Super Robot Wars/Impact/Flow Chart

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Earth Crisis

Scene 1: An Unusual Event Chapter
Scene 1 First: 飛竜乗雲
Flying Dragon, Into The Clouds
Defeat Norris (Retreats at 30%, or 2400 HP)
Select 1: 3つの心
3 Hearts
Defeat Hidler (Retreats at 30%, or 5100 HP)
Select 2: 黒鉄の城
Fortress of Black Iron
Defeat Baron Ashura (Retreats at 30%, or 4500 HP)
Select 3: ファイヤー・オン!
Fire On!
Defeat the enemies in 5 turns or less.
Scene 1 Fifth: 「男らしく」でいこう
To Go 'Like a Man'
Defeat Killer The Butcher (Retreats at 30%, or 4800 HP)
Scene 1 Sixth: 舞い上がる翼、舞い降りた翼
Ascending Wings and Descending Wings
Defeat, or force the retreat of, Killer The Butcher (Retreats at 30%, or 6000 HP, and on Turn 5)
Scene 2: Japan Chapter
Kurosu Faito
Defeat Gil Berg's Bloody 2 (Retreats at 30%, or 6900 HP)
Select 2: 目覚めよ勇者
Awaken, Brave Hero
Defeat Gil Berg's Bloody 2 (Retreats at 30%, or 7800 HP)
Select 3: 失われた忍者伝説
The Lost Ninja Legend
Defeat Yllbora (Retreats at 30%, or 8100 HP)
Select 3: 来訪者、彼方より
Visitors From Afar
Do NOT defeat Galaria
Scene 2 Fifth: 二人のニュータイプ
Two Newtypes
Defeat Aina Sahalin (Retreats at 50%, or 13400 HP)
Scene 3: World Chapter
Scene 3 First: 出撃、超電磁ロボ
Sortie, Super Electromagnetic Robot
Defeat Garuda (Retreats at 30%, or 7500 HP)
Select 1: 魂の故郷から
The Soul's Hometown
Defeat Master Asia (Retreats after 2 turns)
Select 2: 強襲
Defeat, or make retreat, Anaveil Gato (Retreats at 50%, or 10500 HP. Will flee on Turn 5 and will not show up if you play this scenario third.)
Select 3: 僕は僕、君はミレーヌ
I am Me, and You are Mylene
Destroy the three pyramids in 5 turns, or defeat Mylene (Retreats at 50%, or 14000 HP)
Scene 3 Fifth: 異変
Defeat Master Asia (Retreats on Turn 5)
Scene 4A Byston Well Route Scene 4B Surface Route
Scene 4A First: 黒い、おそろしいもの
Black, Terrible One
Stage 4B First: 絶対零度の罠
Absolute Zero Trap
Defeat Drake (Retreats at 30%, or 9600 HP) Defeat Ankoku Daishogun (Retreats at 30%, or 8700 HP)
Select 1: 赤い嵐の女王
Red Storm Queen
Select 1: 皇子、最期の賭け
The Prince's Final Gamble
Defeat Musy (Retreats at 30%, or 4740 HP) Defeat Prince Sharkin with Raideen
Select 2: 沈黙の城砦
Silent Fortress
Select 2: 戦いの風の中へ
Into the Winds of Battle
Defeat Jeryl and Allan before enemy reinforcements arrive Defeat Garuda (Retreats at 50%, or 12500 HP)
Scene 4A Fourth: こじ開けられた道
The Forced Open Road
Stage 4B Fourth: 水のひとしずく
A Single Drop of Water
Defeat Alfimi (Retreats at 30%, or 8100 HP) Defeat Master Asia (Retreats when you defeat Devil Gundam.
Scene 4: Combined
Scene 4 Final: 嵐の中で輝いて
Shine In The Storm
Don't let the enemy attack the Elshank before it launches
Scene 5: Hyakki Empire's Threat Chapter
Scene 5 First: 気が付けば「お約束?」
Finding yourself in a "Routine Plot?"
Defeat Glowbine (Retreats at 30%, or 7200 HP - or when Rom Stoll appears)
Select 1: コマンダーの遺産
Commander's Legacy
Defeat Yllbora (Retreats at 30%, or 9600 HP)
Select 2: Gの咆吼
G's Roar
Defeat Brai (Retreats at 30%, or 10500 HP)
Select 3: 大将軍ガルーダの悲劇
Great General Garuda's Tragedy
Defeat Garuda with Combattler V
Select 4: 裏切りのコレクター!
The Traitorous Collector!
Defeat Benmel (Retreats at 30%, or 7500 HP)
Scene 5 Sixth: 戦場は、大空高く
Battlefield, High in the Sky
Defeat the stage in 7 turns or less.
Scene 6: Recapturing Jaburo Chapter
Scene 6 First: 夢の欠片
Dream Fragments
Complete the stage in 6 turns or less
Select 1: アクシズの使者
Axis's Messenger
Defeat Glemy Toto (Retreats at 50%, or 15565 HP)
Select 2: 頭上の悪魔
The Flying Demon
Defeat Zabine (Retreats at 50%, or 13100 HP)
Select 3: グリプスの亡霊
Gryps's Ghost
Defeat Jerid Messa (Retreats at 30%, or 11850)
Select 4: 導く者、導かれるモノ
Those Who Guide, And Those Who Are Guided
Defeat Alfimi (Retreats at 30%, or 9900 HP)
Scene 6 Final: 激動の地上を制するもの
He Who Controls The Tumultuous Earth
Defeat the stage in 20 turns or less


Scene 1: Agression Chapter
Scene 1 First: 出撃
Defeat Mashymere Cello (Retreats at 50%, or 4000 HP)
Select 1: 破壊者の脅威
Threat of Vandals
Defeat Devil Saturn 6 (Retreats at 30%, or 5800 HP - only shows up if played after Select 3)
Select 2: 月からの戦士
Warriors from the Moon
Defeat all enemies by or on Player Phase 4
Select 3: 巻き起これ嵐・正義の拳法
Arrival of the Great Storm ・The Just Martial Art
Defeat Gorman (Retreats at 30%, or 5700 HP)
Scene 1 Fifth: 蒼い心の訪問者
Visitors with Blue Hearts
Kill at least three units on Turn 1.
Scene 1 Sixth: 奇跡を呼ぶ呪文
The Spell Called a Miracle
Defeat Devil Gundam (Retreats at 30%, or 11400 HP)
Scene 2: Invaders Chapter
Select 1: 怒りの魔神
Rage of the Demon God
Defeat all enemies on the stage in 4 turns or less.
Select 2: 狙われた青い星
The Targeted Blue World
Defeat Gil Berg (Retreats at 40%, or 10000 HP)
Select 3: Ζの鼓動、再び
Z's Heart Beats Once More
Kill four units before turn 2
Scene 2 Fourth: 環
Before Turn 6 enemy phase, destroy eight units.
Scene 2 Fifth: いつかお前が『歌う詩』
The 'Song That You Will Sing' One Day
Defeat Koros (Retreats at 30%, or 11400 HP)
Scene 3: Secret Plot Chapter
Select 1: 涙のスパイラルナックル
Spiral Knuckle of Tears
Defeat Shazara with Dangaioh
Select 2: 孤独の戦士
The Lonely Warrior
Defeat 5 enemies before Turn 3 Enemy Phase
Select 3: 温めの『冷たい方程式』
The Luke Warm 'Cold Equation'
Defeat Glowbine (Retreats at 30%, or 6000 HP)
Select 4: 2つのプロジェクト
The Two Projects
Defeat 9 enemies before Turn 3 Enemy Phase
Scene 3 Fifth: 悪夢、再来
The Nightmare Returns
Defeat Anaveil Gato (If you obtained the SR point of Act 1, Scene 3, Select 2 "Raid", he will not show up)
Scene 4: Cast Away World
Scene 4 First: たとえ我が命つきるとも
Even if I Must Throw My Life Away
Defeat Jigura (Retreats at 50%)
Select 1: ジェットよ、双殺剣を破れ
Jet's Killing Blade, Broken
Force Glowbine to retreat by Turn 3 Player Phase (Retreats at 60%)
Select 2: ディラド覚醒
Dillard Awakes
Defeat Abel before Enemy Count Equals 8
Select 3: 新たなる侵略の手
A New Enemy Arrives
Defeat Magma Beast No. 2 (Retreats at 30%)
Select 4: 錬金術師の想い
The Alchemist Searches for Love
Defeat Alfimi (Retreats at 35% or When All Enemies are Shot Down)
Scene 4 Sixth: 楽園への帰還
Back to Paradise
Defeat Gato before Ally Reinforcements Arrive (Retreat at 30%)
Scene 5: Retaking the Colony
Scene 5 First: 策謀の宙域
Conspiracy Sector
Defeat Mashymere by Player Phase 4 (Retreats at 20%)
Select 1: 燃えて走れ姉弟戦士
Burning Brother and Sister Warriors
Defeat Devil Satan 6 by Enemy Phase 4 (Retreats at 30% or Player Phase 5)
Select 2: 魔神転生
Revival of the Devil
Defeat Shapiro (Retreats at 30%)
Select 3: 動き出す幽鬼たち
The Ghosts Begin to Move
Defeat Jerid (Retreats at 30%)
Select 4: 常闇の国
Enemies of the State
Defeat all Enemies in 7 Turns
Scene 5 Sixth: 絶望の宇宙に
Despair of the Universe
Defeat Gato (Retreats at 30%)
Scene 6: Confused World
Scene 1 First: 明日への勇気
Courage for Tomorrow
Defeat Gen-Ichiro (Retreats at 30%). Alternatively, cause him to retreat within 3 turns.
Select 1: 悠久なる風
Eternal Wind
Defeat Carozzo (Retreats at 30%)
Select 2: 探究者
Defeat Alfimi (Retreats at 40%)
Select 3: 壊滅双曲線
Devastating Hyperbola
Defeat Shapiro (Retreats at 30%)
Select 4: コロスは殺せない
I Can't Kill Koros
Kill Koros (Retreats at 30%)
Scene 6 Sixth: 激震する宇宙に
Into the Galaxy Quake
Defeat Alfimi (Retreats at 30%)

Galactic Battle

Scene 1: Dillard Charges
Scene 1 First: ディラド突入
Dillard Charges
Defeat at least 4 Enemies by Player Phase 4
Select 1: 生命の種子が呼んだもの
The Seeds of Life Speak
Defeat Keim (Retreats by 40%)
Select 2: 空虚な夢を見る者
The Man of Empty Dreams
Defeat Yllbora (Retreats by 30%)
Scene 1 Fourth: 白熱の終章
Blazing Epilogue
Defeat Abel and Keim before Enemy Count Reaches 8
Scene 2: Emergence
Scene 2 First: 呪われしジャンヌ=ダルク
The Cursed Jeanne d'Arc
Defeat 5 Enemies by Enemy Phase 2
Select 1: ゲッター線、その意味
The Meaning of Getter Rays
Kyosuke must convince Excellen
Select 2: 怨念を断つ剣
The Blade that Ends Hate
Defeat the Black Knight (Retreats at 30%)
Select 3: 鬼面の怪
The Mysterious Devil Mask
Defeat Alfimi (Retreats at 20%)
Scene 2 Fifth: そのために今、生きている
For Now, It is Alive
Reach the Destination by Player Phase 5
Scene 2 Sixth: 海よ、大地よ
Land By The Sea
Defeat Excellen (Retreats at 30%)
Earth Route Mars Route Moon Route
Select 1: 神の祝福を
God Bless
Select 1: 命持たぬ者たち
The Unexpected Life
Select 1: 白騎士の心
The Heart of the White Knight
Defeat Shapiro (Retreats at 30%) Defeat Koros (Retreats at 30%) Defeat Alfimi (Retreats at 30%)
Select 2: 明日なき総力戦
Future Without War
Select 2: 大いなる胎動
Great Movements
Select 2: 復讐鬼たち
Demons of Vengeance
Defeat 3 Enemies by Enemy Phase 2 Defeat Denjin (Retreats at 30%) Defeat Gil (Retreats at 30%)
Select 3: ラ・ムーの星
Star of La-Mu
Select 3: ブッチャー最期の日
Butcher's Last Day
Select 3: 悪魔と陰謀と
Conspiracy of the Devil
Defeat Gostun with Reideen (Retreats at 30%) Defeat Kannazuki (Retreats at 30%) Defeat all Bugs by Enemy Phase 3
Scene 3A Fourth: 妖魔の島
Island of Mystics
Stage 3B Fourth: 燃える宇宙く
Burning Space
Stage 3C Fourth: ただ地球の平和のためにく
For the Peace of the Earth
Defeat Bangar and Baragon with Raideen Defeat 3 Enemies by Enemy Phase 2 Defeat 9 Enemies by Enemy Phase 3
Scene 4: Galaxy Quake
Scene 4 First: 君の中の永遠
The Eternity in You
Defeat Rain (instead of Convince)
Select 1: 宇宙の道標
Signpost of the Universe
Defeat Mashymre before Enemy Phase 6
Select 2: 「かつて」の意味
The Meaning of the 'Past'
Defeat Alfimi twice (Retreats at 30% 2nd time)
Select 3: 決着、そして新たなる謎
Endings and A New Mystery
Defeat all initial enemies by Enemy Phase 6
Scene 4 Fifth: マシンロボ・炎
Machine Robo of Flame
Defeat 3 Enemies by Enemy Phase 2
Scene 5: Galactic Battles
Scene 5 First: マーズ・アタック
Mars Attacks
Defeat Koros before Enemy Phase 6.
Scene 5 Second: 演算ユニットを奪え
Operation to Steal the Unit
Akito reaches the inner Relic by Player Phase 4
Scene 5 Third: 誠実な心で
With a Sincere Heart
Defeat 3 Enemies by Player Phase 3
Scene 5 Fourth: 失われた者たちへの鎮魂歌
Requiem for Victims
Defeat Alchemie
Scene 5 Fifth: そして決戦の銀河へ
To the Decisive Battle for the Galaxy
Scene 6: Char's Counterattack
Scene 6 First: 忌まわしき記憶と共に
Together with Abominable Memories
Defeat Jagd Doga (Quess) before Jagd Doga (Gyunei)
Scene 6 Second: メビウスの宇宙を越えて
Crossing Moebius' Sky