod Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
ウルタリア Ultaria Game: SRW NEO Designer: None
ラルヴァ Larva Game: SRW NEO Designer: None

Super Robot Wars OG Saga Endless Frontier Exceed

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
アルクオン Arcuon Game: SRW EF Exceed Designer: None
フェイクライド Feekleid Game: SRW EF Exceed Designer: Kazue Saito None
百夜 Byakuya Game: SRW EF Exceed
Namco X Capcom
Designer: None

Super Robot Wars L

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ラッシュバード Rushbird Game: SRW L Designer: Yamane Masahiro None
ストレイバード Straybird Game: SRW L Designer: Yamane Masahiro None
ORF-59リーヴス ORF-59 Reaves Game: SRW L Designer: None
ストライクヴァレイ Strike Valley Game: SRW L Designer: None
キャノンヴァレイ Cannon Valley Game: SRW L Designer: None
インペリアルヴァレイ Imperial Valley Game: SRW L Designer: Atsushi Tsuyuki None
コアフォートレス Core Fortress Game: SRW L Designer: None
ガルトデウス Gartdeus Game: SRW L Designer: None
コンクェストボム Conquest Bomb Game: SRW L Designer: None

Super Robot Wars Z2 Hakai-Hen

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ブラスタ Brasta Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: Seiji Ono SRW Z2.2
アクシオ Axio Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru 3 Games
  • SRW Z2.2
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen

次元獣ダモン Dimensional Beast DAMON Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: SRW Z2.2
次元獣ブルダモン Dimensional Beast Bull DAMON Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: SRW Z2.2
次元獣ライノダモン Dimensional Beast Rhino DAMON Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: None
次元獣ライノダモンMD Dimensional Beast Rhino DAMON MD Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: None
次元獣ディノダモン Dimensional Beast Dino DAMON Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: None
次元獣リヴァイダモン Dimension Beast Levi DAMON Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: None
アリエティス Arietis Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto SRW Z2.2
グレート・アクシオン Great Axion Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru None
パールネイル Pearl Nail Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya SRW Z2.2
エメラルダン Emeraldan Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto None
ゲールティラン Gertilan Game: SRW Z2.1 Designer: Sugiura Toshiro SRW Z2.2

Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masoukishin II

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
レオゲイラ Leogeira Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ディンフレイル Dinflail Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F

デルギラン Dergiran Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F

デュラクシールII Duraxyll II Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Hajime Katoki None
フリングホルニ Hringhorni Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin III
ローゼルライ Rozerli Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F

エンバローズ Emberose Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
キョウメイ朱 Kyoumei Aka Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F

キョウメイ蒼 Kyoumei Ao Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ベンディッド極 Bendeid Goku Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Miya Yutaka 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F

バゾーダン極 Bazodan Goku Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi 2 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F

スヴェンド Svend Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin III
スヴェンド・ゲハード Svend Gehard Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin III
スヴェンド・オラン Svend Olan Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
スヴェンド・ニーダム Svend Nidam Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin III
ドーゼル Dozer Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ザイオス Zaios Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ボランゾルン Branzorn Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin III
ナグツァート改 Nagzart Kai Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: None
Duwen Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F

ボーヰン Bowin Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ルザムノ・ラスフィトート Ruzamuno Rasphitot Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
ゼルヴォイド Zelvoid Game: SRW Masoukishin II Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin III
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW X-Ω

Super Robot Wars Z2 Saisei-Hen

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
リ・ブラスタR Li-Brasta R Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Seiji Ono None
リ・ブラスタB Li-Brasta B Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Seiji Ono None
ブラスタEs Brasta Es Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Seiji Ono None
次元獣ダモン (エスター) Dimension Beast Esther Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
次元獣ダモン改 Dimension Beast DAMON Kai Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
次元獣ブルダモン改 Dimensional Beast Bull DAMON Kai Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
次元獣ライノダモン改 Dimensional Beast Rhino DAMON Kai Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
人造次元獣ルーク・アダモン Artificial Dimensional Beast Rook ADAMON Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
人造次元獣アダモン Artificial Dimensional Beast ADAMON Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
人造次元獣ギガ・アダモン Artificial Dimensional Beast Giga ADAMON Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
聖王機ジ・インサー SeiOhKi The Insa Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Hiroshi Ando None
パレス・インサラウム Palace Insaraum Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru None
人造次元獣エクサ・アダモン Artificial Dimensional Beast Exa ADAMON Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
ディアムド Diamund Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto None
サフィアーダ Sapphiada Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto None
パールファング Pearl Fang Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
グリンガル Gringal Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
ディム・サー Diem-Sar Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
ディム・リー Diem-Lee Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
アクシオ・バーグラー Axio Burglar Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru 3 Games
  • SRW Z3.1
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen

ガブリン Gablin Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Seiji Ono
Sugiura Toshiro
ガイオウ Gaioh Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: Chiyoko (Character)
Sugiura Toshiro (Unit)
真次元獣ブルダモン True Dimension Beast Bull DAMON Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
真次元獣ライノダモン True Dimension Beast Rhino DAMON Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
真次元獣ディノダモン True Dimension Beast Dino DAMON Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None
真次元獣リヴァイダモン True Dimension Beast Levi DAMON Game: SRW Z2.2 Designer: None

Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2nd

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
フリッケライ・ガイスト Flickerei Geist Game: SRW OG 2nd
Real Robot Regiment
Designer: Kazue Saito SRW OGMD
アレス・ガイスト Alles Geist Game: SRW OG 2nd
Real Robot Regiment
Designer: Kazue Saito None
雀王機 Jakuohki Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Masayuki Fujiwara (Manga)
Kazutaka Miyatake (OG 2nd)
武王機 Buohki Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Masayuki Fujiwara (Manga)
Kazutaka Miyatake (OG 2nd)
雀武王 Jakubuoh Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Masayuki Fujiwara (Manga)
Kazutaka Miyatake (OG 2nd)
帝江 Teikou Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Masayuki Fujiwara None
何羅魚 Karagyou Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
苦辛公主 Kushinkoushu Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
レリオン ReLion Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Seiji Ono SRW DD
マスカレオン Masquelion Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Seiji Ono None
サイリオン Cylion Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Seiji Ono SRW OGMD
Cerberlion Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Seiji Ono 2 Games

グルンガスト改 Grungust Kai (OG Series) Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake 2 Games
  • SRW X-Ω

Gバンカラン G Burnkwaran Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Hiroshi Ando None
アッシュ Ashe Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Hajime Katoki None
エグゼクスバイン EX-Exbein Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Hajime Katoki None
ビルトラプター・シュナーベル Wildraubtier Schnabel Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi SRW OGMD
エクサランス・レスキュー Excellence Rescue Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Mitsuru Owa SRW OGMD
ガルベルス Garberus Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Kenta Aoki None
武雀王 Bujakuoh Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake None
饕餮王 Toutetsuoh Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
窮奇王 Kyuukioh Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Masayuki Fujiwara None
孟槐 Moukai Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Masayuki Fujiwara None
抱鴞 Houkyou Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
ズロア Zuloa Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Mitsuru Hidaka None
スナピル Sunavir Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Mitsuru Hidaka None
キャニス Canis Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Mika Akita 2 Games
  • SRW DD

キャニス・アルタルフ Canis Altarf Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Mika Akita None
ジンライ JinRai Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
量産型ジンライ JinRai Mass Production Type Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
ガリルナガン Galilnagant Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Hajime Katoki 3 Games
  • SRW Masoukishin F
  • SRW DD

エア・クリスマス Air Christmas Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Seiji Ono None
アダマトロン Adamatron Game: SRW OG 2nd Designer: Kazue Saito None

Super Robot Wars UX

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ライオットB Riot B Game: SRW UX Designer: Atsushi Tsuyuki None
オルフェス Orphes Game: SRW UX Designer: Shinya Terashima None
ライラス Lyras Game: SRW UX Designer: Shinya Terashima None
オデュッセア Odyssea Game: SRW UX Designer: Shinya Terashima None
ライオットA Riot A Game: SRW UX Designer: Atsushi Tsuyuki None
ライオットC Riot C Game: SRW UX Designer: Atsushi Tsuyuki None
ライオットX Riot X Game: SRW UX Designer: Atsushi Tsuyuki None
ヴィジャーヤ Vijaya Game: SRW UX Designer: Shinya Terashima None
ドラウパ Draupa Game: SRW UX Designer: Shinya Terashima None
アヴァターラ Avatara Game: SRW UX Designer: Shinya Terashima None
リヴァルナ Rvarna Game: SRW UX Designer: None
カリ・ユガ Kali Yuga Game: SRW UX Designer: M Ganzy None

Super Robot Wars OE

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
エグザート Exhalt Game: SRW OE Designer: Yosuke Sato None
ヴァサージ Vasage Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ネクトン・アサルト Necton Assault Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ネクトン・クリーク Necton Creek Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ネクトン・シューター Necton Shooter Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ネクトン・ハウザー Necton Hauser Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ギガ・ネクトンα Giga Necton α Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ギガ・ネクトンβ Giga Necton β Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ギガ・ネクトンαα Giga Necton αα Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ギガ・ネクトンββ Giga Necton ββ Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ベントス・クルーザーα Bento Cruiser α Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ベントス・キャリアーα Bento Carrier α Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ベントス・キャリアーβ Bentos Carrier β Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ネクトン・マイン Necton Mine Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ミューカス・ゲート Mucus Gate Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ミューカス・アーム Mucus Arm Game: SRW OE Designer: None
ミューカス・エンペラー Mucus Emperor Game: SRW OE Designer: None
砲台 Battery Game: SRW OE Designer: None

Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masoukishin 3

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
Giolias Roy
Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
ジャスティニア Justinia Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
ウェルスピナー・レイ Wellspinner Rei Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
ガルガーディア Galgadia Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
ペンタルコス Pentarkos Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: None
ウェルスダイン Wellsdyne Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ウェルスゼア Wellsia Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
スヴェンド・デルツ Svend Deltz Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
Tou Glias
Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ゼルヴォイド・ヴァスト Zelvoid Vast Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ニムバス Nimbus Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
アンビロウム Anbrioum Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ドリッツ Doriss Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
モーヴァ Mouva Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
多極式ボーヰン Multipole Bowen Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
ギュヰリ Guwiri Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
トルキラ Torukira Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
スィルヌム Swirunum Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
アラネグナ Araneguna Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
バグラン Baghlan Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
ユビュー Yubyu Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
デモンズイルフ Demon Irufu Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
デモンネレイス Demon Nereis Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
デモンマンデル Demon Mandel Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi SRW Masoukishin F
リュデル Ryuder Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
エスフィード Esfeed Game: SRW Masoukishin 3 Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None

Super Robot Wars OG: Dark Prison

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ゲシュテルベン改 Gesterben Kai Game: SRW OGDP Designer: NAOKI SRW OGMD
プファイルIII Pfeil Drei Game: SRW OGDP Designer: Yoshitaka Taniguchi SRW OGMD
メッケンノーザ Mekkennoza Game: SRW OGDP Designer: None

Super Robot Wars OG: Infinite Battle

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
エクスバイン Exbein Game: OG Infinite Battle Designer: Hajime Katoki SRW OGMD

Super Robot Wars Z3 Jigoku-Hen

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ジェニオン Genion Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto SRW Z3.2
ジェニオン・ガイ Genion GAI Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto SRW Z3.2
ジェミニア Geminia Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto 2 Games
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen

ディオスク Diosc Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto 2 Games
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen

アンゲロイ Angeloi Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Seiji Ono 3 Games
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
  • SRW 30

デイモーン Daimon Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Seiji Ono 3 Games
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
  • SRW 30

尸逝天 Shiseiten Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya 2 Games
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen

アスクレプス Asclepus Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru 2 Games
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen

ティアマート Tiamaht Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto 3 Games
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
  • SRW 30

エイクロス Across Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Sugiura Toshiro 2 Games
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen

ランボルト Ranbolt Game: SRW Z3.1 Designer: Sugiura Toshiro 2 Games
  • SRW Z3.2
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen

Super Robot Wars (HD)

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
闘神ゴッド・ノア Noah, the War God Game: SRW 1 (HD) Designer: None

Super Robot Wars OG Saga: Masoukishin F

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
Raveraid Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
Regelior Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ディーグリッド Digrid Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ヴァルシオーガ Valsionga Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
ゾードクヲン Zodokuwon Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
レヱゼンカヰム Rewezenkawim Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
Gizoss Gragios
G Gragios
Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None
マグゥーキ・コウ Maguki Kou Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
マグゥーキ・ジン Maguki Jin Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
マグゥーキ・リクシュ Maguki Rikush Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
マグゥーキ・ヘキ Maguki Heki Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
マグゥーキ・サク Maguki Saku Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
マグゥーキ・ダシュ Maguki Dash Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
マグゥーキ・ヨク Maguki Yoku Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
マグゥーキ・フジュ Maguki Fuku Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
マグゥーキ・マニン Maguki Manin Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
メルマッド・ラグリー Mermad Raguri Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
メルマッド・ラカーブ Mermad Rakab Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
フーム・ラカーブ Fum Rakab Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: None
カドゥム・ハーカーム Kadoam Harkahm Game: SRW Masoukishin F Designer: Rikiya Hashiguchi None

Super Robot Wars Z3 Tengoku-Hen

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ジェミニオン・レイ Geminion Ray Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Mitsuharu Okamoto None
ガンレオン・マグナ Gunleon Magna Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
バルゴラ・グローリーS Virgola Glory S Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Mika Akita SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
リ・ブラスタT Li-Brasta T Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Seiji Ono SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
バレルアント Barrelant Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Norio Tamura SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
グラーティア Gratia Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
ソーラリアン Solarian Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Seiji Ono None
Shimeisou Zetsu
Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
プレイアデス・タウラ Pleiades Taura Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Seiji Ono None
アルデバル Aldebar Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Seiji Ono None
アン・アーレス An-Ares Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Hiroshi Ando SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
シャウラス Shaulas Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Hiroshi Ando SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
次元将ヴィルダーク Jigenshou Vildark Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: None
次元獣ヴァルナー Dimensional Beast Varna Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: None
ゼル・ビレニウム Zel Billennium Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Sugiura Toshiro SRW 30
アドラティオ Adratio Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Seiji Ono None
ヘリオース Helios Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru None
量産型アスクレプス Asclepus Mass Production Type Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru 2 Games
  • SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen
  • SRW 30

シュロウガ・シン Shurouga Sin Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Masami Obari None
エル・ミレニウム El Millennium Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Sugiura Toshiro SRW 30
プロディキウム Prodigium Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Hidehiro Tsuchiya None
至高神Z Supreme God Z/Hypsistos Z Game: SRW Z3.2 Designer: Sugiura Toshiro SRW 30

Super Robot Wars Z3 Rengoku-Hen

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
エイクロス・カスタム Across Custom Game: SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen Designer: Sugiura Toshiro None
ランボルト・レオン Ranbolt Leon Game: SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen Designer: Sugiura Toshiro None
アクシオ・スコートSP Axio Scott SP Game: SRW Z3 Rengoku-Hen Designer: Hitoshi Kanemaru None

Super Robot Wars BX

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ファルセイバー Falsaber Game: SRW BX Designer: M Ganzy None
グリッターファルセイバー Glitter Falsaber Game: SRW BX Designer: M Ganzy None
ブルーヴィクター Bruvictor Game: SRW BX Designer: M Ganzy None
セイクリフィス Sacrifice Game: SRW BX Designer: Shozo Morino None
ブルーディスター Bludister Game: SRW BX Designer: M Ganzy None
クレセディア Crecedia Game: SRW BX Designer: daniel None
バルギアス Valgeass Game: SRW BX Designer: Daisei Fujii None
バルギアス・ドラグーン Valgeass Dragoon Game: SRW BX Designer: Daisei Fujii None
シンデュス Cindus Game: SRW BX Designer: daniel None

Super Robot Wars X-Ω

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ヴァンアイン Van Ein Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: 2 Games
  • SRW DD
  • SRW 30
ヴァンアイン・アルヴァ Van Ein Alva Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ヴァンレイズ Van Reis Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ヴァンヴァルト Van Walt Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ヴァンクフト Van Khuft Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ヴァンハイト Van Heit Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ヴァンオメガ Van Omega Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ハインヘルム Heinhelm Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ハインヘルム強襲型 Heinhelm Assault Type Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ハインヘルム強防型 Heinhelm Fortress Type Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ハインヘルム強火型 Heinhelm Power Type Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ハインヘルム改 Heinhelm Custom Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ハインヘルム・ウーラ Heinhelm Ura Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
メルスギア・ターラ Melsgear Tara Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
メルスギア・マラゴール Melsgear Maragol Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
メルスギア・ヴォビス Melsgear Vovis Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
メルスギア・ホーヴァン Melsgear Hovan Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
メルスギア・エルラーナ Melsgear Elulana Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
メルスギア・オシス Melsgear Osis Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
メルスギア・ジャウル Melsgear Jaulu Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
メルスギア・ザヴァス Melsgear Savas Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
メルスギア・ウルトゥール Melsgear Ultour Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ヴァンアウス VanAus Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ヴァンバルム VanValm Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
コウガイ Kougai Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: SRW DD
スプリッター Spritter Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ズナーク Zunark Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
シグノ Signo Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ショロトル Sholotl Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ハウラー・イン・ザ・ダーク Howler in the Dark Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
エッティラ Eitera Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
カンナカムイ Kannakamui Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
ティニケ Tinicle Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
オウラ Oura Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None
隕石型爆弾 Meteorite Bomb Game: SRW X-Ω Designer: None

Super Robot Wars OG: The Moon Dwellers

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ラフトクランズ・アウルン Laftcranz Aurum Game: SRW OGMD Designer: Takayuki Yanase None
ラフトクランズ・ファウネア Laftcranz Faunea Game: SRW OGMD Designer: Takayuki Yanase None
ラフトクランズ・カロクアラ Laftcranz Clawcala Game: SRW OGMD Designer: Takayuki Yanase None
レオニシス Leonisis Game: SRW OGMD Designer: None
レオニシス・ハーガ Leonisis Higa Game: SRW OGMD Designer: None
レオニシス・ヴァーガ Leonisis Vaga Game: SRW OGMD Designer: None
ギャノニア Gyanonia Game: SRW OGMD Designer: None
ギャノニア・オーガ Gyanonia Ouga Game: SRW OGMD Designer: None
ギャノニア・ブラガ Gyanonia Braga Game: SRW OGMD Designer: None
ゲシュペンスト・ハーケン Gespenst Haken Game: SRW OGMD Designer: Kazue Saito SRW X-Ω
エントリヒ・ガイスト Endlich Geist Game: SRW OGMD Designer: Kazue Saito None
エクサランス・ガンストライカー Excellence Gun Striker Game: SRW OGMD Designer: Mitsuru Owa None
ラマリス Lamaris Game: SRW OGMD Designer: SRW DD

Super Robot Wars V

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ヴァングレイ VangRay Game: SRW V Designer: Eiichi Shimizu None
ヴァングネクス VangNex Game: SRW V Designer: Eiichi Shimizu SRW T
グランヴァング GranVang Game: SRW V Designer: Eiichi Shimizu SRW T
ヴァングレイII VangRay II Game: SRW V Designer: Eiichi Shimizu None
アールヤブ Arlyabu Game: SRW V Designer: M Ganzy SRW T
ブラーマグ Blarmag Game: SRW V Designer: M Ganzy SRW T
マーダヴァ Madivia Game: SRW V Designer: M Ganzy SRW T
マーダヴァ・デグ Madivia Degg Game: SRW V Designer: M Ganzy SRW T
バースカル Barskal Game: SRW V Designer: M Ganzy SRW T
スリニバーサ Slinvarsa Game: SRW V Designer: M Ganzy SRW T
アーケイディア Arcadia Game: SRW V Designer: Daisei Fujii SRW T

Super Robot Wars X

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ゼルガード Xelguard Game: SRW X Designer: Masaki Asai SRW T
ルーン・ゴーレム Rune Golem Game: SRW X Designer: Masaki Asai SRW T
ディーンベル Deenbell Game: SRW X Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa SRW T
ワース・ディーンベル Warth Deenbell Game: SRW X Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa SRW T
魔獣エンデ Ende the Devourer Game: SRW X Designer: Kazue Saito SRW T
魔獣ホープス Spero the Devourer Game: SRW X Designer: Kazue Saito None

Super Robot Wars T

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ティラネード Tyranado Game: SRW T Designer: Hidetaka Tenjin None
ティラネード・レックス Tyranado Rex Game: SRW T Designer: Hidetaka Tenjin None
ティランド Tyrando Game: SRW T Designer: None
ゼグード Zectar Game: SRW T Designer: None
イービット E-Bit Game: SRW T Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
イーファス E-Phas Game: SRW T Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
アールオール A-Ruol Game: SRW T Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
A-Pys Alt
Game: SRW T Designer: Tatsunosuke Yatsuhusa None
ダイガイアン1号 DyGaian Unit-1 Game: SRW T Designer: moi7 None
ダイガイアン2号 DyGaian Unit-2 Game: SRW T Designer: moi7 None
鉄魔獣ネバンエンデ NevanEnde the Eternal Devourer Game: SRW T Designer: None

Super Robot Wars DD

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ディーダリオン Didarion Game: SRW DD Designer: Masami Obari SRW 30
ディーダリオン・ザアム Didarion Zaam Game: SRW DD Designer: Masami Obari None
メラフディン Merafdin Game: SRW DD Designer: Mika Akita None
グラフディン Grafdin Game: SRW DD Designer: Kenji Teraoka None
アンギルオン Angilon Game: SRW DD Designer: Yamane Masahiro None
マービュオン Marvion Game: SRW DD Designer: Yamane Masahiro None
メナケブ Menakeb Game: SRW DD Designer: None
カイル・メナケブ Kyle Menakeb Game: SRW DD Designer: None
ディーティ1 Deity 1 Game: SRW DD Designer: M Ganzy None
ディーティ2/FM Deity 2/FM Game: SRW DD Designer: M Ganzy None
ディポーター Deporter Game: SRW DD Designer: Daisei Fujii None
フルアームド・ヒュッケバイン Full Armed Huckebein Game: SRW DD Designer: Hajime Katoki None
マッドネット Madnet Game: SRW DD
Designer: None
ガルドラス Galdras Game: SRW DD
The Great Battle V
Designer: None
レストジェミラ Restgemira Game: SRW DD
SRW OG The Inspectors
Designer: Mika Akita None

Super Robot Wars 30

Japanese Name English Name First Appearance Info Other Appearances
ドライストレーガー Dreisstrager Game: SRW 30 Designer: Kazutaka Miyatake None
ヒュッケバイン30 Huckebein 30 Game: SRW 30 Designer: Hajime Katoki SRW DD
ヒュッケバイン30th Huckebein 30th Game: SRW 30 Designer: Hajime Katoki SRW DD
オルクスーラ Orcusula Game: SRW 30 Designer: None
オルクスーラ・ダン Orcusula Dang Game: SRW 30 Designer: None
オルクスーラ・イン Orcusula In Game: SRW 30 Designer: None
オルクスーラ・ダイン Orcusula Dyne Game: SRW 30 Designer: None
オルクスーラ・ザング Orcusula Zang Game: SRW 30 Designer: None
オルクスーラ・バング Orcusula Bang Game: SRW 30 Designer: None
グラヴァリン Gravalin Game: SRW 30 Designer: Masami Obari SRW DD
アルティム・フィーニ Ultim Fini Game: SRW 30 Designer: None
スターメンビトルver.2.8 Stamen Bitol ver.2.8 Game: SRW 30 Designer: None
フロスデウス Flosdeus Game: SRW 30 Designer: None