Super Robot Wars/OGMD/Ace Bonuses
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Ace Bonuses
Character | Japanese | Ability |
ATX Team | ||
Kyosuke Nanbu | キョウスケ・ナンブ | If "Counter" activates, final damage dealt +20% |
Excellen Browning | エクセレン・ブロウニング | Support attack final damage +10%, support defence final damage -20% |
Brooklyn "Bullet" Luckfield | ブルックリン・ラックフィールド | When HP is below 30%, casts "Drive" once |
Kusuha Mizuha | クスハ・ミズハ | Spirit command "Iron Wall" becomes "Conviction" |
Arriere Ogre | アリエイル・オーグ | Support attack final damage +10% |
SRX Team | ||
Ryusei Date | リュウセイ・ダテ | Psychodriver weapons final damage +10% |
Raidiese "Rai" F. Branstein | ライディース・F・ブランシュタイン | Final evasion +10%, critical rate +10% |
Aya Kobayashi | アヤ・コバヤシ | When attacking with Maximum Break, participating pilots will doesn't decrease |
Mai Kobayashi | マイ・コバヤシ | at 150 or higher Will, "SP Regen" restores 5 more SP |
Viletta Vadim | ヴィレッタ・バディム | Skill "Meditate" effect increase by +10% |
Hagane Crew | ||
Ginto Kitaumi | ギント | Leadership bonus +15%, own unit's pilots' max SP +5 |
Hiryuu Kai Crew | ||
Lefina Enfield | レフィーナ・エンフィールド | Leadership bonus +10%. own unit's pilots' max SP +10 |
Octo Squad | ||
Katina Tarask | カチーナ・タラスク | Movement +1 and final damage dealt +5% for red units in her twin. |
Russel Bergman | ラッセル・バーグマン | Support defence final damage -30% |
Tasuku Shinguji | タスク・シングウジ | If adjacent to Leona, "Lucky" activation chance +25%, damage taken -10% |
Leona Garschtein | レオナ・ガーシュタイン | "Telekinesis" level +1 |
Kurogane Crew | ||
Ratsel Feinschmecker | レーツェル・ファインシュメッカー | Cast "Focus" at the start of player phase if adjacent to a black unit. |
Sanger Zonvolt | ゼンガー・ゾンボルト | At 130 Will, casts "Smite" every turn |
Yuuki Jegnan | ユウキ・ジェグナン | Range of all non-range 1 or MAP weapons +2 for both units in his twin. |
Rilkara "Carla" Borgnine | リルカーラ・ボーグナイン | Starting will +5 for all pilots in her twin. |
Axel Almer | アクセル・アルマー | Final accuracy +20%, final received damage -10% |
Alfimi | アルフィミィ | Support attack final damage +10%, support defence final damage -20% |
Touma Kanou | トウマ・カノウ | When below 20% HP, casts "Militate" every turn |
Haken Browning | ハーケン・ブロウニング | For every female pilot in twin, final damage +5% |
Kurt Bittner | クルト・ビットナー | Will +5 for units in ship every turn |
Special Tactical Fighter Training Group (New Aggressors) | ||
Kai Kitamura | カイ・キタムラ | All "Gespenst" units within Leadership aura's (own included) final damage +5% |
Lamia Loveless | ラミア・ラヴレス | All of the pilot's terrain ranks, except Water become S |
Arado Balanga | アラド・バランガ | When paired with Seolla, initial will +15 |
Seolla Schweitzer | ゼオラ・シュバイツァー | When paired with Arado, at the start of player phase, will +5 |
Latooni Subota | ラトゥーニ・スゥボータ | Final accuracy +10%, EXP +20% for both units in her twin. |
Hugo Medio | ヒューゴ・メディオ | When HP is below 50%, casts "Fortitude" every turn |
Aqua Centrum | アクア・ケントルム | When HP is below 50%, casts "Focus" every turn |
PTX Team | ||
Irmgult "Irum" Kazahara | イルムガルト・カザハラ | "Love" costs 45 SP |
Ryoto Hikawa | リョウト・ヒカワ | Final accuracy +10%, range of all non-range 1 or MAP weapons +1 for both units in his twin. |
Rio Meilong | リオ・メイロン | "Training" SP cost becomes 25 |
Ing Wish | イング | No penalty from continuous targeting |
Masoukishin | ||
Masaki Andoh | マサキ・アンドー | Movement +1, against enemies in Sky terrain critical rate +30% |
Ryune Zoldark | リューネ・ゾルダーク | Support attack final damage +15% |
Shu Shirakawa | シュウ・シラカワ | Damage taken from all non-range 1 attacks -20% |
Amala Burton | アーマラ | If adjacent to Shu, once, cast "Focus" and "Yell" at the start of player phase |
Project TD | ||
Ibis Douglas | アイビス・ダグラス | If on Space or Sky terrain, +2 Movement from casting "Accel" |
Sleigh Presty | スレイ・プレスティ | If the unit didn't move, cast "Accel" at the end of player phase |
Excellence Team | ||
Raul Greden | ラウル・グレーデン | Once, if partnered with Fiona, at the start of player phase, cast "Awaken" |
Fiona Greden | フィオナ・グレーデン | Once, if partnered with Raul, cast "Training" at the start of player phase |
Despinis Greden | デスピニス・グレーデン | At the start of the player phase, all adjacent units recover 20% HP |
Re-Technologist | ||
Joshua Radcliffe | ジョシュア・ラドクリフ | Spirit Command "Charge" becomes "Raid" |
Cliana "Rim" Rimskaya | クリアーナ・リムスカヤ | Spirit Command "Strike" becomes "Instinct". |
Glacies | グラキエース | If next to Josh, all spirit commands cost -10% |
SRW J | ||
Touya Shiun | トーヤ・シウン | Max Will +20, own unit pilots max SP +5 |
Calvina Coulange | カルヴィナ・クーランジュ | Own unit pilots get +5% Max SP, +10% final damage against Fury units |
Al-Van Ranks | アル=ヴァン・ランクス | Casts "Love" once when partnered with Calvina |
E-Selda Shuun | エ=セルダ | Counter always activates |
SRW GC | ||
Akimi Akatsuki | アキミ・アカツキ | All pilots of own unit get +5 Max SP and +10 Morale at start |
Akemi Akatsuki | アケミ・アカツキ | All pilots of own unit get +10 Max SP and +5 Morale at start |
Sally Emil | サリー・エーミル | At 140 will, casts "Fortitude" at the end of player phase |
Sieg Altolied | ジーク・アルトリート | At 140 will, casts "Feint" at the end of player phase |
Other | ||
Shine Hausen | シャイン・ハウゼン | Final evasion +10%, money + 20% for both units in her twin. |
Radha Byraban | ラーダ・バイラバン | All spirit commands cost -10% |
Rishu Togoh | リシュウ・トウゴウ | 100% Critical chance with melee attacks when adjacent to the target. |
Kohta Azuma | コウタ・アズマ | Final damage against L or larger units +10% |
Shoko Azuma | ショウコ・アズマ | If the unit didn't move, cast "Luck" at the end of player phase. |
Michiru Hanaten | ミチル・ハナテン | No will penalty when using the "Resupply" command |
Guilliam Jeager | ギリアム・イェーガー | Casts "Scan" 10 squares around own unit |
Yon Gebana | ヨン・ジェバナ | If battling a Zovorg unit, final accuracy and damage +10% for both units in her twin. |
Serena Recital | セレーナ・レシタール | at 140 or higher Will, final evasion +10%, critical rate +30% |
Skull Knight | スカルナイト | If below 70% HP, cast "Valor" at the start of player phase |
Devant Ogre | ドゥバン・オーグ | If partnered with Arierre Org, casts "Valor" every turn |