Super Robot Wars/OG2nd/Trophies

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This is a list of the trophies for Super Robot Wars Original Generation 2nd.

タイトル Name Description
OGマスター OG Master Acquire every trophy in the game.
EXハードモードクリア EX Hard Mode Cleared Complete the game in EX Hard mode.
スペシャルモードクリア Special Mode Cleared Complete the game in Special mode.
やり込み派 Completionist Complete the game three times, regardless of the mode.
全SRポイント獲得 All SR Points Acquired Acquire every stage's SR point.
シナリオコンプリート Scenario Chart Completed Make every stage appear in the scenario chart.
エキスパート Expert Finish the game without ever continuing after a game over.
ゲームクリア Game Cleared Finish the game.
撃墜王 Dogfight King Shoot Down 200 enemies with one character.
総力戦 Total War Use all Seishin commands in 1 stage.
オンリーワンクラッシュ Only One Clash Inflict 100 000 damage to a enemy unit in one attack scene.
奇跡の生還 Miraculous Survivor Start a player phase with a battleship that has 1% or less HP.
よくある事 It Happens a Lot Get an enemy unit hit points down to a single digit as a result of an encounter.
ギリギリセーフ! Barely Safe! One of the player unit hit points gets down to a single digit as result of an encounter.
ヒロインだらけの精鋭部隊 Heroines Elite Squad Get 20 ace pilots among the female cast.
艦長の風格 The Appearance of a Captain Obtain ace pilot status for one ship captain.
ダブルアタック Double Attack Destroy 4 enemies with a single Double Attack.
コンビネーション攻撃 Combination Attack Destroy 5 enemies with a single Combination Attack.
財布ラッシュ!? Cyflash!?* Use Cyflash in conjunction with the spirit commands "熱血/Valor", "幸運/Luck" and "努力/Gain".
分の悪い賭け A Bet With Terrible Odds Make Kyousuke attack an enemy unit with 0% chance to hit it.
若葉マーク Young Driver Clear the Guidance Scenario.
流星、夜を切り裂いて Shooting Star, Cutting Through the Night Ibis gets shot down on a space map.
実戦 Real Battle Complete the prologue stage.
エースパイロット Ace Pilot Get Ace Pilot status (shot down 50 enemies) for one character.
トップエース Top Ace Shoot down 100 enemies with one character.
撃墜され王 King at Being Shot Down Get 5 ally units shot down in the same stage.
フル改造 Full Upgrade Fully upgrade any unit.
一騎当千 Mighty Warrior Destroy 15 enemy units or more with the same unit in a single stage.
狙撃王 Sniper King Hit an enemy from 14 squares away.
一網打尽!? Big Haul!? Hit 10 units or more with a single Map Attack.
韋駄天 Skanda Move 16 squares away in a single movement.
その漢、鉄壁 The Impregnable Man Get Russel to use Support Defense 4 times in a single turn.
エース番長 Ace Delinquent Get Michiru to obtain Ace Pilot (shot down 50 enemies) status.
愛の戦士 Warrior of Love Use the spirit command "愛/Love" ten times in a single stage.
熱血部隊 Hot Blooded Squad Shoot down 15 enemy units using the spirit command "熱血/Valor" in a single stage.
さすが教導隊隊長! As Expected of the Agressors’s Captain! Make Kai shoot down 4 enemy units in a single Combination Attack.
サポーター(アタック) Supporter (Attack) Defeat 15 enemies using Support Attack in a single stage.
サポーター(ブロック) Supporter (Defense) Make use of Support Defense 15 times in a single stage.
遙かなる戦い、開幕 Overture to a Faraway Battle Install the game data.
休息の時 Time to Rest Watch a shutdown skit.
  • In Japanese, 財布ラッシュ!?, which means "Wallet rush!?" is pronounced the same way as Cyflash.