Super Robot Wars/Z3.2/Trophies

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タイトル Name Description
天獄篇マスター Master of Tengoku-Hen Collect all trophies.
シナリオコンプリート Scenario Complete Complete every single scenario.
エンブレムコレクター Emblem Collector Collect all 5 emblems in game.
DEMのお得意様 Happy DEM Customer Purchase all of the D-Trader's staple products. (24 enhancement parts and enhance the Z Crystal to Grade 5)
全SRポイント制覇 All SR Point Mastery Acquire 61 SR Points.
ゲームクリア Game Clear Clear the game.
パイロットブリーダー Pilot Breeder Raise 30 pilots to Ace.
カスタムキング Custom King Obtain Custom Bonus for 30 units.
オンリーワンクラッシュ Only One Crush Inflict 50,000 damage on a single enemy in a single combat.
マルチクラッシュ Multi-Crush Shoot down 10 enemies with a single MAP attack.
買い物上手 Skilled Shopper Unlock all of the D-Trader's staple products. (24 enhancement parts)
スーパーエースパイロット Super Ace Pilot Shoot down a total of 200 enemies with a single pilot.
ゴールドフィンガー Goldfinger Gain a total of 30,000,000 credits.
スイートネイル Sweet Nail Reduce an enemy unit to single-digit HP.
ハイテンション High Tension Have 16 ally teams with their Tag Tension at 2 stars (★★).
準備万端 Ready for Anything Complete the Guidance Scenario.
長き戦いの始まり Beginning of a Long Journey Complete Mission 1.
マキシマムブレイク Maximum Break Use a Maximum Break.
タクティカルコンボMAX Tactical Combo Max Max out the Tactical Combo gauge.
エースパイロット Ace Pilot Raise one pilot to Ace.
カスタムボーナス Custom Bonus Obtain the Custom Bonus for one unit.
お買い上げ感謝感激 Thank You For Shopping Purchase one of the D-Trader's staple products. (24 enhancement parts)
休息の時 R&R View a save & quit message.
戦いの紋章 Battle Honors Unlock an Emblem.
美しき戦士 Beautiful Warrior Raise a female pilot to Ace.
精神統一 Spiritual Unification On a single map (any map), complete the Spirit Commands list in the Search window with the pilots you have sortied on that map. Note: You have to actually open up the Search window and see that the whole list is filled before the trophy unlocks
射程距離外からの攻撃 Attack Exceeding Firing Range Attack an enemy 15 squares away with a single attack (Excludes MAP attacks).
サウザンドクラッシュ Thousand Crush Have the total number of enemies destroyed by your team exceed 1000.
愛と勇気を力に Power of Love and Courage Have the spirit command effects Accel, Strike, Alert, Valor, Fury, Gain, and Luck active on a single unit simultaneously.
腕の差 Difference in Skill Destroy 5 or more units on a single stage with a critical hit.
一撃二鳥 Two Birds with One Stone Shoot down both units in an enemy Team with a single attack.
本日ラッキーデイ My Lucky Day Use the spirit commands Luck and Bless a combined 10 times on a single stage.
5回行動 5th Action On 1 turn, have a single team use Multi-Action 4 times (Does not need to be consecutive).
縁の下の力持ち Unsung Hero Support Attack four times in one turn with a single pilot.
一機闘千 One Man Army Shoot down 15 enemies in a single stage with a single pilot.