Super Robot Wars/X-Omega/Seishins

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Battle units will also have Seishin abilities that can be activated in battle alongside finishing skills. However, unlike finishing skills, Seishin abilities can only be activated once for the entire duration of the battle. Players must choose very wisely when to use them as they can change the outcome of a battle. All of these Seishin skills will have the names to spirit commands used in traditional Super Robot Wars games, but their effects may differ due to X-Omega's style of gaming.

NOTE: These unit Seishins may not have the same effect in Arena mode. Click here for Seishin descriptions for arena mode.

Unlocking and Upgrading Seishin Abilities

Units can have up to 3 Seishin abilities, but units only start with 1 Seishin ability by default. The unit's second Seishin ability will unlock at half of the its default maximum level while the last Seishin ability will unlock once the unit reaches its default maximum level. Seishin abilities can also be upgraded into an improved form with stronger effects, but how much of an improvement is currently unknown at the moment. These Seishin abilities will have an Omega Symbol (Ω) after their name. Players can upgrade these skills by acquiring Seishin points (SP) from clearing stages and once enough SP is obtained, the Seishin ability will convert to its Omega form and will give players access to an improved version of the seishin.

Seishin Abilities

This table has the current list of all Seishin abilities that currently exist in the game. If there is no entry in the Omega effect, then it is assumed it has the same description as the original effect. These descriptions are not direct translations and have been modified to provide for ranges and clarity.

NOTE: Clicking on the column headings will allow you to sort through the tables by their criteria (min/max values or alphabetical). Unfortunately, there is no arrow indicator that will show whether the information is ascending or descending due to outputting issues.

Name (Japanese) Name (English) Effect Omega Effect
加速 Accelerate For a duration of time movement speed is moderately increased -
覚醒 Awaken For a long duration of time attack speed is increased -
Bond Cure all allies of combustion, darkness, and slow effects Cure all allies of combustion, darkness, and slow effects and slightly recover their HP
勇気 Courage For a duration of time moderately increase attack and slightly reduce the amount of damage taken -
脱力☆ Daunt For a duration of time increase the evasion rate, but also increase damage taken For a long duration of time increase the evasion rate, but also increase damage taken
減速☆ Decelerate* For a duration of time, allies in range take reduced damage and greatly reduce (the movement speed of the caster?) For a long duration of time, allies in range take reduced damage and greatly reduce (the movement speed of the caster?)
直撃 Direct Hit For a long duration of time all auto-attacks pierce barriers For a long duration of time attack is increased and all auto-attacks pierce barriers
Dream For a duration of time attack speed and critical rates are increased For a duration of time attack speed and critical rates are increased. Also recover a small amount of HP
激励 Encouragement For a duration of time increase the attack of allies that stand within 1 square of the casting unit -
闘志 Fighting Spirit For a long duration of time attack is increased -
閃き Flash For a long duration of time evasion rates are greatly increased -
閃き+ Flash+ For a long duration of time, increase the evasion rates of all allies For a long duration of time, moderately increase the evasion rates of all allies
集中 Focus For a long duration of time hit and evasion rates are increased -
不屈 Fortitude For a duration of time greatly reduce the amount of damage taken -
根性 Guts Instantly recover a moderate amount of HP Instantly recover a moderate amount of HP and reduce the amount of damage taken for a duration of time
根性☆ Guts* Slightly recover HP upon casting -
希望 Hope Heal a small amount of HP to all allies within range and also increase the attack of allies within the same range for a long duration of time -
熱血 Hot Blood For a long duration of time attack is moderately increased -
感応 Inspire For a duration of time greatly increase the hit and evasion rates of allies that stand within 1 square of the casting unit -
直感 Instinct For a duration of time hit and evasion rates are greatly increased -
鉄壁 Iron Wall For a long duration of time reduce the amount of damage taken -
Love For a duration of time attack, evasion rates, and movement speed are increased For a duration of time attack, evasion rates, and movement speed are moderately increased
奇跡 Miracle Recover a moderate amount of HP and for a duration of time increase the attack and evasion rates Recover a moderate amount of HP and for a duration of time attack is moderately increased and evasion rates are increased
挑発 Provoke For a duration of time enemies within range change their targets to the casting unit -
憤怒 Rage For a duration of time attack is greatly increased -
奇襲 Raid For a duration of time attack, movement speed, and evasion rates are moderately increased and hit rates are also greatly increased For a duration of time, attack and movement speed are moderately increased while evasion and hit rates are also greatly increased
信念 Resolve For a long duration of time, the unit is immune to status effects For a long duration of time, the unit is immune to status effects and takes slightly less damage
咆哮 Roar For a duration of time enemies within range change their targets to the casting unit -
Soul For a long period of time attack is greatly increased -
補給 Supply Gain a core that is the same color attribute of the casting unit Gain a core that is the same color attribute of the casting unit and instantly heal a small amount of HP
必中 Sure Hit For a duration of time hit rates are greatly increased For a duration of time attack is increased and hit rates are greatly increased
ド根性 Super Guts Instantly recover a great amount of HP -
信頼 Trust Instantly heal a moderate amount of HP to the ally with the least HP -
信頼+ Trust+ Instantly heal a small amount of HP to all allies Instantly heal a moderate amount of HP to all allies