Super Robot Wars/Z3.R/Flow Chart

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Units and Pilots in Black join your team.
Units and Pilots in Orange are available for that stage, then leave.
Units and Pilots in Blue have special requirements. Check the Secrets page for more details.
Units and Pilots in Red previously joined, but from this point, are rendered unusable. Those lost permanently are marked so, while others rejoin later on.
Information in Green are upgrades for units already in your party.

Scenario 1: Green Earth
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Any ally is defeated.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in 3 turns. Advent also must have 5 kills.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第2話: 乙女の祈り
Scenario 2: Maiden's Prayer
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Setsuko is defeated; Any ally is defeated; Any enemy unit reaches the highlighted point.
SR Point: Clear the map in 4 turns.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第3話: 駆け抜ける獅子
Scenario 3: Lion Running Through
Victory Condition: Defeat Glitter, or make him retreat.
Defeat Condition: Rand is defeated; Any all is defeated.
SR Point: Defeat Glitter.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
Scenario 4: On the Balance's Dish
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Crowe is defeated; Any all is defeated.
SR Point: Upon clearing the map, one pilot must have 5 kills.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第5話: スフィアを追う者
Scenario 5: Pursuers of the Sphere
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Any ally is defeated; All allies are defeated.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in 4 turns.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
Scenario 6: Fugitive
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Any ally is defeated; Saldias or ??? are defeated.
SR Point: Defeat 10 enemies in 3 turns.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
Scenario 7: Terminal Base Battle
Victory Condition: Have Crowe reach the highlighted point in 4 turns; Defeat Glitter.
Defeat Condition: Five turns pass; Mothership is defeated; Crowe is defeated.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies before achieving the victory condition.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
Scenario 8: Dead Soul's Emptiness
Victory Condition: Defeat Shikuu or reach the 6th turn.
Defeat Condition: Mothership is defeated.
SR Point: Lower Shikuu's HP below 99,999 HP.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第9話: 悲しみの乙女, 再び
Scenario 9: Sorrowful Maiden, Again
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies; Defeat Glitter.
Defeat Condition: Mothership is defeated; Setsuko is defeated.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in 3 turns.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第10話:傷だらけの獅子, 荒野に吼える
Scenario 10: Wounded Lion, Roaring in the Wilderness
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Mothership is defeated; Rand is defeated.
SR Point: Do not let any enemy unit reach the highlighted point
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第11話: 揺れる天秤, 揺れない意志
Scenario 11: Shaking Scales, Unshaking Will
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies; Reduce Shinkuu's HP to below 99,999.
Defeat Condition: Mothership is defeated; Crowe or Clavier are defeated.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies, then lower Shikuu's HP below 99,999, within 4 turns.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第12話: 誓いの決戦
Scenario 12: Decisive Battle of the Oath
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies.
Defeat Condition: Any ally is defeated.
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in 5 turns.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第13話: 迫る猛毒
Scenario 13: Approaching Poison
Victory Condition: Defeat Saldias or reach the 6th turn.
Defeat Condition: Any ally is defeated.
SR Point: One pilot must shoot down 7 enemies.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第14話: 時の牢獄で
Scenario 14: At the Time Prison
Victory Condition: Defeat Gadlight.
Defeat Condition: Any ally is defeated.
SR Point: Defeat Gadlight within 5 turns.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition:
第15話: 死闘の果てに
Scenario 15: End of the Life-and-Death Struggle
Victory Condition: Defeat all enemies; Defeat Clavier.
Defeat Condition: Setsuko, Rand or Crowe are defeated.
Secret Requirements:
Unit Acquisition: