Super Robot Wars/OGMD/Ace Bonuses

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Ace Bonuses

Character Japanese Ability
ATX Team
Kyosuke Nanbu キョウスケ・ナンブ If "Counter" activates, final damage dealt +20%
Excellen Browning エクセレン・ブロウニング Support attack final damage +10%, support defence final damage -20%
Brooklyn "Bullet" Luckfield ブルックリン・ラックフィールド When HP is below 30%, casts "Drive" once
Kusuha Mizuha クスハ・ミズハ Spirit command "Iron Wall" becomes "Conviction"
Arriere Ogre アリエイル・オーグ Support attack final damage +10%
SRX Team
Ryusei Date リュウセイ・ダテ Psychodriver weapons final damage +10%
Raidiese "Rai" F. Branstein ライディース・F・ブランシュタイン Final evasion +10%, critical rate +10%
Aya Kobayashi アヤ・コバヤシ When attacking with Maximum Break, participating pilots will doesn't decrease
Mai Kobayashi マイ・コバヤシ at 150 or higher Will, "SP Regen" restores 5 more SP
Viletta Vadim ヴィレッタ・バディム Skill "Meditate" effect increase by +10%
Hagane Crew
Ginto Kitaumi ギント Leadership bonus +15%, own unit's pilots' max SP +5
Hiryuu Kai Crew
Lefina Enfield レフィーナ・エンフィールド Leadership bonus +10%. own unit's pilots' max SP +10
Octo Squad
Katina Tarask カチーナ・タラスク Movement +1 and final damage dealt +5% for red units in her twin.
Russel Bergman ラッセル・バーグマン Support defence final damage -30%
Tasuku Shinguji タスク・シングウジ If adjacent to Leona, "Lucky" activation chance +25%, damage taken -10%
Leona Garschtein レオナ・ガーシュタイン "Telekinesis" level +1
Kurogane Crew
Ratsel Feinschmecker レーツェル・ファインシュメッカー Cast "Focus" at the start of player phase if adjacent to a black unit.
Sanger Zonvolt ゼンガー・ゾンボルト At 130 Will, casts "Smite" every turn
Yuuki Jegnan ユウキ・ジェグナン Range of all non-range 1 or MAP weapons +2 for both units in his twin.
Rilkara "Carla" Borgnine リルカーラ・ボーグナイン Starting will +5 for all pilots in her twin.
Axel Almer アクセル・アルマー Final accuracy +20%, final received damage -10%
Alfimi アルフィミィ Support attack final damage +10%, support defence final damage -20%
Touma Kanou トウマ・カノウ When below 20% HP, casts "Militate" every turn
Haken Browning ハーケン・ブロウニング For every female pilot in twin, final damage +5%
Kurt Bittner クルト・ビットナー Will +5 for units in ship every turn
Special Tactical Fighter Training Group (New Aggressors)
Kai Kitamura カイ・キタムラ All "Gespenst" units within Leadership aura's (own included) final damage +5%
Lamia Loveless ラミア・ラヴレス All of the pilot's terrain ranks, except Water become S
Arado Balanga アラド・バランガ When paired with Seolla, initial will +15
Seolla Schweitzer ゼオラ・シュバイツァー When paired with Arado, at the start of player phase, will +5
Latooni Subota ラトゥーニ・スゥボータ Final accuracy +10%, EXP +20% for both units in her twin.
Hugo Medio ヒューゴ・メディオ When HP is below 50%, casts "Fortitude" every turn
Aqua Centrum アクア・ケントルム When HP is below 50%, casts "Focus" every turn
PTX Team
Irmgult "Irum" Kazahara イルムガルト・カザハラ "Love" costs 45 SP
Ryoto Hikawa リョウト・ヒカワ Final accuracy +10%, range of all non-range 1 or MAP weapons +1 for both units in his twin.
Rio Meilong リオ・メイロン "Training" SP cost becomes 25
Ing Wish イング No penalty from continuous targeting
Masaki Andoh マサキ・アンドー Movement +1, against enemies in Sky terrain critical rate +30%
Ryune Zoldark リューネ・ゾルダーク Support attack final damage +15%
Shu Shirakawa シュウ・シラカワ Damage taken from all non-range 1 attacks -20%
Amala Burton アーマラ If adjacent to Shu, once, cast "Focus" and "Yell" at the start of player phase
Project TD
Ibis Douglas アイビス・ダグラス If on Space or Sky terrain, +2 Movement from casting "Accel"
Sleigh Presty スレイ・プレスティ If the unit didn't move, cast "Accel" at the end of player phase
Excellence Team
Raul Greden ラウル・グレーデン Once, if partnered with Fiona, at the start of player phase, cast "Awaken"
Fiona Greden フィオナ・グレーデン Once, if partnered with Raul, cast "Training" at the start of player phase
Despinis Greden デスピニス・グレーデン At the start of the player phase, all adjacent units recover 20% HP
Joshua Radcliffe ジョシュア・ラドクリフ Spirit Command "Charge" becomes "Raid"
Cliana "Rim" Rimskaya クリアーナ・リムスカヤ Spirit Command "Strike" becomes "Instinct".
Glacies グラキエース If next to Josh, all spirit commands cost -10%
Touya Shiun トーヤ・シウン Max Will +20, own unit pilots max SP +5
Calvina Coulange カルヴィナ・クーランジュ Own unit pilots get +5% Max SP, +10% final damage against Fury units
Al-Van Ranks アル=ヴァン・ランクス Casts "Love" once when partnered with Calvina
E-Selda Shuun エ=セルダ Counter always activates
Akimi Akatsuki アキミ・アカツキ All pilots of own unit get +5 Max SP and +10 Morale at start
Akemi Akatsuki アケミ・アカツキ All pilots of own unit get +10 Max SP and +5 Morale at start
Sally Emil サリー・エーミル At 140 will, casts "Fortitude" at the end of player phase
Sieg Altolied ジーク・アルトリート At 140 will, casts "Feint" at the end of player phase
Shine Hausen シャイン・ハウゼン Final evasion +10%, money + 20% for both units in her twin.
Radha Byraban ラーダ・バイラバン All spirit commands cost -10%
Rishu Togoh リシュウ・トウゴウ 100% Critical chance with melee attacks when adjacent to the target.
Kohta Azuma コウタ・アズマ Final damage against L or larger units +10%
Shoko Azuma ショウコ・アズマ If the unit didn't move, cast "Luck" at the end of player phase.
Michiru Hanaten ミチル・ハナテン No will penalty when using the "Resupply" command
Guilliam Jeager ギリアム・イェーガー Casts "Scan" 10 squares around own unit
Yon Gebana ヨン・ジェバナ If battling a Zovorg unit, final accuracy and damage +10% for both units in her twin.
Serena Recital セレーナ・レシタール at 140 or higher Will, final evasion +10%, critical rate +30%
Skull Knight スカルナイト If below 70% HP, cast "Valor" at the start of player phase
Devant Ogre ドゥバン・オーグ If partnered with Arierre Org, casts "Valor" every turn