Makai Senki Disgaea 2/Misc Items

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Weights (ギブス)

Item Japanese Rank CR* Critical Price Atk Def Spd Hit Res Mv Jump
Power Weight パワーギブス 5 ? 300 20 -20
Power Weight 2 パワーギブス改 15 ? 15000 40 -40
Power Weight Z パワーギブスZ 25 ? 250000 160 -160
Speed Weight スピードギブス 5 ? 300 -20 20 1 5
Speed Weight 2 スピードギブス改 15 ? 15000 -40 40 1 10
Speed Weight Z スピードギブスZ 25 ? 250000 -160 160 1 15
Hit Weight ヒットギブス 5 ? +10% 300 -20 20 -20
Hit Weight 2 ヒットギブス改 15 ? +15% 15000 -40 40 -40
Hit Weight Z ヒットギブスZ 25 ? +20% 250000 -160 160 -160
  • While equipped with a Weight, the user's current HP total is reduced to 25% of their max HP total. This effect will usually activate a unit's "When at critical HP..." ability if they have one.
  • If an ally equipped with a Weight is defeated in battle, the weight will disappear. In exchange, the ally will be revived with 1 HP, but cannot be deployed until the following map. It is an effective tactic to equip your allies with a cheap Weight during Item World runs if they are likely to be defeated, so that they will still be available to deploy upon reaching the next floor. This same tactic can also be used to avoid hefty revive fees at the Hospital.

Weapon Scrolls (?)

Item Japanese Rank Price
Scroll: Fist 拳の秘伝書 40 8000000
Scroll: Sword 剣の秘伝書 40 8000000
Scroll: Spear 槍の秘伝書 40 8000000
Scroll: Bow 弓の秘伝書 40 8000000
Scroll: Gun 銃の秘伝書 40 8000000
Scroll: Axe 斧の秘伝書 40 8000000
Scroll: Staff 杖の秘伝書 40 8000000
  • While equipped with a Weapon Scroll, the user's proficiency with the respective weapon becomes 20 (A), even if it was greater than 20 to begin with. The user's equipment affinity for the respective weapon's dominant stats will be set to 120% as well. Example: A Thief equips a Scroll: Spear. Now their Spear proficiency becomes 20 (from 8) and their equipment affinity for Atk (a Spear's dominant stat) becomes 120% (from 100%).

Treasure maps/地図の切れ端

Item Japanese Rank Price Floor Faction Japanese Faction
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 01+ Orc Pirates オーク界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 01+ Prinny Pirates プリニー界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 41+ Prism Pirates レンジャー界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 01+ Chicken Pirates ニワトリ界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 61+ Z Pirates 界賊団Z
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 01+ Dancing Pirates ダンス界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 21+ Monk Pirates お坊さん界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 21+ Hunter Pirates ハンター界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 21+ Animal Pirates アニマル界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 21+ Jolly Pirates ムチムチ界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 01+ Ambling Pirates 漂流界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 01+ Bashful Pirates もじもじ界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 41+ Ninja Pirates 忍者界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 21+ Gate Pirates ゲート界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 21+ Wealthy Pirates 成金界賊団
Treasure Map 地図の切れ端 40 100 41+ Red Pirates 赤い界賊団

Note: These Pirates randomly show up in the item world, and the level range is random. Sometimes non-attacking specialists will show up. Upon being defeated, the Treasure Map may drop but it is not 100%. The Treasure Map and the other gear they equip may be stolen as well. It is equipped like any armor. --Kimmy78 08:23, 10 November 2006 (CST).


Item Japanese Rank Price HP SP Atk Def Int Spd Hit Res Mv
Sexy Panties せくしーぱんつ 40 10 1000 1000 1000
DoE ID Card 地球勇者認定証 40 10 500 300 300
Postcard 暑中見舞い 40 10 200 200 1
Gao's Spirit ガオの根性 40 50000000 3000 1000
Claudia's Charm クロウディアの美 40 50000000 1000 1000 1000
Kitty's Ears ミャオのネコ耳 40 50000000 1000 1000 1000
Prinny Suit プリニースーツ 40 2000000000 5000 2500 2500
Makai Wars 魔界ウォーズ 40 2000000000 2000 1000 2000 1000 2000 1000 1000 1000
Felicitation フェリシタシオン 40 1500000 1800
Usagi's Journal うさぎさん絵日記 40 50000000 1500 1500 1500


Item Japanese Rank Range Price HP
Angel Cake 山吹色のお菓子 5 2 1000 500
Gold bar 金の延べ棒 10 2 10000 500
Bomb 爆弾 1 2 30 500
Medicine 胃薬 3 2 180 500
Hard Liquor お酒 5 2 500 500
Chloroform クロロフォルム 7 2 1000 500


Item Japanese Rank CR* Range Price Hit
Stealing Hand いただきハンド 2 ? 1 30 20
Plunder Hand ぶんどりハンド 10 ? 2 200 30
Cha-Ching よくばりハンド 18 ? 3 1500 40
Bandit's Hand うはうはハンド 26 ? 4 10000 50
Awesome Hand 神技ハンド 34 ? 5 80000 60


Item Japanese Rank Price Description
Cell Phone 携帯電話 1 30 Item: Defender of Earth appears for a dramatic rescue!
Cell Phone 携帯電話 10 5000 Item: The Dark Hero appears for a dramatic rescue!
Cell Phone 携帯電話 1 30 Item: Call in a mid-battle delivery.
Cell Phone 携帯電話 5 1000 Item: Call Zenisky Financial Services.
Cell Phone 携帯電話 5 1000 Item: Meet with the Ghost Party.
Cell Phone 携帯電話 5 1000 Item: Meet with the Petit Orc Party.
Cell Phone 携帯電話 5 1000 Item: Meet with the White Dragon Party.
Cell Phone 携帯電話 5 1000 Item: Meet with the Mothman Party.
Cell Phone 携帯電話 5 1000 Item: Meet with the Wood Golem Party.
Cell Phone 携帯電話 5 1000 Item: Meet with the Baciel Party.
Cell Phone 携帯電話 10 5000 Item: Who knows what might happen?


Item Japanese Rank Price Specialist
Mr. Gency Exit デール 3 50 -
Subpoena 罪状 5 50 Baliff