Super Robot Wars/Z3/Flow Chart

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Much like SRW Alpha 2, many of the route splits in Z3 do not affect your current team composition. Where no series are listed for a route split, all units carry over onto each route, and only the missions (and any new additions) differ.

The difference "Meet in the hangar and listen to the other groups" and "Don't meet in the hangar" is that the former will lead to conversations with the other groups while the latter will jump straight to the upcoming stage.

第1話 禁忌という名の希望
Scenario 1: A Taboo Called Hope
SR Point: Defeat all enemy units within 3 turns.
第2話 来たるニュー・プロブレムボーイ
Scenario 2: Here Comes a New Problem Boy
SR Point: Defeat 5 enemy units within 3 turns.
第3話 預けられた背中
Scenario 3: The entrusted Back
SR Point: Use at least one Maximum Break.
第4話 学園都市防衛隊
Scenario 4: Science City Defense Force
SR Point: Shoot down Brocken's Ghoul (retreats at 6000)

Go Hiking
Don't Go Hiking
 第5話 未知なる脅威
Scenario 5: Unknown Menace
第5話 忍び寄る悪意
Scenario 5: Creeping Malice
SR Point: Do not allow the enemies to reach the defense line. SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 4 turns.
 第6話 戦雲の影
Scenario 6: Shadow of War Clouds
第6話 新たなる暗雲
Scenario 6: New Dark Clouds
SR Point: Defeat 5 enemy teams in a single turn. SR Point: Finish the map within 6 turns.

 第7話 仕掛かれた罠
Scenario 7: The Trap was Set
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 4 turns.
 第8話 戦うボーイ・ミーツ・ガール
Scenario 8: Fighting Boy Meets Girl
SR Point: Defeat 5 units with any one pilot.

Chase the Pervert
Accept Help
 第9話 悲しみのビーストマン
Scenario 9: Mournful Beastman
第9話 やりすぎのウォークライ
Scenario 9: Overenthusiastic Warcry
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 3 turns. SR Point: Shoot down 6 enemies within 4 turns.
(paths rejoin)

Space route
Zeta Gundam
Gundam: Char's Counterattack
Gundam Unicorn
Gundam Wing: Endless Waltz
Gundam SEED Destiny
Japan route
Mazinger Z
Getter Robo
Dancouga Nova
Tetsujin 28
Trider G7
Full Metal Panic!
Macross Frontier
第10話 コロニー動乱
Scenario 10: Disturbance in the Colonies
第10話 魔王の誘い
Scenario 10: Invitation From the Devil
第10話 ブラック・バトリング
Scenario 10: Black Battling
SR Point: Defeat all enemies before they reach the Ariel. SR Point: Shoot down the Ghoul within 4 turns. SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 5 turns. One ally must make at least 6 kills.
第11話 ユニコーンの日
Scenario 11: Day of the Unicorn
第11話 新世紀の序章
Scenario 11: Prologue of New Century
第11話 戦端
Scenario 11: Charging In
SR Point: Shoot down the Kshatriya within 6 turns. SR Point: Shoot down the Fourth Angel within three turns of Eva Unit 01's arrival. SR Point: Shoot down both units within the Ecrevisse squad within 4 turns. (Ecrevisse retreats at 10000)
第12話 赤い彗星の襲来
Scenario 12: The Attack of Red Comet
第12話 みんな、必死に生きている
Scenario 12: Everyone is Living Desperately
第12話 ビッグバトル
Scenario 12: Big Battle
SR Point: Shoot down every enemy but the Sinanju within 5 turns, then achieve victory. SR Point: Defeat all enemy units within 4 turns. SR Point: Defeat 8 or more enemy Teams, then shoot down Land Battleship within 4 turns.
第13話 戦乱のプレリュード
Scenario 13: Prelude to War
第13話 他人、そして自分
Scenario 13: Myself, and Others
第13話 Martial
Scenario 13: Martial
SR Point: Shoot down all Federation and Neo Zeon units. Do not allow them to shoot down each other. SR Point: Defeat all other enemies before defeating the Angel. However, if any of the ??? are shot down by the Angel, acquisition is failed. SR Point: Shoot down Plan 1056 Codarl within 5 turns.
(paths rejoin)
Meet in the hangar and listen to the other groups
Don't meet in the hangar

第14話 光と闇の狭間
Scenario 14: The Border Between Light and Darkness
SR Point: Defeat 10 enemy teams by the end of turn 4's player phase.
第15話 終末を抱いた神話
Scenario 15: A Myth That Holds An End
SR Point: Shoot down the Mithra Gnis within 3 turns.
第16話 開かれる新世界
Scenario 16: A New World Opens
SR Point: Shoot down the Mithra Gnis and the Radius Gnis on the same turn, no later than turn 5.

Accept the request
Reject the request
 第17話 善意のトレスパス
Scenario 17: Trespassing with Good Intentions
第17話 後の祭のフェスティバル
Scenario 17: Festival After Festival
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 4 turns. SR Point: Shoot down 5 enemies, then shoot down Akagi, all within 4 turns.

第18話 ブラックホールからの使者
Scenario 18: Messenger From the Black Hole
SR Point: Shoot down the Giant Flying Saucer before the ally NPC Black Ox is shot down.
第19話 つながる絆
Scenario 19: The Bonds That Tie
SR Point: Reduce the 6th Angel's HP below 20,000 within 4 turns.
Destiny Point: Shoot down the 6th Angel within 4 turns.
第20話 疾るワン・ナイト・スタンド
Scenario 20: Running One Night Stand
SR Point: Defeat all enemies by the end of turn 3's player phase.
第21話 永遠の円舞曲
Scenario 21: Endless Waltz
SR Point: Shoot down all Serpents within 5 turns.
Destiny Point: Wufei is shot down by Heero without assistance.

Investigate Neo Zeon
Observe Neo Zeon
 第22話 ロンデニオンの邂逅
Scenario 22: Encounter at Londenion
第22話 隻眼の転校生
Scenario 22: One-Eyed Transfer Student
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 4 turns. SR Point: Shoot down 20 enemies, then shoot down the Mithra Gnis, all within 3 turns.
 第23話 次代を担う者
Scenario 23: Leader of the Next Generation
第23話 終末を呼ぶもの
Scenario 23:
SR Point: Shoot down Gyunei, Angelo, Marida, and Quess on the same turn, on or before turn 4. SR Point: Shoot down the 7th Angel within 3 turns.
 第24話 パラオ急襲
Scenario 24: Raid on Palau
第24話 シャアの影
Scenario 24: Char's Shadow
SR Point: Defeat all intial enemies within 3 turns, before reaching the point with the Nahel Argama. SR Point: Defeat Geara Zulu (Angelo) and Geara Doga (Rezun) before shooting down all Dreissens (they retreat once reaching the bottom of the map).
 第25話 NT-D
Scenario 25: NT-D
第25話 猛るユニコーン
Scenario 25: Fierce Unicorn
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 4 turns, saving the Kshatriya for last. SR Point: Shoot down either 2 of Kshatriya, Jagd Doga (Gyunnei), or Jagd Doga (Quess) within 2 turns of their appearence.
 第26話 魔獣王子、目覚める
Scenario 26: Demon Beast Prince, Awakens
第26話 暗黒の王子
Scenario 26: Prince of Darkness
SR Point: Use Basara's songs to make 8 Vajra retreat. SR Point: Defeat all the enemies within 3 turns, and without the Dragons' Hive taking any damage.
 第27話 涙の行方
Scenario 27: Course of Tears
第27話 堕ちた巨人
Scenario 27: Fallen Giant
SR Point: Defeat the 7th Angel within 3 turns.
Destiny Point: Jin and Kagura engage in battle once.
SR Point: Force 8 or more Vajra retreat using Basara.
Destiny Point: Jin and Kagura engage in battle once.

第28話 闇の詩
Scenario 28: Song of Shadow
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 4 turns. One ally must make at least 5 kills.
第29話 夏の始まり
Scenario 29: Beginning of Summer
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 4 turns, leaving the Plan-1056 Codal i for last.
第30話 揺れるイントゥ・ザ・ブルー
Scenario 30: Into the Blue
SR Point: Shoot down 16 enemies within 3 turns.
第31話 切り拓かれる運命
Scenario 31: Carving Out a Destiny
SR Point: Shoot down 10 enemies within 4 turns, without allowing any enemies to reach the defense line.
第32話 忘却の霧の中
Scenario 32: The Mists of Oblivion
SR Point: Clear the map within 3 turns.
第33話 Roger The Negotiator
Scenario 33: Roger The Negotiator
SR Point: Defeat the Big Duo piloted by Schwarzwald in a single attack action. Defending or Evading against Schwarzwald does not count.
第34話 輪廻の宇宙
Scenario 34: Universal Samsara
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 3 turns.
第35話 災厄の襲来
Scenario 35: Calamity Strikes
SR Point: Reduce the Diosc A's HP below 10,000 in one turn of her arrival.

Space route
Ra Cailum
Nahel Argama
Macross Quarter
Londo Bell
Macross Frontier
Gundam SEED Destiny
Aquarion EVOL
Macross 7
Japan route
Dragons Hive
Mazinger Z
Getter Robo
God Mars
Dancouga Nova
Trider G7
Gurren Lagann
Mithril route
Ptolemaios 2 Custom
Gundam 00
Gundam Wing
Full Metal Panic!
Big O
Code Geass
第36話 生命の歌声
Scenario 36: Song of Life
第36話 戦場外の憂鬱
Scenario 36: Melancholy Outside the Battle
第36話 故郷に舞う風
Scenario 36: The Wind that Dances to Birthplace
SR Point: Shoot down Mithra Gnis within 4 turns SR Point: Have Takeo GC Team (Watta and Kakikouji) earn 30,000 funds by the time you clear the stage SR Point: Shoot down the Zy-98 and Zy-99 on the same turn.
Destiny Point: Convince Wufei with Setsuna and Zero.
第37話 フィフス・ルナ攻防戦
Scenario 37: Battle of Fifth Luna
第37話 グーラの願い
Scenario 37: Gura's Wish
第37話 戦士の素質
Scenario 37: The Nature of a Warrior
SR Point: Shoot down either Sinanju, Jagd Doga (Gyunei), Jagd Doga (Quess), Geara Zulu (Angelo), or Kshatriya within 4 turns.
Destiny Point: Shoot down Sazabi.
SR Point: Clear the stage within 5 turns.
Destiny Point: Convince Gura with Shotaro twice.
SR Point: Shoot down the Plan-1056 Codal i using a Maximum Break within 3 turns of the victory objective changing.
第38話 湧きあがれ、いのち
Scenario 38: Overflowing Life
第38話 温かな声
Scenario 38: Warm Voice
第38話 心奥
Scenario 38: Depths of the Heart
SR Point: Defeat all enemies, then shoot down Diosc A using Maximum Break within 4 turns. SR Point: Clear the stage within 4 turns, and each Unit (except Advent) must shoot down at least 1 enemy unit. For Ryouma, Hayato, and Benkei, either one is okay. SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 5 turns, without allowing the Martial or Geminis to shoot down any enemies.
第39話 レア・イグラー
Scenario 39: Rare Igura
第39話 灯火を集めて
Scenario 39: Gathering of Light
第39話 触れ得ざる者
Scenario 39: The Untouchable
SR Point: Defeat Ahura Ginis (It retreats at below 15,000 HP or 3 turns after his appearence) SR Point: Defeat all the enemies within 3 turns, and without the Dragons' Hive taking any damage.
Destiny Point: Either Shotaro or Gura engages in a Support Attack with the other. Gura must also shoot down at least three enemies.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies, then cross the target line with Chirico, all within 3 turns.
Destiny Point: Titania is shot down by Chirico without assistance.
第40話 ラプラスの残骸
Scenario 40: Ghost of Laplace
第40話 封印されし闇
Scenario 40: Sealed Darkness
第40話 終わらないデイ・バイ・デイ
Scenario 40: Endless Day By Day
SR Point: Defeat all enemies, then shoot down Qubeley or Sinanju within 5 turns.
Destiny Point: Daguza survives.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies, then shoot down Flying Fortress Guul within 6 turns. SR Point: Defeat all enemies, the shoot down Plan-1059 Codal m within 3 turns.
 (paths rejoin)
Meet in the hangar and listen to the other groups
Don't meet in the hangar
 (paths rejoin)

Trust Char
Destiny Point: Select this option.
Don't trust Char
第41話 二つの赤い彗星
Scenario 41: Twin Red Comets
SR Point: Shoot down 22 enemy units within 3 turns.

Focus on duties
 第42話 女神の来日
Scenario 42: The Goddess Arrives in Japan
第42話 仁義なきファンシーZ
Scenario 42: Fancy Z Without Moral Code
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 6 turns. SR Point: Shoot down Gates, Kan Yu, and Beck in the same turn. They retreat at 8000 HP.

第43話 奈落への入口
Scenario 43: The Entrance to Hell
SR Point: Shoot down all Space Robo #5 and Giant Flying Saucers within 4 turns, leaving Guura's Space Robo #5 for last.
Destiny Point: Convince Gura with Shotaro.
第44話 神と悪魔と人
Scenario 44: God and Devil and Man
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 3 turns.
第45話 暗黒の神ミケーネ
Scenario 45: Mycenae, God of Darkness
SR Point: Defeat 24 enemies or reduce Hades's HP to below 50,000 within 3 turns.
Destiny Point: Gyunei, Quess, and Marida must have a combined kill count of 225 before the end of the map.

Go to Merida Island
Ra Cailum
Nahel Argama
Londo Bell
Gundam Wing
Gundam SEED
Gundam 00
Full Metal Panic
Code Geass
Stay in Japan
Dragons Hive
Macross Quarter
Trider G7
Tetsujin 28
God Mars
Macross 7
Macross Frontier
Getter Robo
Mazinger Z
Big O
Dancouga Nova
Gurren Lagann
Aquarion EVOL
 第46話 残された時間
Scenario 46: Remaining Time
第46話 成功率0.0001%
Scenario 46: Chance of Success 0.0001%
 SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 3 turns, saving the Qubeley for last, and without the Nahel Argama taking any damage. SR Point: Defeat all enemies before fulfilling the victory condition.
 第47話 大西洋の死闘
Scenario 47: Duel in the Altantic
Proceed with Activation Tests
Stop the Activation Tests
第47話 生命の選択
Scenario 47: The Choice of Life
第47話 アタリとハズレ
Scenario 47: Hit and Miss
SR Point: Shoot down 30 enemies, then move the Tuatha de Danaan to the designated point within 6 turns. SR Point: Shoot down EVA-01
Destiny Point: Select "Fight Unit-03".
SR Point: Clear the stage without having either enemy factions shoot down each other.
Destiny Point: Mikono and Zessica both have at least one battle encounter as main pilot.
 第48話 重力の井戸の底で
Scenario 48: At the Bottom of the Gravity Well
第48話 禁断の領域
Scenario 48: Forbidden Area
第48話 再来する絶望
Scenario 48: Despair Returns
 SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 3 turns.
Destiny Point: Loni is shot down by Banagher.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 6 turns without having either side destroy a unit of theirs. SR Point: Reduce Geminia's HP to 40,000 within 6 turns.
Meet in the hangar and listen to the other groups
Don't meet in the hangar

第49話 開かれる扉
Scenario 49: The Gate Opens
SR Point: Shoot down the Mixy Gnis, Mithra Gnis, and Ahura Gnis within 3 turns, saving the Ahura Gnis (yellow one) for last.
Destiny Point: Shoot down Geminia.

Accept Destiny
Defy Destiny
NOTE: You must have at least five Destiny Points to select this option.
第50話 神殺しの魔神
Scenario 50: God-Slaying Devil
第50話 ephemera
Scenario 50: ephemera
SR Point: Defeat all Mechanical Beasts, then shoot down Garadoubla within 4 turns. SR Point: Shoot down the Mixy Gnis and Mithra Gnis simultaneously using a MAP weapon within 5 turns.
第51話 神話センリツ
Scenario 51: Melody of Legend
第51話 決戦!ブラックホール!
Scenario 51: Showdown! Blackhole!
SR Point: Shoot down the Mixy Gnis and Mithra Gnis simultaneously using a MAP weapon within 5 turns. SR Point: Defeat 40 enemies within 3 turns.
第52話 1万2000年の愛
Scenario 52: 12000 Years of Love
第52話 闇と陰と暗黒と
Scenario 52: Evil and Shadow, and Darkness
SR Point: SR Point: Defeat all enemies, then shoot down Solar Aquarion in 4 turns. SR Point: Defeat 80 enemies, then shoot down Solar Aquarion in 4 turns.
第53話 暗黒の理
Scenario 53: Logic of Darkness
第53話 永遠という幻想
Scenario 53: Illusion of Eternity
SR Point: Defeat all enemies, then shoot down Space Robo #7 in 3 turns. SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 5 turns.
第54話 The Show Must Go On
Scenario 54: The Show Must Go On
第54話 光の闘神Z
Scenario 54: Fighting God of Light Z
SR Point: Defeat all initial enemies within 3 turns. SR Point: Clear the stage within 6 turns, and do not allow either enemy factions shoot down each other.

第55話 飛べ、宇宙へ
Scenario 55: Fly, Towards Space
SR Point: Defeat Gauron, Gates, Kan Yu, and Beck in the same Turn. Gates, Kan Yu, and Beck retreat when their HP is below 10,000.
第56話 シャア・アズナブルの真実
Scenario 56: Char Aznable's Truth
SR Point: Defeat all Musukas, then shoot shown Jagd Doga within 3 turns.
第57話 Beyond the Time
Scenario 57: Beyond the Time
SR Point: Defeat all enemies, then shoot down Sinanju within 6 turns.
第58話 いがみ合う双子
Scenario 58: Quarrelling Twins
SR Point: Defeat 45 enemies, then shoot down Diosk A within 4 turns.
第59話 決戦の銀河
Scenario 59: Galactic Showdown
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 5 turns.
第60話 天の光は全て星
Scenario 60: The Light in the Sky are Stars
SR Point: Reduce Grand Zamboa's HP to 99,999 within 4 turns.

Additional Resources

- Flowchart Examples - Flowchart Templates