Gensou Shoujo Wars Complete Box/Database/UFO Characters: Difference between revisions

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Line 680: Line 680:
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Valor
! Valor
| 25 || 48 (NG)<br>38 (NG+)
| 25 || 48
|- align="center"
|- align="center"
! Faith
! Faith
| 40 || ''After Stage 59'' (NG)<br>48 (NG+)
| 40 || ''After Stage 59'' (NG)<br>38 (NG+)

Latest revision as of 19:34, 28 June 2024


General Information

General Information
Other Names The Little Dowser General
Debut Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Ability Ability to Find Sought-For Items
  • A Simple but Unbreakable Family ~ A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander (default BGM)
  • My Greatest Treasure ~ A Tiny, Tiny, Clever Commander (Pagoda form default BGM)

Character Statistics

Character Statistics
Personality Type Cautious
Friendship Level
Character Level Notes
Shou 2
Ichirin 2
Murasa 2
Byakuren 2 (Byakuren to Nazrin) - 3 (Nazrin to Byakuren)
Daiyousei 0 (Daiyousei to Nazrin) - 1 (Nazrin to Daiyousei) Eternal Chapter - Final Chapter
Spirit Commands
SP Cost Obtained Level
Scan 15 1
Focus 15 10
Flash 15 15
Trust 25 22
Chain 40 32
Assault 60 44
Skill Acquisition Levels
Skill Name Level of Skill
Level 1 Level 2
Dharmic Power 1 1
Support Attack 1 1
Predict 1
Grazing 1
Status Growth Statistics
Melee Ranged Skill Defense Evasion Accuracy SP
Level 25 158 148 185 109 215 218 82
Level 30 163 151 189 113 224 228 90
Level 40 172 157 196 121 242 248 106
Level 50 181 163 203 129 260 268 122
Level 60 190 169 210 137 278 288 138
Level 70 199 175 217 145 296 308 154
Level 80 208 181 224 153 314 328 170
Level 90 217 187 231 161 332 348 186
Level 99 225 192 237 168 348 366 200

Unit Statistics (Normal)

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 6 4 S 2 3 Sword
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 3200 3950 4700 6200 150
MP 150 200 250 300 350 10
Mobility 115 140 165 190 215 5
Armor 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 40
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Personal Commands
Name Description Notes
Pendulum Guard Reduces all damage by 2000 for once. 4 uses per stage. Graze damage doesn't count. Added with "Pendulum Guard" Personal Skill.
Little Dowser General Casts "Scan" Spirit Command on all enemies. 1 use per stage. Added with "Little Dowser General" Personal Skill.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: C)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Melee Melee P/S 1-2 5MP +35 +15 A A A A 1700 2200 2900 3650 4750
Nazrin Pendulum Ranged P/L
+10% Dealt Damage (Rat Bite PS)
2-5 10MP +20 +15 A A C A 1950 2450 3150 3900 5550
Nazrin Rod Melee P 1-4 15MP +15 +30 105 Power A A B A 2300 2800 3500 4250 5350
Gold Rush Melee P 1-4
6A +20 +25 120 Power A A A A 2900=>3200 3400=>3700 4100=>4400 4850=>5150 5950=>6250 +300 damage, +1 range with "American Dream" Personal Skill.
Greatest Treasure Melee L
Size Ignore
1-7 35MP +25 +10 120 Power
Combination attack with Shou (Pagoda)
A A A A 3300 3800 4500 5250 6350 Added at the start of Stage 62. Damage is listed assuming that each participating unit is on the corresponding attack upgrade level.

Unit Statistics (Pagoda)

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 6 4 S 2 3 Sword
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 3700 4450 5200 5950 6700 150
MP 170 220 270 320 370 10
Mobility 125 150 175 200 225 5
Armor 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 40
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Personal Commands
Name Description Notes
Pendulum Guard Reduces all damage by 2000 for once. 4 uses per stage. Graze damage doesn't count. Added with "Pendulum Guard" Personal Skill.
Little Dowser General Casts "Scan" Spirit Command on all enemies. 1 use per stage. Added with "Little Dowser General" Personal Skill.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: C)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Melee Melee P/S 1-2 5MP +35 +15 A A A A 1800 2300 3000 3750 4850
Nazrin Pendulum Ranged P/L
+10% Dealt Damage (Rat Bite PS)
2-5 10MP +20 +15 A A C A 2050 2550 3250 4000 5650
Nazrin Rod Melee P 1-4 15MP +15 +30 105 Power A A B A 2400 2900 3600 4350 5450
Gold Rush Melee P 1-4
6A +20 +25 120 Power A A A A 3000=>3300 3500=>3800 4200=>4500 4950=>5250 6050=>6350 +300 damage, +1 range with "American Dream" Personal Skill.
Greatest Treasure Melee L
Size Ignore
1-7 60MP +25 +10 120 Power A A A A 3300 3800 4500 5250 6350

Personal Skills

Personal Skills
Name Acquision Level Type Details Notes
Rat Bite 1 Ability Adds "Dealt Damage +10%" effect to "Nazrin Pendulum" attack.
Pendulum Guard 1 Command Reduces all damage by 2000 for once. 4 uses per stage. Graze damage doesn't count.
Clever General 23 Ability SP cost of "Focus" Spirit Command becomes 10.
American Dream 30 Ability +300 damage, +1 range for "Gold Rush" attack.
Little Dowser General 65 Command Casts "Scan" Spirit Command on all enemies. 1 use per stage.

Kogasa Tatara

General Information

General Information
Other Names The Cheery Forgotten Umbrella
Debut Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Ability Ability to Surprise People
  • Prism Parachuter ~ Beware the Umbrella Left There Forever (default BGM)

Character Statistics

Character Statistics
Personality Type Easygoing
Friendship Level
Character Level Notes
Sanae 2
Hisoutensoku 1
Spirit Commands
SP Cost Obtained Level
Focus 15 1
Wall 20 9
Bullseye 20 17
Accel 20 22
Provoke 25 38
Assault 60 45
Skill Acquisition Levels
Skill Name Level of Skill
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Instinct 1 1 1 1 1
Random Dodge 1 1
Blocking 1 1
Status Growth Statistics
Melee Ranged Skill Defense Evasion Accuracy SP
Level 57 188 157 190 142 262 281 141
Level 60 191 159 193 145 268 287 146
Level 70 200 165 200 153 286 307 162
Level 80 209 171 207 161 304 327 178
Level 90 218 177 214 169 322 347 194
Level 99 226 182 220 176 338 365 208

Unit Statistics

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 6 4 M 2 3 Shield
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 3200 4200 5200 6200 7200 200
MP 130 180 230 280 330 10
Mobility 110 135 160 185 210 5
Armor 1300 1500 1700 1900 2100 40
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Personal Commands
Name Description Notes
Sadism!? The "Urameshiya~!" MAP attack weapon affects hit enemies with Provoke. 2 uses per stage. Does not work on enemies with "Special Resistance" ability. Added with "Sadism!?" Personal Skill.
Bullying!? The "Urameshiya~!" MAP attack weapon casts Mercy on hit enemies. 3 uses per stage. Added with "Bullying!?" Personal Skill.
Synergic Umbrella Spirit Commands with a lasting effect currently active on either unit in Kogasa's pair will be applied to the other unit. 1 use per stage.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: C)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Umbrella Melee P/S
1-2 5MP +60 +60 A A A A 1800 2300 3000 3750 4850
Over the Rainbow Ranged P 1-4 10MP +10 +20 A A C A 2200 2700 3400 4150 5250
Karakasa Surprising Flash Melee P 1-3 30MP +60 +30 100 Power A A B A 2700 3200 3900 4650 5750
Umbrella Cyclone Melee Size Ignore 1-5 45MP +10 +35 110 Power S B B A 3100 3600 4300 5050 6150
Urameshiya~! !? MAP (bombardment type; ally-enemy distinction)
-10%/-20%/-30% Damage Dealt (randomly determined)
1-8 6A 0 0 100 Power A A A A
  • Shape of bombardment range:
  • Shape of bombardment area:

Personal Skills

Personal Skills
Name Acquision Level Type Details Notes
Sadism!? 1 Command The "Urameshiya~!" MAP attack weapon affects hit enemies with Provoke. 2 uses per stage. Does not work on enemies with "Special Resistance" ability.
Bullying!? 1 Command The "Urameshiya~!" MAP attack weapon casts Mercy on hit enemies. 3 uses per stage.
Tatara Step 35 Ability +10% dealt damage, -10% received damage for Kogasa's pair.
Synergic Umbrella 65 Command Spirit Commands with a lasting effect currently active on either unit in Kogasa's pair will be applied to the other unit. 1 use per stage.

Ichirin Kumoi & Unzan

General Information

General Information
Other Names The Guarding and Guarded Great Wheel
Debut Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Ability Ability to Use Nyuudou
  • The Cloud-Dwelling Iron Fist ~ The Traditional Old Man and the Stylish Girl (default BGM)

Character Statistics (Ichirin)

Character Statistics
Personality Type Super Strong
Friendship Level
Character Level Notes
Byakuren 2 (Byakuren to Ichirin) - 3 (Ichirin to Byakuren)


  • Normal
  • "Youkai Trio" PS (Murasa/Ichirin only)
  • "Youkai Trio" PS (Murasa & Ichirin)
Nazrin 2
Shou 2

2 (Nue to Ichirin) - 3 (Ichirin to Nue)
5 (Nue to Ichirin) - 6 (Ichirin to Nue)
8 (Nue to Ichirin) - 9 (Ichirin to Nue)

  • No Friendship Level bonus events.
  • No Friendship bonus & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue/Ichirin only or both)
  • No Friendship bonus & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue & Ichirin)
  • If Ichirin convinced Nue in Stage 59.
  • If Ichirin convinced Nue & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue/Ichirin only)
  • If Ichirin convinced Nue & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue & Ichirin)
Spirit Commands
SP Cost Obtained Level
Trust 15 1
Spirit+ (Hustling Girl PS)
Bullseye 20 18
Gain 20 27
Valor 25 48
Faith 40 After Stage 59 (NG)
38 (NG+)
Skill Acquisition Levels
Skill Name Level of Skill
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Dharmic Power 1 1 1
Potential 1 1 1 1 1 1
Guard 1
P Gain (Hit) 1
Status Growth Statistics
Melee Ranged Skill Defense Evasion Accuracy SP
Level 52 185 171 208 152 248 273 123
Level 60 193 176 214 160 261 289 136
Level 70 202 182 221 170 277 309 152
Level 80 211 188 228 180 293 329 168
Level 90 220 194 235 190 309 349 184
Level 99 228 199 241 199 323 367 198

Character Statistics (Unzan)

  • Since Unzan is treated as the "sub-character" of the Ichirin-Unzan unit, he can only use Spirit Commands to assist Ichirin in combat, and thus Unzan's character statistics aside from his SP amount are unfortunately redundant.
Character Statistics
Personality Type Super Strong
Spirit Commands
SP Cost Obtained Level
Wall 25 1
Persist 15 1
Spirit 35 1
Valor 40 1
Status Growth Statistics
Melee Ranged Skill Defense Evasion Accuracy SP
Level 52 181 141 201 138 188 264 71=>91/106/121
Level 60 186 146 207 144 204 280 78=>98/113/128
Level 70 192 152 214 151 223 300 86=>106/121/136
Level 80 198 158 221 158 242 320 94=>114/129/144
Level 90 204 164 228 165 261 340 102=>122/137/152
Level 99 209 169 234 171 278 358 109=>129/144/159

+20/+35/+50 SP with "Hustle Old Man" Personal Skill.

Unit Statistics

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 6 4 L 2.5 2 None
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 5000 6250 7500 8750 10000 250
MP 160 210 260 310 360 10
Mobility 90 110 130 150 170 4
Armor 1150 1400 1650 1900 2150 50
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Special Abilities
Name Description Notes
Nyuudou Block Reduces all damage by 700 (costs 10 MP). Added with "Nyuudou Block" Personal Skill.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: A)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Unarguable Youkai Punch Melee P
Size Ignore
1-4 10MP +10 +35 A A A A 2000 2500 3200 3950 4700
Scolding from a Traditional Old Man Melee L
Size Ignore
2-6 25MP +20 +10 A A B A 2400 2900 3600 4350 5100
Consecutive Hooks Throughout Heaven and Earth Melee P
Size Ignore
30MP +15 +25 110 Power A A A A 2800=>3000 3300=>3500 4000=>4200 4750=>4950 5500=>5700 +200 damage, +1 range with "Nyuudou's Rush" Personal Skill.
Traditional Era of a Splendid Old Man Melee P
Barrier Pierce
Size Ignore
1-3 70MP +30 +25 130 Power A A C A 3650 4150 4850 5400 6350

Personal Skills

Personal Skills
Name Acquision Level Type Details Notes
Nyuudou Block 1 Ability Reduces all damage by 700 (costs 10 MP).
Nyuudou's Rush 1 Ability +200 damage, +1 range for "Consecutive Hooks Throughout Heaven and Earth" attack.
Hustle Old Man 19 (L1) Ability Unzan's max SP +20.
31 (L2) Ability Unzan's max SP +35.
43 (L3) Ability Unzan's max SP +50.
Hustling Girl 35 Ability Ichirin's "Focus" Spirit Command" becomes "Spirit+" (SP cost 30).
Youkai Trio After Stage 59 Ability Increases Ichirin's Friendship Level with Murasa and Nue by 3.

Minamitsu Murasa

General Information

General Information
Other Names The Ghost Left From the Shipwreck Accident
Debut Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Ability Ability to Cause Shipwreck Accidents
  • Cross Anchor Murasa ~ Captain Murasa (default BGM)

Character Statistics

Character Statistics
Personality Type Super Strong
Friendship Level
Character Level Notes
Byakuren 2 (Byakuren to Murasa) - 3 (Murasa to Byakuren)


  • Normal
  • "Youkai Trio" PS (Murasa/Ichirin only)
  • "Youkai Trio" PS (Murasa & Ichirin)
Nazrin 2
Shou 2

2 (Nue to Murasa) - 3 (Murasa to Nue)
5 (Nue to Murasa) - 6 (Murasa to Nue)
8 (Nue to Murasa) - 9 (Murasa to Nue)
3 (Nue to Murasa) - 4 (Murasa to Nue)
6 (Nue to Murasa) - 7 (Murasa to Nue)
9 (Nue to Murasa) - 10 (Murasa to Nue)

  • No Friendship Level bonus events.
  • No Friendship bonus & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue/Murasa)
  • No Friendship bonus & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue & Murasa)
  • If Murasa convinced Nue in Stage 59.
  • If Murasa convinced Nue & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue/Murasa)
  • If Murasa convinced Nue & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue & Murasa)
Akyuu 0 (Akyuu to Murasa) - 1 (Murasa to Akyuu)
Rinnosuke 1
Spirit Commands
SP Cost Obtained Level
Pierce 20 1
Bullseye 20 8
Spirit 30 16
Persist 15 24
Valor 40 46 (NG)
35 (NG+)
Faith 40 After Stage 59 (NG)
46 (NG+)
Skill Acquisition Levels
Skill Name Level of Skill
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Dharmic Power 1 1 1
Potential 1 1 1 1 1 1
Instinct 1 1 1 1 1 1
P Gain (Damaged) 1
Status Growth Statistics
Melee Ranged Skill Defense Evasion Accuracy SP
Level 31 175 143=>160 186 116 225 224 94
Level 40 184 149=>169 193 124 242 242 109
Level 50 193 155=>175 200 132 260 262 125
Level 52 194 156=>176 201 133 263 266 128
Level 60 202 161=>181 207 140 278 282 141
Level 70 211 167=>187 214 148 296 302 157
Level 80 220 173=>193 221 156 314 322 173
Level 90 229 179=>199 228 164 332 342 189
Level 99 237 184=>204 234 171 348 360 203

Ranged statistics +20 with "Naval Tactics" Personal Skill.

Unit Statistics

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 6 4 M 2.5 2 None
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 4500 5500 6500 7500 8500 200
MP 150 200 250 300 350 10
Mobility 120 145 170 195 220 5
Armor 950 1150 1350 1550 1750 40
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: A)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Ladle Melee P
1-3 5MP +40 +35 A A A A 2200 2700 3400 4150 4900
Deep Vortex Melee P 2-4 10MP +40 +15 A A S A 2400 2900 3600 4350 5100
Sinking Anchor Melee P 1-3
+20 +35 110 Power A A S A 3100=>3250 3600=>3750 4300=>4450 5050=>5200 5800=>5950 +150 damage, +1 range, +3 ammo with "Reserve Anchor" Personal Skill.
Phantom Ship Harbor Melee P
Size Ignore
40MP +10 +15 110 Power
Combination attack with Palanquin Ship
A A S A 3300 3800 4500 5250 6000 Attack can only be initiated from Murasa's side. Damage is listed assuming that each participating unit is on the corresponding attack upgrade level.
Deep Sinker Melee P
Size Ignore
1-2 2A +20 +35 130 Power A A S A 3650 4150 4850 5600 6350

Personal Skills

Personal Skills
Name Acquision Level Type Details Notes
Venus of the Bilge 1 Ability When Murasa is the Palanquin Ship's captain, all loaded units will have double the amount of restored HP & MP.
Naval Tactics 1 Ability Ranged statistics +20.
Reserve Anchor 1 Ability +150 damage, +1 range, +3 ammo for "Sinking Anchor" attack.
Underwater Venus 1 (L1) Ability +20% dealt damage to underwater enemies, +20% evasion rate when unit is underwater.
30 (L2) Ability +30% dealt damage to underwater enemies, +30% evasion rate when unit is underwater.
55 (L3) Ability +40% dealt damage to underwater enemies, +40% evasion rate when unit is underwater.
Full Speed Ahead 35 Ability Unfocused and Focused movement +1.
Youkai Trio After Stage 59 Ability Increases Murasa's Friendship Level with Ichirin and Nue by 3.

Shou Toramaru

General Information

General Information
Other Names Disciple of Bishamonten
Debut Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Ability Ability to Gather Treasures
  • The Scorching Heat's Hungry Tiger ~ The Tiger-Patterned Vaisravana (default BGM)
  • The Revived Golden Braver ~ Rural Makai City Esoteria (Pagoda form default BGM)

Character Statistics

Character Statistics
Personality Type Strong
Friendship Level
Character Level Notes
Nazrin 2
Ichirin 2
Murasa 2
Byakuren 2 (Byakuren to Shou) - 3 (Shou to Byakuren)
Ran 2 Eternal Chapter - Final Chapter
Spirit Commands
SP Cost Obtained Level Notes
Luck 35 1
Bullseye 20 8
Persist 15 16
Spirit 30 22
Pierce 20 29
Bravery 80
After Stage 68 SP cost becomes 65 with "Golden Braver" Personal Skill.
Skill Acquisition Levels
Skill Name Level of Skill
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7
Dharmic Power 1 1 1
Potential 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Blocking 1
Support Defend 1
Status Growth Statistics
Melee Ranged Skill Defense Evasion Accuracy SP
Level 25 164 147 194 127 198 221 84
Level 30 169 150 198 132 206 231 92
Level 40 178 156 205 142 222 251 108
Level 50 187 162 212 152 238 271 124
Level 60 196 168 219 162 254 291 140
Level 70 205 174 226 172 270 311 156
Level 80 214 180 238 182 286 331 172
Level 90 223 186 240 192 302 351 188
Level 99 231 191 246 201 316 369 202

Unit Statistics (Normal)

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 6 4 M 2 2 Sword
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 5100 6100 7100 8100 9100 200
MP 150 200 250 300 350 10
Mobility 110 135 160 185 210 5
Armor 1050 1300 1550 1800 2050 50
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Personal Commands
Name Description Notes
Justice -50% MP cost for attacks in 1 turn (2 uses per stage). Added with "Justice" Personal Skill. Stacks with "MP Save" Special Skill.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: B)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Spear Melee P/S 1-2 5MP +20 +35 A A A A 2100 2600 3300 3950 5000
Most Valuable Vajra Melee P
2-4 12A +15 +25 A A B A 2250 2750 3450 4100 5150
Spear (Continuous) Melee P 1-2 35MP +20 +20 110 Power A A A A 2900=>3150 3400=>3650 4100=>4350 4750=>5000 5800=>6050 +250 damage, +1 range with "Spear (Continuous) Enhance" Personal Skill.
Radiant Treasure Gun Melee L
Size Ignore
1-7 35MP +5 +25 120 Power
Combination attack with Nazrin (Pagoda)
A A A A 3400 3900 4600 5250 6300 Added at the start of Stage 62. Damage is listed assuming that each participating unit is on the corresponding attack upgrade level.

Unit Statistics (Pagoda)

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 6 4 M 2.5 2 Sword
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 200
MP 170 220 270 320 370 10
Mobility 115 140 165 190 215 5
Armor 1150 1400 1650 1900 2150 50
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Personal Commands
Name Description Notes
Justice -50% MP cost for attacks in 1 turn (2 uses per stage). Added with "Justice" Personal Skill. Stacks with "MP Save" Special Skill.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: B)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Spear Melee P/S 1-2 5MP +20 +35 A A A A 2200 2700 3400 4050 5100
Most Valuable Vajra Melee P
2-4 12A +15 +25 A A B A 2350 2850 3550 4200 5250
Spear (Continuous) Melee P 1-2 35MP +20 +20 110 Power A A A A 3000=>3250 3500=>3750 4200=>4450 4850=>5100 5900=>6150 +250 damage, +1 range with "Spear (Continuous) Enhance" Personal Skill.
Radiant Treasure Gun Melee L
Size Ignore
1-7 60MP +10 +25 120 Power A A C A 3400 3900 4600 5250 6300 Added at the start of Stage 62.
Absolute Justice Melee P
Barrier Pierce
Size Ignore
2-3 75MP +20 +15 130 Power A A A A 3600 4100 4800 5450 6500 Added at the start of Stage 62.

Personal Skills

Personal Skills
Name Acquision Level Type Details Notes
Dazzling Gold 1 Ability +15% earned Points.
Bishamonten's Protection 1 Ability At 120 Power, +10% dealt damage.
Spear (Continuous) Enhance 17 Ability +250 damage, +1 range for "Spear (Continuous)" attack.
Justice After Stage 68 Command -50% MP cost for attacks in 1 turn (2 uses per stage). Stacks with "MP Save" Special Skill => -60% total reduction compared to original MP cost.
Golden Braver After Stage 68 Ability SP cost of "Bravery" Spirit Command becomes 65.

Byakuren Hijiri

General Information

General Information
Other Names The Sealed Great Magician
Debut Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Ability Ability to Use Magic
  • Holy Resistance ~ Emotional Skyscraper (default BGM)

Character Statistics

Character Statistics
Personality Type Strong (Normal)
Super Strong (Superhuman)
Friendship Level
Character Level Notes
Shou 3 (Shou to Byakuren) - 2 (Byakuren to Shou)
Nazrin 3 (Nazrin to Byakuren) - 2 (Byakuren to Nazrin)
Ichirin 3 (Ichirin to Byakuren) - 2 (Byakuren to Ichirin)
Murasa 3 (Murasa to Byakuren) - 2 (Byakuren to Murasa)
Nue 1 (Nue to Byakuren) - 0 (Byakuren to Nue)
Shinki 2
Spirit Commands


SP Cost Obtained Level
Love 80 1
Focus 15 15
Flash 15 20
Trust 20 24
Chain 50 40
Valor 45 47


SP Cost Obtained Level
Accel 15 1
Bullseye 20 15
Wall 25 20
Pierce 20 24
Wrath 50 40
Valor 45 47
Skill Acquisition Levels
Skill Name Level of Skill
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8 Level 9
Magician 1 1 1 1 10 20 30 40
Dharmic Power 1 1 1 1 1
Potential 1 1 1 1 1 1
Belief 1
Status Growth Statistics
Melee Ranged Skill Defense Evasion Accuracy SP
Level 68 196 172 223 139 274 306 153
Level 70 198 174 225 141 278 310 157
Level 80 207 181 232 149 295 330 173
Level 90 216 188 239 157 312 350 189
Level 99 224 196 245 164 327 368 203

Unit Statistics (Normal)

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Magician 6 4 L 3.5 1 None
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 6300 7550 8800 10050 11300 250
MP 200 250 300 350 400 10
Mobility 120 145 170 195 220 5
Armor 1200 1450 1700 1950 2200 50
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Special Abilities
Name Description Notes
Magic Barrier (Byakuren) Nullifies all damage below 1950 (costs 10 MP).
Superhuman Change At 130 Power, adds "Superhuman Change" Personal Command. Unit can transform into Superhuman form until the end of the stage. 1 use per stage.
Personal Commands
Name Description Notes
Superhuman Change Added with "Superhuman Change" Special Ability. Unit can transform into Superhuman form until the end of the stage. Using unit's strongest attack will cause unit to revert back into Normal form with -20 Power afterwards. Usage amount for Superhuman Change will be restored after Byakuren reverts back to Normal form.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: A)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Virudhaka's Sword Melee P
Barrier Pierce
3-5 6A +10 +10 A A C A 2200 2700 3400 4150 4900
Hanuman's Dance Melee P/S
1-3 10MP +15 +35 A A A A 2400 2900 3600 4350 5100
Devil Recitation Melee x 4-6 40MP +10 +15 120 Power A A C A 2900 3400 4100 4850 5600
Superhuman "Byakuren Hijiri" Melee P
Size Ignore
1-2 55MP +10 +25 130 Power A A C A 3300 3800 4500 5250 6000

Unit Statistics (Superhuman)

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Magician 7=>8 4=>5 L 3.5 1 None

Movement +1 with "Garuda's Wings" Personal Skill.

Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 6800 8050 9300 10550 11800 250
MP 200 250 300 350 400 10
Mobility 140 165 190 215 240 5
Armor 1600 1850 2100 2350 2600 50
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Special Abilities
Name Description Notes
Magic Armor (Byakuren) Reduces all damage by 1000 (costs 10 MP).
MP Regeneration (Small) Recovers 10% MP at the start of each turn.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: A)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Melee Melee P
25MP +30 +35 110 Power A A A A 2700 3200 3900 4650 5400 +2 range with "Garuda's Wings" Personal Skill.
Master of the Great Trichiliocosm Melee P
Size Ignore
Reverts back to Normal form after usage
90MP +15 +30 150 Power A A A A 4000 4500 5200 5950 6700 +2 range with "Garuda's Wings" Personal Skill.
  • Special Skill "Magician" increases the base damage of Byakuren's attacks, as well as her Accuracy stats.

Personal Skills

Personal Skills
Name Acquision Level Type Details Notes
Emotional Skyscraper 1 Ability Maximum Power +30.
Teachings of Buddha 1 Ability +20 Power at sortie for characters with the "Dharmic Power" Special Skill, aside from Byakuren herself.
Garuda's Wings 1 Ability In Superhuman form, +1 movement, +2 attack range.

Nue Houjuu

General Information

General Information
Other Names True Form of the Unidentified
Debut Touhou Seirensen ~ Undefined Fantastic Object
Ability Ability to Make Things Unidentifiable
  • Heian Chimera Syndrome ~ Heian Alien (enemy BGM)
  • Once Again, Being Myself ~ UFO Romance in the Night Sky (ally BGM)

Character Statistics

Character Statistics
Personality Type Super Strong
Friendship Level
Character Level Notes

3 (Ichirin to Nue) - 2 (Nue to Ichirin)
9 (Ichirin to Nue) - 5 (Nue to Ichirin)
9 (Ichirin to Nue) - 8 (Nue to Ichirin)

  • No Friendship Level bonus events.
  • No Friendship bonus & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue/Ichirin only or both)
  • No Friendship bonus & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue & Ichirin)
  • If Ichirin convinced Nue in Stage 59.
  • If Ichirin convinced Nue & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue/Ichirin only)
  • If Ichirin convinced Nue & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue & Ichirin)

3 (Murasa to Nue) - 2 (Nue to Murasa)
6 (Murasa to Nue) - 5 (Nue to Murasa)
9 (Murasa to Nue) - 8 (Nue to Murasa)
4 (Murasa to Nue) - 3 (Nue to Murasa)
7 (Murasa to Nue) - 6 (Nue to Murasa)
10 (Murasa to Nue) - 9 (Nue to Murasa)

  • No Friendship Level bonus events.
  • No Friendship bonus & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue/Murasa)
  • No Friendship bonus & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue & Murasa)
  • If Murasa convinced Nue in Stage 59.
  • If Murasa convinced Nue & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue/Murasa)
  • If Murasa convinced Nue & "Youkai Trio" PS (Nue & Murasa)
Byakuren 0 (Byakuren to Nue) - 1 (Nue to Byakuren)
Spirit Commands
SP Cost Obtained Level Notes
Cloak 35 1
Flash 15 1
Focus 15 13
Adapt 30 25
Confuse 70
45 (NG)
38 (NG+)
Cost becomes 50 with "Great Youkai of Heian" Personal Skill.
Faith 40 After Stage 59 (NG)
45 (NG+)
Skill Acquisition Levels
Skill Name Level of Skill
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5
Instinct 1 1 1 1 1
Support Attack 1
Shotgunning 1
Status Growth Statistics
Melee Ranged Skill Defense Evasion Accuracy SP
Level 51 160 180 206 122 273 272 121
Level 57 164 186 210 126 285 284 131
Level 60 166 189 213 129 291 290 136
Level 70 172 198 220 136 310 310 152
Level 80 178 207 227 143 329 330 168
Level 90 184 216 234 150 348 350 184
Level 99 189 224 240 156 365 368 198

Unit Statistics (Normal)

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 6 4 M 2.5 2 None
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 3700 4700 5700 6700 7700 200
MP 160 210 260 310 360 10
Mobility 130 155 180 205 230 5
Armor 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 40
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Special Abilities
Name Description Notes
Undefined Form Using the "Swap" command, unit can change between Normal, Type G and Type B forms.
Personal Commands
Name Description Notes
Swap Added with the "Undefined Form" Special Ability. Unit can change between Normal, Type G and Type B forms.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: A)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Danmaku Chimera (Spear) Ranged P
Barrier Pierce
1-4 15MP +5 +50 A A C S 2350 2850 3550 4300 5050
Undefined Darkness Ranged Assist 1-6 10A +35 +35 A A A S 2600 3100 3800 4550 5300
Red UFO Invasion of Rage Ranged P 1-5 3A +20 +15 110 Power A A A S 2650 3150 3850 4600 5350
Nightmare of Heiankyou Ranged Size Ignore 3-6 45MP +30 +10 120 Power A A C S 3100 3600 4300 5050 5800
Purple Mirror Ranged P
Size Ignore
1-3 70MP +15 +25 130 Power A A B S 3500 4000 4700 5450 6200

Unit Statistics (Type G)

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 5 3 M 2.5 2 None
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 6000 7250 8500 9750 11000 250
MP 160 210 260 310 360 10
Mobility 80 100 120 140 160 4
Armor 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 50
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Special Abilities
Name Description Notes
Undefined Form Using the "Swap" command, unit can change between Normal, Type G and Type B forms.
Personal Commands
Name Description Notes
Swap Added with the "Undefined Form" Special Ability. Unit can change between Normal, Type G and Type B forms.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: A)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Danmaku Chimera (Arrow) Ranged Assist
Barrier Pierce
1-5 7A +10 +15 A A A S 2500 3000 3700 4450 5200
Undefined Darkness Ranged x 1-6 10A +35 +35 A A A S 2600 3100 3800 4550 5300
Green UFO Invasion of Justice Ranged L 3-8 3A +10 +20 110 Power A A C S 2900 3400 4100 4850 5600
Nightmare of Heiankyou Ranged Size Ignore 3-7 45MP +30 +10 120 Power A A C S 3100 3600 4300 5050 5800
Purple Mirror Ranged Size Ignore 4-6 70MP +20 +25 130 Power A A B S 3400 3900 4600 5350 6100

Unit Statistics (Type B)

Unit Statistics
General Stats
Race Normal Movement Focused Movement Size Cost Equipment Slots Sword/Shield Equipment
Youkai 8 5 M 2.5 2 None
Upgrade Level
0 5 10 15 20 Increase per upgrade
HP 2400 2900 3400 3900 4400 100
MP 160 210 260 310 360 10
Mobility 145 170 195 220 245 5
Armor 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 40
Terrain Ratings
Sky Land Water Night
Special Abilities
Name Description Notes
Undefined Form Using the "Swap" command, unit can change between Normal, Type G and Type B forms.
Personal Commands
Name Description Notes
Swap Added with the "Undefined Form" Special Ability. Unit can change between Normal, Type G and Type B forms.
Name Type Properties Range Ammo Count/MP Cost Accuracy Bonus (%) Critical Bonus (%) Requirements Terrain Damage per Upgrade
(WP Bonus upgrade rank: A)
Sky Land Water Night 0 5 10 15 20
Danmaku Chimera (Jade) Ranged Assist 1-3 7A +10 +10 A A C S 2000 2500 3200 3950 4700
Undefined Darkness Ranged x 1-6 10A +35 +35 A A A S 2200 2700 3400 4150 4900
Blue UFO Invasion of Grief Ranged P 1-4 3A +10 +10 110 Power A A C S 2400 2900 3600 4350 5100
Nightmare of Heiankyou Ranged P
Size Ignore
1-3 45MP +10 +15 120 Power A A C S 2700 3200 3900 4650 5400
Purple Mirror Ranged P
Size Ignore
1-2 70MP +20 +25 130 Power A A B S 2900 3400 4100 4850 5600

Personal Skills

Personal Skills
Name Acquision Level Type Details Notes
Undefined Flying Girl 1 (L1) Ability +15% accuracy & evasion until turn 4 finishes.
50 (L2) Ability +30% accuracy & evasion until turn 4 finishes.
Dark Cloud 20 (L1) Ability At 120 Power, unit's own terrain will become Night, and 10% MP will be restored at the start of each turn.
40 (L2) Ability At 120 Power, unit's own terrain will become Night, and 20% MP will be restored at the start of each turn.
Great Youkai of Heian 45 Ability SP cost of "Confuse" Spirit Command becomes 50.
Youkai Trio After Stage 59 Ability Increases Nue's Friendship Level with Ichirin and Murasa by 3.