Super Robot Wars/GC/Tips And Strategies

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  • For most of the early game (Stages 1-19), the only character who can cripple enemy units and be available almost always will be Amuro Ray, and since most of the those stages he will have the RX-78 Gundam, buffing his mobility and weapon power to max as early as possible will maximize his effectiveness in helping capture units. Later, when the upgrade to combine with a G-Fighter becomes available, make sure the RX-78 Gundam (the only one that can dock with the G-Fighter) has maxed out energy if possible, since the energy attacks are dependent on the Gundam's energy reserves, not the G-Fighter.
  • Sub-stages can be replayed as many times as the player would like, which can be used for easy level or money grinding. Main stages can also be repeated in this manner as long the last enemy kills off a carrier unit or a vital character to the mission.
  • When crippling enemies, damaging the CONTROL/HEAD area will decrease enemy accuracy, the ARMS/WEAPON area weapon strength, and the LEGS/ENGINE movement speed and mobility. Generally, if attempting to harvest a bunch of enemy units for later salvage or player use, have your crippling units take out enemy body parts in HEAD/LEGS/ARMS order. Boss characters cannot have their units salvaged, so while crippling them makes them easier to beat, there is no real reason to prolong crippling their body parts except to farm for EXP.
  • When upgrading armor can be virtually ignored for most of the smaller units, their mobility should be maxed out as soon as possible, since they derive greater benefit from mobility.
  • At the end of every stage, any captured units may either be kept or sold, which will give the player twice as much money as what the unit would be worth if destroyed and/or item. The only exceptions to this rule are the "Kaiser Warhol" units available in one stage, which cannot be kept and should be converted to items.