Super Robot Wars/X/Flow Chart

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第0話: 誓いの旅立ち
Scenario 0: Vow of the Journey
SR Point: None
Iori Route
Amari Route
第1話: 旅の序章
Scenario 1: Beginning of the Journey
第1話: 出会い、そして始まり
Scenario 1: Encounters, and Beginnings
SR Point: Use all of Zelgard's attacks during the stage SR Point: Use all of Zelgard's attacks during the stage
第2話: 立ち上がれ、救世主!
Scenario 2: Stand Up, Savior!
第2話: 救世主ワタル!
Scenario 2: Savior Wataru!
SR Point: Shoot down at least one enemy unit with a Support Attack SR Point: Shoot down at least one enemy unit with a Support Attack
Special Scenario: Elemental Lord
No SR point. This stage will only appear if the Cybuster DLC has been installed.
第3話: ブルーウォーターの少女
Scenario 3: The Girl of Blue Water
SR Point: Destroy Geppel Tank (Schwarbenegger). Geppel Tank flees below 6000 HP
第4話: 流浪の聖戦士
Scenario 4: The Wandering Holy Warrior
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within three turns
第5話: 海賊部隊のG
Scenario 5: Pirate Corps of G
SR Point: Defeat 4 or more enemies in three turns
第6話: 異界から来るもの
Scenario 6: Arrivals from a Different World
SR Point: Within 3 turns, shoot down at least 1 Galleon-class Dragon
第7話: あの空の出会い
Scenario 7: Encounter in the Sky
SR Point: By the end of the stage, any allied pilot must shoot down at least 3 enemies in one turn. MAP kills do not count
第8話: 異境の戦い
Scenario 8: Battle in a Foreign Land
SR Point: Clear the map within 5 turns
Iori Route
Amari Route
第9話: 進むべき道を
Scenario 9: The Way to Go
第9話: 暗闇の灯火
Scenario 9: Light of Darkness
SR Point: Shoot down 5 enemies within 3 turns SR Point: Shoot down 5 enemies within 4 turns
第10話: めぐり合う螺旋
Scenario 10: Spiral Helix
SR Point: Do not let enemy units pass into the highlighted area
第11話: 宿命の二人
Scenario 11: The Destined Pair
SR Point: Defeat all other enemies in three turns, saving Enkidudu for last
第12話: オーラバトラー飛翔
Scenario 12: Aura Battlers Flight
SR Point: Any allied pilot must have at least 5 ExC before the end of the stage
Secret Scenario: Feelings of Aura
No SR point. This stage allows you to pick the color scheme of Billbine and the use of the "Aura Shoot" attack on Stage 34
第13話: ナディアの家出
Scenario 13: Runaway Nadia
SR Point: Within 6 turns, defeat all enemies
Doakuda Assault Group
Cross Ange
Gurren Lagann
Survey the Country of Mana Group
G Reco
Buddy Complex
第14話: 再会のアルゼナル
Scenario 14: Reunion at Arsenal
第14話: ターゲット確認
Scenario 14: Target Confirmed
SR Point: Clear the map within 5 turns SR Point: Clear the map within 6 turns
第15話: 勇者特急、到着
Scenario 15: The Brave Express Has Arrived
第15話: 片翼の二人
Scenario 15: Two Wings
SR Point: Destroy 5 enemies within 3 turns SR Point: Defeat Nebiros and Fortuna in the same turn within 3 turns
第16話: 闇を照らす太陽
Scenario 16: The Sun Shining in the Darkness
第16話: 戦場の再会
Scenario 16: Reunion on the Battlefield
SR Point: Destroy Black Might Gaine within 4 turns with ExC Command "Smash Hit" in effect. Support Attack do not count. SR Point: Defeat all Pyrethoids within three turns
第17話: 眠る魔王
Scenario 17: The Sleeping Demon King
SR Point: Destroy Skelebat in a single attack. Skelebat flees after receiving any other amount of damage.
第18話: 目覚める決意
Scenario 18: Awakening Will
SR Point: Defeat Mordred and Southerland Sieg with the same pilot within 4 turns. It does not have to be done on the same turn.
第19話: 決別
Scenario 19: Farewells
SR Point: Defeat all enemies by Player Phase 3
第20話: 宇宙と大地と
Scenario 20: Space and the Earth
SR Point: Defeat Mack Knife (Mask) and Mack Knife (Barara) with the same pilot within 3 turns, defeating Barara first on the same turn.
Earth Forces
Daitarn 3
Might Gaine
Code Geass
Cross Ange
Gurren Lagann
Space Forces
Z Gundam
Gundam ZZ
Gundam F91
Gundam Wing
Reconquista of G
Buddy Complex
第21話: 灼熱の激闘
Scenario 21: The Deathmatch in Flames
第21話: 未知の宇宙
Scenario 21: Unknown Universe
SR Point: Get any ally unit's ExC to reach 10 points by the end of the stage SR Point: Get any ally unit's ExC to reach 10 points by the end of the stage
第22話: 極寒の死闘
Scenario 22: Frigid Battle
第22話: レイハントンの血
Scenario 22: Blood of Rayhunton
SR Point: Defeat at least 8 enemies within 3 turns SR Point: Defeat 12 enemies within 3 turns, defeating the Gaitrash last
第23話: 龍王咆哮
Scenario 23: Roar of the Dragon King
SR Point: Defeat at least 3 of the following enemies on the same turn within 4 turns: セカンドガン (Second Gun)、スケルバット (Skelebat)、キングヘラクロス (King Hercross)、ギーガン (Gigan)、グール (Ghoul)
第24話: 偉大な勇者
Scenario 24: The Great Hero
SR Point: Clear map within 6 turns
Iori Route
Amari Route
Scenario 25: The Church of Demons
Scenario 25: In Erde's Name
SR Point: Iori must defeat 3 enemies in a single turn before end of stage SR Point: Amari must defeat 3 enemies in a single turn before the end of the stage
第26話: 希望の翼
Scenario 26: Wings of Hope
第26話: 自由という翼
Scenario 26: Wings of Freedom
SR Point: Defeat 4 Demon Bells within 3 turns SR Point: Defeat all Demon Bells within 3 turns including Amari
第27話: 宿命のライバル
Scenario 27: Destined Rivals
SR Point: Clear the map by Player Phase 6
第28話: 闇と光
Scenario 28: Darkness and Light
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in one turn
シークレットシナリオ : 最凶VS最強|
Secret Scenario: The Most Wicked Vs. Strongest
No SR point. This stage unlocks "Double Mazin Emperor" Combo Attack for Mazinkaiser and Mazin Emperor G
第29話: 薔薇のバーサーカー
Scenario 29: Berserker of Roses
SR Point: Defeat 4 enemies with a single MAP attack before the end of the stage
Doakuda Assault Group
Daitarn 3
Might Gaine
Code Geass
Cross Ange
Gurren Lagann
Misurugi Empire Assault Group
Z Gundam
Gundam ZZ
Gundam F91
Gundam Wing
Reconquista of G
Buddy Complex
第30話: 正義と友情と
Scenario 30: Friendship and Justice
第30話: 胸の中の嵐
Scenario 30: Storm in the Heart
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 6 turns, leaving Goryu for last SR Point: Clear the map in 4 turns
第31話: ネモの秘密
Scenario 31: Nemo's Hidden Past
第31話: ふたりの絆
Scenario 31: Couple's Bonds
SR Point: Clear the map within 4 turns SR Point: Defeat at least 4 enemies in a single MAP attack before the end of the stage
第32話: 過去からの亡霊
Scenario 32: Ghost from the Past
第32話: 金星から来た災い
Scenario 32: The Calamity from Venus
SR Point: Achieve victory condition within 5 turns (Defeat Gargoyle, Embryo and the Diamond Rose Knights) SR Point: Before the end of the stage, one ally pilot defeats 4 enemies during a player phase. MAP weapons do not count
第33話: 白き翼
Scenario 33: White Wings
第33話: シャアの迷い
Scenario 33: Reluctant Char
Deal 13,000 damage to a single target before the end of the stage Destroy α Azieru in 2 turns
第34話: ビヨン・ザ・トッド
Scenario 34: Beyond the Todd
第34話: 完全な世界
Scenario 34: Perfect World
SR Point: Defeat 15 enemies or more in 1 turn SR Point: Defeat 15 enemies or more in 1 turn
第35話: さらなる高みへ
Scenario 35: To New Heights
SR Point: The same pilot must shoot down two of the following enemies within 3 turns (Gaeon, Gaitrash, Hambrabi, Doven Wolf, Mack Knife (Mask), Yggdrasil)
Secret Scenario: Pride of the Red Comet
No SR point. This stage unlocks the Nightengale unit
第36話: 決戦、ミスルギ皇国
Scenario 36: Final Battle, Misurugi Empire
SR Point: Defeat Raziya by the second player phase
第37話: 誰も知らない明日へ
Scenario 37: Uncertain Future
SR Point: Clear the map within 5 turns
Iori Route
Amari Route
Scenario 38: Unknown Hometown
Scenario 38: My Precious Place
SR Point: Before end of stage, have any one pilot have 7 active Spirit Commands active on themselves SR Point: Before end of stage, have any one pilot have 7 active Spirit Commands active on themselves
Scenario 39: The Meaning of Dogma
第39話: 帰るべき世界
Scenario 39: Returning Home
SR Point: Within 3 turns, defeat Zelgard-Mirror SR Point: Within 3 turns, defeat Warth-Deanbell
第40話: 楽園の終わり
Scenario 40: End of Paradise
SR Point: Defeat Garadoublas within 3 turns. Garadoublas flees below 15,000 HP
第41話: 天を貫く螺旋
Scenario 41:Spiral to the Heavens
SR Point: Defeat 20 enemies in 2 turns
シークレットシナリオ : シュワルビネガーの秘密
Secret Scenario: Schwarbenegger's Secret
No SR point. All enemies drop large amounts of funds
第42話: 正義の名の下に
Scenario 42: In the Name of Justice
SR Point: Within 4 turns, defeat Wolfgang, Hui, Vuitton and Mifune and Toraoh on the same turn
Doakuda Assault Group br> Daitarn 3
Might Gaine
Code Geass
Cross Ange
Gurren Lagann
Reconguista Army Assault Group
Z Gundam
Gundam ZZ
Gundam F91
Gundam Wing
Reconquista of G
Buddy Complex
Buddy Complex
第43話: 崩れ始める理
Scenario 43: Beginning of the End
第43話: それぞれの決着
Scenario 43: Every Conclusion
SR Point: Defeat all Rune Golems within 3 turns SR Point: Defeat Yggdrasil, Kabakali, G-Rach on the same turn within 3 turns, using "Smash Hit to defeat Kabakali
第44話: 真実の黙示録
Scenario 44: The Apocalypse of Truth
第44話: あの空に還る未来で
Scenario 44: Returning the Future in the Sky
SR Point:Defeat all Galleon-class Dragons and Pyrethoids within 3 turns, before defeating Embryo SR Point:Defeat at least 22 enemies within 3 turns
第45話: 王者の資格
Scenario 45: Qualities of a King
第45話: 光る風の中
Scenario 45: The Shining Wind
SR Point: Within 4 turns, defeat all bosses with ExC "Smash Hit" SR Point: Within 4 turns, defeat all bosses with ExC "Smash Hit"
第46話: 新たなる皇帝
Scenario 46: The New Emperor
SR Point: Clear the map within 4 turns
第47話: 星を継ぐ者
Scenario 47: Inheritors of the Stars
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 5 turns before destroying Red Noah
第48話: 暗黒の王、光の勇者
Scenario 48: Emperor of Darkness, Hero of Light
SR Point: Within three turns, defeat Gattaider, Garadoublas and Dongoro
I Am Sure to Win
Will New Enemies Come?
第49話: アル・ワースの真実
Scenario 49: The Truth of Al-Warth
第49話: 果てしなき群れ
Scenario 49: Endless Swarms
SR Point: ??? SR Point: Clear map within 4 turns
第50話: 闇の中で
Scenario 50: Into the Darkness
第50話: 起死回生
Scenario 50: Revival
SR Point: ??? SR Point: Reach the victory condition within 3 turns
第51話: 天の光はすべて未来
Scenario 51: The Lights in the Sky are the Future
Scenario 51: Universe of Possibility
SR Point: ??? SR Point: Lower Granzeboma to 99,999 HP within 3 turns
最終話: ここにある世界
Final Scenario: Our Home
最終話: 永遠のアル・ワース
Final Scenario: Eternal Al-Warth
SR Point: No SR point SR Point: No SR point