Super Robot Wars/A
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Japanese Title: スーパーロボット大戦A
English Title: Super Robot Wars A
Release Date: GBA 2001/9/21
Description: The first SRW to appear on the Gameboy Advance console. Later remade on the PSP as SRW A Portable.
Scenario Info
- Story
- Series List - A list of the series featured.
- Flow Chart - A chart of all scenario branches with walkthrough.
Pilot Data
- Pilot Database - A list of all pilots appearing in the game.
- Pilot Abilities - Information on the Pilot Abilities in the game.
- Spirit Commands - Information on the Spirit Commands in the game.
- Character List
Unit Data
- Unit Database - A list of all units appearing in the game.
- Unit Abilities - Information on the Unit Abilities in the game.
- Combination Attacks - Information on the Combination Attacks in the game.
- Parts List - A list of all the Mech Parts in the game.
- Unit List
Misc. Info
- Secrets - A list of all the secrets in the game and how to obtain them.
- BGM List - A list of all the music tracks in the game.
- Menu Translations - A translation of the system menus in the game.
- Bugs - A list of known bugs in the game.
- Clear Bonuses
- Enlish Patch (Menus only)