Super Robot Wars/X-Omega/Upgrading

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Super Robot Wars X-Omega utilizes a unique upgrading system compared to other games of its franchise. For those who are familiar with Japanese mobile games, many of these elements are very similar. There are many ways to upgrade and make the most out of even the most common and weak units in the game.

Unit Upgrading

There are multiple ways to upgrade units, and utilizing all these methods will ensure that units are at maximum strength and ready to face any challenge. Units that have reached their maximum level after reaching their highest maximum level possible and have been fully customized will have a medal emblem on their unit icon instead of the bars that show the number of times the unit's maximum level has been broken.

Leveling Experience

Leveling a unit's experience can be done in two ways:

  • Earning experience from completing quests
  • Upgrading a unit in the unit menu.

While upgrading units is a fairly simple task, there are ways to optimize the process of upgrading so that resources are saved and there will not be too much wasted experience. In the upgrade menu, players can discard excess units and pay a fee to level up a specific unit. In common mobile game terminology, the beneficiary is called the base unit while the consumed units that provide experience are called fodder units. Since there are many opportunities to gain new units, players are bound to have an excess of units at some point and players must decide whether to extend their maximum unit capacity or sell/discard units away. Upgrading a unit's level will provide the greatest benefits out of all the methods of upgrading since the many times you can level a unit through upgrading will allow a unit's strength to scale higher and faster. As units gains levels, they will have access to alternate Seishin Skills and can gain more abilities by unlocking their respective unit quests.

Using units and materials of the same attribute (ex. attacker to attacker) will also provide a significant boost in experience gain. The gold cost to upgrade a unit will be (Unit's Current Level * 100 * # of units consumed). This means that as units reach higher levels, using low level fodder will become impractical as the cost will be too expensive for such small amounts of experience.
Below is a table that shows the experience values of using level 1 fodder units or upgrading materials.

Base Experience Values
Rarity Same Type Different Types Upgrade Material Type Same Type Different Types
Common 200->300 180 Upgrade Material I 2500->4000 2250->2400
Uncommon 300->450 270 Upgrade Material II 10000->15000 9000
Rare 3000->5000 2700->3000 Upgrade Material III 25000->40000 22500->24000
Super Rare 10000->15000 9000 Upgrade Material IV 60000->90000 54000
Super Super Rare 20000->30000 18000 Upgrade Material V 80000->120000 72000

As of 2015/10/27, the update to v1.1.1 raised the experience gained from units and materials of the same type by 50% of their original values in most cases. Changes were also made in the amount of experience from rare units along with Upgrade Materials I and III. These changes are shown in green text.

A special note must higher level units will give even more experience and that the amount does NOT scale linearly, but it may scale exponentially. This means that without the use of upgrade materials, players can opt to upgrade lower level units so that they will eventually be used as fodder for higher level units. This allows the player to optimize the amount of gold spent upgrading units at higher levels during days where there are no events or daily dungeons that will provide them upgrading materials. Upgrading units also provide a small chance of a great success, increasing the experience gained by 50%.

Level Limit Breaks

One of the perks of upgrading units is the ability to break its level limit beyond its default maximum. To achieve this, players must upgrade their unit with another unit of the same name, rarity, pilot(s), AND attribute. Because players cannot deploy 2 of the same exact units unless they have different pilots, there is very little reason to keep any extra copies of the exact same unit and it is recommended to use duplicates to raise the maximum level of the unit. Players can break the maximum level limit of their units up to 4 times. Each time the maximum level a unit is raised, the maximum level you may upgrade a unit will be increased by 5 and the maximum number of customization bars that can be upgraded will also increase by 1. With 4 level limit breaks, a unit may be as powerful as its rarer counterparts with 20 more levels and 16 extra customization upgrades.


Upon reaching player rank 10, the customization option in the unit menu will be unlocked. There players who have played Super Robot Wars will be welcomed by a familiar screen of upgrading bars. There are 4 rows of bars that correspond to the 4 primary unit stats of HP, armor, attack, and mobility. Unlike regular upgrading, customizing a unit's stats cost customization materials. These green cubes can be found as drops in some dungeons or can be farmed in the Saturday Daily Dungeon. The cost of customization materials will depend on the unit's rarity and how many upgrade bars the player is filling. The amount of bars players are able to fill are determined by a unit's rarity and the number of times the unit's level limit has been broken as shown in the table below.

Maximum Customizations
Rarity Default 1 Level Limit Break 2 Level Limit Breaks 3 Level Limit Breaks 4 Level Limit Breaks
Common 2 3 4 5 6
Uncommon 3 4 5 6 7
Rare 4 5 6 7 8
Super Rare 5 6 7 8 9
Super Super Rare 6 7 8 9 10

The next table will display the Customization Materials cost for upgrading to a specific amount of bars.

Customization Materials Cost
Rarity 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Common 1000 1000 1200 1200 1400 1400 - - - -
Uncommon 1000 1000 1400 1400 1800 1800 2200 - - -
Rare 1000 1000 1500 1500 2000 2000 2500 2500 - -
Super Rare 1000 1000 1600 1600 2200 2200 2800 2800 3400 -
Super Super Rare 1000 1000 1800 1800 2600 2600 3400 3400 4200 4200

The total materials to fully customize a unit can be found by taking the sum of an entire row and multiplying it by 4 for each of the primary stats.

Full Customization Bonus

Unlocking a unit's level limit to its maximum AND fully customizing it will grant an extra bonus. These bonuses are similar to full upgrade bonuses from traditional Super Robot Wars games. Players may choose a bonus permanent gain to one of the 4 primary stats. Rarer units will have higher bonuses due to the difficulty of raising its level limit multiple times. The bonuses that can be gained are shown in the table below.

Full Customization Bonuses
Rarity HP Bonus Attack Bonus Armor Bonus Mobility Bonus
Common 200 100 100 100
Uncommon 300 150 150 150
Rare 400 200 200 200
Super Rare 500 250 250 250
Super Super Rare 600 300 300 300

Battleship Upgrading