Super Robot Wars/V/Flow Chart

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Souji Route
Chitose Route
第1話: 遥かなる旅路
Scenario 1: A Long Journey
第1話: 絶望からの出航
Scenario 1: Flight from Despair
SR Point: Use all of the VangRay's attacks. SR Point: Use all of the VangRay's attacks.
Special Scenario: Galvanizing Hope
No SR point. This stage will only appear if the Grungust and Huckbein DLC are installed.
第2話: 火星の海賊
Scenario 2: Pirates of Mars
SR Point: Have one unit destroy 4 enemies. (Enemies killed by support attacks go to the supporting unit.)
第3話: 流星の記憶
Scenario 3: Memories of a Fallen Star
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in 3 turns
第4話: 木星戦線、異常あり
Scenario 4: Anomaly on the Jovian Front
SR Point: Defeat 15 enemies in within 4 turns.
第5話: 再会の氷原
Scenario 5: A Chilling Reunion
SR Point: Destroy a Metal Beast with one attack, not including Support Attacks.
第6話: 冥王の落日
Scenario 6: Dusk on Pluto
SR Point: Defeat Shultz before he reaches the highlighted area. The Yamato must attack Shultz at least once. (If Jarletora is defeated, Shultz leaves the map.)
第7話: 交差する宇宙
Scenario 7: Cosmic Crossroads
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 5 turns.
Souji Route
Chitose Route
第8話: 大宇宙の墓場
Scenario 8: The Cosmic Graveyard
第8話: ガミラスの使者
Scenario 8: The Gamillan Messenger
SR Point: Clear the map without Yamato taking any damage. SR Point: Clear the map without Yamato taking any damage.
第9話: 凪の海
Scenario 9: Calm Seas
第9話: 新しい日々
Scenario 9: A Fresh Start
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in 4 turns and also have one unit shoot down 4 enemies SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 5 turns and shoot down 4 enemies with one pilot
第10話: 嵐の勇者(ヒーロー)
Scenario 10: The Storm Caller
第10話: 忍び寄る巨悪
Scenario 10: The Creeping Evil
SR Point: Defeat Wolfgain's Teigel 5656. He retreats at 5500 HP. SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 3 turns
第11話: 黒衣の復讐者
Scenario 11: The Black-Cloaked Avenger
第11話: 勇者、到着!
Scenario 11: A Hero Arrives
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in 5 turns SR Point: Defeat Wolfgang's Teigel 5656. He retreats at below 6000 HP
第12話: 混沌を破壊する
Scenario 12: The Dispeller of Chaos
SR Point: Defeat 8 enemies within 4 turns
第13話: 禁断の海
Scenario 13: The Forbidden Sea
SR Point: Defeat Schooner and Galleon class Dragons by Turn 5
第14話: 血塗られた白き翼
Scenario 14: Blood-Splattered Wings
SR Point: Clear the map within 4 turns. Ruri, Sumeragi and Tessa must defeat 2 enemies each
"Stay with Arzenal" Route
Cross Ange
Full Metal Panic
Gundam 00
"Go to Japan" Route
Might Gaine
ZZ Gundam
Nadesico: PoD
Hathaway's Flash
Crossbone Gundam
第15話: 孤島の出会い
Scenario 15: Island Encounter
第15話: 納豆に手を出すな
Scenario 15: Not Your Natto
SR Point: Before map clear, defeat at least 3 enemy units with one ally pilot in a single turn. SR Point: Defeat Vuitton with one attack. Support Attacks are valid
第16話: 絆、再び
Scenario 16: Bonds Renewed
第16話: 消えない傷跡
Scenario 16: Wounds That Won't Heal
SR Point: Deal the finishing blow to a 12 enemies in a single turn at any point after the dragons retreat. SR Point: Defeat Yatenko within 4 turns, and all enemies by turn 5
第17話: 舞い降りる翼
Scenario 17: Swooping Wings
第17話: 登場!宿命のライバル
Scenario 17: The Fated Rival
SR Point: Defeat the Bighorn Dragon in a single attack. Support attack is allowed. SR Point: Defeat 8 enemies in 1 turn
シークレットシナリオ: 黒い勇者特急
Secret Scenario: Black Brave Express
No SR point in secret scenarios
第18話: 迫るデンジャラスゴールド
Scenario 18: Dangerous Gold Approaches
SR Point: Defeat 15 enemies and the Hiryu in 4 turns
Souji Route
Chitose Route
第19話: 宇宙を切り裂くもの
Scenario 19: Tearing into Space
第19話: 嘘と想い
Scenario 19: Lies and Feelings
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 2 turns. SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 2 turns.
第20話: アマテラス攻防戦
Scenario 20: Battle of Amaterasu
SR Point: Defeat 20 enemy units before Kodai reaches objective point.
第21話: 決戦!火星極冠遺跡!
Scenario 21: The Martian Polar Cap Ruins!
SR Point: Clear map within 7 turns.
第22話: 赤い地球
Scenario 22: Red Earth
SR Point: Defeat all other enemies within 5 turns and defeat Goergametsch.
"Call Londo Bell" Route
"We don't need help" Route.
第23話: 開かれた扉
Scenario 23: An Opened Door
第23話: 赤い海と戦いの大地
Scenario 23: Red Seas and War-Torn Lands
SR Point: Defeat 9 enemy units before meeting the victory conditions. SR Point: Defeat Rommel, Rakan or Angelo within 4 turns.
第24話: 若さという力
Scenario 24: The Power of Youth
第24話: 岐路
Scenario 24: A Crossroads
SR Point: Defeat 12 enemy units within 3 turns and also defeat Geara Zulu (Angelo). SR Point: Clear map within 5 turns.
第25話: 孤立
Scenario 25: Isolation
第25話: メリダ島の危機
Scenario 25: Crisis on Melida Island
SR Point: Defeat Jerid, Yazan, Buran, Marida, and Gauron within 7 turns all in a single turn. SR Point: Defeat Xia Yu Fan and Xia Yu Lan as well as either Guaron or Gates within 3 turns.
第26話: 降臨するもの
Scenario 26: Descent from the Heavens
SR Point: Eva Unit-01's HP falls below 10,000 within 5 turns.
第27話: 鉄の刃、鋼の絆
Scenario 27: An Iron Blade and a Steel Bond
SR Point: Defeat Ghostfire V9 and Belgas V5 in the same turn and within 4 turns. Also defeat Baron Ashura Mechanical Beast.
Secret Scenario: Thought Patterns
No SR point in secret scenarios
"Stay in UC Dimension" Route
Crossbone Gundam
Gundam UC
Hathaway's Flash
ZZ Gundam
Char's Counterattack
Shin Mazinger Z
Shin Getter Robo
Full Metal Panic
"Go to AD Dimension" Route.
Nadesico: PoD
Gundam 00
Might Gaine
Daitarn 3
Zambot 3
SEED Destiny
Cross Ange
第28話: 未来への招待
Scenario 28: An Invitation to the Future
第28話: 激突する正邪
Scenario 28: The Clash of Right and Wrong
SR Point: Defeat PLAN-1055 Belial after defeating all other enemies. SR Point: Before map clear, defeat at least 3 enemy units in a single turn with a single ally pilot.
第29話: 進化の行き先
Scenario 29: Where Progress Leads
第29話: 復讐の果てに
Scenario 29: The Result of Revenge
SR Point: Before map clear, defeat at least 3 enemy units at the same time with one ally pilot using a MAP weapon. SR Point: Clear map within 5 turns.
第30話: 変わりゆく世界
Scenario 30: A Changing World
第30話: 裏切りの故郷
Scenario 30: Hometown of Betrayal
SR Point: Defeat Anksha (Buran Blutarch) within 3 turns. SR Point: Meet the victory condition after defeating all enemies
第31話: 灼熱のダカール
Scenario 31: Dakar Burning
第31話: 永遠の自由
Scenario 31: Eternal Freedom
SR Point: Within 5 turns, use extra action Smash Hit to defeat Shamblo while its HP is 10,001 or higher. You may combine Support Attack. SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 4 turns and defeat Enryugo after that.
第32話: 戦場のクロスハート
Scenario 32: The Battlefield of Conflicted Hearts
第32話: 黒き神の歌
Scenario 32: Song of the Dark God
SR Point: Clear map within 6 turns, and within those turns, one ally pilot uses extra action Multi Action. SR Point: Defeat at least 35 enemy units.
第33話: 飛び立て、偉大な勇者!
Scenario 33: Take Flight Brave Hero
SR Point: Defeat at least 6 units on the first turn.
Souji Route
Chitose Route
第34話: 解き放たれる希望
Scenario 34: Hope Set Free
第34話: 希望の行き先
Scenario 34: Where Hope Leads
SR Point: Within 4 turns, defeat Blarmag (Ghuli) without Yamato taking any attacks. SR Point: Within 4 turns, defeat Blarmag (Ghuli) without Yamato taking any attacks.
第35話: 滅びの光
Scenario 35: Light of Ruin
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in 6 turns
第36話: 星を継ぐ者
Scenario 36: Who Inherits the Stars
SR Point: Defeat Byarlant Custom and Banshee within 4 turns in a single turn
Special Scenario: New Force
No SR point. This stage will only appear if the Grungust and Huckbein DLC are installed.
Go With Ground Troops
Shin Mazinger
Shin Getter Robo
Zambot 3
Daitarn 3
Might Gaine
Go to Space
Gundam UC
ZZ Gundam
Z Gundam
Char's Counterattack
Hathaway's Flash
Crossbone Gundam
Go to AD Universe
Nadesico: PoD
Full Metal Panic
Cross Ange
SEED Destiny
Gundam 00
第37話: Dr.ヘル、最後の賭け
Scenario 37: Dr Hell's Final Wager
第37話: 宇宙を駆ける想い
Scenario 37: Hope Across the Universe
第37話: Necessary
Scenario 37: Necessary
SR Point: Defeat all enemy units within 4 turns and also defeat Baron Ashura Mechanical Beast. SR Point: In a single turn, defeat at least 2 out of Jerid, Yazan or Lane with a single pilot SR Point: Clear map within 5 turns.
Scenario 38: The Gates of Hell
Scenario 38: Future in the Balance
Scenario 38: This Warped World
SR Point: Defeat all other enemies within 5 turns, and then defeat Hades. SR Point: Defeat Dooben Wolf (Rakan), Rozen Zulu and Gundam X-2 Kai within 4 turns in a single turn SR Point: Defeat Theodora within 2 turns.
第39話: 終焉への目覚め
Scenario 39: Wake up, Time to Die
SR Point: Clear Map within 8 turns
Secret Scenario: Come the Messenger
No SR point in secret scenarios
Special Scenario: A New Hope Grows
No SR point. Huckebein and Grungust join in this scenario if the bonus DLC is not installed.
第40話: 星々の海原へ
Scenario 40: Into the Sea of Stars
SR Point: Defeat Shin Getter Dragon in 3 turns while defeating no more than 10 enemies. Shin Getter Dragon counts as one of the 10. (Mistranslated in english version.)
第41話: 記憶の海の底
Scenario 41: At the Bottom of the Sea of Memories
SR Point: Within 4 turns defeat all enemies and lower HP for Domelaze III below 15000
第42話: 昏き光を越えて
Scenario 42: Beyond the Gloomy Light
SR Point: Defeat all enemies within 5 turns, then defeat Zoelguut II
Secret Scenario: Supporting a Long Journey
No SR point in secret scenarios
Go with the Yamato
Gundam UC
Gundam 00
SEED Destiny
Crossbone Gundam
Hathaway's Flash
Char's Counterattack
ZZ Gundam
Z Gundam
Go with the Nadesico
Shin Mazinger Z
Shin Getter Robo
Zambot 3
Daitarn 3
Might Gaine
Cross Ange
Full Metal Panic
第43話: 接触
Scenario 43: Contact
第43話: 紫色の悪意
Scenario 43: Purple Malice
SR Point: Within 5 turns , defeat at least 4 enemy unit at same time with a map weapon SR Point: Defeat Stark 4126, Snooby and Show-Gunn within 3 turns in a single turn
第44話: 挟撃、ドメル幕僚団
Scenario 44: A Pincer Attack and the Domel Advisory Council
第44話: チドリカナメの罪
Scenario 44: The Sins of Kaname Chidori
SR Point: Defeat Guipellon-class Shudelg and Guipellon-class Balgrey within 5 turns in a single turn. SR Point: Before map clear, defeat at least 4 enemy units in a single turn with a single battleship captain.
第45話: 人の生きる意味
Scenario 45: The Reason We Live
第45話: 暗黒の使徒
Scenario 45: The Dark Disciples
SR Point: Before map clear, defeat at least 4 enemy units in a single turn with a single battleship captain. SR Point: Defeat all other enemies within 4 turns. After that, defeat Imperial.
第46話: 宇宙の狼
Scenario 46: Space Wolf
SR Point: Defeat all enemies in 5 turns. A battleship captain must defeat 2 out of Darldo, Lanbare, Balgrey and Shudelg
第47話: 守るべき未来
Scenario 47: The Future
SR Point: Defeat at least 20 enemy units in 3 turns
第48話: 繋がる想い、届かぬ想い
Scenario 48: Lost and Bound
SR Point: Defeat all Gamillas units within 5 turns and also defeat Large ELS. Do not let Gamillas units defeat any ELS units
第49話: 落日の星
Scenario 49: Closing the Books
SR Point: Within 3 turns, defeat all enemies and lower HP of Desura II below 20000
Fierce Battles are Ahead
The Battle is Over
第50話: 決戦の青き星々
Scenario 50: Battle of the Three Earths
第50話: 終わりなき戦い
Scenario 50: Battle Never Ending
SR Point: Clear map in 5 turns SR Point: Defeat all enemy units within 4 turns and defeat Desura II after that. Within those turns, you cannot allow Desura II to use the map weapon Dessler Cannon.
第51話: 闇より暗きもの
Scenario 51: Darker than the Darkest Black
第51話: 因果の果てに
Scenario 51: Cause and Effect
SR Point: Defeat all Giant Kedoras within 2 turns and also defeat Great General of Darkness SR Point: Defeat all Giant Kedoras within 2 turns and also defeat Great General of Darkness.
最終話: 過去と未来の狭間で
Final Scenario: The Gulf Between Past and Future
最終話: 遙かなる故郷
Final Scenario: A Distant Home
SR Point: No SR point SR Point: No SR point