Super Robot Wars/Z3.2/Hibiki Spirit Commands

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When beginning the game, you will be asked to pick the birthday and blood type of Hibiki, which determines his spirit command list. Certain dates and types have preconfigured results, while the rest are determined by astrological sign and blood type.

Default Spirit Commands

If you do not change the default entry for the Birthdate and Blood Type, you will have the following spirit commands. (This is the Gemini B birthday type)

Spirit (SP Cost) Level Learned
Focus (20) 1
Strike (20) 10
Invincible+ (15) 19
Fighting Spirit (35) 33
Courage (55) 46

Terada's Birthdate and Blood Type

Selecting the Birthdate and Blood Type (November 11th, Blood Type B) of Super Robot Wars series' producer, Takanobu Terada, will provide the following Spirit Commands.

Spirit (SP Cost) Level Learned
Inspiration (20) 1
Focus+ (15) 1
Flash (15) 1
Fighting Spirit (35) 40
Courage (50) 46

Other Birthdate and Blood Type

Selection of any other Birthdate and Blood Type will provide the following Spirit Commands.

Please note these are a work in-progress

Aquarius (1/20~2/18)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus (20), Analyze (25), Flash+ (15), Strike (20), Love (55) 1, ??, 15, 20, 48
B Focus+ (15), Assault (25), Instinct (25), Snipe (20), Courage (55) 1, 10, 17, 28, 47
O Focus+ (15), Bless (45), Instinct (25), Assault (25), Courage (55) 1, 8, 17, 30, 47
AB Focus (15), Strike+ (20), Direct Hit (25), Flash (20), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, 48

Pisces (2/19~3/20)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus (20), Assault (25), Invincible+ (15), Strike (20), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
B Focus (15), Instinct (25), Daunt (45), Invincible+ (15), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
O Focus (15), Instinct (25), Direct Hit (25), Yell+ (30), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
AB Focus+ (15), Assault (25), Instinct (25), Direct Hit (30), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??

Aries (3/21~4/19)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus (20), Bless (45), Invincible+ (15), Instinct (25), Courage (55) 1, 10, ??, ??, ??
B Focus (20), Strike+ (15), Flash (15), Snipe (25), Love (55) 1, 14, 21, 32, 46
O Focus (20), Flash+ (15), Strike (20), Direct Hit (25), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
AB Focus (20), Strike (20), Bless (45), Invincible+ (15), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??

Taurus (4/20~5/20)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus+ (20), Instinct (25), Analyze (20), Yell (30), Love (55) 1, 12, 25, ??, ??
B Focus (20), Invincible+ (15), Strike (30, Yell (30), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
O Focus+ (20), Instinct (25), Daunt (40), Direct Hit (25), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
AB Guts+ (20) Focus (15), Instinct (25), Direct Hit (25), Coutage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??

Gemini (5/21~6/21)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus (20), Invincible+ (15), Strike (20), Assault (30), Courage (55) 1, 12, 20, ??, ??
B Focus (20), Strike (20), Invincible+ (15), Fighting Spirit (35), Courage (55) 1, 10, 19, 33, 46
O Focus (20), Luck (35), Strike+ (15), Invincible (20), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
AB Focus+ (20), Analyze (25), Instinct (25), Hot Blood (35), Love (60) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??

Cancer (6/22~7/22)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus+ (15), Instinct (25), Snipe (20), Yell (30), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
B Focus+ (15), Instinct (25), Daunt (40), Direct Hit (25), Love (55) 1, 10, 17, ??, ??
O Focus (20), Strike (20), Flash+ (15), Hot Blood (35), Love (60) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
AB Focus (15), Instinct (25), Yell+ (30), Direct Hit (30), Love (55) 1, 11, 25, 32, ??

Leo (7/23~8/22)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus (20), Effort (20), Invincible+ (15), Strike (20), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
B Focus (20), Instinct (25), Invincible+ (15), Yell (30), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
O Focus (15), Instinct (25), Yell+ (30), Assault (25), Courage (55) 1, 9, ??, ??, ??
AB Focus+ (15), Daunt (40), Instinct (25), Hot Blood (35), Love (60) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??

Virgo (8/23~9/22)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus (20), Invincible (15), Strike (20), Drive (50), Love (55) 1, 12, 21, 35, 48
B Focus+ (15), Snipe (20), Instinct (25), Direct Hit (25), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
O Focus (20), Snipe (20), Invincible+ (15), Strike (20), Courage (55) 1, 8, 12, ??, ??
AB Focus+ (20), Instinct (25), Daunt (40), Hot Blood (35), Love (60) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??

Libra (9/23~10/23)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus (20), Invincible+ (15), Strike (20), Hot Blood (35), Courage (60) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
B Focus (20), Luck (35), Strike+ (20), Flash (25), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, 21, 47
O Focus (20), Strike (20), Invincible+ (15), Assault (30), Love (55) 1, 11, 21, 30, 46
AB Focus (20), Strike (20), Flash+ (15), Direct Hit (25), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, 48

Scorpio (10/24~11/22)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus (20), Strike (20), Invincible+ (15), Daunt (40), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
B Focus (20), Yell (30), Flash+ (15), Strike (20), Courage (??) 1, 8, ??, 24, ??
O Focus+ (15), Effort (20), Strike (20), Flash (15), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??
AB Focus (20), Luck (30), Strike (20), Invincible+ (15), Love (55) 1, 9, 17, 22, 48

Sagittarius (11/23~12/21)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus+ (15), Daunt (45), Yell (30), Instinct (25), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, 48
B Focus+ (15), Luck (35), Instinct (25), Analyze (20), Courage (55) 1, 10, 16, 28, 48
O Focus (20), Assault (25), Invincible+ (15), Strike (20), Love (55) 1, 8, 14, 24, 46
AB Focus (20), Instinct (25), Invincible+ (15), Snipe (20), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??

Capricorn (12/22~1/19)

Blood Type Spirits (SP Cost) Levels Learned
A Focus (20), Luck (35), Instinct (25), Yell+ (30), Courage (55) 1, 8, 17, ??, ??
B Focus (15), Strike+ (20), Invincible (20), Direct Hit (25), Courage (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, 47
O Focus+ (20), Assault (25), Instinct (25), Direct Hit (30), Love (55) 1, 13, 23, 30, ??
AB Focus (15), Invincible+ (20), Instinct (25), Daunt (45), Love (55) 1, ??, ??, ??, ??