Super Robot Wars/4/Seishin

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精神/Spirit List

Spirit Translation Cost Effect
自爆 Self-Destruct 1 Kills current unit but causes damage equivelent to current units HP to all adjacent units.
加速 Accel 5 For one turn +5 movement.
偵察 Scan 5 Makes target enemy's status window viewable.
探索 Search 10 Shows the location of one hidden item.
ひらめき Flash 10 The next attack will be evaded.
てかげん Mercy 10 If the next attack would destroy a robot with lower pilot skill then it will only be reduced to 10 HP instead.
集中 Focus 10 For one turn +30% hit rate and evade rate.
足かせ Shackle 10 For one turn halves the movement points of all surrounding units.
根性 Guts 20 Restores 1/3 of the maximum HP.
必中 Sure-Hit 20 For one turn the hit rate is 100%.
熱血 Hotblood 30 The next attack does 2x damage.
信頼 Trust 30 One chosen ally restores 1/3 of their maximum HP.
脱力 Exhaust 30 Reduces targeted enemy's Will by 10.
鉄壁 Iron Wall 30 For one turn the armor stat is doubled.
ド根性 Great Guts 40 Fully restores HP.
気合 Yell 40 Raises Will by 15.
幸運 Luck 40 For the next battle the EXP and money will be doubled.
威圧 Coercion 40 One enemy with a lower level can't move for one turn.
隠れ身 Cloak 40 For one turn this robots can't get attacked.
奇跡 Miracle 40 Casts Guts, 2x Spirit, Accel, Luck, Strike, Alert and Soul.
覚醒 Awaken 50 This unit gets an extra action this turn.
激励 Rouse 50 All adjacent units get +10 Will.
Soul 50 The next attack does 3x damage.
補給 Supply 60 Fully restores EN and ammo of a chosen unit.
激怒 Rage 70 All enemies revieve 100-1000 damage.
再動 Enable 70 Target adjacent ally that has already acted this turn gets another turn.
かく乱 Confuse 70 For one turn the hit rate of all enemies is halved.
友情 Friendship 80 All allies recover 50% of their maximum HP.
Love 100 All allies fully restore their HP.
復活 Revive 120 Revives a destroyed ally.