Super Robot Wars/OGs/Ace Bonuses

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Ace Bonuses

Once a pilot has 50 Kills, they will become an Ace pilot and the "A" beside their Kill count will be colored in gold instead of being faded. Ace pilots gain the following benefits:

  • They start each scenario with +5 Will.
  • They will receive 20% more money whenever they shoot down an enemy unit.
  • They will unlock their Ace Bonus which is a passive boost to their some of their stats. Each pilot has a relatively unique Ace Bonus listed below.

Note: general soldiers under your command such as the captain of the Kurogane in OGs1 and Marco in OGs2 have the default Accuracy Rate +5% Ace Bonus.

Top Ace

Among all of your pilots, the one with the most Kills will start each scenario with an additional +5 Will (for a total of +10 Will if they are also an Ace pilot). If multiple pilots are tied for the title of Top Ace, they will be ordered based on the time they permanently joined the roster. This only includes pilots who are listed on the intermission screen and does not include pilots on a different route split or who are temporarily unavailable.

OGs1 Ace Bonuses

English Japanese Ace Bonus Notes
Battleship Crew Daitetsu ダイテツ Final Damage Taken -10%
Tetsuya テツヤ SP +20 Cannot become an Ace through normal gameplay.
Lefina レフィーナ Command Effect +5%
Sean ショーン SP +20 Cannot become an Ace through normal gameplay.
SRX Team Ryusei リュウセイ Final TK Weapons Damage + 10%
Rai ライ Final Accuracy Rate +10%, Final Evade Rate +10%
Aya アヤ Accuracy Rate +10%, SP +20 Accuracy Rate affects the Accuracy Rate formula.
Ingram イングラム Critical Hit Rate +20%, SP +10
Viletta ヴィレッタ Critical Hit Rate +20%, SP +10
ATX Team Kyosuke キョウスケ Counter Activation Rate +10%, Final Melee Damage +10%
Excellen エクセレン Final Support Attack Damage +10%, Final Support Defend Damage Taken -10%
Bullet ブリット Accuracy Rate +10%, Critical Hit Rate +10% Accuracy Rate affects the Accuracy Rate formula.
Kusuha クスハ Final Support Defend Damage Taken -10%, EXP +10%
Fighter Pilots Giada ジャーダ Evade Rate +10%, Final Damage Taken -10% Evade Rate affects the Accuracy Rate formula.
Garnet ガーネット EXP +10%, Bless cost reduced to 20 SP
Latune ラトゥーニ EXP +20%
Octo Squad Katina カチーナ Accuracy Rate +10%, Final Damage Taken -10% Accuracy Rate affects the Accuracy Rate formula.
Russel ラッセル Final Support Defend Damage Taken -20%
Tasuku タスク Lucky Activation Rate +10%, Luck cost reduced to 15 SP
Leona レオナ Accuracy Rate +10%, Evade Rate +10% Accuracy Rate and Evade Rate affect the Accuracy Rate formula.
Mao Industries Irm イルム Love cost reduced to 45 SP
Ling リン Accuracy Rate +10%, Evade Rate +10%, Critical Hit Rate +10% Accuracy Rate and Evade Rate affect the Accuracy Rate formula.
Radha ラーダ Evade Rate +10%, SP +20 Evade Rate affects the Accuracy Rate formula.
Ryoto リョウト Final Damage +5%, Final Damage Taken -5%
Rio リオ Money +10%, EXP +10%
Ex-Aggressors Sanger ゼンガー Final Melee Damage +10%
Elzam エルザム Final Ranged Damage +10%
Kai カイ Command Effect +5%, Critical Hit Rate +10%
Gilliam ギリアム Final Evade Rate +15%
Other Masaki マサキ Final Damage +5%, Final Accuracy Rate +10%
Lune リューネ Final Damage +10%

OGs2 Ace Bonuses

Note: pilots returning from OGs1 will have the same Ace Bonus in OGs2.

English Japanese Ace Bonus Notes
Battleship Crew Lee リー Final Counterattack Damage +10%, Final Damage Taken -10%
Tetsuya (Main) テツヤ Final Damage Taken from attacks that are not MAP or have a range of 1 -10%
SRX Team Mai マイ Final Accuracy Rate +10%, SP +20
ATX Team Lamia ラミア Final Ranged Damage +5%, Final Ranged Accuracy Rate +10%
School Members Arado アラド Final Melee Damage +5%, Money +10%
Seolla ゼオラ Final Ranged Damage +5%, EXP +10%
Ouka オウカ Final Counterattack Damage +10%
Project TD Ibis アイビス Movement +1
Tsugumi ツグミ Final Accuracy Rate +10%, SP +20 Cannot become an Ace through normal gameplay.
Sleigh スレイ Final Counterattack Damage +10%
Excellence Project Raul ラウル Evade Rate +10%, Critical Hit Rate +10% Evade Rate affects the Accuracy Rate formula.
Fiona フィオナ Enable cost reduced to 50 SP
Neo DC Yuuki ユウキ Evade Rate +10%, Critical Hit Rate +10% Evade Rate affects the Accuracy Rate formula.
Carla リルカーラ Accuracy Rate +10%, Money +10% Accuracy Rate affects the Accuracy Rate formula.
Shadow Mirror Axel アクセル Final Accuracy Rate +20%
Wodan ウォーダン Final Melee Damage +10%
Other Rätsel レーツェル Final Ranged Damage +10%
Shine シャイン Money +20%
Alchemie アルフィミィ Final Support Attack Damage +10%, Support Defend Final Damage Taken -10%

OGs2.5 Ace Bonuses

Note: pilots returning from OGs1 and OGs2 will have the same Ace Bonus in OGs2.5.

English Japanese Ace Bonus
Kota コウタ Final Counterattack Damage +15%
Folka フォルカ Critical Hit Rate +30%, Final Melee Damage +5%
Fernando フェルナンド Final Melee Damage +10%
Rishu リシュウ Critical Hit Rate +40%
Shu シュウ Final Damage Taken from attacks that are not MAP or have a range of 1 -20%