Super Robot Wars/OG2nd/Bugs/Glitches

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List of bugs and glitches found in the game.

Chapter 37 Full Upgrade Bonus Bug

If Fighter Roar has a FUB going into stage 37, and fails the stage after upgrading to Compatible Kaiser, his FUB will become Kaiser's '+100 damage' instead of Roar's 'S-rank all terrain'.

Chapter 40

Forced Squad Bug

Before chapter 40 if Excellen was the sub pilot of the Grungust Sanshiki (The mech combined from the plane and the drill tank) the game bugs and places Bullet in Kyousuke's squad while Excellen is in her own squad (Normally it's Excellen in Kyousuke's while Bullet is alone). When going to the next map during the scene when your initial units spawn no dialogue appears thus forcing you to exit the game. Since forced units/squads can't be adjusted during intermission the only way to fix this is to load back a previous save/battle save if the battle save was in chapter 39 you'll need to get a game over so it returns you back to the intermission screen.

Bullet / Kusuha unit disappearance after deploy menu

After you get to deploy the main party, if you put someone over Kusuha's / Bullet's deploy slot, it can bug the game and cause Ryukoou to disappear from the map, resulting in a "Game over" after you end your turn. To avoid this, during the intermission menu, before starting mission 40, move Bullet and Kusuha to slots 39 and 40 (or any other 2 slots, just make sure to remember which ones) and do not move any other units to those 2 slots during deployment.