Super Robot Wars/OGG/Mech Abilities

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Special Skills

English Japanese EN Will Description
HP Regeneration (S) HP回復(大) - - Recover 10% of max HP each player phase.
HP Regeneration (M) HP回復(中) - - Recover 20% of max HP each player phase.
HP Regeneration (L) HP回復(小) - - Recover 30% of max HP each player phase.
EN Regeneration (S) EN回復(大) - - Recover 10% of max EN each player phase.
EN Regeneration (M) EN回復(中) - - Recover 20% of max EN each player phase.
EN Regeneration (L) EN回復(小) - - Recover 30% of max EN each player phase.
After Image (Double Image) 分身 - 130 50% chance to evade any attack.
Jammer ジャマー - - 50% chance to evade any missile-based attack.
Mind Block マインドブロック - - Ignore Will Down, SP Absorb and Spirit Block status effects.
Cockpit Block コクピットブロック - - Ignore Ability Down, and Stun status effects
Energy Block エナジーブロック - - Ignore EN Down and EN Absorb status effects.
Weapon Block ウェポンブロック - - Ignore Attack Down, Range Down, and Accuracy Down status effects.


English Japanese EN Will Description
Beam Coat ビームコート 5 - Reduce beam-based damage by 900.
AB Field ABフィールド 10 - Reduce beam-based damage by 1200.
E. Field Eフィールド 15 120 Reduce damage by 1500.
G-Wall G.ウォール 5 120 Ignore damage below 800.
G-Territory G.テリトリー 15 120 Ignore damage below 1800.
Telekinesis Field 念動フィールド 5 110 Ignore damage below (Telekinesis skill level x 200).
Telekinesis Field S 念動フィールド S 5 110 Ignore damage below (Telekinesis skill level x 250).
Distortion Field (Warp Field) 歪曲フィールド 10 - Reduce damage taken by 50% (except for attacks with Barrier Pierce).
Beam Absorption ビーム吸収 - - Ignore beam-based damage and recover HP equal to the damage.


  • After Image and Jammer can activate during the Support Defend Pilot Skill which allows the defender to evade the attack.
  • After Image and Jammer are ignored by the Strike Spirit Command.
  • G-Wall and G-Territory will activate on every attack regardless of whether the damage can be ignored or not.
  • Telekinesis Field: 200 - 400 - 600 - 800 - 1000 - 1200 - 1400 - 1600 - 1800
  • Telekinesis Field S: 250 - 500 - 750 - 1000 - 1250 - 1500 - 1750 - 2000 - 2250