Super Robot Wars/Alpha (DC)/Seishin

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Changes from PSX version

Name Change
"信頼/Trust" Restores any unit 2000 HP instead of 30% HP.
"戦慄/Fear" Reduces All enemy morale by 5 instead of 10.
"激励/Rouse" Affects the immediate 4 adjecent units, instead of any unit.
"魂/Soul" Increases damage 2.5x instead of 3x
"激闘/Fighting Spirit" Increases damage 1.2x instead of 1.5x
"捨て身/Sacrifice" Increases damage 2.5x instead of 3x, other effects are the same.

精神/Seishin List

Name   Translation Target Duration SP Description
自爆(じばく) - Self-Destruct Self Immediate 1 Kills current unit but causes damage equivelent to current units HP to all adjacent units.
偵察(ていさつ) - Scan Enemy Immediate 1 One enemy units status can now be seen.
加速(かそく) Accel Self Turn 10 Increase Movement by 3 for the next move.
集中(しゅうちゅう) Focus Self Turn 10 For 1 turn, Hit rate and Evasion are increased by 30%.
てかげん Mercy Self Attack 10 If your enemy has a lower skill level than yours, enemy is left with 10 HP when it would otherwise be destroyed.
ひらめき Alert Self Defense 10 100% chance to dodge any single attack.
根性(こんじょう) - Vigor Self Immediate 20 Current unit recovers 30% HP.
努力(どりょく) Gain Self Battle End 20 For next battle, gain double experience.
必中(ひっちゅう) Strike Self Turn 20 100% chance to hit all targets for 1 turn, but "ひらめき/flash" takes priority.
信頼(しんらい) - Trust Ally Immediate 30 An ally unit recovers 2000 HP.
狙撃(そげき) Snipe Self Turn 30 Increase the range of weapons by 2 for one turn, except for range 1 weapons and map weapons.
鉄壁(てっぺき) Guard Self Turn 30 For 1 turn, Current unit's Armor value is doubled.
挑発(ちょうはつ) Provoke Enemy Attack 35 Specified enemy unit will aim at the current unit until combat ensues.
気合(きあい) - Spirit/Yell Self Immediate 40 Current unit gains 10 morale.
幸運(こううん) Luck Self Battle End 40 For next battle, gain double money.
ド根性(どこんじょう) - Guts Self Immediate 40 Current unit's HP is recovered to maximum.
熱血(ねっけつ) Valor/Hot Blood Self Attack 40 For one attack, deal double damage.
脱力(だつりょく) - Daunt Enemy Immediate 50 Specified enemy unit loses 10 morale.
覚醒(かくせい) Zeal Self Immediate 60 Current unit gains 1 more action.
隠れ身(かくれみ) Cloak Self Turn 60 For 1 turn, Current unit is not attacked by enemy.
奇襲(きしゅう) 加必熱閃 Raid Self Immediate 60 Uses '必中/Sure Hit','熱血/Hot Blood', and 'ひらめき/Flash'.
激闘(げきとう) Fighting Spirit Self Turn 60 For 1 turn, increase damage by 1.2x.
(たましい) Soul Self Attack 60 For one attack, increase damage by 2.5
補給(ほきゅう) - Renew Ally Immediate 65 Specified units energy is recovered to maximum. Decreases unit's morale by 10.
かく乱(かくらん) Confuse All Enemy Enemy Turn 70 For 1 turn, All enemies hit rate is halved. However priority is given to "必中/Sure hit" if used.
激励(げきれい) - Rouse Adjacent Allies Immediate 70 Adjacent allies within 1 tile, morale is increased by 10.
友情(ゆうじょう) - Faith Ally Immediate 70 Specified units HP is recovered by half.
(あい) ! Love All Ally Immediate 90 All ally units HP is recovered to maximum.
期待(きたい) - Hope Ally Immediate 90 Gives 50 SP to target pilot.
再動(さいどう) - Enable Ally Immediate 90 Sepcified unit that has already moved, may move again.
奇跡(きせき) 加幸必閃魂 Miracle Self Immediate 100 Uses '気合/Concentrate'×3, '加速/Accelerate', '幸運/Fortune','魂/Soul', '必中/Sure Hit', and 'ひらめき/Flash'.
捨て身(すてみ) Sacrifice Self Turn 100 Increases Damage by 2.5, 100% hit rate and critical, however evade rate drops to 0%.
戦慄(せんりつ) - Fear All Enemy Immediate 120 All enemy unit lose 5 morale.
大激励(だいげきれい) - Great Rouse All Ally Immediate 120 All ally units morale is increased by 10.
復活(ふっかつ) - Revive/Resurrect Destroyed Ally Immediate 120 Fully revives one destroyed ally unit.