Super Robot Wars/Alpha Gaiden/Mech Abilities

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English Japanese Description
Transform 変形 Transform into alternate form.
Combine 合体 Multiple units merge into a new unit.
Separate 分離 Unit separates into it's components or discards an "armored carrier"-type shell.
HP Regen (S) HP回復(小) Unit regains 10% of its max HP every turn.
HP Regen (L) HP回復(大) Unit regains 30% of its max HP every turn.
EN Regen (S) EN回復(小) Unit regains 10% of its max energy every turn.
EN Regen (L) EN回復(大) Unit regains 30% of its max energy every turn.
Double Image 分身 50% chance of nullifying incoming attack.
Mazin Power マジンパワー Attack damage is multiplied by 1.25. Activates at 130 Will.
Spirit Possession 精霊憑依 Armor +1500. Mobility +15. Limit +20. Activates at 140 Will
Zero System ゼロシステム All Pilot stats +10. Activates at 140 Will.
Beam Coat ビームコート Reduces beam damage by 1500. Costs 5 EN per use.
I Field Iフィールド Reduces beam damage by 2000. Costs 10 EN per use.
I Field (ν) Iフィールド(ν) Reduces beam damage by 2500. Costs 10 EN per use. Activates at 110 Will.
Telekinesis Field 念動フィールド Ignore damage below 1400. Costs 5 EN per use. Activates at 110 Will.
Gravity Wall グラビティウォール Ignore damage below 1500. Costs 5 EN per use. Activates at 110 Will.
Gravity Territory グラビティテリトリー Ignore damage below 2000. Costs 5 EN per use. Activates at 120 Will.
Pin-Point Barrier ピンポイントバリア Ignore damage below 1800. Costs 5 EN per use. Activates at 110 Will.
Mach Special マッハスペシャル 50% chance of nullifying incoming attack. Activates at 130 Will.
Shin Mach Special 真マッハスペシャル 50% chance of nullifying incoming attack. Activates at 130 Will.
Repair 修理装置 Recover ???% of an adjacent ally's HP.
Resupply 補給装置 Recover ???% of an adjacent ally's EN.
Hover (VTOL) ホバー(VTOL) Water and Land movement only costs 1. Unaffected by terrain combat modifiers.