Gensou Shoujo Wars Complete Box/NG+

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After completing the main story (Stage 77), the 'Dream Again' special stages, and the Meeko Route special stages, the New Game Plus (NG+) option becomes available at the intermission screen of the completed save file.

Called Dream Mode, this NG+ allows you to take 6 characters from the last stage throughout the entire next playthrough with their final movelist and optional forms, including the unlockable Lily Black frame if you fulfilled the conditions. The once exceptions are the Palanquin Ship and Akyuu. Meeko and Makura become fully playable characters in NG+ and are available from Stage 1, while the carry-on characters will be available just before Stage 2.

All items, PP, and Points from the last playthrough are carried over and all PP/Points for purchased skills/upgrades are refunded. Kills and Levels are reset, which also mean the characters' Spirit Command and Personal Skill list will be reset as well.

Dream Mode also includes a new bonus section in the intermission menu, known as the Discussion Room. Here, the player can either watch the girls reminiscence and reflect about the events of each stage, or check out Ace character interviews (50 kills or above). The option for an alternate ending route (named Route B in-game) appears at the end of Stage 70.