Makai Senki Disgaea 4/MAbilities

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MAbilities (Unique Characters)

Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Valvatorez ヴァルバトーゼ バトルオブブラッド Bloody Battle Increase ATK by the number of defeated enemies x 5%. Innate
- - フィジカルブースト Physical Boost Special physical attack damage increased by 15%.
- - アブソープション Absorption Absorb 10% of the defeated unit's stats. Lv40
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Fenrich フェンリッヒ 暴君のしもべ Tyrant's Slave Increase stats by 30% when adjacent to Valvatorez. Innate
- - あだ討ち Revenge The lower HP of the dispatched Valvatorez, the higher the stats.
- - 忠誠の証 Symbol of Loyalty Shoulder the damage received by Valvatorez when adjacent. Lv40
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Fuka フーカ ドリームガール Dream Girl Damage decreased by 50% when receiving special attack. Innate
- - ふくしゅうスロー Revenge Throw Triple the damage caused by a Prinny explosion.
- - プリニーせんめつ Prinny Annihilation Increase stats by 20% x the # of defeated Prinnies.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Desco デスコ ラスボス設定 Final Boss Setting ATK increased by 20% per adjacent ally unit. Innate
- - 三段形態 3 Transformations Increase stats by 20% when HP becomes below 2/3 and 1/3.
- - マナの枯渇 Mana Scarcity Decrease the obtained Mana by 30% but increase attack damage by 50%.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Emizel エミーゼル コンセントレイション Concentration Increase magic damage by 50% when aimed at single unit. Innate
- - マジカルブースト Magical Boost Special magic attack damage increased by 15%.
- - ペインジェネレート Generate Pain 20% of damage recovers SP when attack is received. Lv40
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Vulcanus ブルカノ? 天使の煌き Angel Glitter Increase stats of adjacent male ally units by 20%. Innate
- - ゴールドフィンガー Gold Finger HL gain increased by 100% if killing blow is dealt.
- - 無償の愛 Unconditional Love Increase attack damage by 30%, but obtained HL will become 0.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Axel アクターレ スターオーラ Star Aura Damage taken from human-type units decreased by 50%. Innate
- - バラエティ根性 Entertainment Life Nulls non-elemental special attacks if HP is under 25%
- - 芸風チェンジ Image Change Switch values of HP & SP, and ATK & INT
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Flonne フロン 癒しパラダイス Healing Paradise Healing magic effects to allies on map increased by 100%. (transferable) Innate
- - 愛フィールド Love Field Nulls all instant death effects on allies.
- - 総天然オーラ Natural Oafy Aura Damage decreased by 50% when receiving elemental attack.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Raspberyl ラズベリル 愛羅武勇ハート Love Thy Heart If enemy level is higher, damage dealt increased by 20%. Innate
- - 仏恥義理レンジ Law by Range Magic range increased by 2, but 50% more SP used.
- - 渦畏誤ヘルパー Helping Hand Decrease the damage on an ally who used Protect by 50%
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Etna エトナ ドミナントスマイル Dominant Smile Stats of ally Prinnies on map increased by 30%. Innate
- - エクスタシー Ecstasy When joining a team attack, EXP gain increased by 50%.
- - サディスティック Sadistic Damage dealt increased by 30% if enemy's HP is max.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Laharl ラハール 超魔王魂 Uber Overlord Soul Special attack damage increased by 20%. Innate
- - 大激怒 Furious Rage ATK increased by 5% every time a normal attack is received.
- - 制圧の眼光 Suppression Stare Damage taken decreased by 50% if enemy HP is under 50%.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Asagi (SD) アサギ ヒロインドリーム Heroine's Dream Increase stats by 5% per male ally unit on map. Innate
- - スカイハイ Sky High Movement type becomes flying type.
- - デッドオアアライヴ Dead or Alive Normal attack crit rate becomes 100% for both sides.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Asagi (HD) アサギ(アドバンスver) バレットセット Bullet Set Execute one additional normal attack when gun is equipped Innate
- - 跳弾 Close-up Shot Damage dealt to an adjacent unit increased by 50% when gun is equipped
- - 零距離射撃 Flying Bullets Allows for non-linear attacks with a gun
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Prinny Kurtis プリニーカーチス 収束攻撃 Bundle Attack Increase damage by 10% x the # of empty panels within ATK range. Innate
- - 地球勇者の銃 Earth Hero's Gun (Max. HP - Current HP) x 0.25 = Added damage.
- - 地球勇者の剣 Earth Hero's Sword (Max. SP - Current SP) x 0.25 = Added damage.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Zetta ゼタ 宇宙最強の魔王 Badass Overlord Attack with the highest stats when using a special skill. Innate
- - 宇宙最高の力 Ultimate Power ATK up by 30% on odd turns, INT up by 30% on even turns.
- - 宇宙最硬の体 Ultimate Body DEF up by 30% on odd turns, RES up by 30% on even turns.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Adell Fair and Square Increase damage by 30% during 1-on-1 Innate
- - Increase fist normal attack range by 1
- - Increase fire damage by 20%, decrease fire damage taken by 20%
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Rozalin Increase adjacent male allies' stats on the Cam-Pain Map by 10%. Innate
- - Increase adjacent allies' crit chance on the Cam-Pain Map by 20%. **
- - Increase adjacent allies' magic range on the Cam-Pain Map by 1. **
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Priere Takes another turn after defeating an enemy with normal attack. (once per turn) Innate
- - Force the target to counter-attack.
- - During level-up, increase ATK by 30%, decrease DEF by 30%.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Mao Increase damage by 3% for every enemy on the map. Innate
- - If the target is weak to the element, increase damage by 100%.
- - Increase star damage by 20%, decrease star damage taken by 20%.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Pleinair Increase ally stats on the map by 10%. Innate
- - Increase adjacent allies' movement range by 1.
- - After defeating enemies, recover 50% SP from skill usage.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Kyoko Needleworker Increase evasion by 50% when next to Raspberyl in battle. Innate
- - During full HP, increase SPD by 30%.
- - When next to Raspberyl, increase Raspberyl's damage by 10%
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Asuka Cranekick Increase damage by 50% when next to Raspberyl in battle Innate
- - During full HP, increase ATK by 30%.
- - When next to Raspberyl, increase Raspberyl's evasion by 5%.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Gig During magichange/fusion, increase aptitudes by 50%. Innate
- - When set to leader, increase Evil Area members' stats by 5%.
- - When deployed from base, increase stats by 20%.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Tyrant Valvatorez Increase weapon stats by 50%. Innate
- - Increase stats by 20% x the number of adjacent allies on Cam-Pain Map.
- - Defeated enemies become neutral. (non-transferable)
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Nippon-ichi chan Increase stats by 1% for every 10-hour playtime. Innate
- - Increase stats by 10% x the # of flat-chested chars in the same Evil Area. **
- - Increase stats by amount of HP recovered from healing spells.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Pram プラム 予言 Prediction Randomly changes the effect of Evility after the turn passes. Innate
No Effect. Random
Your attacks will always hit. Random
Increase evasion to 100%. Random
Increase damage dealt by 50%. Random
Decrease damage received by 50%. Random
Increase movement by 1. Random
Increase Magic range by 1. Random
Normal attack occurs twice. Random
- - Decrease adjacent enemy RES by 50%.
- - Increase stats by 5% x the number of deployed male allies.
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Petta Increase adjacent allies' normal attack and magic range by 2. Innate
- -
- -

Credit to : [1] And : Unknown_PC@gamefaqs

MAbilities (Generic Human Classes)

Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Warrior 戦士(男) ワイルドクライ Wild Cry Increase stats by 20% per adjacent enemy unit. Innate
- - アーマーマスタリ Armor Mastery Equipment aptitude for HP & DEF increased by 30%. Rank 1
- - エナジースラッシュ Energy Slash 10% of current SP added to ATK when sword is equipped. Rank 3
- - ヘビースマッシュ Heavy Smash 30% of base DEF added to ATK when axe is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Valkyrie 戦士(女) アサルトアタック Assault Attack Damage increased by number of moved panels x 10%. (within turn) ** Innate
- - シールドマスタリ Shield Mastery Damage decreased by 50% when receiving normal attack. Rank 1
- - パワーショット Power Shot 30% of base ATK added to HIT when bow is equipped. Rank 3
- - スピアスティング Spear Sting 30% of base HIT added to ATK when spear is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Magician 魔法使い(男) 魔力収束 Magic Bundle Special skill power increased by 30%, but 50% more SP used. Innate
- - イリュ-ジョン Illusion 30% of base INT added to SPD when staff is equipped. Rank 1
- - マジックワンド Magic Wand Damage by a staff attack is based on INT. Rank 1
- - 魔力変換 Magic Conversion 10% of current SP added to INT. Rank 4
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Witch 魔法使い(女) 魔力節約 Magic Moderation 50% less SP used on special skills. Innate
- - コンセントレート Concentrate 30% of base INT added to HIT when staff is equipped. Rank 1
- - マジックワンド Magic wand Damage by a staff attack is based on INT. Rank 1
- - エンラージ Enlarge Magic range increased by 1 panel. Rank 4
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Cleric 僧侶(女) コープスヒール Corps Heal Increase recovery by 50% x the # of adjacent units. Innate
- - 心の豊穣 Heart's Fertility 50% more Mana gained if killing blow is dealt Rank 1
- - ベテランナース Veteran Nurse Add 1% to the strength of healing magic. Rank 3
- - 死の癒し Death's Heal Stats decrease by 50%, but heal magic gains reverse effect. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Archer アーチャー 加速射撃 Accel Shot Attack power increased by range (panels) x 5%. Innate
- - 落鳳破 Hawk Down Damage dealt increased by 50% if enemy can fly. Rank 1
- - ボーイハント Boy Hunt Damage dealt is increased by 20% if enemy is male. Rank 3
- - ボウレンジ Bow Range Attack range increased by 1 panel(s) when bow is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Gunner ガンナー マーキング Marking During Combo, next ally to attack has 100% crit rate. Innate
- - アシスト Assist During Combo, next ally to attack has 100% accuracy. Rank 1
- - セカンドアタック Second Attack Damage dealt increased by 50% if part of a Combo. Rank 3
- - ガントリック Gun Trick 30% of HIT added to SPD when a gun is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Heavy Knight 重騎士 イージス Aegis Damage decreased by 30% when attacked from front. Innate
- - ラストフォートレス Last Fortress DEF & RES increased by 50% when HP is under 25%. Rank 1
- - アドバンスドガード Advance Guard Damage taken decreased by 80% when defending. Rank 3
- - スピアディフェンス Spear Defense 30% of base ATK added to DEF when spear is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Thief 盗賊 盗人の技 Thief Skills Success rate doubled when stealing. Innate
- - 危険回避 Evade Danger Null damage from bombs. Rank 1
- - 心盗み Heart Steal Able to steal stat values when stealing. Rank 3
- - 幸運の指 Lucky Finger When breaking a chest, contents increased by 1 rank. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Ninja 忍者(男) 朧霞 Misty Haze 50% chance to evade attacks from front Innate
- - 冷眼 Sharp Eye Crit chance increased by 20%. Rank 1
- - 幻身 Vision Blur Damage is nulled when Nicked. Rank 3
- - 殺手 Killing Hand 30% of base SPD added to HIT when fist weapon is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Lady Samurai 明鏡止水 Calm Waters Attack power increased by 30% when attacking single target. Innate
- - 心眼 Mind's Eye Null accuracy bonus when attacked from side or behind. Rank 1
- - 介錯 Euthanasia Normal attack will deathblow targets with less than 25% HP. Rank 3
- - 破邪 Cleanse Evil Damage dealt to monster-type units increased by 25%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Beast Tamer 魔物使い ダークテイマー Dark Tamer Increase stats of adjacent ally monster units by 20%. Innate
- - シンクロナイズ Synchronize Team attack chance with monster becomes 99%. Rank 1
- - ダークブラッド Dark Blood Stats increased by 5% per monster unit on map. Rank 3
- - Mウェポンマスタリ M Weapon Master Aptitude increased by 20% when Magichange weapon equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Shaman 呪術師 カーズドダンス Cursed Dance Stats of enemies on map decreased by 5%. Innate
- - ハザードダンス Hazard Dance Ailment chance of enemies on map increased by 20%. Rank 1
- - アミナスダンス Ominous Dance Evasion of enemies on map decreased by 20%. Rank 3
- - ルーインダンス Ruin Dance Element stats of enemies on map decreased by 25%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Bouncer バウンサー 要人警護 Official Protection Increase DEF/RES of an adjacent ally by 20% Innate
- - ダメージシフト Sync Guard Decrease damage received by an adjacent unit by 10% upon defense. Rank 1
- - シンクロガード Damage Shift Take 20% of damage received by another unit in the same ATK range. Rank 3
- - デスサポート Deadly Support Increases stats of an adjacent unit by 20% upon defeat (3 turns). Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Professor 教授 新薬投入 Medical Insertion Effect of boost magic increased by 50%. Innate
- - 効果的運用 Effective Delivery Extend the effect of support magic by 2 turns. Rank 1
- - 秘薬調合 Secret Potion Item effect +100% Rank 3
- - 凶師免許 Teaching License EXP gain of allies on map increased by 20%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Magic Knight 魔法剣士 精霊の祝福 Spirit Benediction Elemental damage increased by 20%. Innate
- - エレメントフォース Elemental Force Reflect element values onto elemental attacks (+ only). Rank 1
- - エコー Echo 25% chance to use the same special skill. Rank 3
- - ソードフォース Sword Force 30% of base ATK added to INT when sword is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Masked Hero 覆面ヒーロー スピードムーブ Speedy Move Increased SPD Bonus by 5% x moving panels (during turns). Innate
- - 弱肉強食 Power Survival If enemy level is lower, damage dealt increased by 50%. Rank 1
- - 優越感 Superiority If enemy level is lower, damage taked decreased by 50%. Rank 3
- - チキンハート Chicken Heart MV increased by 3, stats decreased by 30%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Onmyo Monk 陰陽術師 マスブラスター Mass Blaster Damage increased by 10% per target in area attack. Innate
- - ジオエナジー Geo Energy Stats increased by 10% per Geo Block color on map. Rank 1
- - ジオレジスト Geo Resist Nullify Geo effect and fall damage. Rank 3
- - ジオダメージ Geo Damage Increase Geo chain damage by 50%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Battle Suit バトルスーツ 自爆 Self-Destruct Self-Destruct when HP hits below 10% by an attack. Innate
- - リミッター解除 Limiter Release Increase stats by 20%, consume SP by 20% every turn. Rank 1
- - バックモニター Rear Monitor Turns around when receiving an attack from behind. Rank 3
- - ダメージカット Damage Cut Nullify damage less than 10% of max HP. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Android アンドロイド ワンマンアーミー One Man Army When left as the last unit, stats increased by 100%. Innate
- - リバイバル Revival When HP is under 25%, recovers fully at the end of turn. Rank 1
- - ギミックボディ Gimmick Body Aptitude becomes 200%, but base stats are decreased by 50%. Rank 3
- - 基本原則 Basic Rule Doesn't inflict damage to allies within the attack range. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Angel Decrease non-elemental damage taken by adjacent allies by 50%. Innate
- - Healing items will also affect target's adjacent units. Rank 1
- - Healing spells will also cure status alignments. Rank 3
- - Increase healing spell effectiveness by 10% x # of spaces moved. (within turn) Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Prism Ranger Increase stats by 5% x deployed allies in the same Evil Area. Innate
- - Increase adjacent allies' SPD by 10% Rank 1
- - Increase adjacent allies' DEF by 10% Rank 2
- - Increase adjacent allies' INT by 10% Rank 3
- - Increase adjacent allies' RES by 10% Rank 4
- - Increase adjacent allies' HIT by 10% Rank 5
- - Increase adjacent allies' ATK by 10% Rank 6
- - Increase the stats of 7 other prism-type allies on the map.
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Kunoichi 忍者(女) 陽炎 Flame Haze 50% chance to evade ranged and area special attacks. Innate
- - 連弾 Increase attack damage by 50% when you attack multiple times. Rank 1
- - 羅刹 Increase stats by 5% every time you evade an enemy's attack. Rank 3
- - 落城 Crit rate becomes 100% against defending units. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Medic Recover 5% HP/SP for base panel allies every turn. Innate
- - Cure adjacent allies' status alignments at the end of the turn. Rank 1
- - Poison adjacent enemies at the end of the turn. Rank 3
- - Adds a new command to instantly transport an ally to the base panel. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Necromancer Defeated enemies become ally zombies. Innate
- - Become a zombie yourself during deathblow. Rank 1
- - Increase stats by 5% x number of zombies on the map. Rank 3
- - Zombified units will reward EXP and mana. Rank 5

MAbilities (Generic Monster Classes)

Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Sludge 粘泥族 ゲルボディ Gel Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving non-elemental attack. Innate
- - 有毒物質 Poisonous Matter 50% chance to add poison effect to normal attack. Rank 1
- - ポイズンチャンス Poison Chance Damage to targets affected by poison increased by 100%. Rank 3
- - ポイズンアクセル Deadly Poison Poison damage of poisoned adjacent enemy increased by 100%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Orc Mass Psyche Stats increased by 20% per same species unit. Innate
- - Amnesiac Blast 50% chance to add Forget effect to normal attack. Rank 1
- - Patience Normal attack damage increased by 50% when self HP under 25%. Rank 3
- - Dark Mastery Aptitude increased by 20% when monster weapons is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Winged Warrior Flicker Wing 50% chance to evade close range attacks. Innate
- - Hypnosis Wave 50% chance to add Sleep effect to normal attack. Rank 1
- - Star Crossed Fate Ailment success rate increasedby 30%. Rank 3
- - Emergency Run MV increased by 3 when self HP is under 25%. ** Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Shroom Shroom Power Decrease stats of adjacent female enemy units by 20%. Innate
- - Soft Inspiration Stats decrease by 50%, but HP recovers at the end of turn. Rank 1
- - Punishing Punisher Damage to Depraved target increased by 100%. Rank 3
- - Macho Splendor Damage taked from female units decreased by 50%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Spirit Magic Creation 10% of SP recovered at the end of turn. Innate
- - Spiritual Wave Damage to target affected by Forget increased by 100%. Rank 1
- - Mind Focus 30% of base RES added to INT when monster weapon is equipped. Rank 3
- - Grudge Time INT increased by 50% when self HP is under 25%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Slumber Cat Calming Aura Damage taken from monster-type units decreased by 50%. Innate
- - Cat Step 50% chance to evade if on higher height than attacker. Rank 1
- - Trick Move Evasion bonus increased by moved panels x 10%. (within turn) Rank 3
- - Rapid Move MV increased by 2 when SP is at max. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Prinny Explosive Nature Will explode when thrown. Innate
- - 1HL Healing fee at the Infirmary becomes 1HL. Rank 1
- - Degraded Life Mana gain increased by 100% when Depraved. Rank 3
- - Voluntary Bondage EXP gain increased by 100% when Paralyzed. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Undead Corpse Eater HP & SP fully recover if killing blow is by normal attack. Innate
- - Unholy Talon 50% chance to add Paralyze effect to normal effect. Rank 1
- - Poison Mutilation ATK increased by 50% when Poisoned. Rank 3
- - Darkness Pact Stats increased by 30%. HP cannot be healed by magic. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Gargoyle Stone Statue Increase DEF by 10% every turn of not moving. Innate
- - Stone Guard The closer to the base panel, the higher the stats. Rank 1
- - Stone Piece Stats increased by # of times thrown x 10%. (within turn) Rank 3
- - Stone Wall Increase DEF/RES by 30%, MV-2. Rank 3
- - Gimmick Body Aptitude becomes 200%, but base stats decreased by 50%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Alraune Sweet Aroma Recovers 20% HP of adjacent ally units at the end of turn. Innate
- - Prevention Prevent ailments to adjacent allies. Rank 1
- - Relaxation SP consumption of adjacent ally units decreased by 50%. Rank 3
- - Herbal Therapy Element stats of adjacent ally units increasedy by 50%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Cockatrice Miasma of Silence Prohibits special skill use by adjecent enemy units. Innate
- - Miasma of Laze SPD of adjacent enemy units decreased by 50%. Rank 1
- - Miasma of Darkness Deprave effect doubled to adjacent enemy units. Rank 3
- - Miasma of Defiance Element stats of adjacent enemy units decreased by 50%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Death Mind Killer Inflict 50% of damage to SP during an attack. Innate
- - Dismal Omen Heal magic effects by enemies on the map decreased by 50%. Rank 1
- - Mind Shackle SP consumption of enemies on map increased by 100%. Rank 3
- - Magic Force 10% of current SP added to INT if monster weapon is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Mystic Beast Accel Element Increase the power of an element ATK by 10% x moved panels. Innate
- - Accel Blow Crit damage increased by panels moved x 10%. (within turn) Rank 1
- - Wind's Blessing Wind attack damage increased by 30%. Rank 3
- - Mach Strike 30% of base SPD added to ATK when monster weapon is equipped. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Succubus Sexy Aura Decrease stats of adjacent male enemy units by 20%. Innate
- - Temptation 50% chance to add Deprave effect to normal attack. Rank 1
- - Dream Hunt Damage to Sleeping targets increased by 100%. Rank 3
- - Pretty Motion Damage taken from male units decreased by 50%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Dragon Zombie Immortal Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving physical attacks. Innate
- - Blood Insanity Damage dealt increased by 30% when traget HP is under 50%. Rank 1
- - Death Fang Damage to Paralyzed targets increased by 100%. Rank 3
- - Vendetta 10% chance to deathblow target on counter attack. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Wood Golem Photosynthesis 10% of HP recovered at the end of turn. Innate
- - Activation Stats increased by 20% when HP is max. Rank 1
- - Anger of Earth 10% of damage dealt by normal attack recovers HP. Rank 3
- - Fresh Green Sprout Fully recovers upon level up. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Dragon Rising Dragon Increase ATK by 10% every time attack is received (using attack resets). Innate
- - Dragon's Treasure Increase aptitude by 20% when emblem is equipped. Rank 1
- - Fire's Blessing Fire attack damage increased by 30%. Rank 3
- - King's Dignity Increase damage by 50% against boss type units. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Nekomata Special Counter Counter attack when receiving special skill. Innate
- - Cross Counter Increase damage by 50% when countering an attack from the front. Rank 1
- - Ambush Increases ATK damage when dispatched from base panel by 20%. ** Rank 3
- - Team Formation When joining a team attack, damage dealt increased by 100%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Rifle Demon Invincible Ruler Increase damage by 50% when attacking without moving. Innate
- - Anti Elements Element stats increased by 50% when HP is udner 25%. Rank 1
- - Star's Blessing Star attack damage increased by 30%. Rank 3
- - Heavy Stance Cannot be lifted, but stats increased by 20%. Rank 5
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Death Saber After a melee-range attack, target will face away from Death Saber. Innate
- - Increase stats by 10% for every cat-type unit on the map. Rank 1
- - Decrease damage taken by 50% if own elevation is higher than the enemy. Rank 3
- - Able to survive deathblows, but will put self to sleep. (once per turn) Rank 5

MAbilities (Common MAbilities)

MAbilitiy (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Characters
ファイアボディ Fire Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving fire attack. Everyone
ウインドボディ Windy Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving wind attack. Everyone
クールボディ Cool Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving ice attack. Everyone
スターボディ Star Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving star attack. Everyone

MAbilities (Character World MAbilities)

MAbilitiy (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Characters (preliminary)
ストライカーギルド Striker Guild Increase stats by 5% x # of allies on map equipped with fists. Characters with Weapon Forte: Fist
フェンサーギルド Fencer Guild Increase stats by 5% x # of allies on map equipped with swords. Characters with Weapon Forte: Sword
ランサーギルド Lancer Guild Increase stats by 5% x # of allies on map equipped with spears. Characters with Weapon Forte: Spear
ガンナーギルド Gunner Guild Increase stats by 5% x # of allies on map equipped with guns. Characters with Weapon Forte: Gun
ウィッチギルド Witch Guild Increase stats by 5% x # of allies on map equipped with staves. Characters with Weapon Forte: Staff
アーチャーギルド Archer Guild Increase stats by 5% x # of allies on map equipped with bows. Characters with Weapon Forte: Bow
魔チェンジギルド Magichange Guild Increase stats by 30% x the # of allies equipped with Magichanges. Humanoid characters.
Hero-Style Combat Non-element attack damage increased by 20%.
Hero-Style Defense Automatically defend when receiving an attack from front.
Princess Hope Increase crit rate of adjacent ally units by 20%. Female Humanoids, Female Uniques
Princess Orders Increase magic range of adjacent ally units by 1. Female Humanoids, Female Uniques
Beauty is Sin Increase stats of adjacent female ally units by 20%.
Light's Blesing Magic damage to adjacent allies decreased by 50%
Power of Eros Increase stats by 20% per adjacent female ally. (capped)
Hunter's Range HIT increased by 30% only if distance is kept from enemy.
Wide View ATK increased by 20% only if distance is kept from enemy.
Heal Gain Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic. Everyone
Heal Mastery Healing Magic effects increased by 100%.
Camellia Chaos If enemy level is higher, crit rate increased by 30%.
Fallen Peony If enemy level is higher, crit damage increased by 80%.
Merciful Attack Always leave 1 HP, when enemies are lower level.
Daisy's Vow Become immune to ally attacks.
Blade Dance 30% of base ATK added to SPD when sword is equipped. Characters with Weapon Forte: Sword
Bow Focus 30% of base HIT added to ATK when bow is equipped. Characters with Weapon Forte: Bow
Psycho Barrier 20% of current SP added to DEF if monster weapon is equipped. Monster Type Characters
Divine Body 30% of base RES added to ATK when monster weapon is equipped. Monster Type Characters
Fury Strike Crit damage + 100%, HIT - 30% when axe is equipped.
Long Shot +1 normal attack range when gun is equipped.
Saint's Air Increase the equipment bonus of Orbs by 20%.
Defender's Proof When equipping belt item, increase aptitude by 20%.
Peeping Glasses Increases the equipment bonus of Glasses by 20%.
Beauty Step When equipping shoe item, increase aptitude by 20%.
Eros Chance Increases weapon stats by 20% when Magichance is done with a female.
Ties Magichange effective range +1 panel(s). Monster Type Characters
Bond of Souls No turn limit when using Magichange. Humanoid Characters
Madness ATK increased by 50% when self HP is uner 25%.
Kamikaze Crit damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%.
Fatal Counter Counter damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%.
Chasing Fang 50% chance to hit twice if HP is under 25%.
Second Attack Win When HP is below 25%, 100% chance to activate counter.
Trance Increase magic damage by 50% when SP is less than 25%.
Healthy Milk Increases ATK & HIT by 30% for 3 turns when defending.
Natural Defense When defending, automatically faces towards attacker.
Forgotten Arts ATK increased by 50% while affected by forget.
Doze Off Recover 20% HP/SP when sleeping.
Auto Protect Automatically defend against physical special attacks.
Defender's Shield Automatically defend against magical special attacks.
Girl Hunt Damage dealt increased by 20% if enemy is female.
Lion Stance Damage taken is added to the damage of the counter attack.
Screw Counters Will not counter attack, but damage taken decreased by 20%.
Armor Pierce 25% of ATK becomes fixed value for normal attack.
Energy Eater 10% of damage dealt by normal attack recovers SP.
Kung Fu Master Normal attacks inflict 10% splash damage to adjacent units.
Saintly Aggression Increase normal attack damage by 100%. Everyone
Retribution Number of counter hits increased by 2.
Fury Number of counter hits x25% damage increase. (within turn)
Counter Power Counter attack damage dealt increased by 50%.
Counter Chance Crit rate increased by 50% for counter attacks.
Feint Cancel out the enemy's counter attack.
Hurt Me, Kill You Counter attacks will always hit.
E-Canceller Ignores elemental defense for attack.
Skill Count Increases stats by 3% x # of units damaged using specials.
Fortitude When at max HP, HP will remain even when attacked by death blow.
Metal Wall Number of counter attacks will not decrease during defense.
Greatest Kunoichi Avoid attacks from side by 30%.
Back to Basics Increase EXP gain by 100% when not equipping any items.
Captain Tower Increases damage by 10% x # of units below you in a tower.
Bomb Trainer Increase all barrel splash damage to 100%.
Requiem Increase stats by 5% for every exploded prinny.
Isolation Increase stats by 30% when no other ally is in battle.
Shine of Souls Increase Mana gain of allies on map by 20%.
Absorb Magic Increases INT by 5% every time you get hit by magic.
Vortex Aptitude becomes 10%, but base stats increased by 100%.
Violence Stats increased by 50%, EXP gain becomes 50%.
Kendo Black Belt Increase damage against armed units by 30%.
Karate Black Belt Increase damage against unarmed units by 30%.
Positional Energy Attack damage increased by 30% to targets at lower height.
Big Chance Bonus gauge increased by 50% if part of combo.
Treasure Hunt 30% chance for chest to appear if killing blow is dealt.
Strange Force Stats increased by 10% per bonus rank gained.
Chivalry Damage increased by 30% when attacking from front.
Divine Killer Damage dealt to human type units increased by 25%.
Assassination Attacks from behind are always critical.
Purgatory Crit damage increased by 50%.
Lucky Song Crit damage of allies on map increased by 20%.
Reverse Element Reverse + and - values of elements.
Safety When attacked, attack cannot be critical.
Mist Cloak Damage decreased by 50% when receiving magic attack.
Heaven's Blessing Attack damage increased by half of current dm x 1%.
Ice's Blessing Ice attack damage increased by 30%.
Zone Accuracy Accuracy increased by 10% per target in area of effect.
Assault Charge Crit rate increased by panels moved x10%. (within turn)
C-Sniping Normal attack's crit damage increased by 100% if not moved.
Fire of Revenge Stats increased by 10% per ally unit defeated.
Overdrive ATK increased by # of crits occured x10%.

MAbilities (Enemy Exclusive)

Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements