Super Robot Wars/D/Bugs

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  • A persistent rumor exists that Armor in D is bugged and does not function as it should. This is not the case; the base Armor values of the majority of units are simply too low to keep pace with the unusually high weapon power of the majority of enemies unless the player also invests heavily in the pilot's Defense stat.
  • Prevail doesn't apply the correct armor values, instead of increasing armor by 1.05x to 1.45x the armor stat, 105-145 armor is added to armor. As a result, pilots with Prevail have far less armor than they should when it is active.
  • If you choose the Space route at the beginning of the game, and then get a game over on what's considered stage 8 ("Assembled Special Independent Force"), instead of replaying the stage, the game places you in the final stage of the other route. Whether this has any lasting effect is unknown.