Soul Cradle/Gig Edict

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Gig's Command

In the middle of Map 04, Gig’s Command becomes available. These commands appear in the form of items in your inventory. You receive new commands through bonuses after completing a map, or by purchasing them in shops. In addition to using them in battles, they can be used in conversations and in stores by pressing the square button and accessing them.

HP/SP Recovery

Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Examine 軽く治療する 30 GP Heal 50 HP. Store: LV 0
Diagnose 普通に治療する 480 GP Heal 100 HP. Store: LV 1
Prescribe 優しく治療する 1,700 GP Heal 200 HP. Store: LV 2
Inject 本気で治療する 5,100 GP Heal 400 HP. Store: LV 3
Suture 必死に治療する 18,000 GP Heal 800 HP. Store: LV 4
Operate 全力で治療する 248,000 GP Heal 1600 HP.
Nap 休憩させる 30 GP Heal 30 STM. Store: LV 0
Doze くつろがせる 480 GP Heal 60 STM. Store: LV 2
Snooze 心からもてなす 1,700 GP Heal 120 STM. Store: LV 3
Vacation 愛を捧げる 248,000 GP Heal 1000 HP and 240 STM. Store: LV 4


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Prepare 気合を入れる 60 GP Temporarily increase ATK by 20%. Store: LV 0
Huddle 引き締める 60 GP Temporarily increase DEF by 20%. Store: LV 0
Educate 教育する 60 GP Temporarily increase INT by 20%. Store: LV 0
Love 可愛がる 60 GP Temporarily increase RES by 20%. Store: LV 0
Train 訓練する 60 GP Temporarily increase HIT by 20%. Store: LV 0
Compliment おだてる 60 GP Temporarily increase SPD by 20%. Store: LV 0
Hurry 急かす 60 GP Temporarily increase ACT by 20%.
Extort 恐喝する 60 GP Temporarily decrease ATK by 20%. Store: LV 0
Lynch ひん剥く 60 GP Temporarily decrease DEF by 20%. Store: LV 0
Spook 驚かせる 60 GP Temporarily decrease INT by 20%. Store: LV 0
Demoralize 堕落させる 60 GP Temporarily decrease RES by 20%. Store: LV 0
Tickle くすぐる 60 GP Temporarily decrease HIT by 20%. Store: LV 0
Trip 足を踏む 60 GP Temporarily decrease SPD by 20%. Store: LV 0
Blackmail 弱みを握る 60 GP Temporarily decrease ACT by 20%. Trophy


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Strengthen 敵を強くする 10,000 GP Increase world enemy LV. Store: LV 7
Weaken 敵を弱くする 50 GP Decrease world enemy LV. Store: LV 7

Hidden Path

Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Reveal Path 1 隠しルート発見1 5,000,000 GP Uncover a hidden path. 2nd Cycle
Reveal Path 2 隠しルート発見2 5,000,000 GP Uncover a hidden path. Clear Hidden Path 1


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Fight ケンカする 30 GP Fight with a target. Store: LV 0
Bully インネンをつける 180 GP Bully a target. Store: LV 2
Assault 襲いかかる 650 GP Assault a target. Store: LV 3
Duel 決闘を申し込む 1,400 GP Duel with a target. Store: LV 4
Violate 拳で語り合う 3,000 GP Violate a target. Trophy
Note: Can be used in Town and in Stores

Gig's Power

Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Gigify ギグパワー注入 50,000 GP Increase your LV by 10 on a single map. Trophy
Super Gigify 激ギグパワー注入 500,000 GP Increase your LV by 50 on a single map. Trophy
Hyper Gigify 超ギグパワー注入 5,000,000 GP Increase your LV by 100 on a single map. Trophy
Ultra Gigify 極ギグパワー注入 50,000,000 GP Increase your LV by 1000 on a single map. Trophy
MAX Gigify ギグパワー全注入 99,999,999 GP Increase your LV by 2000 on a single map. Story


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Steal 盗む 30 GP Steal Decor Item from target up to 1 panel away. Store: LV 0
Sneaky Steal うまく盗む 250 GP Steal Decor Item from target up to 2 panels away. Store: LV 2
Amazing Steal 見事に盗む 1,000 GP Steal Decor Item from target up to 3 panels away. Store: LV 3
Perfect Steal 華麗に盗む 2,500 GP Steal Decor Item from target up to 4 panels away. Store: LV 4
Steal All 徹底的に盗む 6,000 GP Steal Decor Item from target up to 5 panels away. Trophy
Note: Can be used in Town and in Stores


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Grant 押し付ける 30 GP Give Decor Item to target up to 1 panel away. Store: LV 1
Bestow 放りいれる 250 GP Give Decor Item to target up to 2 panels away. Store: LV 2
Provide 恵んであげる 1,000 GP Give Decor Item to target up to 3 panels away. Store: LV 3
Present プレゼントする 2,500 GP Give Decor Item to target up to 4 panels away. Store: LV 4
Bequeath 移植する 6,000 GP Give Decor Item to target up to 5 panels away. Trophy?


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Kick 蹴る 30 GP Knock target 3 panels away. Store: LV 0
Boot もっと蹴る 100 GP Knock target 4 panels away. Store: LV 2
Punt すごく蹴る 350 GP Knock target 5 panels away. Store: LV 3
Flail はげしく蹴る 800 GP Knock target 6 panels away. Store: LV 4
Wallop 力いっぱい蹴る 1,400 GP Knock target 7 panels away. Trophy
Note: Can be used in Town


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Transform 合体させる 100 GP Combine ally units. Range=1, Ability=50% Store: LV 3
Combine 融合させる 480 GP Combine ally units. Range=2, Ability=60% Store: LV 3
Synchronize シンクロさせる 1,200 GP Combine ally units. Range=3, Ability=70% Store: LV 3
Fuse 一体化させる 2,500 GP Combine ally units. Range=4, Ability=80% Store: LV 4
Rendezvous ドッキングさせる 5,100 GP Combine ally units. Range=5, Ability=90% Trophy
Note: Can be used in Town


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Separate 分離させる 100 GP Split squad into two. Range=1 Store: LV 5
Divide 半分こにする 480 GP Split squad into two. Range=2 Store: LV 5
Split 別行動させる 1,200 GP Split squad into two. Range=3 Store: LV 5
Dissect 二等分する 2,500 GP Split squad into two. Range=4 Store: LV 5
Dismember リストラする 5,100 GP Split squad into two. Range=5 Trophy


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Kidnap 誘拐する 350 GP Kidnap enemy unit. Effect LV1 Store: LV 0
Betray 寝返らせる 1,000 GP Kidnap enemy unit. Effect LV2 Store: LV 2
Bribe 買収する 2,100 GP Kidnap enemy unit. Effect LV3 Store: LV 3
Headhunt 引き抜く 4,300 GP Kidnap enemy unit. Effect LV4 Store: LV 5
Hire 召し抱える 8,200 GP Kidnap enemy unit. Effect LV5 Trophy
Note: Can be used in Town


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Switch 入れ替わる 250 GP Trade bodies with target squad. Range=1 Store: LV 6
Change 交代する 1,000 GP Trade bodies with target squad. Range=2 Store: LV 6
Swap 乗っ取る 2,500 GP Trade bodies with target squad. Range=3 Store: LV 6
Exchange 肉体交換する 6,000 GP Trade bodies with target squad. Range=4 Store: LV 6
Transfer チェンジする 14,500 GP Trade bodies with target squad. Range=5 Trophy

Hold Hands

Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Hold Hands 手をつなぐ 180 GP Target will follow you like a loyal friend. Store: LV 2


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Heal Ailments 浄化する 60 GP Heal all status ailments. ?
Escape 脱出する 350 GP End the room inspection. ?
Form 編成する 50 GP Set your formation on the battlefield. ?


Item Japanese Cost Description Requirement
Grow 栽培する 350 GP Plant a seed and grow it to fruition. Range=1 ?
Raise 促成栽培する 1,000 GP Plant a seed and grow it to fruition. Range=2 ?
Breed 無農薬栽培する 2,100 GP Plant a seed and grow it to fruition. Range=3 ?
Cultivate 強化栽培する 4,300 GP Plant a seed and grow it to fruition. Range=4 ?
Propagate 超科学栽培する 8,200 GP Plant a seed and grow it to fruition. Range=5 ?

Use of the Gig Command

For the different uses and effects of Gig's Command. Depending on where you use the commands, you'll get different results.

Used in Town

Command Effect
Fight Fight and receive gold after your victory.
Steal Steal their item. If you fail, then you pay 10 times the selling price (possible to be in debt).
Kick Give them a grudge, making them appear as reinforcements for the enemy.
Transform After you win, the hero get status increase, but townspeople weaken.
Kidnap Make the person obey your command (had to have won a fight first).

Used in Store

Command Effect
Fight Anger the salesman and do battle (when yellow bar is max, winning increases product level).
Steal Steal the item
Hold Hands Become friendly with the salesman. Increase discount by 1% (Max of 20%)

In Addition

Command Effect
Grow Choose a room. Change the character's name or appearance. The level of the room is random. Level of the protagonist increases for each stage completed.