Super Robot Wars/DD/How to Play/Party Setup

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Formation Screen

To get to this screen, either go to the Troops tab or start a battle. You will see four slots for units. First, tap the slots that say "Empty" and put a unit into it. Then, you will be able to change that unit's equipment. Below are the buttons on screen and what they do.

装備変更 - Change Equipment
Use this button to go into the unit's equipment screen.

表示切替 - Change Display
This button on the bottom changes the display on your units from showing their picture, to showing stats and other information.

保存・読み込み - Save/Load Teams
This button brings up four teams that you can set and then change to automatically.

おすすめ編成 - Auto Equip
This button brings up a menu for you to auto equip your team based on parameters you set.

フレンド - Friend
This button with green text only appears before starting a battle. This allows you to select a Rental Unit from your friend's list and take that unit into battle in your 4th formation slot.

周回チケット - Auto Ticket
This yellow button only appears before starting a battle. It allows you to expend Auto Tickets to let the game play itself automatically until you run out of tickets. You can only use Auto Tickets on stages where you have completed all the Battle Missions.

戦力 - Battle Power
This shows the power level of the unit, based on how high its total stats are.

総合戦力 - Total Battle Power
This shows the combined power level of all units in your formation.

Selecting/Changing/Removing Units

To select or change a unit from an empty or currently filled formation slot, tap the slot you wish to change. You will then be given a list of units you have unlocked to put into your formation. Three buttons are located at the bottom.

表示切替 - Change Display
This button on the bottom changes the display on your units from showing their picture, to showing stats and other information.

ソート - Sort
This button allows you to sort your units based on parameters you set.

外す - Remove
This button allows you to remove the currently selected unit from that formation slot.

Equipment Screen

You can get to this screen by pressing the black 装備変更 button in the formation screen.

メインスロット - Main Slot
This is the most prominent slot in the top left of the screen. It will have a + symbol if nothing is equipped. Tap it to select a part to equip in the Main Slot. Parts equipped in the Main Slot use the Main Ability of a part. The unit will also gain the full stat bonuses granted by the chosen part. If it is an Attack Part for that unit, then the unit will be able to use a Special Move.

With an Attack Part equipped, certain parameters will be filled.

属性 - Attribute
This is a blue box that will display one of the damage attributes. This lets you know what attribute that particular attack uses. The attributes are 斬撃 (Slash), 打撃 (Strike), ビーム (Beam), 実弾 (Projectile), and 特殊 (Special).

威力 - Power
Displays the attack modifier for the Special Move.

命中 - Hit
Displays the hit chance modifier for the Special Move.

射程 - Range
Displays the attack range for the Special Move.

アクション - Action
Displays how many Actions must elapse before the attack can be used.

回数 - Times
Displays the number of times the attack can be used per stage.

Main Ability
Displays the name of the Main Ability in effect.

必殺技スロット - Special Move Slot
These two slots are located just below the Main Slot. Special Move Slots are only available when a usable Special Move part is equipped into the Main Slot. These two slots will allow the use of two additional Special Moves. They use Special Move Abilities, as opposed to Main Abilities. Special Move Abilities are, generally, weaker versions of Main Abilities on the same part. They will gain additional bonuses depending on the Breakthrough Level of the equipped part.

サブスロット - Sub Slot
Four slots labeled Sub Slot 1-4 are at the bottom of the screen. It will have a + symbol if nothing is equipped. Tap it to select a part to equip in the Sub Slot. Parts equipped in the Sub Slot use the Sub Ability of a part. Parts in the Sub Slot do not give the full stats from a part.

通常攻撃 - Normal Attack
The unit's Normal Attack is listed at the very top of the screen. It will display the name, attack type, and the range. The Normal Attack cannot be changed.

タイプ - Type
In the top left, you can see the unit's mech type. Different mech types have diffierent specialties and receive different bonuses from Support SSRs and certain Attack Part SSRs. The types are 攻撃特化 (Attack), 攻撃&防御 (Attack & Defense), 攻撃&命中 (Attack & Hit), 攻撃&回避 (Attack & Evade), 防御特化 (Defense), 防御&命中 (Defense & Hit), 防御&回避 (Defense & Evade), 命中特化 (Hit), 命中&回避 (Hit & Evade), 回避特化 (Evade), and バランス (Balance)

リセット - Reset
This black button removes all currently equipped parts on the unit.

おすすめ装編 - Auto Equip
This button allows you to automatically equip your unit based on parameters you set.

パイロット - Pilot
This button switches the Sub Slot display with a Spirit Command Slot display. Here you can set up to 3 of the pilot's available Spirit Commands. Press 装備 to return to Sub Slot display.

変更 - Change
Black button on the left that serves as a shortcut to the unit select screen.

支援演出設定 - Support Settings
This button on the left brings up a menu to choose which support animation plays before an attack animation. You can also set to where it will only trigger before Normal Attacks, only before Special Moves, or only play the support animation instead. This button is only available if one or more Support SSRs are equipped.

ステータス - Stats
Here are a list of the stats displayed on the left side of the screen, below the unit.

HP - Health
攻撃力 - Attack
防衛力 - Defense
照準値 - Accuracy
運動性 - Mobility
移動 - Movement
スピード - Speed

Save/Load Teams

You can get to this screen by pressing 保存・読み込み in the Formation Screen. This screen allows you to set up to four teams for you to quickly change to.

読み込み - Load
This button loads the selected team and replaces your currently equipped team.

上書き - Overwrite
This button overwrites the saved team with the team you currently have formed.

詳細 - Details
This button list details about the team you have saved.