Super Robot Wars/Impact/Spirit

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精神/Spirit List

Japanese SP Cost       Spirit       Target Effect
自爆 1 Self-Destruct - Enemy Sacrifices current unit while causing damage equivalent to current units HP to all adjacent units.
偵察 1 Scan - Enemy View an enemy's stats.
加速 5 Accel (Accelerate) Self +3 to movement, effect remains until unit moves.
てかげん 10 Mercy Self If the next attack from this unit would destroy the target, the target's HP is reduced to 10 instead. Only works when the enemy's Skill stat is lower than the attacker's.
ひらめき 15 Alert (Flash) Self 100% chance to evade the next attack.
集中 15 Focus (Concentrate) Self For 1 turn, hit & evade rates increase by 30%.
根性 15 Vigor - Self Recovers 30% of MAX HP.
信頼 20 Trust - Ally Recovers 30% of any ally's MAX HP.
狙撃 20 Snipe - Self For 1 turn, increase the range of non-close range, non-MAP, weapons by 2.
必中 25 Strike (Sure hit) Self For 1 turn, hit rate becomes 100% and enemies cannot dodge with Double Image. Does not override Alert.
突撃 25 Assail (Assault) Self For one turn, use any weapon (except MAP weapons) after moving.
誘爆 25 Explode Self When destroying an enemy with a non-MAP weapon, adjacent units (allies included) will take damage equal to half the destroyed unit's max HP.
努力 30 Gain (Effort) Self Gain double experience after the next attack.
威圧 30 Pressure - Enemy For 1 turn, the chosen enemy's Support count drops to 0.
鉄壁 30 Guard (Iron Wall) Self For 1 turn, decrease damage received from enemy to 1/4.
見切り 30 Sense 必閃 Self Casts Alert(flash) and Strike on the user.
かく乱 40 Confusion All enemies Halves enemy hit rates for one turn. Does not affect Strike.
ド根性 40 Guts - Self Fully recovers HP.
熱血 40 Valor (Hot Blood) Self Next attack deals 1.5x damage.
幸運 40 Luck Self Gain double credits after the next attack. If the attack does not kill, the skill is expended anyway.
献身 40 Aid (Devotion) - Ally A chosen ally pilot on the map receives 10 SP.
応援 45 Cheer Ally Gain double experience after the next attack.
気合 50 Spirit (Yell) - Self +10 to Will.
脱力 50 Exhaust (Daunt) - Enemy -10 to Will.
奇襲 55 Surprise Attack (Blitz) 加必閃熱 Self Accel, Strike, Alert, Valor
祝福 60 Bless Ally Gain double credits after the next attack. If the attack does not kill, the skill is expended anyway.
60 Soul Self Next attack deals 2x damage.
補給 60 Renew (Resupply) - Ally Recover all EN and Ammo, lowers Will by 15.
60 Love - Ally Fully recovers the HP of all allies.
覚醒 60 Zeal (Awaken) Self Unit can act again after moving/attacking. Does not stack.
激励 70 Rouse (Encourage) - Ally +10 to selected unit's Will.
鼓舞 70 Inspire - Ally +5 to all allies' Will.
復活 80 Revive - Ally Revives a fallen ally unit in the place it was taken down.
再動 90 Enable - Ally Allow an ally that has already acted this turn to act again.
奇跡 100 Miracle - Ally Casts Spirit x3, Gain, Luck, Accel, Guts, Strike, Alert and Soul.