Soul Cradle/Decor

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Decor List

Item    Japanese    Price Description Procurement
Brave Crimson 真紅の勇気 54,000 GP Adon becomes usable. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
True Form 不動の構え 12,000 GP ATK UP by 5% for each attack turn on the spot. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Valor Paean 勇気の賛歌 2,500 GP Stats of nearby ally squads UP by 20%. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Holy War 聖戦の号令 750 GP If enemies outnumber allies, stats UP by 20%. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Death Charge 無謀な突撃 100 GP ATK UP by 5% for each panel moved on. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Azure Hope 紺碧の希望 54,000 GP Nacht becomes usable. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Brief Stay 束の間の来訪 12,000 GP After 3 turns, leave play and resummon (max 1x). Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Light Steps 軽やかな跳躍 2,500 GP Summon range +5. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Exhibitionism 自己顕示欲 750 GP Enemy will always target you within 4 panels. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Blitzkrieg 電撃作戦 100 GP Can move right after summoning. Room Decor
Green Wisdom 深緑の英知 54,000 GP Sacrei becomes usable. Room Decor
Energy Bliss 活力の恵み 12,000 GP 10% of STM recovered at start of round. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Word of Peace 安らぎの言葉 2,500 GP Heal 50% of nearby squads' STM when summoned. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Good Care 丁重な介護 750 GP STM use DOWN by 50%. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Health Gain 元気調達 100 GP STM healed when resting +100%. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Golden Love 黄金の愛情 54,000 GP Wilter becomes usable. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Loving Breath 回復の息吹 12,000 GP 20% of HP healed at start of each round. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Praising Soul 賛美されし魂 2,500 GP Stats DOWN by 30% but HP heals 30% each turn. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Amazing Care 手厚い看護 750 GP Heal 10% of nearby squads' HP when summoned. Room Decor
Steel Form 鋼の陣形 100 GP Take 50% less damage when guarding. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Purple Dream 濃紫の夢想 54,000 GP Yama becomes usable. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Temp Control 刹那の支配 12,000 GP Move 3 times in a row but STM=0 after. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Time's Fool 時騙し 2,500 GP Slows down the turn flow. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Glamor Brood 優雅なる孵化 750 GP Cannot move for 2 turns but ACT UP by 15. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Serene Energy 緩やかな錬気 100 GP Always attack 2nd, but all stats UP by 20%. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Amber Passion 琥珀色の情熱 54,000 GP Mewlin becomes usable. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Daily Boost 日々の向上心 12,000 GP EXP gained UP by 50% Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Distant Omen 彼方からの脅威 2,500 GP Attack/skill range +3 but cannot move. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
True Prophet 必中の予言 750 GP Accuracy becomes 100%, but you cannot dodge. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Gift from God 天からの贈り物 100 GP When you summon, you will get a free gift! Trophy, Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Black Desire 漆黒の欲望 54,000 GP Nergal becomes usable. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Outer Limit 極限での覚醒 12,000 GP STM DOWN by 1%, stats UP by 1%. If STM=0, you die. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Antimatter 非物質化 2,500 GP Evade UP by 90%, but one hit will kill you. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Noble Death 名誉ある玉砕 750 GP On turn 3 you explode and damage nearby squads. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Patient Test 忍耐の試練 100 GP Take 10% damage each turn, but all stats UP by 20%. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Revelation 運命の啓示 25,000,000 GP Invincible for 3 turns but instant death after. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Death Fist 究極絶命拳 25,000,000 GP Damage gives one-hit kill but no EXP given. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Paw Day 肉球日和 25,000,000 GP Stats UP by 10% every new game cycle. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Victory Cry 勝利の応援歌 20,000 GP Stats DOWN by 30% but all ally stats UP by 10%. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Grudge 18 恨み節十八番 20,000 GP Stats DOWN by 30% but all enemy stats DOWN by 10%. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor, 裏MAP03 Clear
Corrupt Word 穢れた契約 54,000 GP Stats UP by 50%, but drop by 10% each turn. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Luck Advisory 幸運注意報 6,000 GP Gig Points gained UP by 50%. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Death Aroma 死の芳香 6,000 GP Nearby squads take 10% damage at start of unit turn. Stealing, Town People, Room Decor
Perfect Soul 完全なる魂 25,000,000 GP Unlimited STM and use of special skills. (Enemy Only)
Ruler's Law 統治者の法 25,000,000 GP Level boost by 100 per Drazil squad. (Enemy Only)
Patriotism 奮い立つ愛国心 500 GP Soldier stats UP by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Justice Call 正義への忠誠 500 GP Knight stats UP by 20%. Store: LV3, Town People
Wolf Pride 餓狼の誇り 500 GP Phynx Knight stats UP by 20%. Store: LV7, Town People
Danger Prey 猛禽の威嚇 500 GP Gryphos Rider stats UP by 20%. Store: LV8, Town People
Sniper's Law 狙撃手の掟 500 GP Archer stats UP by 20%. Store: LV1, Town People
Shining Fire きらめく情熱 500 GP Gypsy stats UP by 20%. Store: LV4, Town People
Puppy Love 万物への慈愛 500 GP Cleric stats UP by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Time's Dream 時計仕掛けの夢 500 GP Saboteur stats UP by 20%. Store: LV4, Town People
Taboo Spell 封印されし禁呪 500 GP Pyremage stats UP by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Demon Rage 修羅の激昂 500 GP Gideon stats UP by 20%. Store: LV10, Stealing, Town People
Warrior's Cry 戦士の雄叫び 500 GP Swordsman stats UP by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Invisexplode 爆裂無敵殺法 500 GP Bareknuckle stats UP by 20%. Store: LV1, Town People
Melodic Chant 伝承されし旋律 500 GP Bard stats UP by 20%. Store: LV3, Town People
Dark Law 闇黒街の掟 500 GP Bandit stats UP by 20%. Store: LV1, Town People
Spirit Focus 霊力集中 500 GP Dracosage stats UP by 20%. Store: LV5, Town People
Divine Plan 神算鬼謀 500 GP Schemestress stats UP by 20%. Store: LV6
Wind Memory 潮風の思い出 500 GP Nereid stats UP by 20%. Store: LV2, Town People
Amazing Soul 漲る気合 500 GP Redflank stats UP by 20%. Store: LV5, Town People
Victory Leap 勝利への飛翔 500 GP Werewin stats UP by 20%. Store: LV2, Town People
Mobile Attack 果敢な遊撃 500 GP Seraph stats UP by 20%. Store: LV6
Holy Breath 聖なるため息 500 GP Cherub stats UP by 20%. Store: LV6, Town People
Omega Power 原初の力 500 GP Deathblossom stats UP by 20%. Store: LV2, Town People
Hunting Howl 狩りの遠吠え 500 GP Phynx stats UP by 20%. Store: LV1, Town People
Dragon Rage 竜の憤怒 500 GP Drache stats UP by 20%. Store: LV7
Aqua Lure 水底への誘い 500 GP Hydrone stats UP by 20%. Store: LV3, Town People
Empty Desire 魂無き衝動 500 GP Ghobb stats UP by 20%. Store: LV5, Town People
Wind Crush 疾風の慟哭 500 GP Gryphos stats UP by 20%. Store: LV3
Life's Energy 溢れる生命力 200 GP HP increases by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Quiet Thought 静かなる瞑想 200 GP STM increases by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Power Up 突発的筋力鍛錬 200 GP ATK increases by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Total Guard 卓絶なる護身 200 GP DEF increases by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Great Wisdom 大いなる博識 200 GP INT increases by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Great Faith 信仰の恩寵 200 GP RES increases by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Motor Skills 瞬体術 200 GP SPD increases by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Veteran Skill 熟達の技量 200 GP HIT increases by 20%. Store: LV0, Town People
Barbarian 狂戦士の魂 350 GP ATK UP by 30%, but RES DOWN by 30%. Store: LV1, Town People
Coward's Plan 臆病者の機転 350 GP SPD UP by 30%, but ATK DOWN by 10%. Store: LV1, Town People
Sagacity 賢者の知恵 350 GP INT UP by 30%, but ACT DOWN by 5%. Store: LV1, Town People
Mercury Dash 急使の速駆け 350 GP ACT UP by 15, but HIT DOWN by 30%. Store: LV1, Town People
Utter Guard 不屈の防衛線 350 GP DEF & RES UP by 20%, but ACT DOWN by 5. Store: LV1, Town People
Blessed March 祝福されし行軍 500 GP ACT increases by 10. Store: LV2, Town People
Dark Eye 冷徹なる邪眼 500 GP Chance of critical attack increases by 20%. Store: LV2, Town People
Loner Courage 引きこもる勇気 1,250 GP Cannot move but stats UP by 50%. Store: LV2, Town People
Total Revolt 超ゆとり教育 350 GP Cannot move but EXP UP by 100%. Store: LV1, Town People
Cat's Meow 招き猫の決断 350 GP Cannot move but GP UP by 100%. Store: LV1
Bondage Game 緊縛遊戯 25,000,000 GP Cannot move but you have unlimited skill use. Stealing, Town People
Bonus Day おまけの一日 100 GP Cannot attack or use special skills but ACT +10. Store: LV0, Town People
Heavenly Song 天を称える歌 1,500 GP If movement type is flight, stats UP by 20%. Store: LV3, Town People
Apostle March 規律ある行進 1,500 GP If movement type is flatland, stats UP by 20%. Store: LV3, Town People
Rock Baptism 岩と山の洗礼 1,500 GP If movement type is mountain, stats UP by 20%. Store: LV3, Town People
Water Mirror 水面の輝き 1,500 GP If movement type is aquatic, stats UP by 20%. Store: LV3, Town People
Man Gut 男の意地 3,600 GP If unit is male, stats UP by 20%. Store: LV4, Town People
Lady Action 乙女の行動力 3,600 GP If unit is female, stats UP by 20%. Store: LV4, Town People
Human Power 人間力 12,000 GP If unit is human, stats UP by 20%. Store: LV6, Town People
Wild Instinct 野生の直感 12,000 GP If unit is monster, stats UP by 20%. Store: LV6, Town People
Last Charge 突撃命令 500 GP All front unit stats UP by 20%. Store: LV1, Town People
Flexible Form 臨機応変の構え 500 GP All middle unit stats UP by 20%. Store: LV1, Town People
Graceful Form 堂々たる布陣 500 GP All rear unit stats UP by 20%. Store: LV1, Town People
Grit of Man 挑戦者の意志 750 GP If enemy LV is higher, your DMG increases by 20%. Store: LV2
Sin of Sins 罪の中の罪 20,000 GP If enemy is human, your DMG increases by 20%. Store: LV6, Town People
Hunter Mind 狩猟の心得 20,000 GP If enemy is monster, your DMG increases by 20%. Store: LV6, Town People
Pink Charm 桃色の誘惑 1,250 GP If enemy is male, your DMG increases by 20%. Store: LV2, Town People
Beast Scent 美獣の芳香 1,250 GP If enemy is female, your DMG increases by 20%. Store: LV2, Town People
Chaos Desire 超破壊欲求 2,500 GP Your physical attack DMG increases by 20%. Store: LV4, Town People
Divine Wake 神秘の覚醒 2,500 GP Your magical attack DMG increases by 20%. Store: LV4
Inspired Awe 生命への畏敬 2,500 GP Your cure spells heal 20% more. Store: LV4, Town People
Divine Task 崇高なる使命 750 GP If enemy LV is higher, you take 30% less damage. Store: LV2
Exalted One 敬愛されし人徳 20,000 GP If enemy is human, you take 20% less damage. Store: LV6
Dark Resist 闇への抵抗 20,000 GP If enemy is monster, you take 20% less damage. Store: LV6, Town People
Blind Faith 貞節なる態度 1,250 GP If enemy is male, you take 20% less damage. Store: LV2, Town People
Dapper Mind 紳士的気品 1,250 GP If enemy is female, you take 20% less damage. Store: LV2, Town People
Steel Body 剛体術 2,500 GP You take 20% less damage from physical attacks. Store: LV4
Tough Defense 確固たる防御陣 2,500 GP You take 20% less damage from magical attacks. Store: LV4, Town People
Love of Life 生への執着 2,500 GP Cure spells heal 20% more on you. Store: LV4
3rd Growth 第三次成長期 40,000 GP HP +4 at level-up. Store: LV7, Town People
Protein Shake 蛋白質の奇跡 40,000 GP ATK +2 at level-up. Store: LV7, Town People
Shark Skin 鮫肌健康法 40,000 GP DEF +2 at level-up. Store: LV7, Town People
Brain Train 大人の脳鍛錬 40,000 GP INT +2 at level-up. Store: LV7, Town People
Enigma Solved 我慢の手解き 40,000 GP RES +2 at level-up. Store: LV7, Town People
5 Minute Rest 五分前行動 40,000 GP SPD +2 at level-up. Store: LV7, Town People
Batting Cage 安打製造機 40,000 GP HIT +2 at level-up. Store: LV7, Town People
Glory Anthem 轟き渡る凱歌 30 GP All stats UP by 10% in rocky areas. Store: LV0, Town People
Wind Rhapsody 風の狂詩曲 30 GP All stats UP by 10% on roads & bridges. Store: LV0, Town People
Tree Hymn 大樹の賛美歌 30 GP All stats UP by 10% in wooded areas. Store: LV0, Town People
Flower Dance 花の輪舞曲 30 GP All stats UP by 10% in grasslands. Store: LV0, Town People
Deep Nocturne 深遠の夜想曲 30 GP All stats UP by 10% on shorelines and seas. Store: LV0, Town People
Hope March 希望の行進曲 30 GP All stats UP by 10% in towns, cities, & castle walls. Store: LV0, Town People
Death Requiem 破滅の葬送曲 30 GP All stats UP by 10% in deserts & barren lands. Store: LV0, Town People
Silent Walk 無音歩法 4,500 GP Will not be targeted for 3 turns. Store: LV5, Town People
Living Now 今を生きる命 18,000 GP Infinite special skills for 3 turns but STM=0 after. Store: LV6, Town People
Energy Blast 満ちたる鋭気 1,250 GP Your STM won't decrease for 3 turns. Store: LV2, Town People
Surging Rage 迸る怒り 2,100 GP Do explosive damage to nearby squads when summoned. Store: LV3, Town People
Greedy Peak 貪欲なる呟き 20,000 GP Decrease nearby squads' stats by 30% when summoned. Store: LV6
Good News 好機の知らせ 54,000 GP Add 1 to each skill of nearby squads when summoned. Store: LV8, Town People
Lost Will 意気消沈 3,600 GP Decrease nearby squads' STM by 30% when summoned. Store: LV4, Town People
Gleam Appeal 輝ける降臨 1,800 GP Decrease nearby squads' HIT by 50% when summoned. Store: LV3, Town People
Army Boots 軍靴の響き 3,000,000 GP Stat change depending on number of current allies. Stealing, Town People
O-type Temper 零式節制術 1,500 GP Squad summoning cost DOWN by 50%. Store: LV3, Town People
Burning Blood 滾る血潮 4,500 GP Number of special and field tactics +2. Store: LV5, Town People
Shadow Spy 影への潜伏 1,000 GP Can move by ignoring ZOC. Store: LV2, Town People
Tyrant Stare 暴君の眼光 8,000 GP Stats of nearby enemy squads DOWN by 20%. Store: LV5, Town People
Whim Destiny 気まぐれな運命 1,000 GP Stats +50% on odd rounds but -50% on even rounds. Store: LV2
War Courage 沸き立つ武勇 400,000 GP Attack match +25%. Store: LV10
Frozen Stare 憧憬の眼差し 3,000 GP Leader adjustment by + 5%. Store: LV4, Town People
Laissez-Faire 放任主義 3,000 GP Leader adjustment is 0%, but stats UP by 20%. Store: LV4, Town People
Truth Nirvana 真理への開眼 1,000 GP All attack matches will be at 100%. Store: LV3, Town People
Utterly Calm 揺るがぬ平常心 500 GP Immune to status change and ailments. Store: LV1, Town People
Picket Line 絶対防衛圏 200,000 GP Immune to magical field tactics. Store: LV9, Town People
Nature's Call 自然への浸透 18,000 GP Total movement cost is averaged. Store: LV6, Town People
Creation Lust 創意工夫 3,600 GP Power of 'Gig Heal' edicts +100%. Store: LV4, Town People
Playfulness 王者の戯れ 20,000 GP Cannot use special skills, but stats UP by 20%. Store: LV6, Town People
Revivalism 再活性 100,000 GP HP & STM is fully recovered, but deal 0 damage. Store: LV8, Town People
Time Travel 時空転移技術 38,000 GP Random warp at start of round. Store: LV7
Secret Guide 秘密特訓 280,000 GP Stats DOWN by 50%, but you gain 5x EXP. Store: LV9, Stealing, Town People
Vengeful Hope 窮地からの報復 1,250 GP If your leader is alone, stats UP by 100%. Store: LV2, Town People
Match March 団結の歩調 2,500 GP Stats +20% when allies nearby but -20% when alone. Store: LV4
Dog Pile 集団戦闘術 2,100 GP If allies outnumber enemies, stats UP by 20%. Store: LV3, Town People
Cornered Shot 手負いの猛攻 12,000 GP If leader's HP drops below 40%, stats UP by 50%. Store: LV6, Town People
Spite Promise 復讐の誓い 1,250 GP Counterattack damage increases by 20%. Store: LV2, Town People
Mind Crucify 精神迫害 20,000 GP Double the STM damage to enemies when you attack. Store: LV6, Town People
Assassin God 幻の暗殺奥義 3,600 GP Damage from criticals +200%. Store: LV4
Friendship 煌々たる友情 8,000 GP Combo skill damage +100%. Store: LV5, Town People
Gold Bequest 黄金の遺産 54,000 GP When squad is defeated, gain 100 Gig Points per level. Store: LV8, Town People
Bonus Lesson 課外授業 54,000 GP Skill EXP gain rate +100%. Store: LV8, Town People
Flame Destiny 炎の宿命 28,000 GP Explode and damage nearby units when defeated. Store: LV7, Town People
Reanimation 死からの回帰 100,000 GP When leader falls, revive with 1HP 1 times. Store: LV8, Town People
Hunger Trail 断食修行 18,000 GP STM becomes 80% of unit with the highest STM. Store: LV6, Town People
Frailty Curse 衰弱の呪い 1,000 GP HP decreases by 20%. 疫病ノイズ, Town People
Despair Curse 絶望の呪い 1,000 GP STM decreases by 20%. 疫病ノイズ
Cripple Curse 脱力の呪い 1,000 GP ATK decreases by 20%. 疫病ノイズ, Town People
Gaunt Curse 痩身の呪い 1,000 GP DEF decreases by 20%. 疫病ノイズ, Town People
Amnesia Curse 忘却の呪い 1,000 GP INT decreases by 20%. 疫病ノイズ
Fear Curse 恐怖の呪い 1,000 GP SPD decreases by 20%. 疫病ノイズ, Town People
Hoary Curse 老化の呪い 1,000 GP HIT decreases by 20%. 疫病ノイズ, Town People
Panic Curse 錯乱の呪い 1,000 GP RES decreases by 20%. 疫病ノイズ, Town People
Frailty Hex 衰弱の災厄 6,000 GP HP decreases by 50%. 疫病ノイズ, 戦利品, Town People
Despair Hex 絶望の災厄 6,000 GP STM decreases by 50%. 疫病ノイズ, 戦利品
Cripple Hex 脱力の災厄 6,000 GP ATK decreases by 50%. 疫病ノイズ, 戦利品, Town People
Gaunt Hex 痩身の災厄 6,000 GP DEF decreases by 50%. 疫病ノイズ, 戦利品
Amnesia Hex 忘却の災厄 6,000 GP INT decreases by 50%. 疫病ノイズ, 戦利品
Fear Hex 恐怖の災厄 6,000 GP SPD decreases by 50%. 疫病ノイズ, 戦利品
Hoary Hex 老化の災厄 6,000 GP HIT decreases by 50%. 疫病ノイズ, 戦利品
Panic Hex 錯乱の災厄 6,000 GP RES decreases by 50%. 疫病ノイズ, 戦利品, Town People
Soldier 兵士種 20 GP Damage to Soldiers +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Knight 騎士種 20 GP Damage to Knights +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Phynx Knight ファンクス騎士種 20 GP Damage to Phynx Knights +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Gryphos Rider グリフィス騎士種 20 GP Damage to Gryphos Riders +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Archer 弓士種 20 GP Damage to Archers +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Gypsy 舞術師種 20 GP Damage to Gypsies +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Cleric 療術師種 20 GP Damage to Clerics +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Saboteur 罠師種 20 GP Damage to Saboteurs +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Pyremage 焔術師種 20 GP Damage to Pyremages +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Gideon 禍人種 20 GP Damage to Gideons +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Swordsman 闘剣士種 20 GP Damage to Swordsmen +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Bareknuckle 闘蹴士種 20 GP Damage to Bareknuckles +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Bard 楽師種 20 GP Damage to Bards +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Bandit 奪人種 20 GP Damage to Bandits +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Dracosage 竜賢者種 20 GP Damage to Dracosages +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Schemestress 謀術師種 20 GP Damage to Schemestresses +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Nereid 水棲族種 20 GP Damage to Nereids +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Redflank レッドフォッド種 20 GP Damage to Redflanks +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Whirwin ワーウィン種 20 GP Damage to Werewins +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Seraph 翼銃士種 20 GP Damage to Seraphim +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Cherub 翼療師種 20 GP Damage to Cherubim +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Deathblossom デスブロス種 20 GP Damage to Deathblossoms +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Phynx ファンクス種 20 GP Damage to Phynx +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Drache ドゥラゴス種 20 GP Damage to Draches +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Hydrone ハイデロヌス種 20 GP Damage to Hydrones +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Ghobb ゲブ種 20 GP Damage to Ghobbs +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ
Gryphos グリフィス種 20 GP Damage to Gryphosen +50%, damage to self -50%. 農夫ノイズ

Stealing Info

Decor Japanese Description
Brave Crimson 真紅の勇気 Steal (オウビスカのスラム-MAP40-ガンツフルト)
True Form 不動の構え Steal (レイド国-MAP12-店のおやじ)
Valor Paean 勇気の賛歌 Steal (プルキニエ-MAP29-店長らしき少年)
Holy War 聖戦の号令 Steal (水棲族の拠点-MAP25-人間族の老人)
Death Charge 無謀な突撃 Steal (ムク村-MAP18-セプーの痩せた老人)
Azure Hope 紺碧の希望 Steal (ムク村-MAP18-イト爺)
Steal (オウビスカのスラム-MAP40-ドリーシュ)
Brief Stay 束の間の来訪 Steal (プルキニエ-MAP30-アグリッピ)
Light Steps 軽やかな跳躍 Steal (ヌトラ教の街-MAP20-温厚ワーウィン戦士)
Exhibitionism 自己顕示欲 Steal (ムク村-MAP22-セプーの老婆)
Energy Bliss 活力の恵み Steal (レイド国-MAP12-セプー店主)
Word of Peace 安らぎの言葉 Steal (水棲族の拠点-MAP17オステカ後-ミームとノル)
Good Care 丁重な介護 Steal (レイド国-MAP12-世話をする老女)
Health Gain 元気調達 Steal (水棲族の拠点-MAP22-人間族の若者)
Golden Love 黄金の愛情 Steal (ムク村-MAP18-フロ婆)
Loving Breath 回復の息吹 Steal (ザザンザの街-MAP46-演奏教室)
Praising Soul 賛美されし魂 Steal (プルキニエ-MAP29-ヨードを見守る少女)
Steel Form 鋼の陣形 Steal (水棲族の拠点-MAP46-隠れ里の者たち)
Purple Dream 濃紫の夢想 Steal (ヌトラ教の街-MAP25-はぐれ少女)
Temp Control 刹那の支配 Steal (オウビスカ国-MAP42-散歩の老女セプー)
Time's Fool 時騙し Steal (ヌトラ教の街-MAP20-穏やかなセプー闘士)
Glamor Brood 優雅なる孵化 Steal (ムク村-MAP19-セプーの痩せた老人)
Steal (ヌトラ教の街-MAP20-ほほえむ店員)
Serene Energy 緩やかな錬気 Steal (ムク村-MAP18-客の太った老婆)
Amber Passion 琥珀色の情熱 Steal (ムク村-MAP28-フロ婆とセプー老婆)
Steal (オウビスカのスラム-MAP40-イップス)
Daily Boost 日々の向上心 Steal (ムク村-MAP19-レビンとダネット)
Distant Omen 彼方からの脅威 Steal (MAP26-水棲族の拠点-翼を持つメイリーン)
True Prophet 必中の予言 Steal (水棲族の拠点-MAP17-勇ましい水棲族)
Black Desire 漆黒の欲望 Steal (ヌトラ教の街-MAP20-教祖クルテッグ)
Gift from God 天からの贈り物 Steal (Old Crone Drei/老婆ドレア)
Outer Limit 極限での覚醒 Steal (レイド国-MAP17-旅の女術士)
Antimatter 非物質化 Steal (コーシャス-MAP32-金縁眼鏡の痩せ老人)
Noble Death 名誉ある玉砕 Steal (水棲族の拠点-MAP17-水棲族の老女たち)
Patient Test 忍耐の試練 Steal (ムク村-MAP18-口元を布で隠した女)
Revelation 運命の啓示 Steal (プルキニエ-MAP30-店のおじじ)
Death Fist 究極絶命拳 Steal (コーシャス-MAP31-バーのマスター)
Paw Day 肉球日和 Steal (ガジルの街-MAP46-ガジル人の女店員)
Victory Cry 勝利の応援歌 Steal (水棲族の拠点-MAP17-二人組の水棲族)
Grudge 18 恨み節十八番 Steal (プルキニエ-MAP36-助かったクピト少女)
Corrupt Word 穢れた契約 Steal (プルキニエ-MAP40-隅で泣くクピト族)
Luck Advisory 幸運注意報 Steal (ヌトラ教の街-MAP22-嘆くワーウィン戦士)
Steal (水棲族の拠点-MAP28-円熟の猛者 バン)
Death Aroma 死の芳香 Steal (オウビスカ国-MAP40-出店の少女)
Demon Rage 修羅の激昂 Steal (オステカの街-MAP32-大人の店のあるじ)
Bondage Game 緊縛遊戯 Steal (プルキニエ-MAP29-気の強いクピト少女)
Army Boots 軍靴の響き Steal (オウビスカ国-MAP40-剣を選ぶ女戦士)
Secret Guide 秘密特訓 Steal (コーシャス-MAP32-ホーソンの女私兵)
Steal (ガジルの街-MAP46-子供を抱いている女)