Super Robot Wars/64/Link Battler Units

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It is possible to use the N64's Transfer Pack with the Game Boy Color game Super Robot Wars: Link Battler to unlock the following units, and their pilots, in SRW 64:

- Gundam F91 and Seabook Arno.
- Vigna Ghina and Cecily Fairchild.
- Goshogun and Shingo, Killy and Remy.
- Zambot 3 and Kappei, Uchuta and Keiko (Can uncombine into Zambo Ace, Zambull and Zambase)

To do so you need to have bought them (the pilot or the mech) in Link Battler and simply connect the Transfer Pack to the N64 controller. Once you do so, simply click the Link option in the intermission menu. This will equalize levels between all pilots that are available to both the SRW 64 file and the Link Battler file. If you go back to the intermission menu afterwards, the next mission you'll play will be a special introductory mission where you'll control the units you have bought in Link Battler against some grunts.
Once you finish the mission, the unit (or units) will be unlocked. The mission(s), 新しき同志 (New Comrades) may vary depending on how many units you are unlocking, but they're all similar, with each adding to the current stage count.
Unlocking the units will also unlock their BGMs and karaokes.

You can do this process during any intermission. The incoming pilots' levels will auto adjust to your party's average level.

You can find a save file for Link Battler with the 4 units already unlocked in this link, courtesy of Shin !!E2OqtZxKWlV:

When using physical hardware, or creating your own Link Battler data, you may choose to copy over singul, or all, pilot levels. This will affect the rest of the game by bringing up enemy's, and new recruits', levels up to the party's average.