Super Robot Wars/30/Parts
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< Super Robot Wars | 30
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English | Japanese | Sell | Description | Notes |
Booster | ブースター | 5,000 | +1 Move. | Onboard Mission:"AOS Update Activated" |
Megabooster | メガブースター | 10,000 | +2 Move. | |
Apogee Motor | アポジモーター | 5,000 | +1 Move, +10 Mobility. | |
Minovsky Drive | ミノフスキードライブ | 25,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. | |
Quark Boost | クォークブースト | 25,000 | +1 Move, +200 Weapon Attack. +1 to range of non-MAP, non range-1 weapons | |
Turbo Penetrator | ターボペネトレイター | 50,000 | +3 Move. Unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement. | Relic of Gales (Fin) - Earth, Asia Region, Indian Ocea |
Archaeonis Wing | アクアモジュール | 50,000 | +3 Move. Equipped Unit always hits when accuracy is over 70% | AOS Mess Hall L |
Pep Boost | テンション・ターボ | 5,000 | +1 ExC on sortie, +5 starting Morale | Ultimate Relic of Stee |
Hype Boost | ハイテンション・ターボ | 10,000 | +2 ExC on sortie, +10 starting Morale | Ultimate Relic of Aura - Oceania - Melbourn |
Cyclone Booster | サイクロンブースター | 50,000 | +2 Move. Grants a barrier that reduced all damage by 1,000. Barrier activation cost: 5 EN | |
Flight Module | フライトモジュール | 5,000 | Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked | |
Thruster Module | スラスターモジュール | 5,000 | Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Space terrain adaptivities | |
Land Module | ランドモジュール | 5,000 | Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground Terrain adaptivities. Grants the ground movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked | |
Aqua Module | アクアモジュール | 5,000 | Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Water Terrain adaptivities. Grants the water movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked | |
A-Adapter | A-アダプター | 10,000 | Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | |
S-Adapter | S-アダプター | 25,000 | Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | Onboard Mission:"Total Credits 6 Million" |
Chobham Armor | チョバムアーマー | 5,000 | +500 HP, +100 Armor | |
Hybrid Armor | ハイブリッドアーマー | 5,000 | +1,000 HP, +150 Armor | |
Bravenium γ | ブレイブニウム γ | 10,000 | +1,000 HP, +150 Armor. Activates the Persist spirit once per map. | |
Chogokin Z | 超合金Z | 10,000 | +1,200 HP, +250 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase. | |
Chogokin New Z | 超合金ニューZ | 25,000 | +1,700 HP, +350 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase. | |
Bionic Armor | バイオニックアーマー | 25,000 | +1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Restores 10% of max HP and EN at start of own phase. | |
G-ER Fluid | G-ER流体 | 25,000 | +1,500 HP, +200 Armor, +15 Mobility. When equipped to a Gun X Sword unit, also restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase | |
Capacity Frame | 蓄魔力式装甲 | 10,000 | +100 EN, +150 Armor | |
Magnet Coating | マグネットコーティング | 5,000 | +10 Mobility | |
Crystal Tissue | 結晶筋肉 | 5,000 | +20 Mobility | |
Tem Ray's Circuit | テム・レイの回路 | 10,000 | +2 Move, +5 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Haro | ハロ | 50,000 | +2 Move, +25 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Auxilary Psycho-frame | 補助サイコ・フレーム | 25,000 | +15 Accuracy and Mobility, Move +1 | |
Maxwell Motor | マクスウェルモーター | 50,000 | +20 Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | Relic of Steel (Fin) - Earth Sphere, Earth Sphere Outskirts, Corte-Real Secto |
Database Uplink | データベースリンク | 50,000 | +20 Mobility and Sight. Equipped unit always evades when enemy Accuracy is under 30% | AOS Lounge L |
Sub FCS | サブFCS | 5,000 | +10 Sight | |
Auto FCS | オートFCS | 10,000 | +20 Sight | |
Full Auto FCS | フルオートFCS | 25,000 | +30 Sight | |
Juzo's Sniping Tips | 十三の狙撃虎の巻 | 25,000 | +20 Sight. +1 range of non-Move & Fire, non-MAP RNG weapons | OB1 "Hyoma's Failures" |
Topological Sight | トポロジカルサイト | 50,000 | +20 Sight, +20 Critical Rate. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | Talk Mission "Total Score 5,000" |
EG Armor | EG装甲 | 50,000 | +300 Armor. Restores 30% HP at the start of own phase. | AOS Unit Facilities L |
Timeflow Engine | 時流エンジン | 50,000 | +200 EN. Restores 50% of max EN at the start of own phase. | AOS Weapon Facilites L |
Res Arcana | レース・アルカーナ | 50,000 | Increases Armor based on current Morale. Armor increase caps at 700. Increases Armor by 100 for every 10 Morale above 100. | AOS Supply Facilities L |
Crest of Z | Zの勲章 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Armor. Once per map, restores 50% of max EN to all allies. | AOS Investment Facilities L |
Medal of α | αの勲章 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Weapon Power. Once per map restores 50% of max HP to all allies. | AOS Research L |
VXT Crystal | VXTの結晶 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +30 Mobility and Sight. Activates the Soul Spirit Command. Usable once per map. | AOS Personnel Research L |
Aos Arc | エーオスアーク | 50,000 | +200 weapon attack, +20 Mobility, -10% weapon EN cost. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | |
Knight Runners' Manual | 騎操士の指南書 | 25,000 | +200 Armor. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | |
Auxiliary GS-Ride | 補助GSライド | 25,000 | +100 EN. Restores 10% of Max EN at start of own phase. When equipped to any GaoGaiGar, also grants an additional +50 Max EN and restores an extra 5% EN per turn | |
Organization A Handbook | A機関のマニュアル | 25,000 | +15 Mobility and Sight. Receive +50% from destroying an enemy. Does not stack with other PP Gain boosting parts | |
Battle Armor X | バトルアーマーX | 50,000 | +500 HP, +100 Armor, +10 Mobility. The part gains further effects when combined with other parts. | AOS Comms System L |
Battle Armor U | バトルアーマーU | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +200 Armor. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Persist Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale. | AOS Fire Control System L |
Battle Armor B | バトルアーマーB | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +20 Mobility. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Flash Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale. | AOS Scouting System L |
Wizard Operator | ウィザードオペレーター | 50,000 | +25 Mobility and Sight. Increases experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies by 25%. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts. | |
Full Coat Armor | フルコートアーマー | 50,000 | +1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Nullifies weapon effcts like Armor Down. | |
Dynamic Armor | ダイナミックアーマー | 50,000 | +555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale. | |
Proof of Bravery | 勇者の印 | 50,000 | +25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Bravery Spirit once per map | Onboard Mission:"AOS Update 50%" |
Spirit of Steel | 鋼の魂 | 50,000 | +25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Soul Spirit once per map | |
High-Performance Radar | 高性能レーダー | 5,000 | +1 to range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Escudo Shard | エスクードのかけら | 25,000 | Increases attack by +100 pers stocked ExC. Attack increase is capped at 500 | |
Neurofeedback System | ニューロFBシステム | 25,000 | +200 weapon attack, +25 accuracy, +25 critical | |
Extra Arms | エクストラアームズ | 25,000 | The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 6,500. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 6,500. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 5,500 but the effect is actually 6,500 | Ultimate Relic of Power - L5 - Egbert Secto |
Extra Arms + | エクストラアームズ+ | 25,000 | +100 attack. The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 7,000. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 7,000. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 6,000 but the effect is actually 7,000 | Ultimate Relic of Power - Earth, North America Region, Anchorag |
Extra Arms ++ | エクストラアームズ++ | 50,000 | +200 attack. The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 7,500. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 7,500. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 7,000 but the effect is actually 7,500 | Ultimate Relic of Power (Fin) - The Moon - LCROSS Secto |
Comeback Attack | 起死回生の一撃 | 25,000 | Increases attack the lower HP drops. Attack increase is capped at 600 | |
Infight Supporter | インファイトサポーター | 10,000 | +100 CQB weapon attack, +1 Move | |
Gunfight Supporter | ガンファイトサポーター | 10,000 | +100 RNG weapon attack, +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Infight Supporter S | インファイトサポーターS | 25,000 | +300 CQB weapon attack, +2 Move | Relic of the Blade (Fin) - Earth, Africa Region, Cair |
Gunfight Supporter S | ガンファイトサポーターS | 25,000 | +300 RNG weapon attack, +2 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | Relic of the Shot (Fin) - L5 - Hesperides Secto |
Spiral Effecter | スパイラルエフェクター | 50,000 | All weapons +300 attack, Ignore Size, and Barrier Buster. | |
Range Extender | レンジエクステンダー | 50,000 | +2 to range of non-MAP weapons. Applies to range 1 weapons. | |
Impact Stake | インパクト・ステーク | 50,000 | +200 to CQB Weapon Attack, +2 Move. +20 Critical Rate. | AOS Output Boost L |
Ignition Blaze | イグニッション・ブレイズ | 50,000 | +200 to RNG weapon attack, +20 critical. Non-MAP RNG weapons +2 range. | AOS Thrust Boost L |
Kristall Heart | クリスタル・ハート | 50,000 | Increases attack based on current Morale. Attack increase is capped at 500. (+100 attac for every 10 Morale above 100) | AOS Integrity Boost L |
Assault Adapter | アサルトアダプター | 50,000 | +200 weapon attack. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | |
Striker Scope | ストライカースコープ | 25,000 | +100 weapon attack, +20 accuracy, +20 critical rate | |
Miraculous Mark | 奇跡の証 | 50,000 | +2 Move, +200 weapon attack. +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Activates the Miracle Spirit once per map. | Onboard Mission:"Unit CP 50,000" |
Victorius Turn | ビクトリーターン | 50,000 | +30% damage dealt and -30% damage taken for one turn. Usable once per map. | |
Long Range Impact | ロングレンジインパクト | 50,000 | Deal +10% damage to units 7+ spaces away. Does not affect MAP weapons. | |
Extra Arms X | エクスアームズX | 50,000 | +300 to CQB Weapon Attack, +1 Move. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms Ω, CQB weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power. | AOS CQB Training L |
Extra Arms Ω | エクスアームズΩ | 50,000 | +300 to RNG Weapon Attack, +1 to Range of non-MAP, non-Range-1 weapons. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms X, RNG weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power. | AOS RNG Training L |
Barrier Field | バリア・フィールド | 5,000 | Equips a barrier that reduces all damage by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN | |
Orgone Cloud | オルゴン・クラウド | 50,000 | Equips a barrier that reduces all damage by 2,500. Activation cost: None | AOS Sick Bay L |
Silver Phoenix Crest | 銀鳳騎士団紋章 | 5,000 | +15 starting Morale | |
Hero Monthly | ヒーロー漫画雑誌 | 10,000 | +10 Max Morale, +10 starting Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | |
Private Disc | 秘密のディスク | 10,000 | Grants a male pilot +20 max Morale. +2 Morale per turn to main pilot. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | |
Dating Guide | 恋愛指南本 | 10,000 | Grants a female pilot +20 max Morale. +2 Morale per turn to main pilot. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | |
Toku Magazine | 特撮雑誌 | 5,000 | +5 starting Morale | OB2 "Cannon" |
Chizetan Tea Set | チゼータのティーセット | 5,000 | +10 starting Morale | |
Fairy's Grace | 妖精の守り | 25,000 | +20 max SP, +10 max Morale, +10 starting Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | K8-3 "Future at Stake -VERSUS-" |
Soldier's Medallion | ソルジャーメダリオン | 25,000 | +30 max Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | Relic of Aura (Fin) - Earth Sphere, L3, Elia Secto |
Ropet's Brainwave Scanner | ロペットの脳波測定器 | 5,000 | +2 Morale to pilot and target when using Support Attack or Support Defend | |
Military Academy 30 ID | 第30士官学校学生証 | 25,000 | +20 max SP. Restores 10 SP to the main pilot on starting own phase. | |
Mecha Geek's Spirit | ロボットオタクの魂 | 10,000 | +100 SP | OB5 "Speed and Strength" |
Lion Pendant | 獅子の首飾り | 5,000 | +5 Morale to the main pilot on the start of own phase | |
Autozam Goggles | オートザム製ゴーグル | 25,000 | At 130+ Morale, activates the Bullseye Spirit at start of own phase | |
Ether Supplier | 源素供給器 | 5,000 | Activates the Accel, Charge, and Snipe Spirits once per map. | |
Iris' Feather | イーリスの羽 | 10,000 | Activates the Gain and Fortune Spirits once per map. | |
Special Dog | スペシャルドッグ | 5,000 | Restores 50 SP. Usable once per map | |
Kei's Cake | ケイのケーキ | 5,000 | Restores 20 SP. Usable once per map | |
Fahrenian Peach Bun | ファーレンの桃饅頭 | 10,000 | Restores 100 SP. Usable once per map | |
Boss Ramen | ぼすらーめん | 10,000 | Fully restores pilot SP, usable once per map | |
House of Spice Curry | ぴりぴり亭のカレー | 5,000 | Restores 20 SP and +5 Morale. Usable once per map | |
Drawing of Deckerd | デッカードの似顔絵 | 5,000 | Restores 1 SP to the main pilot for each space moved | |
Poppy | ひなげしの花 | 5,000 | Restores 10 SP per turn to the main pilot | |
SP Recoverer | SPリカバー | 25,000 | Restores 15 SP per turn to the main pilot | |
SP Getter | SPゲッター | 25,000 | Restores 10 SP to the main pilot when destroying an enemy. Does not stack for simultaneous kills. | Onboard Mission:"Total PP 15,000" |
Saionji Stomach Medicine | 西園寺製薬の胃薬 | 5,000 | Cures all status ailments on the main pilot and grants +5 Morale. Usable once per map. | |
Repair Kit | リペアキット | 5,000 | Restores 6,000 HP for the equipped unit. Usable once per map. | |
Super Repair Kit | スーパーリペアキット | 5,000 | Fully restores HP, EN, and ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map. | |
Propellant Tank | プロペラントタンク | 5,000 | Restores 250 EN for the equipped unit. Usable once per map. | |
Compact Aster Panel | 小型アスターパネル | 10,000 | Restores 20% of max EN at start of own phase | |
Etheric Crystal | 源素晶石 | 5,000 | Restores 50% of max EN. Usable once per map | |
Cartridge | カートリッジ | 5,000 | Fully restores ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map | |
Dwarven Hammer | ドワーフの鎚 | 5,000 | Restores 200 EN and all ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map | |
Photonic 3D Printer | 光子力3Dプリンター | 25,000 | Restores all ammo at the start of own phase if EN is at least 60% | |
Zone Recoverer | ゾーンリカバー | 10,000 | Restores 5,000 HP and 100 EN for the equipped unit and adjacent allies. Usable once per map. | Onboard Mission:"Total Credits 1 Million" |
Hyper Generator | ハイパージェネレーター | 50,000 | Fully Restores EN at the start of player phase | Talk Mission "Total Credits 12 Million" |
Hyper Reloader | ハイパーリローダー | 50,000 | Fully Restores ammo at start of own phase | Onboard Mission:"Total PP 30,000" |
Golden Legacy | ゴールデンレガシー | 25,000 | Activates the Wish Spirit once per map. | |
EXP Manual | マニュアルEXP | 25,000 | Doubles experience from destroying enemies. Stacks with the Gain Spirit, but not with other Power Parts | |
PP Manual | マニュアルPP | 25,000 | Doubles PP from destroying enemies. Does not stack with other PP gain boosting parts | Onboard Mission:"AOS Update Complete" |
Credit Manual | マニュアルCREDIT | 25,000 | Doubles credits from destroying enemies. Stacks with the Fortune Spirit, but not with other credit boosting parts. | |
Ernie's Notebook | エルのアイデア帳 | 10,000 | +10 PP from destroying enemies | OB5 "Speed and Strength" |
Bank of Aman Check | アマン銀行手形 | 10,000 | +500 credits from destroying enemies | |
Prana Converter | プラーナコンバーター | 25,000 | Doubles credits and PP from destroying enemies at 150+ Morale. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts. | |
Credit Gain Meter | ゲインメーターCREDIT | 10,000 | Gives 500 credits for each space moved | Talk Mission "AOS Limiter Unlocked" |
PP Gain Meter | ゲインメーターPP | 10,000 | Gain 1 PP for each space moved | OB9 "Aces' Challenge" |
Rescue Unit | レスキューユニット | 10,000 | Equips unit with Repair Device and Resupply Device | |
Command Terminal | コマンダーターミナル | 50,000 | Grants the Commander L4 Skill | Ultimate Relic of Uplifting (Fin) - Oceania - Solomon Island |
All Defensor | オールディフェンサー | 25,000 | Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning. Equips unit with a barrier Field. Grants Spirit Endurance | |
Vital Damper | バイタルダウン | 50,000 | Activates the "Daunt" Spirit on all enemies once per map | |
ExC Boost | ExCブースト | 5,000 | Grants +2 ExC. Usable once per map | |
ExC Mega Booster | ExCメガブースト | 10,000 | Grants +5 ExC. Usable once per map | |
Causality Manipulator | 因果律操作装置 | 50,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 70%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 30% | |
Zealous Trigger | アウェイクントリガー | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Extra turn effects from multiple parts do not stack | Talk Missions "Total CP reached 2,000,000", and "AOS Update 100%" |
Junk Terminal | ジャンクの端末 | 25,000 | Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor | |
Kaiju Figurine | 怪獣フィギュア | 10,000 | Grants +1 ExC at start of own phase | OB3 "Flight" |
G-Stone Shard | Gストーンの欠片 | 25,000 | +10 starting Morale, +200 armor. When equipped with J-Jewel Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster | |
J-Jewel Shard | Jジュエルの欠片 | 25,000 | +10 starting Morale, +200 weapon attack. When equipped with G-Stone Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster | |
Magic Barrier | 蓄魔力式装甲 | 10,000 | Nullifies all status ailments, as well as weapon effects like Armor Down | |
Prototype Energy Resistor | 試作型エナジーレジスタ | 5,000 | Reduces all EN costs by 10%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | Ultimate Relic of Spirit - Latin America Region, Buenos Aire |
Energy Resistor | エナジーレジスタ | 10,000 | Reduces all EN costs by 20%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | Ultimate Relic of Spirit - Earth Sphere, L3, Berossus Secto |
Advanced Energy Resistor | ハイエナジーレジスタ | 25,000 | Reduces all EN costs by 30%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | Ultimate Relic of Spirit (Fin) - Europe - Helsink |
Trajectory Predictor | 行動予測システム | 10,000 | Equipped unit always evades when enemies accuracy is under 20% | |
Perfect Trajectory Predictor | 弾道予測システム極 | 25,000 | Equipped unit always evades when enemies accuracy is under 40% | Ultimate Relic of the Shot - Europe Region, Odess |
Motion Predictor | 弾道予測システム | 10,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 80% | |
Perfect Motion Predictor | 行動予測システム極 | 25,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60% | Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Earth Sphere, L4, Ullambana Secto |
Brave Police Badge | ブレイブポリス隊員証 | 25,000 | Activates the Bonds Spirit once per map. | |
AOS Armaments | AOS兵器 | 25,000 | Increases Weapon Attack based on the AOS Update's Output Boost level. Weapon Attack increase is capped at 600. (Increases by 200 + lv*50) | AOS Output Boost L |
AOS Resistor | AOS耐性 | 25,000 | Increases Armor based on the AOS Update's Thrust Boost level. Armor increase is capped at 500. (Increases by 100 + lv*50) | AOS Thrust Boost L |
AOS Protector | AOSプロテクター | 25,000 | Increases HP based on the AOS Update's Integrity Boost level. HP increase is capped at 3,000. (Increases by 600 + lv*300) | AOS Integrity Boost L |
AOS Analyzer | AOSアナライザー | 25,000 | Increases Sight based on the AOS Update's Fire Control System's level. Sight increase is capped at 50. (Increases by 10 + lv*5) | AOS Fire Control System L |
AOS Adapter | AOSスラスター | 25,000 | Increases Mobility based on the AOS Update's Scouting System level. Mobility increase is capped at 50. (Increases by 10 + lv*5) | AOS Scouting System L |
MxP Converter | MxPコンバーター | 10,000 | Grants MxP at the end of the map equal to spaces moved x 20 | |
Fairy's Blessing | フェアリーブレス | 50,000 | Activates the Bless Spirit on all allies once per map | |
Repair Kit II | リペアキットII | 5,000 | Restores 5,000 HP for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map | |
Propellant Tank II | プロペラントタンクII | 5,000 | Restores 200 EN for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map. | |
Cartridge II | カートリッジII | 5,000 | Fully restores ammo for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map | |
Sprite's Cheer | スプライトエール | 50,000 | Activates the Cheer Spirit on all allies once per map | |
Special Double Dog | スペシャルダブルドッグ | 5,000 | Restores 30 SP. Usable twice per map | |
External Repair Device | 外付け修理装置 | 5,000 | Equips unit with Repair Device | |
External Repair Device S | 外付け修理装置S | 10,000 | Equips unit with Repair Device. +1,000 HP | Ultimate Relic of Uplifting - L5 - Alfred Secto |
External Resupply Device | 外付け補給装置 | 5,000 | Equips unit with Resupply Device | |
External Resupply Device S | 外付け補給装置S | 10,000 | Equips unit with Resupply Device. +100 EN | Ultimate Relic of Uplifting - North America Region, Winnipe |
Dynamo Meter | ダイナモメーター | 10,000 | After turn, recovers EN equal to spaces moved x 10 | Onboard Mission:"Total PP 3,000" |
Sniper's Sight | スナイパーサイト | 5,000 | +10 critical rate | |
Sniper Kit | スナイパーキット | 10,000 | +20 critical rate | |
Sniper Kit S | スナイパーキットS | 25,000 | +30 critical rate | |
Brave Police Emblem | 勇者警察エンブレム | 10,000 | +10 Starting Morale. +10% Damage dealt while under the effect of another units Commander Skill. | |
Portable Oil Tank | 携帯型オイルタンク | 5,000 | +50 max EN. Once per map, gain the effect of the Trick Attack Ex Action | |
Smash Hitter | スマッシュヒッター | 10,000 | +100 weapon attack. Once per map, gain the effect of Smash Hit Ex Action | |
Solar Panel | ソーラーパネル | 10,000 | Restores 10% of max EN on start of own phase | |
Zimmerit Coat | ツインメリットコート | 5,000 | Restores 10% of max EN on start of ally phase. Reduces all beam damage taken by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN | |
Yggdrasil Drive | ユグドラシルドライブ | 5,000 | +100 EN, +15 Mobility | |
Mocochee Plush | もこちーのぬいぐるみ | 10,000 | +30 max SP. Activates the Bless and Cheer Spirits once per map. | |
JG Farm Orange | G農園のオレンジ | 5,000 | Restores 20 SP to the pilot and activates the Persist Spirit. Usable once per map. | |
Attachable Armor Cocoon | 追加装甲コクーン | 10,000 | +500 HP, +100 Armor, +200 EN | |
Vanishing Thruster | バニシングスラスター | 25,000 | +30 Mobility | |
Variable Scope | 可変倍率スコープ | 10,000 | +15 Sight. Activates the Snipe Spirit. Usable three times per map. | |
Wind of La Gias | ラ・ギアスの風 | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Activates the Accel Spirit on all units. Usable once per map | AOS Tactics Training L |
Outrange Assist | アウトレンジアシスト | 10,000 | +15 Sight. +200 weapon attack at range 6+ | Ultimate Relic of the Shot - The Moon, Aldrin Secto |
Outrange Assist II | アウトレンジアシストII | 25,000 | +20 Sight. +300 weapon attack at range 6+ | Ultimate Relic of the Shot (Fin) - L5 - Colony Avalo |
Close Range Assist | クロスレンジアシスト | 10,000 | +15 Mobility. +200 weapon attack within range 3 | Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Africa - Luand |
Close Range Assist II | クロスレンジアシストII | 25,000 | +20 Mobility. +300 weapon attack within range 3 | Ultimate Relic of the Blade (Fin) - Asia - Beijin |
Land Charm | 大地のお守り | 25,000 | Increases Armor based on ground adaptivity. Armor increase is capped at 300. | |
Sky Charm | 空のお守り | 25,000 | Increases Mobility based on air adaptivity. Mobility increase is capped at 30 | |
Space Charm | 宇宙のお守り | 25,000 | Increases Sight based on space adaptivity. Sight increase is capped at 30 | [DLC 1] |
Sea Charm | 海のお守り | 25,000 | Increases weapon attack based on water adaptivity. Attack increase is capped at 300. | |
Ultra Repair Ampule | ウルトラリペアアンプル | 25,000 | Fully restores HP, EN, ammo, and SP to equipped unit. Usable once per map. | |
Catered Bento Box | 差し入れ弁当・梅 | 5,000 | Restores 30 S-SP. Usable once per map. | |
Premium Bento Box | 差し入れ弁当・竹 | 10,000 | Restores 50 S-SP. Usable once per map. | |
Deluxe Bento Box | 差し入れ弁当・松 | 25,000 | Restores 100 S-SP. Usable once per map. | |
ExC Assembler | ExCアセンブル | 50,000 | Doubles ExC gains. | Ultimate Relic of Aura (Fin) - L4 - Lungnak Secto |
Battle Code: SSSS | 戦闘コード:SSSS | 50,000 | Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. Grants +400 weapon attack and +400 armor when equipped to Gridman. Non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons +2 range. | |
Energy Tank | エネルギータンク | 5,000 | +50 EN | |
Large Energy Tank | 大型エネルギータンク | 5,000 | +150 EN | |
Elite Hacking Rig | 高位ハッキングツール | 50,000 | Activates the Disrupt and Analyze Spirits on all enemies once per map | Talk Mission "80 Side Missions Complete" |
30th Memory | 30thメモリー | 50,000 | At 170+ Morale, activates the Valor and Bullseye Spirits at start of own phase. | |
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S | 補助サイコ・フレームS | 25,000 | +20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. | DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion" |
Improved Learning Circuit | 強化学習回路 | 25,000 | +30 Mobility. Grants A rank all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. | |
Ultra Magcon | ウルトラマグコン | 25,000 | +100 EN. Restores 20 EN on start of own phase. When equipped to Combattler V or Voltes V, +300 weapon attack and +100 EN. | DLC1-7 "Super Electromagnetic Bonds" |
Replica Spirit Crystal | 霊子水晶レプリカ | 50,000 | At +130 Morale, +10% damage dealt, +1 Move, +15 Mobility and Sight. | DLC1-8 "Danger in the Demon City" |
Imperial Combat Revue Emblem | 帝国華撃団エンブレム | 25,000 | Start with +15 Morale. +2 more morale on start of own phase. | DLC1-1 "Far From Tokyo" |
Paris Combat Revue Emblem | 巴里華撃団エンブレム | 25,000 | Pre-fills 25% of max SP on sortie. Restores 5 SP to the main pilot each turn. | DLC1-5 "Parisian Cherry Blossoms" |
New York Combat Revue Emblem | 紐育華撃団エンブレム | 25,000 | +20% experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies. Does not stack with other boosting parts. | DLC1-6 "Skyline Samurai" |
Nanolaminate Armor | ナノラミネートアーマー | 25,000 | Reduces ranged beam attack by 3,000 and all other damage by 1,000. Activation cost: 10 EN | [DLC 2] |
Wish Bracelet | 願いのブレスレット | 10,000 | Start with +10 Morale. Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor. | |
Tekkadan Flag | 鉄華団の旗 | 25,000 | +10 starting Morale. Restore 10 SP to main pilot per turn. If equipped to Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans unit, activates the Accel spirit on start of own phase when at 120+ Morale. | |
Mars Palm | 火星ヤシ | 5,000 | Restores 10 SP. Usable once per map. | [DLC 2] |
Specium Generator | スペシウム発生装置 | 25,000 | +50 EN. +300 attack to all weapons. | DLC 2-8 "The Giant of Light's Cause" |
Meteor Emblem | 流星マーク | 50,000 | +1,500 max HP, +150 Armor, +15 Mobility, and +15 Sight. If equipped to an ULTRAMAN unit, restores 10 SP per turn. | |
Light Rail | 光のレール | 50,000 | +2 Move, and the unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground terrain adaptivities. | DLC 3-13 "For Shinkalion's Future" |
Ultra Evolution Tie Tamper | 超進化タイタンパー | 50,000 | +100 Attack Power and Barrier Buster to all CQB weapons. | [DLC 3] |
High-Precision Lens | 精密照準レンズ | 10,000 | +20 Sight, +30 critical rate (listed in-game as +20 critical rate). | DLC 3-4 "Contact" |
Improved Mission Disc | 強化ミッションディスク | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +1 Range to non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons. | DLC 3-7 "Firestarters" |
CBF Emblem | 獣戦機隊エンプレム | 50,000 | Activates the Valor, Soul, and Drive Spirits. Usable once per map. | [DLC 3] |
Emperor Fragment | 皇帝の欠片 | 50,000 | +500 weapon attack at 3 ExC or above. Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning. | DLC 3-14 "Challenging the Future" |
Dubious Health Drink | 謎の健康ドリンク | 50,000 | Restores 100 SP to the pilot and sets Morale to maximum. Usable once per map. | DLC1-3 "The Tiger and Dragon Descend" |
Gambler's Tricks | ギャンブル指南 | 50,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 20%. | [DLC 2] |
Essence of Jigen-Ryu | 示現流極意 | 0 | Activates the Soul, Accel, and Charge Spirits. Usable once per map. | DLC 3-2 "Face the War God's Regalia" |
Hero Chronicle | 英雄戦記 | 50,000 | Activates the Bravery, Fortune, and Gain Spirits once per map. | Extra 1-3 "Black Specter" |
Tesla Drive | テスラ・ドライブ | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. | [DLC ?] |
Dimension Driver | ディメンションドライバー | 50,000 | +1,500 Max HP, Mobility, and +15 Sight. +200 to CQB weapon attack. | Extra 2-3 "Dimension Diver" |
Wish of Aos | エーオスの願い | 25,000 | Activates the Wish Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map. | [DLC ?] |
Sword of Aos | エーオスの剣 | 25,000 | Activates the Valor Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map. | DLC 3-11 "Awakening Instincts" |
Shield of Aos | エーオスの盾 | 25,000 | Activates the Persist Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map. | [DLC ?] |
Defender Arm | ディフェンダーアーム | 25,000 | +500 HP, +50 max EN, +100 Armor, +15 Mobility | |
Accelerator 30 | アクセラレーター30 | 25,000 | +2 Move. +2 starting ExC. +10 starting Morale | |
Spirit of the Blade | 魔刃のスピリット | 25,000 | +200 to CQB weapon attack. +1 Move | |
Spirit of the Shot | 魔弾のスピリット | 25,000 | +200 to RNG weapon attack. +1 to the range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. | |
Spirit of Power | 超力のスピリット | 25,000 | +100 to CQB and RNG Weapon Attack. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase. | |
Super Robot Wars Soul | スーパーロボット大戦の魂 | 50,000 | At 130+ Morale, +10% damage dealt. Once per map, activates the Soul Spirit. | Extra 1-1 "Happy 30th Anniversary" |
Cross Aid 1900 | クロスエイド1900 | 50,000 | +1900 HP, +190 Armor. Restores 1900 HP and 190 EN to self and adjacent allies. Usable once per map. | Extra 2-2 "Congratulations on 19 Million!" |
Tesla Drive S | テスラ・ドライブS | 50,000 | +5 Move. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. Note: The part says +5 Mobility but the effect is actually +5 Move | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Spero's Fruit of Wisodm | ホープスの知患の実 | 50,000 | +150 max SP. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Quark Drive S | クォーク・ドライブS | 50,000 | +2 Move, +400 weapon attack, +200 max EN. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
T-Link Reactor | T-LINKリアクター | 50,000 | +40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
TE Generator | TEジェネレーター | 50,000 | +200 max EN. Fully restores EN at start of own phase. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
DGG Soul | DGGの魂 | 50,000 | +2,000 HP, +400 Armor. Activates the Persist and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
ERS-99 | ERS-99 | 50,000 | At 150+ morale, activates the Love spirit at start of own phase. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Chrono H | CHRONO H | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. +100 max SP. +5 ExC and +50 morale on sortie. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Guardian Factor | 番人の因子 | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Increases weapon attack power based on current morale in steps of +200, to a maximum increase of 1,000. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
XXX Final | XXXファイナル | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Activates the Zeal and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Alpha Omega Squad Emblem | アルファオメガ団員章 | 50,000 | +20 max Morale. Does not stack with other morale cap boosting parts. +2 ExC and +10 morale on sortie. | Extra 3-3 "The Crossover Door Opens" |
VG Alloy | VG合金 | 50,000 | +300 Armor, +20 Mobility, +1 Move. | Extra 3-2 "The Hyper Fighter" |
English | Japanese | Sell | Description | Notes |
Chobham Armor | チョバムアーマー | 5,000 | +500 HP, +100 Armor | |
Hybrid Armor | ハイブリッドアーマー | 5,000 | +1,000 HP, +150 Armor | |
Bravenium γ | ブレイブニウム γ | 10,000 | +1,000 HP, +150 Armor. Activates the Persist spirit once per map. | |
Chogokin Z | 超合金Z | 10,000 | +1,200 HP, +250 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase. | |
Chogokin New Z | 超合金ニューZ | 25,000 | +1,700 HP, +350 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase. | |
Bionic Armor | バイオニックアーマー | 25,000 | +1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Restores 10% of max HP and EN at start of own phase. | |
G-ER Fluid | G-ER流体 | 25,000 | +1,500 HP, +200 Armor, +15 Mobility. When equipped to a Gun X Sword unit, also restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase | |
Capacity Frame | 蓄魔力式装甲 | 10,000 | +100 EN, +150 Armor | |
EG Armor | EG装甲 | 50,000 | +300 Armor. Restores 30% HP at the start of own phase. | AOS Unit Facilities L |
Timeflow Engine | 時流エンジン | 50,000 | +200 EN. Restores 50% of max EN at the start of own phase. | AOS Weapon Facilites L |
Crest of Z | Zの勲章 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Armor. Once per map, restores 50% of max EN to all allies. | AOS Investment Facilities L |
Medal of α | αの勲章 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Weapon Power. Once per map restores 50% of max HP to all allies. | AOS Research L |
VXT Crystal | VXTの結晶 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +30 Mobility and Sight. Activates the Soul Spirit Command. Usable once per map. | AOS Personnel Research L |
Auxiliary GS-Ride | 補助GSライド | 25,000 | +100 EN. Restores 10% of Max EN at start of own phase. When equipped to any GaoGaiGar, also grants an additional +50 Max EN and restores an extra 5% EN per turn | |
Battle Armor X | バトルアーマーX | 50,000 | +500 HP, +100 Armor, +10 Mobility. The part gains further effects when combined with other parts. | AOS Comms System L |
Battle Armor U | バトルアーマーU | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +200 Armor. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Persist Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale. | AOS Fire Control System L |
Battle Armor B | バトルアーマーB | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +20 Mobility. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Flash Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale. | AOS Scouting System L |
Full Coat Armor | フルコートアーマー | 50,000 | +1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Nullifies weapon effcts like Armor Down. | |
Dynamic Armor | ダイナミックアーマー | 50,000 | +555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale. | |
Compact Aster Panel | 小型アスターパネル | 10,000 | Restores 20% of max EN at start of own phase | |
Hyper Generator | ハイパージェネレーター | 50,000 | Fully Restores EN at the start of player phase | Talk Mission "Total Credits 12 Million" |
Hyper Reloader | ハイパーリローダー | 50,000 | Fully Restores ammo at start of own phase | Onboard Mission:"Total PP 30,000" |
AOS Protector | AOSプロテクター | 25,000 | Increases HP based on the AOS Update's Integrity Boost level. HP increase is capped at 3,000. (Increases by 600 + lv*300) | AOS Integrity Boost L |
External Repair Device S | 外付け修理装置S | 10,000 | Equips unit with Repair Device. +1,000 HP | Ultimate Relic of Uplifting - L5 - Alfred Secto |
External Resupply Device S | 外付け補給装置S | 10,000 | Equips unit with Resupply Device. +100 EN | Ultimate Relic of Uplifting - North America Region, Winnipe |
Dynamo Meter | ダイナモメーター | 10,000 | After turn, recovers EN equal to spaces moved x 10 | Onboard Mission:"Total PP 3,000" |
Portable Oil Tank | 携帯型オイルタンク | 5,000 | +50 max EN. Once per map, gain the effect of the Trick Attack Ex Action | |
Solar Panel | ソーラーパネル | 10,000 | Restores 10% of max EN on start of own phase | |
Zimmerit Coat | ツインメリットコート | 5,000 | Restores 10% of max EN on start of ally phase. Reduces all beam damage taken by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN | |
Yggdrasil Drive | ユグドラシルドライブ | 5,000 | +100 EN, +15 Mobility | |
Attachable Armor Cocoon | 追加装甲コクーン | 10,000 | +500 HP, +100 Armor, +200 EN | |
Energy Tank | エネルギータンク | 5,000 | +50 EN | |
Large Energy Tank | 大型エネルギータンク | 5,000 | +150 EN | |
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S | 補助サイコ・フレームS | 25,000 | +20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. | DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion" |
Ultra Magcon | ウルトラマグコン | 25,000 | +100 EN. Restores 20 EN on start of own phase. When equipped to Combattler V or Voltes V, +300 weapon attack and +100 EN. | DLC1-7 "Super Electromagnetic Bonds" |
Specium Generator | スペシウム発生装置 | 25,000 | +50 EN. +300 attack to all weapons. | DLC 2-8 "The Giant of Light's Cause" |
Meteor Emblem | 流星マーク | 50,000 | +1,500 max HP, +150 Armor, +15 Mobility, and +15 Sight. If equipped to an ULTRAMAN unit, restores 10 SP per turn. | |
High-Precision Lens | 精密照準レンズ | 10,000 | +20 Sight, +30 critical rate (listed in-game as +20 critical rate). | DLC 3-4 "Contact" |
Dimension Driver | ディメンションドライバー | 50,000 | +1,500 Max HP, Mobility, and +15 Sight. +200 to CQB weapon attack. | Extra 2-3 "Dimension Diver" |
Defender Arm | ディフェンダーアーム | 25,000 | +500 HP, +50 max EN, +100 Armor, +15 Mobility | |
Cross Aid 1900 | クロスエイド1900 | 50,000 | +1900 HP, +190 Armor. Restores 1900 HP and 190 EN to self and adjacent allies. Usable once per map. | Extra 2-2 "Congratulations on 19 Million!" |
Quark Drive S | クォーク・ドライブS | 50,000 | +2 Move, +400 weapon attack, +200 max EN. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
T-Link Reactor | T-LINKリアクター | 50,000 | +40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
TE Generator | TEジェネレーター | 50,000 | +200 max EN. Fully restores EN at start of own phase. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
DGG Soul | DGGの魂 | 50,000 | +2,000 HP, +400 Armor. Activates the Persist and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
English | Japanese | Sell | Description | Notes |
Quark Boost | クォークブースト | 25,000 | +1 Move, +200 Weapon Attack. +1 to range of non-MAP, non range-1 weapons | |
Archaeonis Wing | アクアモジュール | 50,000 | +3 Move. Equipped Unit always hits when accuracy is over 70% | AOS Mess Hall L |
Tem Ray's Circuit | テム・レイの回路 | 10,000 | +2 Move, +5 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Haro | ハロ | 50,000 | +2 Move, +25 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Auxilary Psycho-frame | 補助サイコ・フレーム | 25,000 | +15 Accuracy and Mobility, Move +1 | |
Maxwell Motor | マクスウェルモーター | 50,000 | +20 Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | Relic of Steel (Fin) - Earth Sphere, Earth Sphere Outskirts, Corte-Real Secto |
Database Uplink | データベースリンク | 50,000 | +20 Mobility and Sight. Equipped unit always evades when enemy Accuracy is under 30% | AOS Lounge L |
Sub FCS | サブFCS | 5,000 | +10 Sight | |
Auto FCS | オートFCS | 10,000 | +20 Sight | |
Full Auto FCS | フルオートFCS | 25,000 | +30 Sight | |
Juzo's Sniping Tips | 十三の狙撃虎の巻 | 25,000 | +20 Sight. +1 range of non-Move & Fire, non-MAP RNG weapons | OB1 "Hyoma's Failures" |
Topological Sight | トポロジカルサイト | 50,000 | +20 Sight, +20 Critical Rate. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | Talk Mission "Total Score 5,000" |
Medal of α | αの勲章 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Weapon Power. Once per map restores 50% of max HP to all allies. | AOS Research L |
VXT Crystal | VXTの結晶 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +30 Mobility and Sight. Activates the Soul Spirit Command. Usable once per map. | AOS Personnel Research L |
Aos Arc | エーオスアーク | 50,000 | +200 weapon attack, +20 Mobility, -10% weapon EN cost. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | |
Organization A Handbook | A機関のマニュアル | 25,000 | +15 Mobility and Sight. Receive +50% from destroying an enemy. Does not stack with other PP Gain boosting parts | |
Wizard Operator | ウィザードオペレーター | 50,000 | +25 Mobility and Sight. Increases experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies by 25%. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts. | |
Dynamic Armor | ダイナミックアーマー | 50,000 | +555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale. | |
High-Performance Radar | 高性能レーダー | 5,000 | +1 to range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Escudo Shard | エスクードのかけら | 25,000 | Increases attack by +100 pers stocked ExC. Attack increase is capped at 500 | |
Neurofeedback System | ニューロFBシステム | 25,000 | +200 weapon attack, +25 accuracy, +25 critical | |
Extra Arms | エクストラアームズ | 25,000 | The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 6,500. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 6,500. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 5,500 but the effect is actually 6,500 | Ultimate Relic of Power - L5 - Egbert Secto |
Extra Arms + | エクストラアームズ+ | 25,000 | +100 attack. The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 7,000. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 7,000. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 6,000 but the effect is actually 7,000 | Ultimate Relic of Power - Earth, North America Region, Anchorag |
Extra Arms ++ | エクストラアームズ++ | 50,000 | +200 attack. The attack of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 7,500. No effect on units with a weapon stronger than 7,500. No effect on combination attacks. Note: The part says 7,000 but the effect is actually 7,500 | Ultimate Relic of Power (Fin) - The Moon - LCROSS Secto |
Comeback Attack | 起死回生の一撃 | 25,000 | Increases attack the lower HP drops. Attack increase is capped at 600 | |
Infight Supporter | インファイトサポーター | 10,000 | +100 CQB weapon attack, +1 Move | |
Gunfight Supporter | ガンファイトサポーター | 10,000 | +100 RNG weapon attack, +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Infight Supporter S | インファイトサポーターS | 25,000 | +300 CQB weapon attack, +2 Move | Relic of the Blade (Fin) - Earth, Africa Region, Cair |
Gunfight Supporter S | ガンファイトサポーターS | 25,000 | +300 RNG weapon attack, +2 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | Relic of the Shot (Fin) - L5 - Hesperides Secto |
Spiral Effecter | スパイラルエフェクター | 50,000 | All weapons +300 attack, Ignore Size, and Barrier Buster. | |
Range Extender | レンジエクステンダー | 50,000 | +2 to range of non-MAP weapons. Applies to range 1 weapons. | |
Impact Stake | インパクト・ステーク | 50,000 | +200 to CQB Weapon Attack, +2 Move. +20 Critical Rate. | AOS Output Boost L |
Ignition Blaze | イグニッション・ブレイズ | 50,000 | +200 to RNG weapon attack, +20 critical. Non-MAP RNG weapons +2 range. | AOS Thrust Boost L |
Kristall Heart | クリスタル・ハート | 50,000 | Increases attack based on current Morale. Attack increase is capped at 500. (+100 attac for every 10 Morale above 100) | AOS Integrity Boost L |
Assault Adapter | アサルトアダプター | 50,000 | +200 weapon attack. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | |
Striker Scope | ストライカースコープ | 25,000 | +100 weapon attack, +20 accuracy, +20 critical rate | |
Miraculous Mark | 奇跡の証 | 50,000 | +2 Move, +200 weapon attack. +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Activates the Miracle Spirit once per map. | Onboard Mission:"Unit CP 50,000" |
Victorius Turn | ビクトリーターン | 50,000 | +30% damage dealt and -30% damage taken for one turn. Usable once per map. | |
Long Range Impact | ロングレンジインパクト | 50,000 | Deal +10% damage to units 7+ spaces away. Does not affect MAP weapons. | |
Extra Arms X | エクスアームズX | 50,000 | +300 to CQB Weapon Attack, +1 Move. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms Ω, CQB weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power. | AOS CQB Training L |
Extra Arms Ω | エクスアームズΩ | 50,000 | +300 to RNG Weapon Attack, +1 to Range of non-MAP, non-Range-1 weapons. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms X, RNG weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power. | AOS RNG Training L |
Causality Manipulator | 因果律操作装置 | 50,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 70%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 30% | |
J-Jewel Shard | Jジュエルの欠片 | 25,000 | +10 starting Morale, +200 weapon attack. When equipped with G-Stone Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster | |
Motion Predictor | 弾道予測システム | 10,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 80% | |
Perfect Motion Predictor | 行動予測システム極 | 25,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60% | Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Earth Sphere, L4, Ullambana Secto |
AOS Armaments | AOS兵器 | 25,000 | Increases Weapon Attack based on the AOS Update's Output Boost level. Weapon Attack increase is capped at 600. (Increases by 200 + lv*50) | AOS Output Boost L |
AOS Analyzer | AOSアナライザー | 25,000 | Increases Sight based on the AOS Update's Fire Control System's level. Sight increase is capped at 50. (Increases by 10 + lv*5) | AOS Fire Control System L |
Sniper's Sight | スナイパーサイト | 5,000 | +10 critical rate | |
Sniper Kit | スナイパーキット | 10,000 | +20 critical rate | |
Sniper Kit S | スナイパーキットS | 25,000 | +30 critical rate | |
Brave Police Emblem | 勇者警察エンブレム | 10,000 | +10 Starting Morale. +10% Damage dealt while under the effect of another units Commander Skill. | |
Smash Hitter | スマッシュヒッター | 10,000 | +100 weapon attack. Once per map, gain the effect of Smash Hit Ex Action | |
Variable Scope | 可変倍率スコープ | 10,000 | +15 Sight. Activates the Snipe Spirit. Usable three times per map. | |
Outrange Assist | アウトレンジアシスト | 10,000 | +15 Sight. +200 weapon attack at range 6+ | Ultimate Relic of the Shot - The Moon, Aldrin Secto |
Outrange Assist II | アウトレンジアシストII | 25,000 | +20 Sight. +300 weapon attack at range 6+ | Ultimate Relic of the Shot (Fin) - L5 - Colony Avalo |
Close Range Assist | クロスレンジアシスト | 10,000 | +15 Mobility. +200 weapon attack within range 3 | Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Africa - Luand |
Close Range Assist II | クロスレンジアシストII | 25,000 | +20 Mobility. +300 weapon attack within range 3 | Ultimate Relic of the Blade (Fin) - Asia - Beijin |
Space Charm | 宇宙のお守り | 25,000 | Increases Sight based on space adaptivity. Sight increase is capped at 30 | [DLC 1] |
Sea Charm | 海のお守り | 25,000 | Increases weapon attack based on water adaptivity. Attack increase is capped at 300. | |
Battle Code: SSSS | 戦闘コード:SSSS | 50,000 | Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. Grants +400 weapon attack and +400 armor when equipped to Gridman. Non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons +2 range. | |
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S | 補助サイコ・フレームS | 25,000 | +20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. | DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion" |
Ultra Magcon | ウルトラマグコン | 25,000 | +100 EN. Restores 20 EN on start of own phase. When equipped to Combattler V or Voltes V, +300 weapon attack and +100 EN. | DLC1-7 "Super Electromagnetic Bonds" |
Replica Spirit Crystal | 霊子水晶レプリカ | 50,000 | At +130 Morale, +10% damage dealt, +1 Move, +15 Mobility and Sight. | DLC1-8 "Danger in the Demon City" |
Specium Generator | スペシウム発生装置 | 25,000 | +50 EN. +300 attack to all weapons. | DLC 2-8 "The Giant of Light's Cause" |
Ultra Evolution Tie Tamper | 超進化タイタンパー | 50,000 | +100 Attack Power and Barrier Buster to all CQB weapons. | [DLC 3] |
High-Precision Lens | 精密照準レンズ | 10,000 | +20 Sight, +30 critical rate (listed in-game as +20 critical rate). | DLC 3-4 "Contact" |
Improved Mission Disc | 強化ミッションディスク | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +1 Range to non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons. | DLC 3-7 "Firestarters" |
Emperor Fragment | 皇帝の欠片 | 50,000 | +500 weapon attack at 3 ExC or above. Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning. | DLC 3-14 "Challenging the Future" |
Gambler's Tricks | ギャンブル指南 | 50,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 20%. | [DLC 2] |
Dimension Driver | ディメンションドライバー | 50,000 | +1,500 Max HP, Mobility, and +15 Sight. +200 to CQB weapon attack. | Extra 2-3 "Dimension Diver" |
Spirit of the Blade | 魔刃のスピリット | 25,000 | +200 to CQB weapon attack. +1 Move | |
Spirit of the Shot | 魔弾のスピリット | 25,000 | +200 to RNG weapon attack. +1 to the range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. | |
Spirit of Power | 超力のスピリット | 25,000 | +100 to CQB and RNG Weapon Attack. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase. | |
Super Robot Wars Soul | スーパーロボット大戦の魂 | 50,000 | At 130+ Morale, +10% damage dealt. Once per map, activates the Soul Spirit. | Extra 1-1 "Happy 30th Anniversary" |
Quark Drive S | クォーク・ドライブS | 50,000 | +2 Move, +400 weapon attack, +200 max EN. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
T-Link Reactor | T-LINKリアクター | 50,000 | +40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Guardian Factor | 番人の因子 | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Increases weapon attack power based on current morale in steps of +200, to a maximum increase of 1,000. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
English | Japanese | Sell | Description | Notes |
Apogee Motor | アポジモーター | 5,000 | +1 Move, +10 Mobility. | |
Cyclone Booster | サイクロンブースター | 50,000 | +2 Move. Grants a barrier that reduced all damage by 1,000. Barrier activation cost: 5 EN | |
Chobham Armor | チョバムアーマー | 5,000 | +500 HP, +100 Armor | |
Hybrid Armor | ハイブリッドアーマー | 5,000 | +1,000 HP, +150 Armor | |
Bravenium γ | ブレイブニウム γ | 10,000 | +1,000 HP, +150 Armor. Activates the Persist spirit once per map. | |
Chogokin Z | 超合金Z | 10,000 | +1,200 HP, +250 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase. | |
Chogokin New Z | 超合金ニューZ | 25,000 | +1,700 HP, +350 Armor. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase. | |
Bionic Armor | バイオニックアーマー | 25,000 | +1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Restores 10% of max HP and EN at start of own phase. | |
G-ER Fluid | G-ER流体 | 25,000 | +1,500 HP, +200 Armor, +15 Mobility. When equipped to a Gun X Sword unit, also restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase | |
Capacity Frame | 蓄魔力式装甲 | 10,000 | +100 EN, +150 Armor | |
Magnet Coating | マグネットコーティング | 5,000 | +10 Mobility | |
Crystal Tissue | 結晶筋肉 | 5,000 | +20 Mobility | |
Tem Ray's Circuit | テム・レイの回路 | 10,000 | +2 Move, +5 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Haro | ハロ | 50,000 | +2 Move, +25 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Auxilary Psycho-frame | 補助サイコ・フレーム | 25,000 | +15 Accuracy and Mobility, Move +1 | |
Maxwell Motor | マクスウェルモーター | 50,000 | +20 Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | Relic of Steel (Fin) - Earth Sphere, Earth Sphere Outskirts, Corte-Real Secto |
Database Uplink | データベースリンク | 50,000 | +20 Mobility and Sight. Equipped unit always evades when enemy Accuracy is under 30% | AOS Lounge L |
EG Armor | EG装甲 | 50,000 | +300 Armor. Restores 30% HP at the start of own phase. | AOS Unit Facilities L |
Res Arcana | レース・アルカーナ | 50,000 | Increases Armor based on current Morale. Armor increase caps at 700. Increases Armor by 100 for every 10 Morale above 100. | AOS Supply Facilities L |
Crest of Z | Zの勲章 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +300 Armor. Once per map, restores 50% of max EN to all allies. | AOS Investment Facilities L |
VXT Crystal | VXTの結晶 | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +100 EN, +30 Mobility and Sight. Activates the Soul Spirit Command. Usable once per map. | AOS Personnel Research L |
Aos Arc | エーオスアーク | 50,000 | +200 weapon attack, +20 Mobility, -10% weapon EN cost. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | |
Knight Runners' Manual | 騎操士の指南書 | 25,000 | +200 Armor. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | |
Organization A Handbook | A機関のマニュアル | 25,000 | +15 Mobility and Sight. Receive +50% from destroying an enemy. Does not stack with other PP Gain boosting parts | |
Battle Armor X | バトルアーマーX | 50,000 | +500 HP, +100 Armor, +10 Mobility. The part gains further effects when combined with other parts. | AOS Comms System L |
Battle Armor U | バトルアーマーU | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +200 Armor. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Persist Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale. | AOS Fire Control System L |
Battle Armor B | バトルアーマーB | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +20 Mobility. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Flash Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale. | AOS Scouting System L |
Wizard Operator | ウィザードオペレーター | 50,000 | +25 Mobility and Sight. Increases experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies by 25%. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts. | |
Full Coat Armor | フルコートアーマー | 50,000 | +1,500 HP, +300 Armor. Nullifies weapon effcts like Armor Down. | |
Dynamic Armor | ダイナミックアーマー | 50,000 | +555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale. | |
Proof of Bravery | 勇者の印 | 50,000 | +25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Bravery Spirit once per map | Onboard Mission:"AOS Update 50%" |
Spirit of Steel | 鋼の魂 | 50,000 | +25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Soul Spirit once per map | |
All Defensor | オールディフェンサー | 25,000 | Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning. Equips unit with a barrier Field. Grants Spirit Endurance | |
Causality Manipulator | 因果律操作装置 | 50,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 70%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 30% | |
G-Stone Shard | Gストーンの欠片 | 25,000 | +10 starting Morale, +200 armor. When equipped with J-Jewel Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster | |
Magic Barrier | 蓄魔力式装甲 | 10,000 | Nullifies all status ailments, as well as weapon effects like Armor Down | |
Trajectory Predictor | 行動予測システム | 10,000 | Equipped unit always evades when enemies accuracy is under 20% | |
Perfect Trajectory Predictor | 弾道予測システム極 | 25,000 | Equipped unit always evades when enemies accuracy is under 40% | Ultimate Relic of the Shot - Europe Region, Odess |
AOS Resistor | AOS耐性 | 25,000 | Increases Armor based on the AOS Update's Thrust Boost level. Armor increase is capped at 500. (Increases by 100 + lv*50) | AOS Thrust Boost L |
AOS Adapter | AOSスラスター | 25,000 | Increases Mobility based on the AOS Update's Scouting System level. Mobility increase is capped at 50. (Increases by 10 + lv*5) | AOS Scouting System L |
Yggdrasil Drive | ユグドラシルドライブ | 5,000 | +100 EN, +15 Mobility | |
Attachable Armor Cocoon | 追加装甲コクーン | 10,000 | +500 HP, +100 Armor, +200 EN | |
Vanishing Thruster | バニシングスラスター | 25,000 | +30 Mobility | |
Wind of La Gias | ラ・ギアスの風 | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Activates the Accel Spirit on all units. Usable once per map | AOS Tactics Training L |
Close Range Assist | クロスレンジアシスト | 10,000 | +15 Mobility. +200 weapon attack within range 3 | Ultimate Relic of the Blade - Africa - Luand |
Close Range Assist II | クロスレンジアシストII | 25,000 | +20 Mobility. +300 weapon attack within range 3 | Ultimate Relic of the Blade (Fin) - Asia - Beijin |
Land Charm | 大地のお守り | 25,000 | Increases Armor based on ground adaptivity. Armor increase is capped at 300. | |
Sky Charm | 空のお守り | 25,000 | Increases Mobility based on air adaptivity. Mobility increase is capped at 30 | |
Battle Code: SSSS | 戦闘コード:SSSS | 50,000 | Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. Grants +400 weapon attack and +400 armor when equipped to Gridman. Non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons +2 range. | |
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S | 補助サイコ・フレームS | 25,000 | +20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. | DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion" |
Improved Learning Circuit | 強化学習回路 | 25,000 | +30 Mobility. Grants A rank all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. | |
Replica Spirit Crystal | 霊子水晶レプリカ | 50,000 | At +130 Morale, +10% damage dealt, +1 Move, +15 Mobility and Sight. | DLC1-8 "Danger in the Demon City" |
Nanolaminate Armor | ナノラミネートアーマー | 25,000 | Reduces ranged beam attack by 3,000 and all other damage by 1,000. Activation cost: 10 EN | [DLC 2] |
Meteor Emblem | 流星マーク | 50,000 | +1,500 max HP, +150 Armor, +15 Mobility, and +15 Sight. If equipped to an ULTRAMAN unit, restores 10 SP per turn. | |
Improved Mission Disc | 強化ミッションディスク | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +1 Range to non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons. | DLC 3-7 "Firestarters" |
Gambler's Tricks | ギャンブル指南 | 50,000 | Equipped unit always hits when accuracy is over 60%, and always evades when enemy accuracy is under 20%. | [DLC 2] |
Tesla Drive | テスラ・ドライブ | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. | [DLC ?] |
Dimension Driver | ディメンションドライバー | 50,000 | +1,500 Max HP, Mobility, and +15 Sight. +200 to CQB weapon attack. | Extra 2-3 "Dimension Diver" |
Defender Arm | ディフェンダーアーム | 25,000 | +500 HP, +50 max EN, +100 Armor, +15 Mobility | |
Cross Aid 1900 | クロスエイド1900 | 50,000 | +1900 HP, +190 Armor. Restores 1900 HP and 190 EN to self and adjacent allies. Usable once per map. | Extra 2-2 "Congratulations on 19 Million!" |
T-Link Reactor | T-LINKリアクター | 50,000 | +40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
DGG Soul | DGGの魂 | 50,000 | +2,000 HP, +400 Armor. Activates the Persist and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
VG Alloy | VG合金 | 50,000 | +300 Armor, +20 Mobility, +1 Move. | Extra 3-2 "The Hyper Fighter" |
English | Japanese | Sell | Description | Notes |
Booster | ブースター | 5,000 | +1 Move. | Onboard Mission:"AOS Update Activated" |
Megabooster | メガブースター | 10,000 | +2 Move. | |
Apogee Motor | アポジモーター | 5,000 | +1 Move, +10 Mobility. | |
Minovsky Drive | ミノフスキードライブ | 25,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. | |
Quark Boost | クォークブースト | 25,000 | +1 Move, +200 Weapon Attack. +1 to range of non-MAP, non range-1 weapons | |
Turbo Penetrator | ターボペネトレイター | 50,000 | +3 Move. Unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement. | Relic of Gales (Fin) - Earth, Asia Region, Indian Ocea |
Archaeonis Wing | アクアモジュール | 50,000 | +3 Move. Equipped Unit always hits when accuracy is over 70% | AOS Mess Hall L |
Cyclone Booster | サイクロンブースター | 50,000 | +2 Move. Grants a barrier that reduced all damage by 1,000. Barrier activation cost: 5 EN | |
Tem Ray's Circuit | テム・レイの回路 | 10,000 | +2 Move, +5 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Haro | ハロ | 50,000 | +2 Move, +25 Sight and Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Auxilary Psycho-frame | 補助サイコ・フレーム | 25,000 | +15 Accuracy and Mobility, Move +1 | |
Infight Supporter | インファイトサポーター | 10,000 | +100 CQB weapon attack, +1 Move | |
Gunfight Supporter | ガンファイトサポーター | 10,000 | +100 RNG weapon attack, +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons | |
Impact Stake | インパクト・ステーク | 50,000 | +200 to CQB Weapon Attack, +2 Move. +20 Critical Rate. | AOS Output Boost L |
Miraculous Mark | 奇跡の証 | 50,000 | +2 Move, +200 weapon attack. +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Activates the Miracle Spirit once per map. | Onboard Mission:"Unit CP 50,000" |
Extra Arms X | エクスアームズX | 50,000 | +300 to CQB Weapon Attack, +1 Move. The power of the unit's strongest weapon becomes 8,000, unless it already has a stronger attack. No effect on combination attacks. If equipped with Extra Arms Ω, CQB weapons gain an extra +200 Attack Power. | AOS CQB Training L |
Auxiliary Psycho-frame S | 補助サイコ・フレームS | 25,000 | +20 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. | DLC1-9 "Power Born of Emotion" |
Replica Spirit Crystal | 霊子水晶レプリカ | 50,000 | At +130 Morale, +10% damage dealt, +1 Move, +15 Mobility and Sight. | DLC1-8 "Danger in the Demon City" |
Light Rail | 光のレール | 50,000 | +2 Move, and the unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground terrain adaptivities. | DLC 3-13 "For Shinkalion's Future" |
Tesla Drive | テスラ・ドライブ | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. | [DLC ?] |
Accelerator 30 | アクセラレーター30 | 25,000 | +2 Move. +2 starting ExC. +10 starting Morale | |
Spirit of the Blade | 魔刃のスピリット | 25,000 | +200 to CQB weapon attack. +1 Move | |
Tesla Drive S | テスラ・ドライブS | 50,000 | +5 Move. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. Note: The part says +5 Mobility but the effect is actually +5 Move | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Quark Drive S | クォーク・ドライブS | 50,000 | +2 Move, +400 weapon attack, +200 max EN. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
T-Link Reactor | T-LINKリアクター | 50,000 | +40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
VG Alloy | VG合金 | 50,000 | +300 Armor, +20 Mobility, +1 Move. | Extra 3-2 "The Hyper Fighter" |
English | Japanese | Sell | Description | Notes |
Pep Boost | テンション・ターボ | 5,000 | +1 ExC on sortie, +5 starting Morale | Ultimate Relic of Stee |
Hype Boost | ハイテンション・ターボ | 10,000 | +2 ExC on sortie, +10 starting Morale | Ultimate Relic of Aura - Oceania - Melbourn |
Dynamic Armor | ダイナミックアーマー | 50,000 | +555 weapon attack, +555 HP, +555 Armor, +55 EN, +5 starting Morale. | |
Silver Phoenix Crest | 銀鳳騎士団紋章 | 5,000 | +15 starting Morale | |
Hero Monthly | ヒーロー漫画雑誌 | 10,000 | +10 Max Morale, +10 starting Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | |
Private Disc | 秘密のディスク | 10,000 | Grants a male pilot +20 max Morale. +2 Morale per turn to main pilot. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | |
Dating Guide | 恋愛指南本 | 10,000 | Grants a female pilot +20 max Morale. +2 Morale per turn to main pilot. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | |
Toku Magazine | 特撮雑誌 | 5,000 | +5 starting Morale | OB2 "Cannon" |
Chizetan Tea Set | チゼータのティーセット | 5,000 | +10 starting Morale | |
Fairy's Grace | 妖精の守り | 25,000 | +20 max SP, +10 max Morale, +10 starting Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | K8-3 "Future at Stake -VERSUS-" |
Soldier's Medallion | ソルジャーメダリオン | 25,000 | +30 max Morale. Does not stack with other Morale cap boosting parts | Relic of Aura (Fin) - Earth Sphere, L3, Elia Secto |
Ropet's Brainwave Scanner | ロペットの脳波測定器 | 5,000 | +2 Morale to pilot and target when using Support Attack or Support Defend | |
Military Academy 30 ID | 第30士官学校学生証 | 25,000 | +20 max SP. Restores 10 SP to the main pilot on starting own phase. | |
Mecha Geek's Spirit | ロボットオタクの魂 | 10,000 | +100 SP | OB5 "Speed and Strength" |
Lion Pendant | 獅子の首飾り | 5,000 | +5 Morale to the main pilot on the start of own phase | |
Drawing of Deckerd | デッカードの似顔絵 | 5,000 | Restores 1 SP to the main pilot for each space moved | |
Poppy | ひなげしの花 | 5,000 | Restores 10 SP per turn to the main pilot | |
SP Recoverer | SPリカバー | 25,000 | Restores 15 SP per turn to the main pilot | |
SP Getter | SPゲッター | 25,000 | Restores 10 SP to the main pilot when destroying an enemy. Does not stack for simultaneous kills. | Onboard Mission:"Total PP 15,000" |
G-Stone Shard | Gストーンの欠片 | 25,000 | +10 starting Morale, +200 armor. When equipped with J-Jewel Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster | |
J-Jewel Shard | Jジュエルの欠片 | 25,000 | +10 starting Morale, +200 weapon attack. When equipped with G-Stone Shard, all weapons gain Barrier Buster | |
Brave Police Emblem | 勇者警察エンブレム | 10,000 | +10 Starting Morale. +10% Damage dealt while under the effect of another units Commander Skill. | |
Mocochee Plush | もこちーのぬいぐるみ | 10,000 | +30 max SP. Activates the Bless and Cheer Spirits once per map. | |
Imperial Combat Revue Emblem | 帝国華撃団エンブレム | 25,000 | Start with +15 Morale. +2 more morale on start of own phase. | DLC1-1 "Far From Tokyo" |
Paris Combat Revue Emblem | 巴里華撃団エンブレム | 25,000 | Pre-fills 25% of max SP on sortie. Restores 5 SP to the main pilot each turn. | DLC1-5 "Parisian Cherry Blossoms" |
Wish Bracelet | 願いのブレスレット | 10,000 | Start with +10 Morale. Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor. | |
Tekkadan Flag | 鉄華団の旗 | 25,000 | +10 starting Morale. Restore 10 SP to main pilot per turn. If equipped to Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans unit, activates the Accel spirit on start of own phase when at 120+ Morale. | |
Meteor Emblem | 流星マーク | 50,000 | +1,500 max HP, +150 Armor, +15 Mobility, and +15 Sight. If equipped to an ULTRAMAN unit, restores 10 SP per turn. | |
Accelerator 30 | アクセラレーター30 | 25,000 | +2 Move. +2 starting ExC. +10 starting Morale | |
Spero's Fruit of Wisodm | ホープスの知患の実 | 50,000 | +150 max SP. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Chrono H | CHRONO H | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. +100 max SP. +5 ExC and +50 morale on sortie. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Alpha Omega Squad Emblem | アルファオメガ団員章 | 50,000 | +20 max Morale. Does not stack with other morale cap boosting parts. +2 ExC and +10 morale on sortie. | Extra 3-3 "The Crossover Door Opens" |
English | Japanese | Sell | Description | Notes |
Bravenium γ | ブレイブニウム γ | 10,000 | +1,000 HP, +150 Armor. Activates the Persist spirit once per map. | |
Proof of Bravery | 勇者の印 | 50,000 | +25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Bravery Spirit once per map | Onboard Mission:"AOS Update 50%" |
Spirit of Steel | 鋼の魂 | 50,000 | +25 Mobility, +250 Armor. Activates the Soul Spirit once per map | |
Miraculous Mark | 奇跡の証 | 50,000 | +2 Move, +200 weapon attack. +1 Range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Activates the Miracle Spirit once per map. | Onboard Mission:"Unit CP 50,000" |
Victorius Turn | ビクトリーターン | 50,000 | +30% damage dealt and -30% damage taken for one turn. Usable once per map. | |
Ether Supplier | 源素供給器 | 5,000 | Activates the Accel, Charge, and Snipe Spirits once per map. | |
Iris' Feather | イーリスの羽 | 10,000 | Activates the Gain and Fortune Spirits once per map. | |
Special Dog | スペシャルドッグ | 5,000 | Restores 50 SP. Usable once per map | |
Kei's Cake | ケイのケーキ | 5,000 | Restores 20 SP. Usable once per map | |
Fahrenian Peach Bun | ファーレンの桃饅頭 | 10,000 | Restores 100 SP. Usable once per map | |
Boss Ramen | ぼすらーめん | 10,000 | Fully restores pilot SP, usable once per map | |
House of Spice Curry | ぴりぴり亭のカレー | 5,000 | Restores 20 SP and +5 Morale. Usable once per map | |
Saionji Stomach Medicine | 西園寺製薬の胃薬 | 5,000 | Cures all status ailments on the main pilot and grants +5 Morale. Usable once per map. | |
Repair Kit | リペアキット | 5,000 | Restores 6,000 HP for the equipped unit. Usable once per map. | |
Super Repair Kit | スーパーリペアキット | 5,000 | Fully restores HP, EN, and ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map. | |
Propellant Tank | プロペラントタンク | 5,000 | Restores 250 EN for the equipped unit. Usable once per map. | |
Etheric Crystal | 源素晶石 | 5,000 | Restores 50% of max EN. Usable once per map | |
Cartridge | カートリッジ | 5,000 | Fully restores ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map | |
Dwarven Hammer | ドワーフの鎚 | 5,000 | Restores 200 EN and all ammo for the equipped unit. Usable once per map | |
Zone Recoverer | ゾーンリカバー | 10,000 | Restores 5,000 HP and 100 EN for the equipped unit and adjacent allies. Usable once per map. | Onboard Mission:"Total Credits 1 Million" |
Golden Legacy | ゴールデンレガシー | 25,000 | Activates the Wish Spirit once per map. | |
Vital Damper | バイタルダウン | 50,000 | Activates the "Daunt" Spirit on all enemies once per map | |
ExC Boost | ExCブースト | 5,000 | Grants +2 ExC. Usable once per map | |
ExC Mega Booster | ExCメガブースト | 10,000 | Grants +5 ExC. Usable once per map | |
Brave Police Badge | ブレイブポリス隊員証 | 25,000 | Activates the Bonds Spirit once per map. | |
Fairy's Blessing | フェアリーブレス | 50,000 | Activates the Bless Spirit on all allies once per map | |
Repair Kit II | リペアキットII | 5,000 | Restores 5,000 HP for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map | |
Propellant Tank II | プロペラントタンクII | 5,000 | Restores 200 EN for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map. | |
Cartridge II | カートリッジII | 5,000 | Fully restores ammo for the equipped unit. Usable twice per map | |
Sprite's Cheer | スプライトエール | 50,000 | Activates the Cheer Spirit on all allies once per map | |
Special Double Dog | スペシャルダブルドッグ | 5,000 | Restores 30 SP. Usable twice per map | |
Portable Oil Tank | 携帯型オイルタンク | 5,000 | +50 max EN. Once per map, gain the effect of the Trick Attack Ex Action | |
Smash Hitter | スマッシュヒッター | 10,000 | +100 weapon attack. Once per map, gain the effect of Smash Hit Ex Action | |
Mocochee Plush | もこちーのぬいぐるみ | 10,000 | +30 max SP. Activates the Bless and Cheer Spirits once per map. | |
JG Farm Orange | G農園のオレンジ | 5,000 | Restores 20 SP to the pilot and activates the Persist Spirit. Usable once per map. | |
Variable Scope | 可変倍率スコープ | 10,000 | +15 Sight. Activates the Snipe Spirit. Usable three times per map. | |
Wind of La Gias | ラ・ギアスの風 | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Activates the Accel Spirit on all units. Usable once per map | AOS Tactics Training L |
Ultra Repair Ampule | ウルトラリペアアンプル | 25,000 | Fully restores HP, EN, ammo, and SP to equipped unit. Usable once per map. | |
Catered Bento Box | 差し入れ弁当・梅 | 5,000 | Restores 30 S-SP. Usable once per map. | |
Premium Bento Box | 差し入れ弁当・竹 | 10,000 | Restores 50 S-SP. Usable once per map. | |
Deluxe Bento Box | 差し入れ弁当・松 | 25,000 | Restores 100 S-SP. Usable once per map. | |
Elite Hacking Rig | 高位ハッキングツール | 50,000 | Activates the Disrupt and Analyze Spirits on all enemies once per map | Talk Mission "80 Side Missions Complete" |
Mars Palm | 火星ヤシ | 5,000 | Restores 10 SP. Usable once per map. | [DLC 2] |
CBF Emblem | 獣戦機隊エンプレム | 50,000 | Activates the Valor, Soul, and Drive Spirits. Usable once per map. | [DLC 3] |
Dubious Health Drink | 謎の健康ドリンク | 50,000 | Restores 100 SP to the pilot and sets Morale to maximum. Usable once per map. | DLC1-3 "The Tiger and Dragon Descend" |
Essence of Jigen-Ryu | 示現流極意 | 0 | Activates the Soul, Accel, and Charge Spirits. Usable once per map. | DLC 3-2 "Face the War God's Regalia" |
Hero Chronicle | 英雄戦記 | 50,000 | Activates the Bravery, Fortune, and Gain Spirits once per map. | Extra 1-3 "Black Specter" |
Wish of Aos | エーオスの願い | 25,000 | Activates the Wish Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map. | [DLC ?] |
Sword of Aos | エーオスの剣 | 25,000 | Activates the Valor Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map. | DLC 3-11 "Awakening Instincts" |
Shield of Aos | エーオスの盾 | 25,000 | Activates the Persist Spirit on all allies. Usable once per map. | [DLC ?] |
Super Robot Wars Soul | スーパーロボット大戦の魂 | 50,000 | At 130+ Morale, +10% damage dealt. Once per map, activates the Soul Spirit. | Extra 1-1 "Happy 30th Anniversary" |
Cross Aid 1900 | クロスエイド1900 | 50,000 | +1900 HP, +190 Armor. Restores 1900 HP and 190 EN to self and adjacent allies. Usable once per map. | Extra 2-2 "Congratulations on 19 Million!" |
English | Japanese | Sell | Description | Notes |
Organization A Handbook | A機関のマニュアル | 25,000 | +15 Mobility and Sight. Receive +50% from destroying an enemy. Does not stack with other PP Gain boosting parts | |
Wizard Operator | ウィザードオペレーター | 50,000 | +25 Mobility and Sight. Increases experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies by 25%. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts. | |
EXP Manual | マニュアルEXP | 25,000 | Doubles experience from destroying enemies. Stacks with the Gain Spirit, but not with other Power Parts | |
PP Manual | マニュアルPP | 25,000 | Doubles PP from destroying enemies. Does not stack with other PP gain boosting parts | Onboard Mission:"AOS Update Complete" |
Credit Manual | マニュアルCREDIT | 25,000 | Doubles credits from destroying enemies. Stacks with the Fortune Spirit, but not with other credit boosting parts. | |
Ernie's Notebook | エルのアイデア帳 | 10,000 | +10 PP from destroying enemies | OB5 "Speed and Strength" |
Bank of Aman Check | アマン銀行手形 | 10,000 | +500 credits from destroying enemies | |
Prana Converter | プラーナコンバーター | 25,000 | Doubles credits and PP from destroying enemies at 150+ Morale. Does not stack with other gain boosting parts. | |
Credit Gain Meter | ゲインメーターCREDIT | 10,000 | Gives 500 credits for each space moved | Talk Mission "AOS Limiter Unlocked" |
PP Gain Meter | ゲインメーターPP | 10,000 | Gain 1 PP for each space moved | OB9 "Aces' Challenge" |
MxP Converter | MxPコンバーター | 10,000 | Grants MxP at the end of the map equal to spaces moved x 20 | |
New York Combat Revue Emblem | 紐育華撃団エンブレム | 25,000 | +20% experience, credits, and PP from destroying enemies. Does not stack with other boosting parts. | DLC1-6 "Skyline Samurai" |
English | Japanese | Sell | Description | Notes |
Minovsky Drive | ミノフスキードライブ | 25,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. | |
Pep Boost | テンション・ターボ | 5,000 | +1 ExC on sortie, +5 starting Morale | Ultimate Relic of Stee |
Hype Boost | ハイテンション・ターボ | 10,000 | +2 ExC on sortie, +10 starting Morale | Ultimate Relic of Aura - Oceania - Melbourn |
Flight Module | フライトモジュール | 5,000 | Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked | |
Thruster Module | スラスターモジュール | 5,000 | Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Space terrain adaptivities | |
Land Module | ランドモジュール | 5,000 | Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground Terrain adaptivities. Grants the ground movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked | |
Aqua Module | アクアモジュール | 5,000 | Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Water Terrain adaptivities. Grants the water movement type, unless the unit is Terrain-locked | |
A-Adapter | A-アダプター | 10,000 | Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | |
S-Adapter | S-アダプター | 25,000 | Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | Onboard Mission:"Total Credits 6 Million" |
Maxwell Motor | マクスウェルモーター | 50,000 | +20 Mobility, +1 range of non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | Relic of Steel (Fin) - Earth Sphere, Earth Sphere Outskirts, Corte-Real Secto |
Topological Sight | トポロジカルサイト | 50,000 | +20 Sight, +20 Critical Rate. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | Talk Mission "Total Score 5,000" |
Aos Arc | エーオスアーク | 50,000 | +200 weapon attack, +20 Mobility, -10% weapon EN cost. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | |
Knight Runners' Manual | 騎操士の指南書 | 25,000 | +200 Armor. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | |
Battle Armor U | バトルアーマーU | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +200 Armor. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Persist Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale. | AOS Fire Control System L |
Battle Armor B | バトルアーマーB | 50,000 | +1,000 HP, +20 Mobility. When equipped with Battle Armor X, activates the Flash Spirit on starting own phase with 150+ morale. | AOS Scouting System L |
Assault Adapter | アサルトアダプター | 50,000 | +200 weapon attack. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities | |
Barrier Field | バリア・フィールド | 5,000 | Equips a barrier that reduces all damage by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN | |
Orgone Cloud | オルゴン・クラウド | 50,000 | Equips a barrier that reduces all damage by 2,500. Activation cost: None | AOS Sick Bay L |
Autozam Goggles | オートザム製ゴーグル | 25,000 | At 130+ Morale, activates the Bullseye Spirit at start of own phase | |
Photonic 3D Printer | 光子力3Dプリンター | 25,000 | Restores all ammo at the start of own phase if EN is at least 60% | |
Rescue Unit | レスキューユニット | 10,000 | Equips unit with Repair Device and Resupply Device | |
Command Terminal | コマンダーターミナル | 50,000 | Grants the Commander L4 Skill | Ultimate Relic of Uplifting (Fin) - Oceania - Solomon Island |
All Defensor | オールディフェンサー | 25,000 | Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning. Equips unit with a barrier Field. Grants Spirit Endurance | |
Zealous Trigger | アウェイクントリガー | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Extra turn effects from multiple parts do not stack | Talk Missions "Total CP reached 2,000,000", and "AOS Update 100%" |
Junk Terminal | ジャンクの端末 | 25,000 | Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor | |
Kaiju Figurine | 怪獣フィギュア | 10,000 | Grants +1 ExC at start of own phase | OB3 "Flight" |
Prototype Energy Resistor | 試作型エナジーレジスタ | 5,000 | Reduces all EN costs by 10%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | Ultimate Relic of Spirit - Latin America Region, Buenos Aire |
Energy Resistor | エナジーレジスタ | 10,000 | Reduces all EN costs by 20%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | Ultimate Relic of Spirit - Earth Sphere, L3, Berossus Secto |
Advanced Energy Resistor | ハイエナジーレジスタ | 25,000 | Reduces all EN costs by 30%. Does not stack with other EN cost reduction parts | Ultimate Relic of Spirit (Fin) - Europe - Helsink |
External Repair Device | 外付け修理装置 | 5,000 | Equips unit with Repair Device | |
External Repair Device S | 外付け修理装置S | 10,000 | Equips unit with Repair Device. +1,000 HP | Ultimate Relic of Uplifting - L5 - Alfred Secto |
External Resupply Device | 外付け補給装置 | 5,000 | Equips unit with Resupply Device | |
External Resupply Device S | 外付け補給装置S | 10,000 | Equips unit with Resupply Device. +100 EN | Ultimate Relic of Uplifting - North America Region, Winnipe |
Zimmerit Coat | ツインメリットコート | 5,000 | Restores 10% of max EN on start of ally phase. Reduces all beam damage taken by 1,000. Activation cost: 5 EN | |
ExC Assembler | ExCアセンブル | 50,000 | Doubles ExC gains. | Ultimate Relic of Aura (Fin) - L4 - Lungnak Secto |
Battle Code: SSSS | 戦闘コード:SSSS | 50,000 | Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. Grants +400 weapon attack and +400 armor when equipped to Gridman. Non-MAP, non-range-1 weapons +2 range. | |
30th Memory | 30thメモリー | 50,000 | At 170+ Morale, activates the Valor and Bullseye Spirits at start of own phase. | |
Improved Learning Circuit | 強化学習回路 | 25,000 | +30 Mobility. Grants A rank all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. | |
Wish Bracelet | 願いのブレスレット | 10,000 | Start with +10 Morale. Adjusts the odds of any chance-based rate by 10% in your favor. | |
Light Rail | 光のレール | 50,000 | +2 Move, and the unit ignores EN costs and terrain effects on movement. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Ground terrain adaptivities. | DLC 3-13 "For Shinkalion's Future" |
Ultra Evolution Tie Tamper | 超進化タイタンパー | 50,000 | +100 Attack Power and Barrier Buster to all CQB weapons. | [DLC 3] |
Improved Mission Disc | 強化ミッションディスク | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants A ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +1 Range to non-MAP, non-Range 1 weapons. | DLC 3-7 "Firestarters" |
Emperor Fragment | 皇帝の欠片 | 50,000 | +500 weapon attack at 3 ExC or above. Eliminates penalties from repeated targeting and positioning. | DLC 3-14 "Challenging the Future" |
Tesla Drive | テスラ・ドライブ | 50,000 | +20 Mobility. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. +2 Move. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. | [DLC ?] |
Spirit of Power | 超力のスピリット | 25,000 | +100 to CQB and RNG Weapon Attack. Restores 10% of max EN at start of own phase. | |
Super Robot Wars Soul | スーパーロボット大戦の魂 | 50,000 | At 130+ Morale, +10% damage dealt. Once per map, activates the Soul Spirit. | Extra 1-1 "Happy 30th Anniversary" |
Tesla Drive S | テスラ・ドライブS | 50,000 | +5 Move. Grants S ranks in unit and weapon Air and Space terrain adaptivities. Grants the Air movement type, unless the unit is terrain-locked. Note: The part says +5 Mobility but the effect is actually +5 Move | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
T-Link Reactor | T-LINKリアクター | 50,000 | +40 Sight and Mobility, +2 Move. Grants S ranks in all unit and weapon terrain adaptivities. +2 to range of non-MAP, non-range 1 weapons. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
TE Generator | TEジェネレーター | 50,000 | +200 max EN. Fully restores EN at start of own phase. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
DGG Soul | DGGの魂 | 50,000 | +2,000 HP, +400 Armor. Activates the Persist and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
ERS-99 | ERS-99 | 50,000 | At 150+ morale, activates the Love spirit at start of own phase. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Chrono H | CHRONO H | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. +100 max SP. +5 ExC and +50 morale on sortie. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Guardian Factor | 番人の因子 | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Increases weapon attack power based on current morale in steps of +200, to a maximum increase of 1,000. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
XXX Final | XXXファイナル | 50,000 | Grants an extra turn. Does not stack with other parts that grant extra turns. Activates the Zeal and Valor spirits on start of own phase at 150+ Morale. | [DLC 3] Super Expert + |
Alpha Omega Squad Emblem | アルファオメガ団員章 | 50,000 | +20 max Morale. Does not stack with other morale cap boosting parts. +2 ExC and +10 morale on sortie. | Extra 3-3 "The Crossover Door Opens" |