超ヒロイン戦記 - Super Heroine Chronicle/Flow Chart/Episode 22: Leader of New Akihabara (Meru Route)

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Episode 22: Leader of New Akihabara

Dejiko: Akihabara! Dejiko is back nya!

Rena: Wow....It's a really big city. There's so many people...

Dejiko: They're like cockroaches, right nya?

Satoko: I'm afraid I'm going to get lost.

Dejiko: Don't get lost or you'll be taken home by a Stranger if you're not careful nya.

Rena: Are you talking about me? I wonder?

Eve: I want you all to stay close together. If you get separated, call out for help, okay?

Rika: I understand.

Laura: I don't like group activities.

Charl: I don't feel comfortable using my IS in a place like this. There are a lot of shops I'm interested in, but I don't want to go see them on my own.

Dejiko: Let's go to Gamers nya!

Rena: That's the shop where Dejiko works. What kind of place is it I wonder?

Koto: Isn't this the one? This leaflet I was just given says "Gamers".

Hibiki: Yes that's Gamers, it's a game shop........Wait what? New store manager appointment campaign.

Dejiko: What do they mean by new store manager nya!?! Does this mean I got fired nya!?

Rika: Dejiko, you should take a deep breath and calm down.

Dejiko: Don't tell me to calm down nya! The head of the shop is a big benefactor nya! They can't just announce a new store manager nya!!

[Dejiko runs towards Gamers]

Satoko: Hey wait! Your the only person who knows their way around here, what are we supposed to do if you just run off!?

Tsubasa: We have no choice but to follow here. Everybody lets run!

[At Gamers]

???: We are Gamers! We are having a campaign to appoint a new manager! I look forward to working with you!

Dejiko: Hey you there, part timer nya! Bring out the new manager of Gamers and their team nya! Come on hurry up nya!

Usada: Well look who it is, If it isn't flat chested Dejiko.

Dejiko: Usada!? What the hell are you doing here nya!?

Usada: Don't call me a Usada! My name is Rabi-en-Rose!

Dejiko: You could die 1 billion 2000 times and I still wouldn't call you that.

Usada: You can only die once! It's not like you're a man who jumps on turtles and can respawn indefinitely!

Dejiko: Forget it, get a new manager! Dejiko won't allow you to take over!

Usada: Oh, dear, you've been playing too many games and your eyes are getting worse, haven't they? You don't seem to be able to see the new manager.

Dejiko: My eyes are healthy enough to fire an eye beam!

Usada: Well, tell me the name of the person your are looking at. That's your answer.

Charl: But that means....

Haruka: Your the new store manager?

Usada: Correct!!

Dejiko: Nyaio!?

Usada: Gamers new store manager Rabi-en-Rose. The pleasure is all yours!

Dejiko: That's....not possible nya...!

Dejiko: If the idiot Usada becomes manager, we'll be bankrupt in three months nya! !

Usada: Don't say strangely believeable numbers!

Usada: More than that, Dejiko! We don't have your time card any more. Enjoy your shopping at full price!

Dejiko: Dejiko has been fired nya! ?

Usada: From now on, I'm the the manager of Gamers and I'm going to take control of Akibahara. Go back to your room and draw a BL Fanfic!

Dejiko: That might be a good idea. ..... No, no, no! You think you can make a doujinshi for free nya?

Dejiko: It's all about having something to look forward to nya!

Usada: Anyway! I am the manager of Gamers! That means I'm the Queen, standing at the top of Akibahara!

Usada: Ohohohohoho!

Dejiko: Is that all you have to say nya?

Usada: Huh???

Satoko: You can't stand up to people with that kind of vulgarity!

Laura: They must have got the position by some strange means or by stealing it.

Tsubasa: Something like that can be lost in an instant.

Usada: What the hell! You all Idiots! If you're going to try this, you'd better start by attacking this impregnable fortress that is the new Gamers!

Dejiko: What do you mean fortress nya!? What did you do to Gamers nya!?

Usada: Well, I spruced the place up a bit so someone like you couldn't comptete with us.

Usada: Let me look down on you all from the top floor as you crawl around on the ground! Ohohohoho!

[Usada leaves for the top floor]

Dejiko: It's on Usada! I'm gojng to hunt you down and make you cry nya!

Satoko: She said she turned this palce into an impregnible fortress. it looks like we have our work cut out fo us.

Tsubasa: She want us to try and siege her.

Hibiki: She was very confident.

Charl: This is just a regular shop, Isn't it? If so why don't we just wait them out, and If they get hungry they'll have to come down and give up without attacking?

Rika: It's called a military offensice. It's safe and reliable.

Dejiko: No! Absolutely not nya!! I can't have that rabbit smiling smugly at me when she comes out, I wont stand for it!!

Dejiko: And Usada is a person who can't be reasoned with unless it's done head on nya!

Aoi: However, this may cause some confusion for the shop and its customers.

koto: I'm all for the Dejiko's way! This is the kind of thing you have to get into to make it exciting.

Haruka: Mmm! Let's get everyone out of the way and kick this off with a bang!

Hibiki: If anything, I'd rather go in! It's better than sitting around waiting!

Laura: If my wife says so, I have no objection.

Tsubasa: Yes, It isn't easy to lockdown a downtown area.

Dejiko: It's decided! Let's go for it nya!!

Meru: Is this okay?

Eve: I'd love to be the one to jump into the fire. Wouldn't that be really cool?

[Battle map]

Episode 22 Leader of New Akihabara


Rena: Everyone, there's something here!

Satoko: There are traps too, be careful!

Tsubasa: Laura, what do you think?

Laura: It would be easier if you could just break through the floor and go up, but if we can't, then this will be difficult.

Usada: Pin pon pin pan! Welcome to manager Usada's fortress Gamers! I hope you enjoy your stay!

Dejiko: Usada! How dare you make your gamers look like this nya!

Usada: Do you remember how many days you've been absent from the shop? Why do you think you're being punished for that?

Dejiko: It's not that I've been slacking off. It's just that I got caught up in some nasty business nya!

Usada: I don't care what your situation is. I'm going to beat you today and become the new queen of Akihabara!

Charl: The manager of this game shop holds such a high position. This is a strange world isn't it.

Blue Angel: Well, that's great and all! But isn't it a bit too much?

Hibiki: Maybe that's just the way this world is!

Rika: It's a world with a lot of people, so it's possible.

Blue Angel: I see....I think I was a bit too rigid in my thinking. I'm sorry.

Tsubasa: We must stay on guard.

Usada: I've hired a gatekeeper for each floor. Do you think you can beat them all?

Usada: Well the, good luck everyone! Ohohohoho!

Dejiko: She thinks she's already won nya! Screaming at us over the intercom Isn't going to stop us nya!

Rena: She said there was a gate-keeper. If we beat them, will we get to the top? I wonder?

Charl: I wish she would just keep quiet.

Laura: The target of the attack has been Decided.

Red Angel: We find the strongest one, and then we beat them!

Victory: 1 Defeat all enemies. 2 An ally reaches the specified area. Defeat: All allies defeated.

[Achieve a victory condition and Riko appears]

Riko: Oops! If you want to go upstairs, you'll have to beat Riko!

Dejiko: Nyaoi!? Someone just came out of nowhere nya!

Riko: Usada's done so much for me, so now It's my turn to help her. Service service!

Dejiko: Fufufu! Usada's a coward, calling out her friends to save her like this nya.

Charl: It must be a bit awkward for you not to be called by your first name...

Victory: Defeat Riko. Defeat: All allies defeated.

[Defeat Riko]

Riko: So, that's all Riko needs to do? Then I'll let you handle the rest! Bye, bye!

[Riko leaves]

Dejiko: Let's go to the 2nd floor nya!

Hibiki: Ha! What? I've just realised! Isn't this the same style as in that famous kung fu movie?

Blue Angel: Kung fu movie...? Our situation is like one of those?

Hibiki: There is a five story pagoda and every floor is guarded by a different martial arts user, the lord has to defeat them all to reach the top!

Hibiki: See.....So, that's what we're doing right now! I'm getting fried up!

Blue Angel: It would be nice if it was just about fighting, but we have to be careful about the other things.

Meru: She said this was an indestructable fortress. We don't know what else she has planned.

Charl: It's dangerous to move around too much. We have to be careful.

Laura: We can't waste time thinking about every possibility. if a trap is triggered, we'll think about it then.

Dejiko: I know all about Usada's little details nya! Let's go on to the next one nya!

[2nd floor deploy]

Hibiki: I wonder what kind of person the gatekeeper of this floor is going to be?

Usada: Ohohohoho! I'm up here, I'm up here! Look forward to your next opponent!

Dejiko: This isn't funny nya!

Victory: 1 Defeat all enemies. 2 An ally reaches the specified area. Defeat: All allies defeated.

[Achieve a victory condition and Noel appears]

Noel: .....Come on!

Meru: Noel!? Why are you here!?

Noel: My Magical magic or your Magical Yo-yo, let's make it clear which one is stronger!

Meru: Teacher! Noel is!

Eve: Yep, let's beat her up. Next.

Meru: Eh!? What!?

Eve: When my cute students want to do something, I can't tell them not to do it.

Meru:....Wait, are you enjoying this?

Eve: Atari Shariki Crackers

Meru: Uuu... I don't know what that means, but at least I know what I'm talking about......

Hibiki: She may talk strangely, but she's a very strict teacher.

Victory: Defeat Noel Defeat: All allies defeated.

[Defeat Noel]

Noel: Argh! I must have made a mistake! I'm leaving!

[Noel leaves]

Meru: I did it!

Eve: Well she wasn't very good, was she? I think I've been teaching her wrong.

Meru: Ugh, but that's not the problem....

Dejiko: I don't care what you all think! A win is a win!

Laura: The result is Indisputable. Let's go to the 3rd floor.

Dejiko: We can't fight if we're hungry nya! I was waiting for just the right moment nya.

Claude: Oh, um, are you sure you should eating that much....

Dejiko: Your impatient, It's a struggle to eat nya.

Claude: Right.....

[3rd floor deploy]

Satoko: I'm sure we'll be seeing some nasty tricks soon.

Usada: No no no! I didn't set up any traps at all!

Dejiko: Your so predictable it hurts nya.....

Blue Angel: Well, we should proceed with caution then.

Satoko: From the sound of your voice, you've got a lot of suspicious places to hide.

Charl: Let's avoid this place. I hate to break it to her.

Victory: 1 Defeat all enemies. 2 An ally reaches the specified area. Defeat: All allies defeated.

[Achieve a victory condition]

[Nine, I mean "Natchan" spawns. Really don't know why the game does this, especially since it says "Nine" in the victory condition anyway, so I'm just going to stop]

Nine:.....You can't go through here.

Red Angel: You are!?

Blue Angel: Twin Phantom!

Nine: Let's fight!

Tsubasa: Your stance is strong, let us duel!

Victory: Defeat Nine. Defeat: All allies defeated.

[Defeat Nine]

Nine:....Withdrawing, I'm done.

[Nine leaves]

Red Angel: Ah.....

Blue Angel: It seems they don't intend to interfere with us in a serious manner.

Red Angel: I wanted to talk to her if I could....

Dejiko: Well that's wasn't the case nya! Let's go the the 4th floor!

Red Angel: Ye,yeah...

[4th floor deploy]

Koto: So, is it time for the big moment?

Rika: We're going to do our best.

Usada: That's it! you've done it! It was so hard to get these guests!

Dejiko: Don't rely on other people, just do it yourself nya.

Usada: Hmm! But that's not the scariest part of the new Gamers! Go to hell! Dejiko!

Satoko: Ah I see, It would seem that there are pitfalls on this floor.

Usada: Urgh.

Usada: No, no, no, no! I wouldn't try and get you with something so foolish! I mean it!

Blue Angel: She's a very easy person to understand, Isn't she?

Rika: Usada is a good girl, a good girl.

Charl: In terms of opposition, I don't think she's really suitable for this...

Eve: But it's so cute, you'll fall in love with it.

Victory: 1 Defeat all enemies. 2 An ally reaches the specified area. Defeat: All allies defeated.

[Achieve a victory condiditon and Tesla, I mean "Sister" appears. Seriously Nine isn't even here so no one is going to call her sister]

Tesla: You guys...how dare you hurt Nat-chan!

Dejiko: Nya nya!? There's a black aura coming out of her nya!

Tesla: I won't show you any mercy! Are you ready for enlightenment?

Laura: Intersting. Looks like this trip was worthwhile after all.

Dejiko: Let's all do our best to get it done nya! Dejiko is here to support you nya!

Rena: Are you only giving moral support? I wonder?

Dejiko: I need to save my strength for the game against Usada nya! It's a strategic decidion nya!

Victory: Defeat Tesla. Defeat: All allies defeated.

[Defeat Tesla]

Tesla: I have to say, I got a little heated there. I think I should leave it at that.

[Tesla leaves]

Red Angel: Oh, I couldn't talk to them again....

Blue Angel: I'm sure we will get another oppertunity. Now let's hurry upstairs.

Red Angel: Yeah....

Koto: Are we finally at the floor where miss rabbit is?

Dejiko: We reached the top floor of Gamers nya! Everyone, don't let her get away nya!!

[Top floor deploy]

Usada: You've made it this far!

Dejiko: Usada, let's be honest nya. Your scared we made it to this floor, aren't you nya?

Charl: We've beaten so many of them.

Satoko: And we haven't even gotten serious yet!

Usada: Indeed, I worked so hard and prepared so well to beat Dejiko! It's was a shock to see her get through it all!

Usada: And that's why I'm not going to give up, I'll show you the power of Rabi en Rose! Come and get me!

Dejiko: Usada's your ambition ends here nya! There will be no global release, no Gunyuuden, no Fuunroku! (guessing thats a video game reference I dont get)

Usada: What! I'll show you the best of Rabi en!

Victory: Defeat Usada. Defeat: Dejiko defeated.

[Dejiko vs Usada]

Usada: Come and get me if you can! Dejiko!

Dejiko: Don't get carried away when you don't have any more friends nya!

Usada: It's when you're cornered that the manager's true value is tested!

Dejiko: That's a martial artist nya!

Usada: No, it's the same for all living things! I'll show you what I'm made of!

[Defeat Usada]

Usada: Argh! No, no, no, no! This isn't fair!

Dejiko: I'll tell you one thing nya. The reason you were defeated.....

Dejiko: You didn't gather all your helpers on the 5th floor to fight us all at once nya!

Usada: Uh....I didn't realize!!

Charl: Oh, she never thought of doing that.....

[Stage end]

Dejiko: Usada! Your going down!

Usada: Call me Rabi en Rose!

Laura: Why do you still care about that after all this time?

Eve: She's still full of energy* Shall we go another round?

Tsubasa: I don't think she has the strength left to do that.

Dejiko: Well I'm syaing we've won nya! So hurry up and admit defeat nya!

Usada: This might be how it's always ended before, but now that I'm the manager things are different! Look at this!

Puchiko: Nyu.

Aoi: Puchiko!?

Usada: Do you want to endanger this childs life?

Dejiko: Usada......are you serious nya?

Puchiko: Please help me nyu. I'm scared nyu.

Usada: Ohohoho! Okay, bye bye!

[Usada runs taking Puchiko with her]

Tsubasa: We can't take action when theres a hostage in play.

Laura: I didn't realise she had thought of a way to escape. I may have underestimated her a little.

Aoi: Puchiko, I hope she'll be all right....

Charl: If she's a hostage, she should be treated very well. I don't think we have to worry about that, do we?

Koto: Being the kind of person she is, I doubt that rabbit will just walk away. We'll get another chance to save her.

Dejiko: But even so, Usada is too stupid to think of taking Puchiko as a hostage, so how did she get that idea nya?

Laura: Isn't that one of the first tactics that would come to mind?

Dejiko: Usada wouldn't think of doing something like that nya!

Hibiki: Usada's not a bad person, is she.

Dejiko: There's got to be a bad guy near Usada, and they're forcing her to use dirty tricks nya!

Laura: Probably.

Dejiko: I'm annoyed with Usada too, but those villains are even more annoying nya!

Haruka: If that's the case, Usada-chan is in danger too. We can't just leave her alone!

Satoko: So, what are we going to do now? We don't know where Usada ran off too.

Tsubasa: Eve, do you have any ideas?

Eve: I dont know* I haven't looked into the way they are able to dissapear yet.

Tsubasa: Well then, there isn't much we can do.

Dejiko: I can't leave Gamers in this state! I need to get the shop back on its feet!

Rika: We'll help you too.

Aoi: That's right. The real manager won't be able to come back now.

Koto: So, do you think you can just stay here and help you clean up?

Hibiki: Koto, are you the kind of person who enjoys cleaning?

Koto: Heh, not really, but this town looks so interesting!

Charl: I know! There are lots of places I'd like to go too! Ehehe!

Rena: Rena also wants to find something nice!!

Satoko: Me too!

Satoko: (Fufufu I hear there's a shop in a back alley that sells dodgy equipment and parts. I'm going to make some new traps!)

Satoko: Satoko Hojo wont settle for only being the trap master in Hinamizawa! Fufufu!

Charl: Uh, Satoko? What's with that scary look on your face!?

Satoko: What? Er, It's nothing, nothing at all you know? No no no no, what do you mean?

Haruka: What's wrong? Are you all right? there, there.....

Satoko: I'm sorry, Haruka. I was just laughing too hard. Fuu...

Rika: We don't want you to get lost. When you go out, you must go with me.

Satoko: Understood.

Tsubasa: So while we help you rebuild this place, we'll see what happens.

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