Super Robot Wars/30/Parts

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Boosterブースター5,000+1 Move.Onboard Mission:"AOS Update Activated"
Megaboosterメガブースター10,000+2 Move.
Apogee Motorアポジモーター5,000+1 Move, +10 Mobility.
Minovsky Driveミノフスキードライブ25,000+20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities.
+2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked.
Quark Boostクォークブースト25,000+1 Move, +200 Weapon Attack. +1 to range of non-MAP, non range-1 weapons
Turbo Penetratorターボペネトレイター50,000+3 Move. Unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement.Relic of Gales (Fin) - Earth, Asia Region, Indian Ocea
Archaeonis Wingアクアモジュール50,000+3 Move. Equipped Unit always hits when accuracy is over 70%AOS Mess Hall L
Pep Boostテンション・ターボ5,000+1 ExC on sortie, +5 starting MoraleUltimate Relic of Stee
Hype Boostハイテンション・ターボ10,000+2 ExC on sortie, +10 starting MoraleUltimate Relic of Aura - Oceania - Melbourn
Cyclone Boosterサイクロンブースター50,000+2 Move. Grants a barrier that reduced all damage by 1,000. Barrier activation cost: 5 EN
Flight Moduleフライトモジュール5,000Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked
Thruster Moduleスラスターモジュール5,000Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Space terrain adaptivities
Land Moduleランドモジュール5,000Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground Terrain adaptivities. Grants the ground movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked
Aqua Moduleアクアモジュール5,000Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Water Terrain adaptivities. Grants the water movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked
A-AdapterA-アダプター10,000Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities
S-AdapterS-アダプター25,000Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivitiesOnboard Mission:"Total Credits 6 Million"
Chobham Armorチョバムアーマー5,000+500 HP, +100 Armor
Hybrid Armorハイブリッドアーマー5,000+1,000 HP, +150 Armor
Bravenium γブレイブニウム γ10,000+1,000 HP, +150 Armor. Activates the Persist spirit once per map.
Chogokin Z超合金Z10,000+1,200 HP, +250 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase.
Chogokin New Z超合金ニューZ25,000+1,700 HP, +350 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase.
Bionic Armorバイオニックアーマー25,000+1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Restores 10% of max HP and EN at start of own phase.
G-ER FluidG-ER流体25,000+1,500 HP, +200 Armor, +15 Mobility. When equipped to a Gun X Sword unit, also restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase
Capacity Frame蓄魔力式装甲10,000+100 EN, +150 Armor
Magnet Coatingマグネットコーティング5,000+10 Mobility
Crystal Tissue結晶筋肉5,000+20 Mobility
Tem Ray's Circuitテム・レイの回路10,000+2 Move, +5 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Haroハロ50,000+2 Move, +25 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Auxilary Psycho-frame補助サイコ・フレーム25,000+15 Accuracy and Mobility, Move +1
Maxwell Motorマクスウェルモーター50,000+20 Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivitiesRelic of Steel (Fin) - Earth Sphere, Earth Sphere Outskirts, Corte-Real Secto
Database Uplinkデータベースリンク50,000+20 Mobility and Sight. Equipped unit always evades when enemy Accuracy is under 30%AOS Lounge L
Sub FCSサブFCS5,000+10 Sight
Auto FCSオートFCS10,000+20 Sight
Full Auto FCSフルオートFCS25,000+30 Sight
Juzo's Sniping Tips十三の狙撃虎の巻25,000+20 Sight. +1 range of non-Move & Fire, non-MAP RNG weaponsOB1 "Hyoma's Failures"
Topological Sightトポロジカルサイト50,000+20 Sight, +20 Critical Rate. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivitiesTalk Mission "Total Score 5,000"
EG ArmorEG装甲50,000+300 Armor. Restores 30% HP at the start of own phase.AOS Unit Facilities L
Timeflow Engine時流エンジン50,000+200 EN. Restores 50% of max EN at the start of own phase.AOS Weapon Facilites L
Res Arcanaレース・アルカーナ50,000Increases Armor based on current Morale. Armor increase caps at 700. Increases Armor by 100 for every 10 Morale above 100.AOS Supply Facilities L
Crest of ZZの勲章50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Armor. Once per map, restores 50% of max EN to all allies.AOS Investment Facilities L
Medal of ααの勲章50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Weapon Power. Once per map restores 50% of max HP to all allies.AOS Research L
VXT CrystalVXTの結晶50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +30 Mobility and Sight. Activates the Soul Spirit Command. Usable once per map.AOS Personnel Research L
Aos Arcエーオスアーク50,000+200 weapon attack, +20 Mobility, -10% weapon EN cost. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts
Knight Runners' Manual騎操士の指南書25,000+200 Armor. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities
Auxiliary GS-Ride補助GSライド25,000+100 EN. Restores 10% of Max EN at start of own phase. When equipped to any GaoGaiGar, also grants an additional +50 Max EN and restores an extra 5% EN per turn
Organization A HandbookA機関のマニュアル25,000+15 Mobility and Sight. Receive +50% from destroying an enemy. Does not stack with other PP Gain boosting parts
Battle Armor XバトルアーマーX50,000+500 HP, +100 Armor, +10 Mobility. The part gains further effects when combined with other parts.AOS Comms System L
Battle Armor UバトルアーマーU50,000+1,000 HP, +200 Armor. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Persist Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale.AOS Fire Control System L
Battle Armor BバトルアーマーB50,000+1,000 HP, +20 Mobility. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Flash Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale.AOS Scouting System L
Wizard Operatorウィザードオペレーター50,000+25 Mobility and Sight. Increases experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies by 25%. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts.
Full Coat Armorフルコートアーマー50,000+1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Nullifies weapon effcts like Armor Down.
Dynamic Armorダイナミックアーマー50,000+555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale.
Proof of Bravery勇者の印50,000+25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Bravery Spirit once per mapOnboard Mission:"AOS Update 50%"
Spirit of Steel鋼の魂50,000+25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Soul Spirit once per map
High-Performance Radar高性能レーダー5,000+1 to range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Escudo Shardエスクードのかけら25,000Increases attack by +100 pers stocked ExC. Attack increase is capped at 500
Neurofeedback SystemニューロFBシステム25,000+200 weapon attack, +25 accuracy, +25 critical
Extra Armsエクストラアームズ25,000The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 6,500. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 6,500. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 5,500 but the effect is actually 6,500Ultimate Relic of Power - L5 - Egbert Secto
Extra Arms +エクストラアームズ+25,000+100 attack. The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 7,000. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 7,000. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 6,000 but the effect is actually 7,000Ultimate Relic of Power - Earth, North America Region, Anchorag
Extra Arms ++エクストラアームズ++50,000+200 attack. The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 7,500. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 7,500. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 7,000 but the effect is actually 7,500Ultimate Relic of Power (Fin) - The Moon - LCROSS Secto
Comeback Attack起死回生の一撃25,000Increases attack the lower HP drops. Attack increase is capped at 600
Infight Supporterインファイトサポーター10,000+100 CQB weapon attack, +1 Move
Gunfight Supporterガンファイトサポーター10,000+100 RNG weapon attack, +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Infight Supporter SインファイトサポーターS25,000+300 CQB weapon attack, +2 MoveRelic of the Blade (Fin) - Earth, Africa Region, Cair
Gunfight Supporter SガンファイトサポーターS25,000+300 RNG weapon attack, +2 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weaponsRelic of the Shot (Fin) - L5 - Hesperides Secto
Spiral Effecterスパイラルエフェクター50,000All weapons +300 attack, Ignore Size, and Barrier Buster.
Range Extenderレンジエクステンダー50,000+2 to range of non-MAP weapons. Applies to range 1 weapons.
Impact Stakeインパクト・ステーク50,000+200 to CQB Weapon Attack, +2 Move. +20 Critical Rate.AOS Output Boost L
Ignition Blazeイグニッション・ブレイズ50,000+200 to RNG weapon attack, +20 critical. Non-MAP RNG weapons +2 range.AOS Thrust Boost L
Kristall Heartクリスタル・ハート50,000Increases attack based on current Morale. Attack increase is capped at 500. (+100 attac for every 10 Morale above 100)AOS Integrity Boost L
Assault Adapterアサルトアダプター50,000+200 weapon attack. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities
Striker Scopeストライカースコープ25,000+100 weapon attack, +20 accuracy, +20 critical rate
Miraculous Mark奇跡の証50,000+2 Move, +200 weapon attack. +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Activates the Miracle Spirit once per map.Onboard Mission:"Unit CP 50,000"
Victorius Turnビクトリーターン50,000+30% damage dealt and -30% damage taken for one turn. Usable once per map.
Long Range Impactロングレンジインパクト50,000Deal +10% damage to units 7+ spaces away. Does not affect MAP weapons.
Extra Arms XエクスアームズX50,000+300 to CQB Weapon Attack, +1 Move. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms Ω, CQB weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power.AOS CQB Training L
Extra Arms ΩエクスアームズΩ50,000+300 to RNG Weapon Attack, +1 to Range of non-MAP, non-Range-1 weapons. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms X, RNG weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power.AOS RNG Training L
Barrier Fieldバリア・フィールド5,000Equips a barrier that reduces all damage by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN
Orgone Cloudオルゴン・クラウド50,000Equips a barrier that reduces all damage by 2,500. Activation cost: NoneAOS Sick Bay L
Silver Phoenix Crest銀鳳騎士団紋章5,000+15 starting Morale
Hero Monthlyヒーロー漫画雑誌10,000+10 Max Morale, +10 starting Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts
Private Disc秘密のディスク10,000Grants a male pilot +20 max Morale. +2 Morale per turn to main pilot. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts
Dating Guide恋愛指南本10,000Grants a female pilot +20 max Morale. +2 Morale per turn to main pilot. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts
Toku Magazine特撮雑誌5,000+5 starting MoraleOB2 "Cannon"
Chizetan Tea Setチゼータのティーセット5,000+10 starting Morale
Fairy's Grace妖精の守り25,000+20 max SP, +10 max Morale, +10 starting Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting partsK8-3 "Future at Stake -VERSUS-"
Soldier's Medallionソルジャーメダリオン25,000+30 max Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting partsRelic of Aura (Fin) - Earth Sphere, L3, Elia Secto
Ropet's Brainwave Scannerロペットの脳波測定器5,000+2 Morale to pilot and target when using Support Attack or Support Defend
Military Academy 30 ID第30士官学校学生証25,000+20 max SP. Restores 10 SP to the main pilot on starting own phase.
Mecha Geek's Spiritロボットオタクの魂10,000+100 SPOB5 "Speed and Strength"
Lion Pendant獅子の首飾り5,000+5 Morale to the main pilot on the start of own phase
Autozam Gogglesオートザム製ゴーグル25,000At 130+ Morale, activates the Bullseye Spirit at start of own phase
Ether Supplier源素供給器5,000Activates the Accel, Charge, and Snipe Spirits once per map.
Iris' Featherイーリスの羽10,000Activates the Gain and Fortune Spirits once per map.
Special Dogスペシャルドッグ5,000Restores 50 SP. Usable once per map
Kei's Cakeケイのケーキ5,000Restores 20 SP. Usable once per map
Fahrenian Peach Bunファーレンの桃饅頭10,000Restores 100 SP. Usable once per map
Boss Ramenぼすらーめん10,000Fully restores pilot SP, usable once per map
House of Spice Curryぴりぴり亭のカレー5,000Restores 20 SP and +5 Morale. Usable once per map
Drawing of Deckerdデッカードの似顔絵5,000Restores 1 SP to the main pilot for each space moved
Poppyひなげしの花5,000Restores 10 SP per turn to the main pilot
SP RecovererSPリカバー25,000Restores 15 SP per turn to the main pilot
SP GetterSPゲッター25,000Restores 10 SP to the main pilot when destroying an enemy. Does not stack for simultaneous kills.Onboard Mission:"Total PP 15,000"
Saionji Stomach Medicine西園寺製薬の胃薬5,000Cures all status ailments on the main pilot and grants +5 Morale. Usable once per map.
Repair Kitリペアキット5,000Restores 6,000 HP for the equipped unit. Usable once per map.
Super Repair Kitスーパーリペアキット5,000Fully restores HP, EN, and ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map.
Propellant Tankプロペラントタンク5,000Restores 250 EN for the equipped unit. Usable once per map.
Compact Aster Panel小型アスターパネル10,000Restores 20% of max EN at start of own phase
Etheric Crystal源素晶石5,000Restores 50% of max EN. Usable once per map
Cartridgeカートリッジ5,000Fully restores ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map
Dwarven Hammerドワーフの鎚5,000Restores 200 EN and all ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map
Photonic 3D Printer光子力3Dプリンター25,000Restores all ammo at the start of own phase if EN is at least 60%
Zone Recovererゾーンリカバー10,000Restores 5,000 HP and 100 EN for the equipped unit and adjacent allies. Usable once per map.Onboard Mission:"Total Credits 1 Million"
Hyper Generatorハイパージェネレーター50,000Fully Restores EN at the start of player phaseTalk Mission "Total Credits 12 Million"
Hyper Reloaderハイパーリローダー50,000Fully Restores ammo at start of own phaseOnboard Mission:"Total PP 30,000"
Golden Legacyゴールデンレガシー25,000Activates the Wish Spirit once per map.
EXP ManualマニュアルEXP25,000Doubles experience from destroying enemies. Stacks with the Gain Spirit, but not with other Power Parts
PP ManualマニュアルPP25,000Doubles PP from destroying enemies. Does not stack with other PP gain boosting partsOnboard Mission:"AOS Update Complete"
Credit ManualマニュアルCREDIT25,000Doubles credits from destroying enemies. Stacks with the Fortune Spirit, but not with other credit boosting parts.
Ernie's Notebookエルのアイデア帳10,000+10 PP from destroying enemiesOB5 "Speed and Strength"
Bank of Aman Checkアマン銀行手形10,000+500 credits from destroying enemies
Prana Converterプラーナコンバーター25,000Doubles credits and PP from destroying enemies at 150+ Morale. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts.
Credit Gain MeterゲインメーターCREDIT10,000Gives 500 credits for each space movedTalk Mission "AOS Limiter Unlocked"
PP Gain MeterゲインメーターPP10,000Gain 1 PP for each space movedOB9 "Aces' Challenge"
Rescue Unitレスキューユニット10,000Equips unit with Repair Device and Resupply Device
Command Terminalコマンダーターミナル50,000Grants the Commander L4 SkillUltimate Relic of Uplifting (Fin) - Oceania - Solomon Island
All Defensorオールディフェンサー25,000Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning. Equips unit with a barrier Field. Grants Spirit Endurance
Vital Damperバイタルダウン50,000Activates the "Daunt" Spirit on all enemies once per map
ExC BoostExCブースト5,000Grants +2 ExC. Usable once per map
ExC Mega BoosterExCメガブースト10,000Grants +5 ExC. Usable once per map
Causality Manipulator因果律操作装置50,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 70%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 30%
Zealous Triggerアウェイクントリガー50,000Grants an extra turn. Extra turn effects from multiple parts do not stackTalk Missions "Total CP reached 2,000,000", and "AOS Update 100%"
Junk Terminalジャンクの端末25,000Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor
Kaiju Figurine怪獣フィギュア10,000Grants +1 ExC at start of own phaseOB3 "Flight"
G-Stone ShardGストーンの欠片25,000+10 starting Morale, +200 armor. When equipped with J-Jewel Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster
J-Jewel ShardJジュエルの欠片25,000+10 starting Morale, +200 weapon attack. When equipped with G-Stone Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster
Magic Barrier蓄魔力式装甲10,000Nullifies all status ailments, as well as weapon effects like Armor Down
Prototype Energy Resistor試作型エナジーレジスタ5,000Reduces all EN costs by 10%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction partsUltimate Relic of Spirit - Latin America Region, Buenos Aire
Energy Resistorエナジーレジスタ10,000Reduces all EN costs by 20%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction partsUltimate Relic of Spirit - Earth Sphere, L3, Berossus Secto
Advanced Energy Resistorハイエナジーレジスタ25,000Reduces all EN costs by 30%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction partsUltimate Relic of Spirit (Fin) - Europe - Helsink
Trajectory Predictor行動予測システム10,000Equipped unit always evades when enemies accuracy is under 20%
Perfect Trajectory Predictor弾道予測システム極25,000Equipped unit always evades when enemies accuracy is under 40%Ultimate Relic of the Shot - Europe Region, Odess
Motion Predictor弾道予測システム10,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 80%
Perfect Motion Predictor行動予測システム極25,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60%Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Earth Sphere, L4, Ullambana Secto
Brave Police Badgeブレイブポリス隊員証25,000Activates the Bonds Spirit once per map.
AOS ArmamentsAOS兵器25,000Increases Weapon Attack based on the AOS Update's Output Boost level. Weapon Attack increase is capped at 600. (Increases by 200 + lv*50)AOS Output Boost L
AOS ResistorAOS耐性25,000Increases Armor based on the AOS Update's Thrust Boost level. Armor increase is capped at 500. (Increases by 100 + lv*50)AOS Thrust Boost L
AOS ProtectorAOSプロテクター25,000Increases HP based on the AOS Update's Integrity Boost level. HP increase is capped at 3,000. (Increases by 600 + lv*300)AOS Integrity Boost L
AOS AnalyzerAOSアナライザー25,000Increases Sight based on the AOS Update's Fire Control System's level. Sight increase is capped at 50. (Increases by 10 + lv*5)AOS Fire Control System L
AOS AdapterAOSスラスター25,000Increases Mobility based on the AOS Update's Scouting System level. Mobility increase is capped at 50. (Increases by 10 + lv*5)AOS Scouting System L
MxP ConverterMxPコンバーター10,000Grants MxP at the end of the map equal to spaces moved x 20
Fairy's Blessingフェアリーブレス50,000Activates the Bless Spirit on all allies once per map
Repair Kit IIリペアキットII5,000Restores 5,000 HP for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map
Propellant Tank IIプロペラントタンクII5,000Restores 200 EN for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map.
Cartridge IIカートリッジII5,000Fully restores ammo for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map
Sprite's Cheerスプライトエール50,000Activates the Cheer Spirit on all allies once per map
Special Double Dogスペシャルダブルドッグ5,000Restores 30 SP. Usable twice per map
External Repair Device外付け修理装置5,000Equips unit with Repair Device
External Repair Device S外付け修理装置S10,000Equips unit with Repair Device. +1,000 HPUltimate Relic of Uplifting - L5 - Alfred Secto
External Resupply Device外付け補給装置5,000Equips unit with Resupply Device
External Resupply Device S外付け補給装置S10,000Equips unit with Resupply Device. +100 ENUltimate Relic of Uplifting - North America Region, Winnipe
Dynamo Meterダイナモメーター10,000After turn, recovers EN equal to spaces moved x 10Onboard Mission:"Total PP 3,000"
Sniper's Sightスナイパーサイト5,000+10 critical rate
Sniper Kitスナイパーキット10,000+20 critical rate
Sniper Kit SスナイパーキットS25,000+30 critical rate
Brave Police Emblem勇者警察エンブレム10,000+10 Starting Morale. +10% Damage dealt while under the effect of another units Commander Skill.
Portable Oil Tank携帯型オイルタンク5,000+50 max EN. Once per map, gain the effect of the Trick Attack Ex Action
Smash Hitterスマッシュヒッター10,000+100 weapon attack. Once per map, gain the effect of Smash Hit Ex Action
Solar Panelソーラーパネル10,000Restores 10% of max EN on start of own phase
Zimmerit Coatツインメリットコート5,000Restores 10% of max EN on start of ally phase. Reduces all beam damage taken by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN
Yggdrasil Driveユグドラシルドライブ5,000+100 EN, +15 Mobility
Mocochee Plushもこちーのぬいぐるみ10,000+30 max SP. Activates the Bless and Cheer Spirits once per map.
JG Farm OrangeG農園のオレンジ5,000Restores 20 SP to the pilot and activates the Persist Spirit. Usable once per map.
Attachable Armor Cocoon追加装甲コクーン10,000+500 HP, +100 Armor, +200 EN
Vanishing Thrusterバニシングスラスター25,000+30 Mobility
Variable Scope可変倍率スコープ10,000+15 Sight. Activates the Snipe Spirit. Usable three times per map.
Wind of La Giasラ・ギアスの風50,000+20 Mobility. Activates the Accel Spirit on all units. Usable once per mapAOS Tactics Training L
Outrange Assistアウトレンジアシスト10,000+15 Sight. +200 weapon attack at range 6+Ultimate Relic of the Shot - The Moon, Aldrin Secto
Outrange Assist IIアウトレンジアシストII25,000+20 Sight. +300 weapon attack at range 6+Ultimate Relic of the Shot (Fin) - L5 - Colony Avalo
Close Range Assistクロスレンジアシスト10,000+15 Mobility. +200 weapon attack within range 3Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Africa - Luand
Close Range Assist IIクロスレンジアシストII25,000+20 Mobility. +300 weapon attack within range 3Ultimate Relic of the Blade (Fin) - Asia - Beijin
Land Charm大地のお守り25,000Increases Armor based on ground adaptivity. Armor increase is capped at 300.
Sky Charm空のお守り25,000Increases Mobility based on air adaptivity. Mobility increase is capped at 30
Space Charm宇宙のお守り25,000Increases Sight based on space adaptivity. Sight increase is capped at 30[DLC 1]
Sea Charm海のお守り25,000Increases weapon attack based on water adaptivity. Attack increase is capped at 300.
Ultra Repair Ampuleウルトラリペアアンプル25,000Fully restores HP, EN, ammo, and SP to equipped unit. Usable once per map.
Catered Bento Box差し入れ弁当・梅5,000Restores 30 S-SP. Usable once per map.
Premium Bento Box差し入れ弁当・竹10,000Restores 50 S-SP. Usable once per map.
Deluxe Bento Box差し入れ弁当・松25,000Restores 100 S-SP. Usable once per map.
ExC AssemblerExCアセンブル50,000Doubles ExC gains.Ultimate Relic of Aura (Fin) - L4 - Lungnak Secto
Battle Code: SSSS戦闘コード:SSSS50,000Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. Grants +400 weapon attack and +400 armor when equipped to Gridman. Non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons +2 range.
Energy Tankエネルギータンク5,000+50 EN
Large Energy Tank大型エネルギータンク5,000+150 EN
Elite Hacking Rig高位ハッキングツール50,000Activates the Disrupt and Analyze Spirits on all enemies once per mapTalk Mission "80 Side Missions Complete"
30th Memory30thメモリー50,000At 170+ Morale, activates the Valor and Bullseye Spirits at start of own phase.
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S補助サイコ・フレームS25,000+20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move.DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion"
Improved Learning Circuit強化学習回路25,000+30 Mobility. Grants A rank all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities.
Ultra Magconウルトラマグコン25,000+100 EN. Restores 20 EN on start of own phase. When equipped to Combattler V or Voltes V, +300 weapon attack and +100 EN.DLC1-7 "Super Electromagnetic Bonds"
Replica Spirit Crystal霊子水晶レプリカ50,000At +130 Morale, +10% damage dealt, +1 Move, +15 Mobility and Sight.DLC1-8 "Danger in the Demon City"
Imperial Combat Revue Emblem帝国華撃団エンブレム25,000Start with +15 Morale. +2 more morale on start of own phase.DLC1-1 "Far From Tokyo"
Paris Combat Revue Emblem巴里華撃団エンブレム25,000Pre-fills 25% of max SP on sortie. Restores 5 SP to the main pilot each turn.DLC1-5 "Parisian Cherry Blossoms"
New York Combat Revue Emblem紐育華撃団エンブレム25,000+20% experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies. Does not stack with other boosting parts.DLC1-6 "Skyline Samurai"
Nanolaminate Armorナノラミネートアーマー25,000Reduces ranged beam attack by 3,000 and all other damage by 1,000. Activation cost: 10 EN[DLC 2]
Wish Bracelet願いのブレスレット10,000Start with +10 Morale. Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor.
Tekkadan Flag鉄華団の旗25,000+10 starting Morale. Restore 10 SP to main pilot per turn. If equipped to Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans unit, activates the Accel spirit on start of own phase when at 120+ Morale.
Mars Palm火星ヤシ5,000Restores 10 SP. Usable once per map.[DLC 2]
Specium Generatorスペシウム発生装置25,000+50 EN. +300 attack to all weapons.DLC 2-8 "The Giant of Light's Cause"
Meteor Emblem流星マーク50,000+1,500 max HP, +150 Armor, +15 Mobility, and +15 Sight. If equipped to an ULTRAMAN unit, restores 10 SP per turn.
Light Rail光のレール50,000+2 Move, and the unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground terrain adaptivities.DLC 3-13 "For Shinkalion's Future"
Ultra Evolution Tie Tamper超進化タイタンパー50,000+100 Attack Power and Barrier Buster to all CQB weapons.[DLC 3]
High-Precision Lens精密照準レンズ10,000+20 Sight, +30 critical rate (listed in-game as +20 critical rate).DLC 3-4 "Contact"
Improved Mission Disc強化ミッションディスク50,000+20 Mobility. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +1 Range to non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons.DLC 3-7 "Firestarters"
CBF Emblem獣戦機隊エンプレム50,000Activates the Valor, Soul, and Drive Spirits. Usable once per map.[DLC 3]
Emperor Fragment皇帝の欠片50,000+500 weapon attack at 3 ExC or above. Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning.DLC 3-14 "Challenging the Future"
Dubious Health Drink謎の健康ドリンク50,000Restores 100 SP to the pilot and sets Morale to maximum. Usable once per map.DLC1-3 "The Tiger and Dragon Descend"
Gambler's Tricksギャンブル指南50,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 20%.[DLC 2]
Essence of Jigen-Ryu示現流極意0Activates the Soul, Accel, and Charge Spirits. Usable once per map.DLC 3-2 "Face the War God's Regalia"
Hero Chronicle英雄戦記50,000Activates the Bravery, Fortune, and Gain Spirits once per map.Extra 1-3 "Black Specter"
Tesla Driveテスラ・ドライブ50,000+20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked.[DLC ?]
Dimension Driverディメンションドライバー50,000+1,500 Max HP, Mobility, and +15 Sight. +200 to CQB weapon attack.Extra 2-3 "Dimension Diver"
Wish of Aosエーオスの願い25,000Activates the Wish Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map.[DLC ?]
Sword of Aosエーオスの剣25,000Activates the Valor Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map.DLC 3-11 "Awakening Instincts"
Shield of Aosエーオスの盾25,000Activates the Persist Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map.[DLC ?]
Defender Armディフェンダーアーム25,000+500 HP, +50 max EN, +100 Armor, +15 Mobility
Accelerator 30アクセラレーター3025,000+2 Move. +2 starting ExC. +10 starting Morale
Spirit of the Blade魔刃のスピリット25,000+200 to CQB weapon attack. +1 Move
Spirit of the Shot魔弾のスピリット25,000+200 to RNG weapon attack. +1 to the range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons.
Spirit of Power超力のスピリット25,000+100 to CQB and RNG Weapon Attack. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase.
Super Robot Wars Soulスーパーロボット大戦の魂50,000At 130+ Morale, +10% damage dealt. Once per map, activates the Soul Spirit.Extra 1-1 "Happy 30th Anniversary"
Cross Aid 1900クロスエイド190050,000+1900 HP, +190 Armor. Restores 1900 HP and 190 EN to self and adjacent allies. Usable once per map.Extra 2-2 "Congratulations on 19 Million!"
Tesla Drive Sテスラ・ドライブS50,000+5 Move. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. Note: The part says +5 Mobility but the effect is actually +5 Move[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Spero's Fruit of Wisodmホープスの知患の実50,000+150 max SP.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Quark Drive Sクォーク・ドライブS50,000+2 Move, +400 weapon attack, +200 max EN. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
T-Link ReactorT-LINKリアクター50,000+40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
TE GeneratorTEジェネレーター50,000+200 max EN. Fully restores EN at start of own phase.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
DGG SoulDGGの魂50,000+2,000 HP, +400 Armor. Activates the Persist and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
ERS-99ERS-9950,000At 150+ morale, activates the Love spirit at start of own phase.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Chrono HCHRONO H50,000Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. +100 max SP. +5 ExC and +50 morale on sortie.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Guardian Factor番人の因子50,000Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Increases weapon attack power based on current morale in steps of +200, to a maximum increase of 1,000.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
XXX FinalXXXファイナル50,000Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Activates the Zeal and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Alpha Omega Squad Emblemアルファオメガ団員章50,000+20 max Morale. Does not stack with other morale cap boosting parts. +2 ExC and +10 morale on sortie.Extra 3-3 "The Crossover Door Opens"
VG AlloyVG合金50,000+300 Armor, +20 Mobility, +1 Move.Extra 3-2 "The Hyper Fighter"
Chobham Armorチョバムアーマー5,000+500 HP, +100 Armor
Hybrid Armorハイブリッドアーマー5,000+1,000 HP, +150 Armor
Bravenium γブレイブニウム γ10,000+1,000 HP, +150 Armor. Activates the Persist spirit once per map.
Chogokin Z超合金Z10,000+1,200 HP, +250 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase.
Chogokin New Z超合金ニューZ25,000+1,700 HP, +350 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase.
Bionic Armorバイオニックアーマー25,000+1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Restores 10% of max HP and EN at start of own phase.
G-ER FluidG-ER流体25,000+1,500 HP, +200 Armor, +15 Mobility. When equipped to a Gun X Sword unit, also restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase
Capacity Frame蓄魔力式装甲10,000+100 EN, +150 Armor
EG ArmorEG装甲50,000+300 Armor. Restores 30% HP at the start of own phase.AOS Unit Facilities L
Timeflow Engine時流エンジン50,000+200 EN. Restores 50% of max EN at the start of own phase.AOS Weapon Facilites L
Crest of ZZの勲章50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Armor. Once per map, restores 50% of max EN to all allies.AOS Investment Facilities L
Medal of ααの勲章50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Weapon Power. Once per map restores 50% of max HP to all allies.AOS Research L
VXT CrystalVXTの結晶50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +30 Mobility and Sight. Activates the Soul Spirit Command. Usable once per map.AOS Personnel Research L
Auxiliary GS-Ride補助GSライド25,000+100 EN. Restores 10% of Max EN at start of own phase. When equipped to any GaoGaiGar, also grants an additional +50 Max EN and restores an extra 5% EN per turn
Battle Armor XバトルアーマーX50,000+500 HP, +100 Armor, +10 Mobility. The part gains further effects when combined with other parts.AOS Comms System L
Battle Armor UバトルアーマーU50,000+1,000 HP, +200 Armor. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Persist Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale.AOS Fire Control System L
Battle Armor BバトルアーマーB50,000+1,000 HP, +20 Mobility. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Flash Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale.AOS Scouting System L
Full Coat Armorフルコートアーマー50,000+1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Nullifies weapon effcts like Armor Down.
Dynamic Armorダイナミックアーマー50,000+555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale.
Compact Aster Panel小型アスターパネル10,000Restores 20% of max EN at start of own phase
Hyper Generatorハイパージェネレーター50,000Fully Restores EN at the start of player phaseTalk Mission "Total Credits 12 Million"
Hyper Reloaderハイパーリローダー50,000Fully Restores ammo at start of own phaseOnboard Mission:"Total PP 30,000"
AOS ProtectorAOSプロテクター25,000Increases HP based on the AOS Update's Integrity Boost level. HP increase is capped at 3,000. (Increases by 600 + lv*300)AOS Integrity Boost L
External Repair Device S外付け修理装置S10,000Equips unit with Repair Device. +1,000 HPUltimate Relic of Uplifting - L5 - Alfred Secto
External Resupply Device S外付け補給装置S10,000Equips unit with Resupply Device. +100 ENUltimate Relic of Uplifting - North America Region, Winnipe
Dynamo Meterダイナモメーター10,000After turn, recovers EN equal to spaces moved x 10Onboard Mission:"Total PP 3,000"
Portable Oil Tank携帯型オイルタンク5,000+50 max EN. Once per map, gain the effect of the Trick Attack Ex Action
Solar Panelソーラーパネル10,000Restores 10% of max EN on start of own phase
Zimmerit Coatツインメリットコート5,000Restores 10% of max EN on start of ally phase. Reduces all beam damage taken by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN
Yggdrasil Driveユグドラシルドライブ5,000+100 EN, +15 Mobility
Attachable Armor Cocoon追加装甲コクーン10,000+500 HP, +100 Armor, +200 EN
Energy Tankエネルギータンク5,000+50 EN
Large Energy Tank大型エネルギータンク5,000+150 EN
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S補助サイコ・フレームS25,000+20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move.DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion"
Ultra Magconウルトラマグコン25,000+100 EN. Restores 20 EN on start of own phase. When equipped to Combattler V or Voltes V, +300 weapon attack and +100 EN.DLC1-7 "Super Electromagnetic Bonds"
Specium Generatorスペシウム発生装置25,000+50 EN. +300 attack to all weapons.DLC 2-8 "The Giant of Light's Cause"
Meteor Emblem流星マーク50,000+1,500 max HP, +150 Armor, +15 Mobility, and +15 Sight. If equipped to an ULTRAMAN unit, restores 10 SP per turn.
High-Precision Lens精密照準レンズ10,000+20 Sight, +30 critical rate (listed in-game as +20 critical rate).DLC 3-4 "Contact"
Dimension Driverディメンションドライバー50,000+1,500 Max HP, Mobility, and +15 Sight. +200 to CQB weapon attack.Extra 2-3 "Dimension Diver"
Defender Armディフェンダーアーム25,000+500 HP, +50 max EN, +100 Armor, +15 Mobility
Cross Aid 1900クロスエイド190050,000+1900 HP, +190 Armor. Restores 1900 HP and 190 EN to self and adjacent allies. Usable once per map.Extra 2-2 "Congratulations on 19 Million!"
Quark Drive Sクォーク・ドライブS50,000+2 Move, +400 weapon attack, +200 max EN. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
T-Link ReactorT-LINKリアクター50,000+40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
TE GeneratorTEジェネレーター50,000+200 max EN. Fully restores EN at start of own phase.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
DGG SoulDGGの魂50,000+2,000 HP, +400 Armor. Activates the Persist and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Quark Boostクォークブースト25,000+1 Move, +200 Weapon Attack. +1 to range of non-MAP, non range-1 weapons
Archaeonis Wingアクアモジュール50,000+3 Move. Equipped Unit always hits when accuracy is over 70%AOS Mess Hall L
Tem Ray's Circuitテム・レイの回路10,000+2 Move, +5 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Haroハロ50,000+2 Move, +25 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Auxilary Psycho-frame補助サイコ・フレーム25,000+15 Accuracy and Mobility, Move +1
Maxwell Motorマクスウェルモーター50,000+20 Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivitiesRelic of Steel (Fin) - Earth Sphere, Earth Sphere Outskirts, Corte-Real Secto
Database Uplinkデータベースリンク50,000+20 Mobility and Sight. Equipped unit always evades when enemy Accuracy is under 30%AOS Lounge L
Sub FCSサブFCS5,000+10 Sight
Auto FCSオートFCS10,000+20 Sight
Full Auto FCSフルオートFCS25,000+30 Sight
Juzo's Sniping Tips十三の狙撃虎の巻25,000+20 Sight. +1 range of non-Move & Fire, non-MAP RNG weaponsOB1 "Hyoma's Failures"
Topological Sightトポロジカルサイト50,000+20 Sight, +20 Critical Rate. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivitiesTalk Mission "Total Score 5,000"
Medal of ααの勲章50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Weapon Power. Once per map restores 50% of max HP to all allies.AOS Research L
VXT CrystalVXTの結晶50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +30 Mobility and Sight. Activates the Soul Spirit Command. Usable once per map.AOS Personnel Research L
Aos Arcエーオスアーク50,000+200 weapon attack, +20 Mobility, -10% weapon EN cost. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts
Organization A HandbookA機関のマニュアル25,000+15 Mobility and Sight. Receive +50% from destroying an enemy. Does not stack with other PP Gain boosting parts
Wizard Operatorウィザードオペレーター50,000+25 Mobility and Sight. Increases experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies by 25%. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts.
Dynamic Armorダイナミックアーマー50,000+555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale.
High-Performance Radar高性能レーダー5,000+1 to range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Escudo Shardエスクードのかけら25,000Increases attack by +100 pers stocked ExC. Attack increase is capped at 500
Neurofeedback SystemニューロFBシステム25,000+200 weapon attack, +25 accuracy, +25 critical
Extra Armsエクストラアームズ25,000The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 6,500. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 6,500. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 5,500 but the effect is actually 6,500Ultimate Relic of Power - L5 - Egbert Secto
Extra Arms +エクストラアームズ+25,000+100 attack. The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 7,000. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 7,000. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 6,000 but the effect is actually 7,000Ultimate Relic of Power - Earth, North America Region, Anchorag
Extra Arms ++エクストラアームズ++50,000+200 attack. The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 7,500. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 7,500. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 7,000 but the effect is actually 7,500Ultimate Relic of Power (Fin) - The Moon - LCROSS Secto
Comeback Attack起死回生の一撃25,000Increases attack the lower HP drops. Attack increase is capped at 600
Infight Supporterインファイトサポーター10,000+100 CQB weapon attack, +1 Move
Gunfight Supporterガンファイトサポーター10,000+100 RNG weapon attack, +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Infight Supporter SインファイトサポーターS25,000+300 CQB weapon attack, +2 MoveRelic of the Blade (Fin) - Earth, Africa Region, Cair
Gunfight Supporter SガンファイトサポーターS25,000+300 RNG weapon attack, +2 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weaponsRelic of the Shot (Fin) - L5 - Hesperides Secto
Spiral Effecterスパイラルエフェクター50,000All weapons +300 attack, Ignore Size, and Barrier Buster.
Range Extenderレンジエクステンダー50,000+2 to range of non-MAP weapons. Applies to range 1 weapons.
Impact Stakeインパクト・ステーク50,000+200 to CQB Weapon Attack, +2 Move. +20 Critical Rate.AOS Output Boost L
Ignition Blazeイグニッション・ブレイズ50,000+200 to RNG weapon attack, +20 critical. Non-MAP RNG weapons +2 range.AOS Thrust Boost L
Kristall Heartクリスタル・ハート50,000Increases attack based on current Morale. Attack increase is capped at 500. (+100 attac for every 10 Morale above 100)AOS Integrity Boost L
Assault Adapterアサルトアダプター50,000+200 weapon attack. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities
Striker Scopeストライカースコープ25,000+100 weapon attack, +20 accuracy, +20 critical rate
Miraculous Mark奇跡の証50,000+2 Move, +200 weapon attack. +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Activates the Miracle Spirit once per map.Onboard Mission:"Unit CP 50,000"
Victorius Turnビクトリーターン50,000+30% damage dealt and -30% damage taken for one turn. Usable once per map.
Long Range Impactロングレンジインパクト50,000Deal +10% damage to units 7+ spaces away. Does not affect MAP weapons.
Extra Arms XエクスアームズX50,000+300 to CQB Weapon Attack, +1 Move. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms Ω, CQB weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power.AOS CQB Training L
Extra Arms ΩエクスアームズΩ50,000+300 to RNG Weapon Attack, +1 to Range of non-MAP, non-Range-1 weapons. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms X, RNG weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power.AOS RNG Training L
Causality Manipulator因果律操作装置50,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 70%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 30%
J-Jewel ShardJジュエルの欠片25,000+10 starting Morale, +200 weapon attack. When equipped with G-Stone Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster
Motion Predictor弾道予測システム10,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 80%
Perfect Motion Predictor行動予測システム極25,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60%Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Earth Sphere, L4, Ullambana Secto
AOS ArmamentsAOS兵器25,000Increases Weapon Attack based on the AOS Update's Output Boost level. Weapon Attack increase is capped at 600. (Increases by 200 + lv*50)AOS Output Boost L
AOS AnalyzerAOSアナライザー25,000Increases Sight based on the AOS Update's Fire Control System's level. Sight increase is capped at 50. (Increases by 10 + lv*5)AOS Fire Control System L
Sniper's Sightスナイパーサイト5,000+10 critical rate
Sniper Kitスナイパーキット10,000+20 critical rate
Sniper Kit SスナイパーキットS25,000+30 critical rate
Brave Police Emblem勇者警察エンブレム10,000+10 Starting Morale. +10% Damage dealt while under the effect of another units Commander Skill.
Smash Hitterスマッシュヒッター10,000+100 weapon attack. Once per map, gain the effect of Smash Hit Ex Action
Variable Scope可変倍率スコープ10,000+15 Sight. Activates the Snipe Spirit. Usable three times per map.
Outrange Assistアウトレンジアシスト10,000+15 Sight. +200 weapon attack at range 6+Ultimate Relic of the Shot - The Moon, Aldrin Secto
Outrange Assist IIアウトレンジアシストII25,000+20 Sight. +300 weapon attack at range 6+Ultimate Relic of the Shot (Fin) - L5 - Colony Avalo
Close Range Assistクロスレンジアシスト10,000+15 Mobility. +200 weapon attack within range 3Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Africa - Luand
Close Range Assist IIクロスレンジアシストII25,000+20 Mobility. +300 weapon attack within range 3Ultimate Relic of the Blade (Fin) - Asia - Beijin
Space Charm宇宙のお守り25,000Increases Sight based on space adaptivity. Sight increase is capped at 30[DLC 1]
Sea Charm海のお守り25,000Increases weapon attack based on water adaptivity. Attack increase is capped at 300.
Battle Code: SSSS戦闘コード:SSSS50,000Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. Grants +400 weapon attack and +400 armor when equipped to Gridman. Non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons +2 range.
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S補助サイコ・フレームS25,000+20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move.DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion"
Ultra Magconウルトラマグコン25,000+100 EN. Restores 20 EN on start of own phase. When equipped to Combattler V or Voltes V, +300 weapon attack and +100 EN.DLC1-7 "Super Electromagnetic Bonds"
Replica Spirit Crystal霊子水晶レプリカ50,000At +130 Morale, +10% damage dealt, +1 Move, +15 Mobility and Sight.DLC1-8 "Danger in the Demon City"
Specium Generatorスペシウム発生装置25,000+50 EN. +300 attack to all weapons.DLC 2-8 "The Giant of Light's Cause"
Ultra Evolution Tie Tamper超進化タイタンパー50,000+100 Attack Power and Barrier Buster to all CQB weapons.[DLC 3]
High-Precision Lens精密照準レンズ10,000+20 Sight, +30 critical rate (listed in-game as +20 critical rate).DLC 3-4 "Contact"
Improved Mission Disc強化ミッションディスク50,000+20 Mobility. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +1 Range to non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons.DLC 3-7 "Firestarters"
Emperor Fragment皇帝の欠片50,000+500 weapon attack at 3 ExC or above. Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning.DLC 3-14 "Challenging the Future"
Gambler's Tricksギャンブル指南50,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 20%.[DLC 2]
Dimension Driverディメンションドライバー50,000+1,500 Max HP, Mobility, and +15 Sight. +200 to CQB weapon attack.Extra 2-3 "Dimension Diver"
Spirit of the Blade魔刃のスピリット25,000+200 to CQB weapon attack. +1 Move
Spirit of the Shot魔弾のスピリット25,000+200 to RNG weapon attack. +1 to the range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons.
Spirit of Power超力のスピリット25,000+100 to CQB and RNG Weapon Attack. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase.
Super Robot Wars Soulスーパーロボット大戦の魂50,000At 130+ Morale, +10% damage dealt. Once per map, activates the Soul Spirit.Extra 1-1 "Happy 30th Anniversary"
Quark Drive Sクォーク・ドライブS50,000+2 Move, +400 weapon attack, +200 max EN. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
T-Link ReactorT-LINKリアクター50,000+40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Guardian Factor番人の因子50,000Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Increases weapon attack power based on current morale in steps of +200, to a maximum increase of 1,000.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Apogee Motorアポジモーター5,000+1 Move, +10 Mobility.
Cyclone Boosterサイクロンブースター50,000+2 Move. Grants a barrier that reduced all damage by 1,000. Barrier activation cost: 5 EN
Chobham Armorチョバムアーマー5,000+500 HP, +100 Armor
Hybrid Armorハイブリッドアーマー5,000+1,000 HP, +150 Armor
Bravenium γブレイブニウム γ10,000+1,000 HP, +150 Armor. Activates the Persist spirit once per map.
Chogokin Z超合金Z10,000+1,200 HP, +250 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase.
Chogokin New Z超合金ニューZ25,000+1,700 HP, +350 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase.
Bionic Armorバイオニックアーマー25,000+1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Restores 10% of max HP and EN at start of own phase.
G-ER FluidG-ER流体25,000+1,500 HP, +200 Armor, +15 Mobility. When equipped to a Gun X Sword unit, also restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase
Capacity Frame蓄魔力式装甲10,000+100 EN, +150 Armor
Magnet Coatingマグネットコーティング5,000+10 Mobility
Crystal Tissue結晶筋肉5,000+20 Mobility
Tem Ray's Circuitテム・レイの回路10,000+2 Move, +5 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Haroハロ50,000+2 Move, +25 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Auxilary Psycho-frame補助サイコ・フレーム25,000+15 Accuracy and Mobility, Move +1
Maxwell Motorマクスウェルモーター50,000+20 Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivitiesRelic of Steel (Fin) - Earth Sphere, Earth Sphere Outskirts, Corte-Real Secto
Database Uplinkデータベースリンク50,000+20 Mobility and Sight. Equipped unit always evades when enemy Accuracy is under 30%AOS Lounge L
EG ArmorEG装甲50,000+300 Armor. Restores 30% HP at the start of own phase.AOS Unit Facilities L
Res Arcanaレース・アルカーナ50,000Increases Armor based on current Morale. Armor increase caps at 700. Increases Armor by 100 for every 10 Morale above 100.AOS Supply Facilities L
Crest of ZZの勲章50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Armor. Once per map, restores 50% of max EN to all allies.AOS Investment Facilities L
VXT CrystalVXTの結晶50,000+1,000 HP, +100 EN, +30 Mobility and Sight. Activates the Soul Spirit Command. Usable once per map.AOS Personnel Research L
Aos Arcエーオスアーク50,000+200 weapon attack, +20 Mobility, -10% weapon EN cost. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts
Knight Runners' Manual騎操士の指南書25,000+200 Armor. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities
Organization A HandbookA機関のマニュアル25,000+15 Mobility and Sight. Receive +50% from destroying an enemy. Does not stack with other PP Gain boosting parts
Battle Armor XバトルアーマーX50,000+500 HP, +100 Armor, +10 Mobility. The part gains further effects when combined with other parts.AOS Comms System L
Battle Armor UバトルアーマーU50,000+1,000 HP, +200 Armor. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Persist Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale.AOS Fire Control System L
Battle Armor BバトルアーマーB50,000+1,000 HP, +20 Mobility. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Flash Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale.AOS Scouting System L
Wizard Operatorウィザードオペレーター50,000+25 Mobility and Sight. Increases experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies by 25%. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts.
Full Coat Armorフルコートアーマー50,000+1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Nullifies weapon effcts like Armor Down.
Dynamic Armorダイナミックアーマー50,000+555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale.
Proof of Bravery勇者の印50,000+25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Bravery Spirit once per mapOnboard Mission:"AOS Update 50%"
Spirit of Steel鋼の魂50,000+25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Soul Spirit once per map
All Defensorオールディフェンサー25,000Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning. Equips unit with a barrier Field. Grants Spirit Endurance
Causality Manipulator因果律操作装置50,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 70%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 30%
G-Stone ShardGストーンの欠片25,000+10 starting Morale, +200 armor. When equipped with J-Jewel Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster
Magic Barrier蓄魔力式装甲10,000Nullifies all status ailments, as well as weapon effects like Armor Down
Trajectory Predictor行動予測システム10,000Equipped unit always evades when enemies accuracy is under 20%
Perfect Trajectory Predictor弾道予測システム極25,000Equipped unit always evades when enemies accuracy is under 40%Ultimate Relic of the Shot - Europe Region, Odess
AOS ResistorAOS耐性25,000Increases Armor based on the AOS Update's Thrust Boost level. Armor increase is capped at 500. (Increases by 100 + lv*50)AOS Thrust Boost L
AOS AdapterAOSスラスター25,000Increases Mobility based on the AOS Update's Scouting System level. Mobility increase is capped at 50. (Increases by 10 + lv*5)AOS Scouting System L
Yggdrasil Driveユグドラシルドライブ5,000+100 EN, +15 Mobility
Attachable Armor Cocoon追加装甲コクーン10,000+500 HP, +100 Armor, +200 EN
Vanishing Thrusterバニシングスラスター25,000+30 Mobility
Wind of La Giasラ・ギアスの風50,000+20 Mobility. Activates the Accel Spirit on all units. Usable once per mapAOS Tactics Training L
Close Range Assistクロスレンジアシスト10,000+15 Mobility. +200 weapon attack within range 3Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Africa - Luand
Close Range Assist IIクロスレンジアシストII25,000+20 Mobility. +300 weapon attack within range 3Ultimate Relic of the Blade (Fin) - Asia - Beijin
Land Charm大地のお守り25,000Increases Armor based on ground adaptivity. Armor increase is capped at 300.
Sky Charm空のお守り25,000Increases Mobility based on air adaptivity. Mobility increase is capped at 30
Battle Code: SSSS戦闘コード:SSSS50,000Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. Grants +400 weapon attack and +400 armor when equipped to Gridman. Non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons +2 range.
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S補助サイコ・フレームS25,000+20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move.DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion"
Improved Learning Circuit強化学習回路25,000+30 Mobility. Grants A rank all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities.
Replica Spirit Crystal霊子水晶レプリカ50,000At +130 Morale, +10% damage dealt, +1 Move, +15 Mobility and Sight.DLC1-8 "Danger in the Demon City"
Nanolaminate Armorナノラミネートアーマー25,000Reduces ranged beam attack by 3,000 and all other damage by 1,000. Activation cost: 10 EN[DLC 2]
Meteor Emblem流星マーク50,000+1,500 max HP, +150 Armor, +15 Mobility, and +15 Sight. If equipped to an ULTRAMAN unit, restores 10 SP per turn.
Improved Mission Disc強化ミッションディスク50,000+20 Mobility. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +1 Range to non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons.DLC 3-7 "Firestarters"
Gambler's Tricksギャンブル指南50,000Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 20%.[DLC 2]
Tesla Driveテスラ・ドライブ50,000+20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked.[DLC ?]
Dimension Driverディメンションドライバー50,000+1,500 Max HP, Mobility, and +15 Sight. +200 to CQB weapon attack.Extra 2-3 "Dimension Diver"
Defender Armディフェンダーアーム25,000+500 HP, +50 max EN, +100 Armor, +15 Mobility
Cross Aid 1900クロスエイド190050,000+1900 HP, +190 Armor. Restores 1900 HP and 190 EN to self and adjacent allies. Usable once per map.Extra 2-2 "Congratulations on 19 Million!"
T-Link ReactorT-LINKリアクター50,000+40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
DGG SoulDGGの魂50,000+2,000 HP, +400 Armor. Activates the Persist and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
VG AlloyVG合金50,000+300 Armor, +20 Mobility, +1 Move.Extra 3-2 "The Hyper Fighter"
Boosterブースター5,000+1 Move.Onboard Mission:"AOS Update Activated"
Megaboosterメガブースター10,000+2 Move.
Apogee Motorアポジモーター5,000+1 Move, +10 Mobility.
Minovsky Driveミノフスキードライブ25,000+20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities.
+2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked.
Quark Boostクォークブースト25,000+1 Move, +200 Weapon Attack. +1 to range of non-MAP, non range-1 weapons
Turbo Penetratorターボペネトレイター50,000+3 Move. Unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement.Relic of Gales (Fin) - Earth, Asia Region, Indian Ocea
Archaeonis Wingアクアモジュール50,000+3 Move. Equipped Unit always hits when accuracy is over 70%AOS Mess Hall L
Cyclone Boosterサイクロンブースター50,000+2 Move. Grants a barrier that reduced all damage by 1,000. Barrier activation cost: 5 EN
Tem Ray's Circuitテム・レイの回路10,000+2 Move, +5 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Haroハロ50,000+2 Move, +25 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Auxilary Psycho-frame補助サイコ・フレーム25,000+15 Accuracy and Mobility, Move +1
Infight Supporterインファイトサポーター10,000+100 CQB weapon attack, +1 Move
Gunfight Supporterガンファイトサポーター10,000+100 RNG weapon attack, +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons
Impact Stakeインパクト・ステーク50,000+200 to CQB Weapon Attack, +2 Move. +20 Critical Rate.AOS Output Boost L
Miraculous Mark奇跡の証50,000+2 Move, +200 weapon attack. +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Activates the Miracle Spirit once per map.Onboard Mission:"Unit CP 50,000"
Extra Arms XエクスアームズX50,000+300 to CQB Weapon Attack, +1 Move. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms Ω, CQB weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power.AOS CQB Training L
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S補助サイコ・フレームS25,000+20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move.DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion"
Replica Spirit Crystal霊子水晶レプリカ50,000At +130 Morale, +10% damage dealt, +1 Move, +15 Mobility and Sight.DLC1-8 "Danger in the Demon City"
Light Rail光のレール50,000+2 Move, and the unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground terrain adaptivities.DLC 3-13 "For Shinkalion's Future"
Tesla Driveテスラ・ドライブ50,000+20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked.[DLC ?]
Accelerator 30アクセラレーター3025,000+2 Move. +2 starting ExC. +10 starting Morale
Spirit of the Blade魔刃のスピリット25,000+200 to CQB weapon attack. +1 Move
Tesla Drive Sテスラ・ドライブS50,000+5 Move. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. Note: The part says +5 Mobility but the effect is actually +5 Move[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Quark Drive Sクォーク・ドライブS50,000+2 Move, +400 weapon attack, +200 max EN. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
T-Link ReactorT-LINKリアクター50,000+40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
VG AlloyVG合金50,000+300 Armor, +20 Mobility, +1 Move.Extra 3-2 "The Hyper Fighter"
Pep Boostテンション・ターボ5,000+1 ExC on sortie, +5 starting MoraleUltimate Relic of Stee
Hype Boostハイテンション・ターボ10,000+2 ExC on sortie, +10 starting MoraleUltimate Relic of Aura - Oceania - Melbourn
Dynamic Armorダイナミックアーマー50,000+555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale.
Silver Phoenix Crest銀鳳騎士団紋章5,000+15 starting Morale
Hero Monthlyヒーロー漫画雑誌10,000+10 Max Morale, +10 starting Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts
Private Disc秘密のディスク10,000Grants a male pilot +20 max Morale. +2 Morale per turn to main pilot. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts
Dating Guide恋愛指南本10,000Grants a female pilot +20 max Morale. +2 Morale per turn to main pilot. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts
Toku Magazine特撮雑誌5,000+5 starting MoraleOB2 "Cannon"
Chizetan Tea Setチゼータのティーセット5,000+10 starting Morale
Fairy's Grace妖精の守り25,000+20 max SP, +10 max Morale, +10 starting Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting partsK8-3 "Future at Stake -VERSUS-"
Soldier's Medallionソルジャーメダリオン25,000+30 max Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting partsRelic of Aura (Fin) - Earth Sphere, L3, Elia Secto
Ropet's Brainwave Scannerロペットの脳波測定器5,000+2 Morale to pilot and target when using Support Attack or Support Defend
Military Academy 30 ID第30士官学校学生証25,000+20 max SP. Restores 10 SP to the main pilot on starting own phase.
Mecha Geek's Spiritロボットオタクの魂10,000+100 SPOB5 "Speed and Strength"
Lion Pendant獅子の首飾り5,000+5 Morale to the main pilot on the start of own phase
Drawing of Deckerdデッカードの似顔絵5,000Restores 1 SP to the main pilot for each space moved
Poppyひなげしの花5,000Restores 10 SP per turn to the main pilot
SP RecovererSPリカバー25,000Restores 15 SP per turn to the main pilot
SP GetterSPゲッター25,000Restores 10 SP to the main pilot when destroying an enemy. Does not stack for simultaneous kills.Onboard Mission:"Total PP 15,000"
G-Stone ShardGストーンの欠片25,000+10 starting Morale, +200 armor. When equipped with J-Jewel Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster
J-Jewel ShardJジュエルの欠片25,000+10 starting Morale, +200 weapon attack. When equipped with G-Stone Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster
Brave Police Emblem勇者警察エンブレム10,000+10 Starting Morale. +10% Damage dealt while under the effect of another units Commander Skill.
Mocochee Plushもこちーのぬいぐるみ10,000+30 max SP. Activates the Bless and Cheer Spirits once per map.
Imperial Combat Revue Emblem帝国華撃団エンブレム25,000Start with +15 Morale. +2 more morale on start of own phase.DLC1-1 "Far From Tokyo"
Paris Combat Revue Emblem巴里華撃団エンブレム25,000Pre-fills 25% of max SP on sortie. Restores 5 SP to the main pilot each turn.DLC1-5 "Parisian Cherry Blossoms"
Wish Bracelet願いのブレスレット10,000Start with +10 Morale. Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor.
Tekkadan Flag鉄華団の旗25,000+10 starting Morale. Restore 10 SP to main pilot per turn. If equipped to Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans unit, activates the Accel spirit on start of own phase when at 120+ Morale.
Meteor Emblem流星マーク50,000+1,500 max HP, +150 Armor, +15 Mobility, and +15 Sight. If equipped to an ULTRAMAN unit, restores 10 SP per turn.
Accelerator 30アクセラレーター3025,000+2 Move. +2 starting ExC. +10 starting Morale
Spero's Fruit of Wisodmホープスの知患の実50,000+150 max SP.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Chrono HCHRONO H50,000Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. +100 max SP. +5 ExC and +50 morale on sortie.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Alpha Omega Squad Emblemアルファオメガ団員章50,000+20 max Morale. Does not stack with other morale cap boosting parts. +2 ExC and +10 morale on sortie.Extra 3-3 "The Crossover Door Opens"
Bravenium γブレイブニウム γ10,000+1,000 HP, +150 Armor. Activates the Persist spirit once per map.
Proof of Bravery勇者の印50,000+25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Bravery Spirit once per mapOnboard Mission:"AOS Update 50%"
Spirit of Steel鋼の魂50,000+25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Soul Spirit once per map
Miraculous Mark奇跡の証50,000+2 Move, +200 weapon attack. +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Activates the Miracle Spirit once per map.Onboard Mission:"Unit CP 50,000"
Victorius Turnビクトリーターン50,000+30% damage dealt and -30% damage taken for one turn. Usable once per map.
Ether Supplier源素供給器5,000Activates the Accel, Charge, and Snipe Spirits once per map.
Iris' Featherイーリスの羽10,000Activates the Gain and Fortune Spirits once per map.
Special Dogスペシャルドッグ5,000Restores 50 SP. Usable once per map
Kei's Cakeケイのケーキ5,000Restores 20 SP. Usable once per map
Fahrenian Peach Bunファーレンの桃饅頭10,000Restores 100 SP. Usable once per map
Boss Ramenぼすらーめん10,000Fully restores pilot SP, usable once per map
House of Spice Curryぴりぴり亭のカレー5,000Restores 20 SP and +5 Morale. Usable once per map
Saionji Stomach Medicine西園寺製薬の胃薬5,000Cures all status ailments on the main pilot and grants +5 Morale. Usable once per map.
Repair Kitリペアキット5,000Restores 6,000 HP for the equipped unit. Usable once per map.
Super Repair Kitスーパーリペアキット5,000Fully restores HP, EN, and ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map.
Propellant Tankプロペラントタンク5,000Restores 250 EN for the equipped unit. Usable once per map.
Etheric Crystal源素晶石5,000Restores 50% of max EN. Usable once per map
Cartridgeカートリッジ5,000Fully restores ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map
Dwarven Hammerドワーフの鎚5,000Restores 200 EN and all ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map
Zone Recovererゾーンリカバー10,000Restores 5,000 HP and 100 EN for the equipped unit and adjacent allies. Usable once per map.Onboard Mission:"Total Credits 1 Million"
Golden Legacyゴールデンレガシー25,000Activates the Wish Spirit once per map.
Vital Damperバイタルダウン50,000Activates the "Daunt" Spirit on all enemies once per map
ExC BoostExCブースト5,000Grants +2 ExC. Usable once per map
ExC Mega BoosterExCメガブースト10,000Grants +5 ExC. Usable once per map
Brave Police Badgeブレイブポリス隊員証25,000Activates the Bonds Spirit once per map.
Fairy's Blessingフェアリーブレス50,000Activates the Bless Spirit on all allies once per map
Repair Kit IIリペアキットII5,000Restores 5,000 HP for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map
Propellant Tank IIプロペラントタンクII5,000Restores 200 EN for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map.
Cartridge IIカートリッジII5,000Fully restores ammo for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map
Sprite's Cheerスプライトエール50,000Activates the Cheer Spirit on all allies once per map
Special Double Dogスペシャルダブルドッグ5,000Restores 30 SP. Usable twice per map
Portable Oil Tank携帯型オイルタンク5,000+50 max EN. Once per map, gain the effect of the Trick Attack Ex Action
Smash Hitterスマッシュヒッター10,000+100 weapon attack. Once per map, gain the effect of Smash Hit Ex Action
Mocochee Plushもこちーのぬいぐるみ10,000+30 max SP. Activates the Bless and Cheer Spirits once per map.
JG Farm OrangeG農園のオレンジ5,000Restores 20 SP to the pilot and activates the Persist Spirit. Usable once per map.
Variable Scope可変倍率スコープ10,000+15 Sight. Activates the Snipe Spirit. Usable three times per map.
Wind of La Giasラ・ギアスの風50,000+20 Mobility. Activates the Accel Spirit on all units. Usable once per mapAOS Tactics Training L
Ultra Repair Ampuleウルトラリペアアンプル25,000Fully restores HP, EN, ammo, and SP to equipped unit. Usable once per map.
Catered Bento Box差し入れ弁当・梅5,000Restores 30 S-SP. Usable once per map.
Premium Bento Box差し入れ弁当・竹10,000Restores 50 S-SP. Usable once per map.
Deluxe Bento Box差し入れ弁当・松25,000Restores 100 S-SP. Usable once per map.
Elite Hacking Rig高位ハッキングツール50,000Activates the Disrupt and Analyze Spirits on all enemies once per mapTalk Mission "80 Side Missions Complete"
Mars Palm火星ヤシ5,000Restores 10 SP. Usable once per map.[DLC 2]
CBF Emblem獣戦機隊エンプレム50,000Activates the Valor, Soul, and Drive Spirits. Usable once per map.[DLC 3]
Dubious Health Drink謎の健康ドリンク50,000Restores 100 SP to the pilot and sets Morale to maximum. Usable once per map.DLC1-3 "The Tiger and Dragon Descend"
Essence of Jigen-Ryu示現流極意0Activates the Soul, Accel, and Charge Spirits. Usable once per map.DLC 3-2 "Face the War God's Regalia"
Hero Chronicle英雄戦記50,000Activates the Bravery, Fortune, and Gain Spirits once per map.Extra 1-3 "Black Specter"
Wish of Aosエーオスの願い25,000Activates the Wish Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map.[DLC ?]
Sword of Aosエーオスの剣25,000Activates the Valor Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map.DLC 3-11 "Awakening Instincts"
Shield of Aosエーオスの盾25,000Activates the Persist Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map.[DLC ?]
Super Robot Wars Soulスーパーロボット大戦の魂50,000At 130+ Morale, +10% damage dealt. Once per map, activates the Soul Spirit.Extra 1-1 "Happy 30th Anniversary"
Cross Aid 1900クロスエイド190050,000+1900 HP, +190 Armor. Restores 1900 HP and 190 EN to self and adjacent allies. Usable once per map.Extra 2-2 "Congratulations on 19 Million!"
Organization A HandbookA機関のマニュアル25,000+15 Mobility and Sight. Receive +50% from destroying an enemy. Does not stack with other PP Gain boosting parts
Wizard Operatorウィザードオペレーター50,000+25 Mobility and Sight. Increases experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies by 25%. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts.
EXP ManualマニュアルEXP25,000Doubles experience from destroying enemies. Stacks with the Gain Spirit, but not with other Power Parts
PP ManualマニュアルPP25,000Doubles PP from destroying enemies. Does not stack with other PP gain boosting partsOnboard Mission:"AOS Update Complete"
Credit ManualマニュアルCREDIT25,000Doubles credits from destroying enemies. Stacks with the Fortune Spirit, but not with other credit boosting parts.
Ernie's Notebookエルのアイデア帳10,000+10 PP from destroying enemiesOB5 "Speed and Strength"
Bank of Aman Checkアマン銀行手形10,000+500 credits from destroying enemies
Prana Converterプラーナコンバーター25,000Doubles credits and PP from destroying enemies at 150+ Morale. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts.
Credit Gain MeterゲインメーターCREDIT10,000Gives 500 credits for each space movedTalk Mission "AOS Limiter Unlocked"
PP Gain MeterゲインメーターPP10,000Gain 1 PP for each space movedOB9 "Aces' Challenge"
MxP ConverterMxPコンバーター10,000Grants MxP at the end of the map equal to spaces moved x 20
New York Combat Revue Emblem紐育華撃団エンブレム25,000+20% experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies. Does not stack with other boosting parts.DLC1-6 "Skyline Samurai"
Minovsky Driveミノフスキードライブ25,000+20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities.
+2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked.
Pep Boostテンション・ターボ5,000+1 ExC on sortie, +5 starting MoraleUltimate Relic of Stee
Hype Boostハイテンション・ターボ10,000+2 ExC on sortie, +10 starting MoraleUltimate Relic of Aura - Oceania - Melbourn
Flight Moduleフライトモジュール5,000Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked
Thruster Moduleスラスターモジュール5,000Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Space terrain adaptivities
Land Moduleランドモジュール5,000Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground Terrain adaptivities. Grants the ground movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked
Aqua Moduleアクアモジュール5,000Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Water Terrain adaptivities. Grants the water movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked
A-AdapterA-アダプター10,000Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities
S-AdapterS-アダプター25,000Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivitiesOnboard Mission:"Total Credits 6 Million"
Maxwell Motorマクスウェルモーター50,000+20 Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivitiesRelic of Steel (Fin) - Earth Sphere, Earth Sphere Outskirts, Corte-Real Secto
Topological Sightトポロジカルサイト50,000+20 Sight, +20 Critical Rate. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivitiesTalk Mission "Total Score 5,000"
Aos Arcエーオスアーク50,000+200 weapon attack, +20 Mobility, -10% weapon EN cost. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts
Knight Runners' Manual騎操士の指南書25,000+200 Armor. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities
Battle Armor UバトルアーマーU50,000+1,000 HP, +200 Armor. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Persist Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale.AOS Fire Control System L
Battle Armor BバトルアーマーB50,000+1,000 HP, +20 Mobility. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Flash Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale.AOS Scouting System L
Assault Adapterアサルトアダプター50,000+200 weapon attack. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities
Barrier Fieldバリア・フィールド5,000Equips a barrier that reduces all damage by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN
Orgone Cloudオルゴン・クラウド50,000Equips a barrier that reduces all damage by 2,500. Activation cost: NoneAOS Sick Bay L
Autozam Gogglesオートザム製ゴーグル25,000At 130+ Morale, activates the Bullseye Spirit at start of own phase
Photonic 3D Printer光子力3Dプリンター25,000Restores all ammo at the start of own phase if EN is at least 60%
Rescue Unitレスキューユニット10,000Equips unit with Repair Device and Resupply Device
Command Terminalコマンダーターミナル50,000Grants the Commander L4 SkillUltimate Relic of Uplifting (Fin) - Oceania - Solomon Island
All Defensorオールディフェンサー25,000Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning. Equips unit with a barrier Field. Grants Spirit Endurance
Zealous Triggerアウェイクントリガー50,000Grants an extra turn. Extra turn effects from multiple parts do not stackTalk Missions "Total CP reached 2,000,000", and "AOS Update 100%"
Junk Terminalジャンクの端末25,000Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor
Kaiju Figurine怪獣フィギュア10,000Grants +1 ExC at start of own phaseOB3 "Flight"
Prototype Energy Resistor試作型エナジーレジスタ5,000Reduces all EN costs by 10%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction partsUltimate Relic of Spirit - Latin America Region, Buenos Aire
Energy Resistorエナジーレジスタ10,000Reduces all EN costs by 20%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction partsUltimate Relic of Spirit - Earth Sphere, L3, Berossus Secto
Advanced Energy Resistorハイエナジーレジスタ25,000Reduces all EN costs by 30%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction partsUltimate Relic of Spirit (Fin) - Europe - Helsink
External Repair Device外付け修理装置5,000Equips unit with Repair Device
External Repair Device S外付け修理装置S10,000Equips unit with Repair Device. +1,000 HPUltimate Relic of Uplifting - L5 - Alfred Secto
External Resupply Device外付け補給装置5,000Equips unit with Resupply Device
External Resupply Device S外付け補給装置S10,000Equips unit with Resupply Device. +100 ENUltimate Relic of Uplifting - North America Region, Winnipe
Zimmerit Coatツインメリットコート5,000Restores 10% of max EN on start of ally phase. Reduces all beam damage taken by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN
ExC AssemblerExCアセンブル50,000Doubles ExC gains.Ultimate Relic of Aura (Fin) - L4 - Lungnak Secto
Battle Code: SSSS戦闘コード:SSSS50,000Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. Grants +400 weapon attack and +400 armor when equipped to Gridman. Non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons +2 range.
30th Memory30thメモリー50,000At 170+ Morale, activates the Valor and Bullseye Spirits at start of own phase.
Improved Learning Circuit強化学習回路25,000+30 Mobility. Grants A rank all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities.
Wish Bracelet願いのブレスレット10,000Start with +10 Morale. Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor.
Light Rail光のレール50,000+2 Move, and the unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground terrain adaptivities.DLC 3-13 "For Shinkalion's Future"
Ultra Evolution Tie Tamper超進化タイタンパー50,000+100 Attack Power and Barrier Buster to all CQB weapons.[DLC 3]
Improved Mission Disc強化ミッションディスク50,000+20 Mobility. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +1 Range to non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons.DLC 3-7 "Firestarters"
Emperor Fragment皇帝の欠片50,000+500 weapon attack at 3 ExC or above. Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning.DLC 3-14 "Challenging the Future"
Tesla Driveテスラ・ドライブ50,000+20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked.[DLC ?]
Spirit of Power超力のスピリット25,000+100 to CQB and RNG Weapon Attack. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase.
Super Robot Wars Soulスーパーロボット大戦の魂50,000At 130+ Morale, +10% damage dealt. Once per map, activates the Soul Spirit.Extra 1-1 "Happy 30th Anniversary"
Tesla Drive Sテスラ・ドライブS50,000+5 Move. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. Note: The part says +5 Mobility but the effect is actually +5 Move[DLC 3] Super Expert +
T-Link ReactorT-LINKリアクター50,000+40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
TE GeneratorTEジェネレーター50,000+200 max EN. Fully restores EN at start of own phase.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
DGG SoulDGGの魂50,000+2,000 HP, +400 Armor. Activates the Persist and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
ERS-99ERS-9950,000At 150+ morale, activates the Love spirit at start of own phase.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Chrono HCHRONO H50,000Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. +100 max SP. +5 ExC and +50 morale on sortie.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Guardian Factor番人の因子50,000Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Increases weapon attack power based on current morale in steps of +200, to a maximum increase of 1,000.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
XXX FinalXXXファイナル50,000Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Activates the Zeal and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale.[DLC 3] Super Expert +
Alpha Omega Squad Emblemアルファオメガ団員章50,000+20 max Morale. Does not stack with other morale cap boosting parts. +2 ExC and +10 morale on sortie.Extra 3-3 "The Crossover Door Opens"

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