Super Robot Wars/64/Story/Stage 10RR

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Note: The following script is based on the Selene version of the stage. Dialogue may vary significantly when playing as other characters.

Bright: We’re almost to Hong Kong. The enemy knows where we are, so why haven’t they attacked yet...

Quattro: We’ve received intelligence that indicates movement in the Augusta and Murasame labs. Something is going on, but we have no choice. We must to get these supplies as soon as we can.

Bright: Those facilities are conducting research into creating enhanced humans, right? ...I hope they haven’t succeeded.


Amuro: ...So, are you going to be the one negotiating with the Luo Trading Company?

Beltorchika: That’s my job around here, you know.

Amuro: Beltorchika...

Beltorchika: We can’t defeat the Empire without proper supplies, am I wrong?

Amuro: ...You don’t really want to fight, do you?

Beltorchika: I'm sure you can already tell, I despise war. But that doesn’t mean I won’t fight when I have to.

Amuro: You think I'm pathetic, don’t you?

Beltorchika: I’m not simple-minded like that. You’ve spent the last three years sleeping, letting your body and heart heal. You needed that, after what you went through. But now is the time to wake up, and when you do, you’ll be back to your old self.

Amuro: ...I wish I could be so confident about that.

Beltorchika: You were able to fight like this back when you guys were all just kids, right?

Amuro: Yes, but... ?!?

Beltorchika: Mm...

Roux: Oh my, kissing in an elevator! Who even does that?

Masato: Oooh~! What a letdown, I really liked that one too! We’ll have to start calling him Commander “Quick Hands” Amuro!

Roux: Masato, what's wrong with you... Hey, quit with the peeping Tom act! Let’s get out of here.

Amuro: ...Beltorchika, I don’t want your sympathy.

Beltorchika: Didn’t I already tell you I’m not a simpleton? I know what I'm doing. A woman’s touch can lift a man’s spirits, so why not? Understand, Amuro?

Amuro: ...So you’re trying to see if I’m a real man, huh.

Beltorchika: Yes. I hope you turn out to be a man worthy of me. But if you aren’t, I’ll dump you. I don’t have time for sympathy.

Amuro: Didn’t you say that both of your parents died in the war?

Beltorchika: Yes. I guess I’m the one who wants sympathy...

Amuro: That’s unforgivable......I’ll drive the Empire off the Earth, I swear.

Beltorchika: Already worried that I'll move on from you, hm?

Amuro: That’s not it...

Beltorchika: Hm......

Quattro: ...Beltorchika, Captain Bright is asking for you.

Beltorchika: I’ll be right there. ...I hate that man.

Ryo: So, this is Neo Hong Kong? It looks just like I expected.

Hayato: Yeah, it’s the only city left on Earth that hasn’t changed much since before the occupation.

Duo: Eh? What do you mean?

Hayato: Neo Hong Kong is a special administrative region, with Terran governors. Seems like it was part of a deal the Romefeller Foundation struck with the Empire. Well at least they managed to do mankind ONE little favor.


Roux: Hey, Amuro, you guys, where are you going?

Apolly: We’re going to the Luo Trading Company to negotiate this resupply.

Roux: Are we allowed to go out too? We want to go see the city!

Apolly: The captain said it’s okay, but be back in less than an hour.

David: For real? Hell yeah! Hey, Eiji, let’s get going! Anna, go let the others know!

Anna: Okay.


Kamille: Mr. Amuro, aren’t you heading back now? I thought plans for the resupply were already done.

Amuro: Kamille?

Beltorchika: Kamille, what are you doing here?

Kamille: Captain Bright told me to find you. You aren’t on the way back yet?

Beltorchika: We’ll go back in a few minutes. Don’t wait up for us.

Kamille: ...I don't get these two at all.

Four: Hey there, can you give me a ride back into town?

Kamille: Uh, okay. Hop on.

Four: Thanks! That couple, do you know them?

Kamille: Who cares about them. They’re grown adults looking for pity - like a couple of dogs licking each other’s wounds.

Four: Ah… so that’s it.

Kamille: Exactly.

Four: Haha, hahahahahahahaha!

Kamille: My name’s Kamille, what’s yours?

Four: I’m Four Murasame.

Kamille: That's a difficult name...

Four: There’s nothing I can do about it. It’s the name I was given.

Kamille: True. We all have to deal with the name we're given.

Four:’s such an easy, simple name, isn’t it?

Kamille: ......

Four: Hahaha, you really hate your name, don’t you? It’s written all over your face.

Kamille: ...So what are you doing in the old town?

Four: Well, to be honest, I’m looking for someone.

Kamille: Who?

Four: I’m looking for anyone who knows who I am...


Astonaige: Hey, that doesn’t go over there! Bring it here!

Dr. Hazuki: How is the resupply progressing?

Masato: Dr. Hazuki?!? What are you doing here?

Dr. Hazuki: I’m doing anything I can to help out. I heard you were meeting the Luo Trading Company for a resupply, so I had them deliver some new units the Liberation Front developed. By the way, have you found Fujiwara yet?

Masato: Sara went out to look for him and she’s been acting weird ever since. I think she might have talked to Shinobu, but...

Dr. Hazuki: Is that so...

Quattro: Dr. Hazuki.

Dr. Hazuki: Ah, Commander. So, what do you think?

Quattro: You have my thanks for delivering these excellent new mobile suits.

Duo: Wooooah, hey, check out that golden mobile suit! It really stands out in a crowd! It’s the total opposite of my Deathscythe.

Roux: Wow! I wonder who it’ll be assigned to pilot it.

Quattro: I heard about this G-Defenser. It serves as enhancement equipment for the Mk-II.

Dr. Hazuki: It offers improved defensive capability, as well as an enhanced armament. It can also function on its own as an aircraft. It’s not ready for deployment yet, but I think you’ll be pleased once you see it in action.

Quattro: We appreciate it. Ah, and this is an Earth-made SPT. Do we have a pilot for it yet?

Dr. Hazuki: Yes, I brought a new pilot along with me.

David: Simone? ...Hey, that’s Simone!!!

Simone: ...

David: Oh my god!

Simone: Ah! It's so good to see you!

David: Simone, I can't believe it!

Simone: I’ve had three years to think about what I want to see when I see you again...and now that we're both here, all the words have been stolen away...

Anna: Simone, thank goodness you're safe.

Simone: You too, Anna. You look well. ...Eiji...

Eiji:'s been a long three years. Simone: Eiji, let me touch your face. It’s really you, you’re alive...I thought I’d never see you again. Oh...what am I doing, I need to calm down.

David: Oh, no way, it’s fine! I mean look, even I'm blushing here!


Lady Une: I’m going to put an end to the resistance here and now. I can’t allow them to take up even a second of your precious time, Master Treize.

Won: Lady Une, while it’s true some of the laboratories are under my management, we’re still in the data-collecting phase now.

Lady Une: Are you holding out on us, Executive Won? People who try to straddle the fence with us tend to find themselves in very poor health, one way or another.

Won: No no, not at all! I’m happy to comply with your request! I’ll have my experimental troops strike the Audhumla. Oh, and do please give Treize my regards.

Lady Une: Splendid. I have high expectations. This should prove beneficial to both of us.

Won: Mm…that virago. How dare she try to use me.

???: Yes, but manipulating others is one of the many arts of war, is it not? Are preparations complete for the little exercise I proposed to you?

Won: Ah, Master, it’s you. It’s not polite to eavesdrop. But of course, I’ve made the necessary arrangements.

???: Fwahaha, good, I’ll take care of the rest.


Roberto: Captain! Enemy forces incoming! They’re headed directly for the city!

Bright: Just like I thought. All hands, return to stations! All pilots, remain on standby!

Quattro: Captain, I’ll sortie in the Hyaku Shiki.

Bright: Please do, Commander. Amuro, I want you to pilot the new model Dijeh. Can you do it?

Amuro: Yes...okay. I can do this.


Kamille: But you don’t seem like one of the Specials to me.

Four: Hahaha, I guess we’re supposed to be enemies, hm? ...Hey, I want you to do something for me.

Kamille: What?

Four: Kiss me...

Kamille: ...uh...


Kamile: ......

Four: You feel so gentle… Tell me the truth, do you really like my name?

Kamille: Yeah, it’s a good name. I like it.

Four: I hate it, you know. I’m experiment four at the labs, so they just call me "number four."

Kamille: ...What's your real name?

Four: I don’t know. I have no memories of my past. I want to know who I am...what happened to me. That’s what I was out here looking for.

Kamille: Four...

Kamille: What?!? That's the Imperial Army! What are they doing here!

Four: Aaah!!! head!

Kamille: Four?!?

- Scenario 10 Sorrow in Hong Kong City


Bright: All pilots, launch in consecutive order! Go!

Dr. Hazuki: Captain, the Beast Fighters are still being adjusted. I apologize, give us just a moment.

Bright: Please put a rush on it! Where the hell is Kamille?!?

Amuro: Kamille isn’t back yet?!? Damn!

Bright: Amuro and the others have already launched. Everyone else hurry!


Kamille: Four, come with me to the Audhumla. There’s no reason for you to stay with the Specials.

Four: There, over there! My memories are there! They’re holding my memories!

Kamille: Four!!!

Four: These feelings...this loneliness! I can't take it!!! I don't even know who I am!!!


Masato:’s the Eagle Fighter!

Sara: Shinobu! Are you okay?!?

Shinobu: Sara. My bad, sorry to keep everybody waiting!

Dr. Hazuki: Fujiwara, stop. You guys aren't ready for the combining procedure yet.

Shinobu: Heh heh, don’t worry about it Mr. Hazuki. I know exactly what I'm doing.

Dr. Hazuki: You remember?

Shinobu: Yeah! The Beast Fighter Corps was made to do it wild! Just sit back and enjoy the show!

Ryo: Tsk, you’re as dumb as ever. It takes more than hot air to win a battle, you know!

Shinobu: Oh shut up Ryo, quit being so stuck-up!

Masato: Well well, look what the cat dragged in. Give it up, Ryo! You know Shinobu’s gonna Shinobu!

Sara: Guys, quit fooling around! The enemy is right there! Doc, can’t we launch already?

Dr. Hazuki: Settle down, we just finished preparations.

Masato: Shall we get going, then? Captain, the Beast Fighter Corps is ready for takeoff!

Shinobu: Heh, you guys are slow like you're going out for a Sunday drive.

Sara: Shinobu, quit being an idiot!

Shinobu: I don't need you to tell me how to be! Let’s go, Ryo, Masato, Sara. Aggressive mode won’t cut it here! Let’s combine!

Masato: Hehe, it’s the only way!

Sara: I was getting sick of waiting!

Ryo: Hm, it’s been a good minute since I had fun like this.

Shinobu: Keyword, D A N C O U G A R...

Shinobu: Dancougar! Lock off! Leeet’s go!


Kamille: Four...Four! What’s wrong?!?

Four: Do you know? Who am you know?!?

Kamille: Four! Don’t go, Four!

Kamille: Fooouuur!!!


Domon: That’s the Nobel Gundam...Allenby!

Kamille: Damn...look at that...

Amuro: Kamille, you’re back? Get on!

Kamille: Commander Amuro...yes!

Kamille: (Four is piloting that thing. I’m sure of it.)


Kamille: Four! Hang on, Four! Can’t you see, it’s me, Kamille!

Four: I want my memories back. I need to know about my past. If I defeat the resistance, the people at the lab said they will give me back my memories.

Kamille: They’re lying to you, Four! You can’t trust them!

Four: What’s so wrong about trying to learn about my past?!?

Amuro: Kamille, what are you thinking? You’re going to get killed if you keep this up!

Kamille: Damn...


Kamille: Four, don’t let yourself be killed here. Come with us, we’ll find a way to get your memories back.

Four: I can’t, I can’t do that!

Kamille: Try, Four! You can do this!

Four: It’s impossible! ...Kamille, you know how it is...

Kamille: As long as you have people to rely on - people who know you and care about you, there’s always a way forward!

Four: So stop being my enemy! Be gentle with me again! This pain I'm feeling... You're torturing me!

Kamille: Four!

Amuro: Kamille, stop!

Kamille: Commander?

Amuro: I’m going to destroy the combat system, that’s what’s forcing her to fight. Where is it…the system’s core… There!

Kamille: Huh, what, you can do that?

Amuro: That’s it! Kamille, shoot there! Don’t think about it, just listen to me!

Kamille: Y-yes!

Four: Aaaah!

Kamille: Four?!?

Amuro: It's alright, Kamille. She survived.


Domon: Allenby!

Allenby: Eh? Domon? Is that really you?

Domon: Allenby, what are you doing here?

Allenby: I was raised in a military facility, you know, there’s nothing I can do about it. But Domon, I’m glad you’re here! Please take me with you!

Domon: Allenby...alright, let’s go!

Won: Oh my, this just won’t do. Activate the Berserker System!

Allenby: Ugh… Stop it! Please turn the system off! Domon, help me!

Domon: Allenby, what's going on!

Amuro: Back up, Domon. They’re using a remote-control system to compel these people to fight. Unfortunately, there’s no way we can save her now.

Domon: B-but!

Amuro: Do you want to die without accomplishing what you came here to do, Domon Kasshu?!?

Domon: Gr...


Allenby: Get over here, let’s fiiight!!! Domon: Allenbyyy!!!


Selene: Amuro Ray… As expected, he’s the real deal.

Beltorchika: My first impression of him was all wrong. Amuro Ray is finally awake...I despise men who live in fear, but I don’t like belligerent ones either...


Beltorchika: Amuro, oh Amuro! I’m glad you made it back safely.

Amuro: Don’t embarrass me in front of the other pilots, Beltorchika. ...Kamille, I’m sorry about what happened.

Amuro: That Psycho Gundam...keep far away from it. That thing is very dangerous.

Kamille: Why- How could you have possibly known where to shoot! All you did was look at it for a few seconds!

Amuro: ...I’ve had some experience with machines like that. I'm warning you now, stay away from that girl.

Kamille: (That girl? ...Does he know about Four?) Don’t tell me what to do!

Amuro: Kamille!

Quattro: Was that pilot an enhanced human?

Amuro: It’s possible. Kamille, I sympathize with you, but stay away from her. She is too dangerous.

Quattro: ...You’re afraid of history repeating itself, I see.

Amuro: You should know exactly why this worries me.

Quattro: ...I suppose I should.


Bright: So we’re all done loading?

Apolly: Should be, yes.

Bright: "Should be?" Go make sure!

Apolly: Loading is all done. It’s okay now.

Bright: Good, let’s leave Hong Kong before another wave of enemies arrives.

Dr. Hazuki: Captain, let’s go to Tibet.

Bright: Tibet? Why?

Dr. Hazuki: The Liberation Front has secured a new battleship. The enemy can easily track the Audhumla because of its size and lack of maneuverability. We can still put it to use though. I’ve already arranged for it to be transferred to Karaba.

Bright: That being the case, set course for Tibet!

Dr. Hazuki: Thanks for your cooperation. Unfortunately I can’t join your crew, but could you keep an eye on Fujiwara and the others? I know they’re real problem children.

Bright: What a headache...

Eiji: Excuse me, can you come over here please?

Selene: What, what do you want?

David: Do something about that brat, we’re at a loss here.

Selene: What brat?

Leila: I said let me go!!!

Selene: Oh, it's you...I’m surprised she’s still here.

Selene: You didn’t get off at Hong Kong? I asked Dr. Hazuki to take care of you.

Leila: That’s none of your business! What, you just expect to pick me up without my consent and then kick me off whenever you like?!?

Selene: That’s not really what I was thinking, no. Didn’t you want to go back to Kansas City?

Leila: I’m not here just to get on your nerves. I realized that there’s nothing I can do back there anyway. I want to fight the Muge Empire and the Specials too, so it’s best if I just stay with you guys. What, am I wrong or something?

Apolly: What are you guys doing? Come on, it’s fine; we’re short on manpower. Besides, she already has some combat experience.

Selene: Unless anyone else objects, it sounds fine to me.

Apolly: We don't have time to pamper you though. In return for us letting you come along, you'll have to pull your weight.

Leila: I get it. I’m not gonna say “thanks” though.

Apolly: What’s her problem?

David: Who knows!


Lady Une: Seems your "enhanced" humans aren't much of an improvement after all.

Won: Don’t be so hard on them. Like I said, we’re still in the experimental stage.

Lady Une: Hm, so you don’t have any other forces that can pursue the resistance?

Won: No no, I didn’t say that, Lady Une. But you know I have to manage Neo Hong Kong for the Empire, so there’s only so much I can do. Please understand the position I’m in here.

Lady Une: It doesn’t matter. Well, I’ll organize the pursuit forces, but I need you to contribute some manpower too.

Won: Of course, of course.