Makai Senki Disgaea 3/MAbilities

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MAbilities (Unique Characters)

Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Mao マオ 魔王の暴勇 Violent Courage Attack power increased by number of enemy units on map x3%. Innate
- - フィジカルブースト Physical Boost Special physical attack damage increased by 15%. Lv30
- - マジカルブースト Magical Boost Special magical attack damage increased by 15%. Lv30
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Almaz アルマース 勇者の誓い Hero's Oath If enemy level is higher, damage taken decreased by 50%. Innate
- - 勇者式防御術 Hero-Style Defense Automatically defend when receiving an attack from front. Lv20
- - 勇者式戦闘術 Hero-Style Combat Non-element attack damage increased by 20%. Lv40
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Sapphire サファイア 姫君の煌き Princess Glitter Increase stats of adjacent male ally untits by 20%. Innate
- - 姫君の期待 Princess Hope Increase critical rate of adjacent ally units by 20%. Lv25
- - 姫君の命令 Princess Orders Increase magic range of adjacent ally units by 1. Lv50
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Raspberyl ラズベリル 愛羅武勇ハート Love Thy Heart If enemy level is higher, damage dealt increased by 20%. Innate
- - 仏恥義理レンジ Law by Range Magic range increased by 2, but 50% more SP used. Lv20
- - 夜露死苦スロー Hello Throw Stats increased by number of times thrown x10%. (within turn) Lv40
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Kyoko Needleworker リリアンの狂子 白百合の舞 White Lily Dance SPD increased by 30% when HP is max. Innate
- - 桜花隠れ Sakura Illusion 50% chance to evade long range attacks. Lv20
- - 散り牡丹 Fallen Peony If enemy level is higher, critical damage increased by 80%. Lv40
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Asuka Cranekick 折り鶴の明日禍 撫子の構え Nadeshiko's Form ATK increased by 30% when HP is max. Innate
- - 雛菊の誓い Daisy's Vow Become immune to ally attacks. Lv20
- - 乱れ椿 Camellia Chaos If enemy level is higher, critical rate increased by 30%. Lv40
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Mr. Champloo チャンプル先生 獅子の構え Lion Stance Damage taken is added to the damage of the counter attack. Innate
- - 阿吽の呼吸 Matching Breath When using combined skills, damage dealt increased by 50%. Lv25
- - 連武陣 Team Formation When joining a team attack, damage dealt increased by 50%. Lv50
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Master Big Star ビッグスター様 貴様の攻撃など効かぬ You are Useless Decrease damage taken by human type units by 50%. Innate
- - フッ、美しさは罪だな Beauty is Sin Increase stats of adjacent female ally units by 20%. Lv120
- - 反撃なぞ無粋 Screw Counters Will not counter attack, but damage taken decreased by 20%. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Salvatore 極上のサルバトーレ D・プロテクション D-Protection Damage taken from a special attack decreased by 50%. Innate
- - C・スナイピング C-Sniping Normal attack's crit damage increased by 100% if not moved. Lv240
- - E・キャンセラー E-Canceller Ignores elemental defense for attack. Lv360
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Prism Red ニジレッド バトルオーダー Battle Order Increase ATK of adjacent ally units by 20%. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Asagi アサギ ヒロインドリーム Heroine's Dream Increase stats by 5% per male ally unit on map. Innate
- - スカイハイ Sky High Movement type becomes flying type. Lv800
- - デッドオアアライヴ Dead or Alive Normal attack crit rate becomes 100% for both sides. Lv1600
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Marona マローネ 奇跡の力 Power of Miracles Increase stats of ally ghosts on map by 20%. Innate
- - 魂の絆 Bond of Souls No turn limit when using Magichange. Lv1000
- - 魂のきらめき Shine of Souls Increase Mana gain of allies on map by 20%. Lv2000
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Axel アクターレ わかりやすい体質 Obvious Tendency Increase stats by 5% per female ally unit on map. Innate
- - バラエティ根性 Entertainment Life Nulls non-elemential special attacks if HP is under 25%. Lv1600
- - 芸風チェンジ Image Change Switch values of HP & SP, and ATK & HIT. Lv2400
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Laharl ラハール 超魔王魂 Uber Overlord Soul Special attack damage increased by 20%. Innate
- - 大激怒 Furious Rage ATK increased every time a normal attack is received. Lv2000
- - 制圧の眼光 Suppression Stare Damage taken decreased by 50% if enemy HP is under 50%. Lv3000
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Flonne フロン 愛フィールド Love Field Nulls all instant death effects on allies. Innate
- - 総天然オーラ Natural Oafy Aura Damage decreased by 50% when damaged by an elemental attack. Lv2000
- - 癒しパラダイス Healing Paradise Healing magic effects to allies on map increased by 100%. Lv3000
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Etna エトナ ドミナントスマイル Dominant Smile Stats of ally Prinnies on map increased by 20%. Innate
- - エクスタシー Ecstasy When joining a team attack, EXP gain increased by 50%. Lv2000
- - サディスティック Sadistic Damage dealt increased by 30% if enemy's HP is max. Lv3000
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Prinny Mask プリニー仮面 ヘビースタンス Heavy Stance Cannot be lifted, but stats increase by 20%. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Beyond X ビヨンドX プリティモーション Pretty Motion Damage taken from male units decreased by 50%. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Shyrone 伊集院 天中殺 Divine Killer Damage dealt to human type units increased by 25%. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Gorillian ゴリラ丸 ソウルクラッシュ Soul Crush 50% of damage dealt also deals damage to SP. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Bo Tie ビッキー ますらおスプレンダー Macho Splendor Damage taken from female units decreased by 50%. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Goro 吾郎 ダークブラッド Dark Blood Stats increased by 5% per monster unit on map. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Se-to-oh ひろし 闇の契約 Darkness Pact Stats increased by 30%, HP cannot be healed by magic. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Pauline ポリーヌ リバイバル Revival When HP is under 25%, recovers fully at the end of turn. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Breezy Satina さわやかさったん ブラッドインサニティ Blood Insanity Damage dealt increased by 30% when target HP is under 50%. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Adell アデル 正々堂々 Fair and Square Increases inflicted DMG by 30% during 1-on-1 battles. Innate
- - 手加減 Mercy Always leave 1 HP, when enemies are lower level. Lv120
- - ストライカーギルド Striker Guild Increase ability by 5% x # of allies equipped with fists. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Rozalin ロザリンド 女王の煌き Princess' Glow Increase stats of adjoining male units in class by 10%. Innate
- - 王女の期待 Princess' Hope Increase critical rate of adjoining unit in class by 20%. Lv120
- - 王女の命令 Princess' Order Increase magic range of adjoining unit in class by 1. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Soichiro Kogure 小暮宗一郎 柔道三段 Judo Black Belt Throwing range +1 cell. Innate
- - 空手二段 Karate Black Belt Increase damage against unarmed units by 30%. Lv120
- - 剣道三段 Kendo Black Belt Increase damage against armed units by 30%. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Taro タロー 健康牛乳 Milk Increases ATK by 30% & HIT by 30% for 3 defense turns Innate
- - 防衛本能 Natural Defense Automatically faces towards attacker during defense turn. Lv120
- - 鉄壁 Metal Wall Number of counter attacks will not decrease during defense. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Hanako ハナコ スキルカウント Skill Count Increases stats by 3% x # of units damaged using specials. Innate
- - ド根性 Super Guts When at max HP, HP will remain even attacked by a death blow. Lv120
- - Tie Magichange effective range + 1 panels. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Yukimaru 雪丸 コピー忍術 Copy Ninjutsu Copies evility of the first character defeated during a battle. Innate
- - くノ一の極み Greatest Kunoichi Avoid attacks from the side by 30%. Lv120
- - フェンサーギルド Fencer Guild Increases stats by 5% x # of allies equipped with swords. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Tink ティンク エロスチェンジ Eros Change Increases weapon stats by 20% when Magichange is done with a female. Innate
- - のぞきめがね Peeping Glasses Increases the equipment bonus of Glasses by 20%. Lv120
- - パワーオブエロス Power of Eros Increase stats by 20% per adjacent female ally (capped at 100%). Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Priere 魔王プリエ 収束攻撃 Bound Attack Increase special skill damage by 10% for every empty tile targeted. Innate
- - 聖邪の魔気 Evil Saint Spirit Increases the equipment bonus of Orbs by 20%. Lv120
- - 聖邪の闘気 Fighting Spirit Increases standard ATK by 100%. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Pram プラム 予言 Prediction Randomly changes the effect of Evility after the turn passes. Innate
DMG dealt increased by 50%. Random
DMG dealt decreased by 50%. Random
Increase DMG received by 50%. Random
Decrease DMG received by 50%. Random
Your attacks will always hit. Random
Your attacks will always miss. Random
Increase evasion to 100%. Random
Cannot evade. Random
- - 魔力吸収 Absorb Magic Increases INT by 5% every time you get hit by magic. Lv120
- - アーチャーギルド Archer Guild Increases ability by 5% x the number of allies with bows. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Zetta ゼタ ジオブレイク Geo-Break Nulls Geo-Effects to self. Innate
- - 宇宙最強のでたらめ Badass Nonsense RES down by 50% during odd turns, INT up 50% during evens. Lv120
- - 宇宙最強の気まぐれ Badass Impulse ATK up 50% during odd turns, DEF down 50% during evens. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Marjoly マージョリー 魔女の力 Witch Power Increase magic damage against a single target by 100%. Innate
- - トランス Trance Increase magic damage by 50% when SP is less than 25%. Lv120
- - 呪怨 Grudge Increase INT by 10% per defeated ally. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Gordon ゴードン キャプテンリベンジ Captain's Revenge Grants another action if your normal attack is dodged. Innate
- - キャプテンタワー Captain Tower Increases damage by 10% x # of units below you in a tower. Lv120
- - ガンナーギルド Gunner Guild Increases stats by 5% for every gun-equipped ally on the map. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Jennifer ジェニファー カンフーマスター Kung Fu Master Inflicts 10% of the DMG during normal ATK to adjacent units. Innate
- - 勇者アシスト Hero Assist Increase stats of adjacent ally "Hero" titled units by 30%. Lv120
- - ランサーギルド Lancer Guild Increase stats by 5% for every spear-equipped ally on the map. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Thursday サーズデイ 金属探知機 Metal Detector Defeated enemies will always drop a treasure chest. Innate
- - タル爆弾強化 Super Barrel Bomb Increase all barrel splash damage to 100%. Lv120
- - オートプロテクト Auto Protect Automatically defend against physical special attacks. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Aramis アラミス ネクロマンサー Necromancer Increase stats of adjacent ally zombie units by 20%. Innate
- - 魔王の家来 Overlord's Servant Increase stats of adjacent ally "Overlord" titled units by 30%. Lv120
- - 不死の軍団 Invincible Clan Increase stats by 5% for every zombie ally on the map. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Revya リベア 喰世王 Devourlord Steals 10% of adjacent enemies' current HP at the end of turn. Innate
- - ベースキャンプ Base Camp Recovers HP and SP by 5% while in base panel at the end of turn. Lv120
- - 後手必勝 Second Attack Win When HP is below 25%, 100% chance to activate counter. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Gig ギグ 漆黒の剣 Onyx Blade Whenever MC ends, Gig will remain on the field instead of the humanoid. Innate
- - 魔侮堕血 BFF If the user is the leader of a club, increase all club members' stats by 5%. Lv120
- - 緋涙晶 Crimson Tear Whenever magichange ends, increase stats by 20%. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Hero Prinny プリニー 赤いマフラー Red Scarf Revives the user at the base panel after being defeated in battle. Innate
- - 魔界公式ルール Hell's Finest Increases evasion by 50%, damage taken will be multiplied by tenfold. Lv120
- - 極上のスイーツ Ultra Dessert Recovers HP by 5% when thrown. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Kurtis 人間カーチス 地球勇者の剣 Defender's Sword Increases damage by difference between current SP and max SP. Innate
- - 地球勇者の証 Defender's Proof When equipping belt item, increase aptitude by 20%. Lv120
- - 地球勇者の盾 Defender's Shield Automatically defend against magical special attacks. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Prinny Kurtis プリニーカーチス 地球勇者の銃 Defender's Gun Increase damage base on the difference between current and max HP. Innate
- - プリニー爆弾強化 Super Prinny Bomb Increase all prinny explosion splash damage by 100% on the map. Lv120
- - レクイエム Requiem Increase stats by 5% for every exploded prinny. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Midboss 中ボス ハーレム Harem Increase stats by 5% per female ally dispatched from base. Innate
- - ビューティーステップ Beauty Step When equipping shoe item, increase aptitude by 20%. Lv120
- - 裸一貫 Naked Increase exp gain by 100% when not equipping any items. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Pleinair プレネール ヒットアンドアウェイ Hit and Run After finishing a stationary action, increase MV by 3. Innate
- - 孤立無援 Lonely Wolf Increase stats by 30% when no other ally is in the battle. Lv120
- - ウィッチギルド Witch Guild Increase stats by 5% for every staff-equipped ally on the map. Lv240
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Super Hero Aurum 超勇者オーラム 勇者の威厳 Hero's Authority Increase stats by 3% for every enemy unit on the map. Innate
- - 魔チェンジギルド Magichange Guild Increase stats by 30% x # of ally magichange weapons on the map. ?
- - ウェポンブレイク Weapon Break 75% chance to destroy opponent's weapon with normal attack. ?

Credit to : [1] And : Unknown_PC@gamefaqs

MAbilities (Generic Human Classes)

Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Warrior 戦士(男) ワイルドクライ Wild Cry Increase stats by 20% per adjacent enemy unit. Innate
- - アーマーマスタリ Armor Mastery Equipment aptitude for HP & DEF increased by 30%. Rank 2 Lv20
- - エナジースラッシュ Energy Slash 10% of current SP added to ATK when sword is equipped. Rank 4 Lv100
- - ヘビースマッシュ Heavy Smash 30% of base DEF added to ATK when axe is equipped. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Valkyrie 戦士(女) アサルトアタック Assault Attack Damage increased by number of moved panels x10. (within turn) Innate
- - シールドマスタリ Shield Mastery Decrease damage from normal attacks by 50%. Rank 2 Lv20
- - パワーショット Power Shot 30% of base ATK added to HIT when bow is equipped. Rank 4 Lv100
- - スピアスティング Spear Sting 30% of base HIT added to ATK when spear is equipped. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Martial Artist 格闘家(男) フューリー Fury Number of counter hits x25% damage increase. (within turn) Innate
- - 応報 Retribution Number of counter hits increased by 2. Rank 2 Lv20
- - カウンターパワー Counter Power Counter attack damage dealt increased by 50%. Rank 4 Lv100
- - 追牙 Chasing Fang 50% chance to hit twice if HP is under 25%. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Fight Mistress 格闘家(女) フェイント Feint Cancel out the enemy's counter attack. Innate
- - 臨機応変 Impromptu Team chance increased by 50%. Rank 2 Lv20
- - カウンターチャンス Counter Chance Critical rate increased by 50% for counter attacks. Rank 4 Lv100
- - 肉斬骨絕 Hurt Me, Kill You Counter attacks will always hit. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Clergy 僧侶(男) 精靈の加護 Spirit's Blessing Elemental damage to adjacent allies decreased by 50%. Innate
- - リスペクト Respect Extra gain distance increased by 2 when part of committee. Rank 2 Lv20
- - ダークグレイス Dark Grace Effect of enfeebling magic increased by 50%. Rank 4 Lv100
- - 死の癒し Death's Heal Stats decrease by 50%, but heal magic gains reverse effect. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Cleric 僧侶(女) 光の加護 Light's Blessing Magic damage to adjacent allies decreased by 50%. Innate
- - ヒールマスタリ Heal Mastery Healing Magic effects increased by 100%. Rank 2 Lv20
- - ライトグレイス Light Grace Buff spell increase 50% effect Rank 4 Lv100
- - 心の豊穣 Heart's Fertility 50% more Mana gained if killing blow is dealt. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Magician 魔法使い(男) 魔力収束 Magic Bundle Special skill power increased by 30%, but 50% more SP used. Innate
- - イリュ-ジョン Illusion 30% of base INT added to SPD when staff is equipped. Rank 4 Lv50
- - 魔力変換 Magic Conversion 10% of current SP added to INT. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Witch 魔法使い(女) 魔力節約 Magic Moderation 50% less SP used on special skills. Innate
- - コンセントレート Concentrate 30% of base INT added to HIT when staff is equipped. Rank 4 Lv50
- - エンラージ Enlarge Magic range increased by 1 panel. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Thief 盗賊 盗人之技 Thief Skills Success rate doubled when stealing. Innate
- - 危険回避 Evade Danger Null damage from bombs. Rank 2 Lv20
- - 心盗み Heart Steal Able to steal stat values when stealing. Rank 4 Lv100
- - 幸運の指 Lucky Finger When breaking a chest, contents increased by 1 rank. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Ranger アーチャー(男) 位置エネルギー Positional Energy Attack power increased by 30% to targets at lower height. Innate
- - 狩人の間合い Hunter's Range HIT increased by 30% only if distance is kept from enemy. Rank 2 Lv25
- - ガールハント Girl Hunt Damage dealt increased by 20% if enemy is female. Rank 4 Lv120
- - ボウフォーカス Bow Focus 30% of base HIT added to ATK when bow is equipped. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Archer アーチャー(女) 加速射撃 Accel Shot Attack power increased by range (panels) x5. Innate
- - 落鳳破 Hawk Down Damage dealt increased by 50% if enemy can fly. Rank 2 Lv25
- - ボーイハント Boy Hunt Damage dealt increased by 20% if enemy is male. Rank 4 Lv120
- - ボウレンジ Bow Range Attack range increased by 1 panel when bow is equipped. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Gunner ガンナー(男) マーキング Marking During Combo, next ally to attack has 100% critical rate. Innate
- - アシスト Assist During Combo, next ally to attack has 100% accuracy. Rank 2 Lv25
- - セカンドアタック Second Attack Damage dealt increased by 50% if part of a combo. Rank 4 Lv120
- - ガントリック Gun Trick 30% of base HIT added to SPD when gun is equipped. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Gunslinger ガンナー(女) ビッグチャンス Big Chance Bonus gauge increased by 50% if part of Combo. Innate
- - ゴールドフィンガー Gold Finger HL gain increased by 50% if killing blow is dealt. Rank 2 Lv25
- - トレジャーライズ Treasure Hunt 30% chance for Chest to appear if killing blow is dealt. Rank 4 Lv120
- - ロングショット Long Shot Attack range increased by 1 panel when gun is equipped. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Ninja 忍者(男) 朧霞 Misty Haze 50% chance to evade attacks from front. Innate
- - 冷眼 Sharp Eye Crit chance increased by 20%. Rank 2 Lv30
- - 幻身 Vision Blur Damage is nulled when Nicked. Rank 4 Lv150
- - 殺手 Killing Hand 30% of base SPD added to HIT when fist is equipped. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Kunoichi 忍者(女) 陽炎 Flame Haze 50% chance to evade ranged and area special attacks. Innate
- - 煉獄 Purgatory Crit damage increased by 50%. Rank 2 Lv30
- - 暗殺 Assassination Attacks from behind are always critical. Rank 4 Lv150
- - 剣舞 Blade Dance 30% of base SPD added to SPD when sword is equipped. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Samurai 侍(男) 武士道 Chivalry Damage increased by 30% when attacking from front. Innate
- - 鎧通し Armor Pierce 25% of ATK becomes fixed value for normal attack. Rank 2 Lv30
- - 神風 Kamikaze Critical damage increased by 100% when self HP is under 25%. Rank 4 Lv150
- - 天中殺 Divine Killer Damage dealt to human type units increased by 25%. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Lady Samurai 侍(女) 明鏡止水 Calm Waters Attack power increased by 30% when attacking single target. Innate
- - 心眼 Mind's Eye Null accuracy bonus when attacked from side or behind. Rank 2 Lv30
- - 介錯 Euthanasia Normal attack will one-shot targets with less than 25% HP. Rank 4 Lv150
- - 破邪 Cleanse Evil Damage dealt to monster type units increased by 25%. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Beast Master 魔物使い ダークテイマー Dark Tamer Increase stats of adjacent ally monster units by 20%. Innate
- - シンクロナイズ Synchronize Chain rate with monster becomes 99%. Rank 2 Lv25
- - ダークブラッド Dark Blood Stats increased by 5% per monster unit on map. Rank 4 Lv120
- - Mウェポンマスタリ M Weapon Master Aptitude increased by 20% when Magichange weapon equipped. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Armor Knight 重騎士 イージス Aegis Damage decreased by 30% when attacked from front. Innate
- - ラストフォートレス Last Fortress DEF & RES increased by 25% when HP is under 25% Rank 2 Lv25
- - アドバンスドガード Advance Guard Damage taken decreased by 80% when Defending. Rank 4 Lv120
- - スピアディフェンス Spear Defense 30% of base ATK added to DEF when spear is equipped. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Wiseman 賢者 ジオエナジー Geo Energy Stats increased by 10% per Geo Block on the map. Innate
- - ジオエナジー Geo Dimension Won't take damage when Geo Panels are destroyed. Rank 2 Lv25
- - ジオアブソーブ Geo Absorb Geo Block falling damage nulled. Rank 4 Lv100
- - ストレンジフォース Strange Force Stats increased by 10% per bonus rank gained. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Brute Warrior 狂戦士 マッドネス Madness ATK increased by 50% when self HP is under 25%. Innate
- - 超アドレナリン Super Adrenaline Stats increased by 5% per enemy unit defeated. Rank 2 Lv30
- - フォーゴットンアーツ Forgotten Arts ATK increased by 50% while affected by forget. Rank 4 Lv150
- - フューリーストライク Fury Strike Crit damage + 100%, HIT - 30% when axe is equipped. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Magic Knight 魔法剣士 精霊の祝福 Spirit Benediction Elemental magic damage increased by 20%. Innate
- - エレメントフォース Elemental Force Reflect element value onto elemental attacks. (+element only) Rank 2 Lv30
- - エコー Echo 25% chance to use the same special skill. Rank 4 Lv150
- - ソードフォース Sword Force 30% of base ATK added to INT when sword is equipped. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Sorcerer 呪術師 カーズドダンス Cursed Dance Stats of enemies on map decreased by 5%. Innate
- - ハザードダンス Hazard Dance Ailment chance of enemies on map increased by 20%. Rank 2 Lv30
- - アミナスダンス Ominous Dance Evasion of enemies on map decreased by 20%. Rank 4 Lv150
- - ルーインダンス Ruin Dance Element stats of enemies on map decreased by 25%. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Cheerleader 応援師 ラブリーソング Lovely Song Stats of allies on map increased by 5%. Innate
- - チャーミーソング Charmy Song Chain rate of allies on map increased by 10%. Rank 2 Lv30
- - ラッキーソング Lucky Song Critical damage of allies on map increased by 20%. Rank 4 Lv150
- - ハッピーソング Happy Song EXP gain of allies on map increased by 20%. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Masked Hero 覆面ヒーロー トリックムーブー Trick Move Evasion bonus increased by moved panels x10%. (within turn) Innate
- - 弱肉強食 Power Survival If enemy level is lower, damage dealt increased by 50%. Rank 2 Lv30
- - 優越感 Superiority If enemy level is lower, damage received decreased by 50%. Rank 4 Lv150
- - チキンハート Chicken Heart MV increased by 3, stats decreased by 30%. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Majin 魔人 ワンマンアーミー One Man Army When left as the last unit, stats increased by 100%. Innate
- - リバイバル Revival When HP is under 25%, recovers fully at the end of turn. Rank 2 Lv100
- - ボルテックス Vortex Aptitude becomes 10%, but base stats increased by 100%. Rank 4 Lv500
- - バイオレント Violence Stats increased by 50%, EXP gain becomes 50%. Rank 6 Lv2500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Angel Soldier 天使兵 天使の加護 Angel's Protection Decreases the non-elemental DMG to adjacent allies by 50%. Innate
- - 天使の薬 Angel's Medication Consumables give the same effect to adjacent allies when used. Rank 2 Lv30
- - 天使の祝福 Angel's Blessing Cures negative status alignments when HP restoring item is used. Rank 4 Lv150
- - 天使の飛来 Angel's Flight Increases the effect of heal magic by 10% x cells moved. Rank 6 Lv800

Credit to : [2] And : [3] And : [4]

MAbilities (Generic Monster Classes)

Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Sludge 粘泥族 ゲルボディ Gel Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving non-elemental attack. Innate
- - 有毒物質 Poisonous Matter 50% chance to add poison effect to normal attack. Rank 2 Lv20
- - ポイズンチャンス Poison Chance Damage to targets affected by poison increased by 100%. Rank 4 Lv100
- - ポイズンアクセル Deadly Poison Poison damage of poisoned adjacent enemy increased by 100%. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Orc 猪人族 野生の団結 Wild Gathering ATK increased by 20% per adjacent ally unit. Innate
- - 忘却撃 Amnesic Burst 50% change to add Forget effect to normal attack. Rank 2 Lv20
- - 堪忍袋 Patience Normal attack damage increased by 50% when self HP under 25%. Rank 4 Lv100
- - ダークマスタリ Dark Mastery Aptitude increased by 20% when monster weapon is equipped. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Winged Warrior 魔翔族 フリッカーウイング Flicker Wing 50% chance to evade close range attacks. Innate
- - 催眠破 Hypnosis Wave 50% chance to add Sleep effect to normal attack. Rank 2 Lv20
- - 薄幸の宿命 Star Crossed Fate Ailment success rate increased by 30%. Rank 4 Lv100
- - 緊急離脱 Emergency Run MV increased by 3 when self HP is under 25%. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Shroom 珍茸族 きのこパワー Shroom Power Decrease stats of adjacent female enemy units by 20%. Innate
- - やわらかインスパイア Soft Inspiration Stats decrease by 50%, but HP recovers at end of turn. Rank 2 Lv20
- - おしおきパニッシャー Punishing Punisher Damage to depraved target increased by 100%. Rank 4 Lv100
- - ますらおスプレンダー Macho Splendor Damage taken from female units decreased by 50%. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Spirit 妖霊族 魔力生成 Magic Creation 10% of SP recovered at end of turn. Innate
- - 心霊波 Spiritual Wave Damage to target affected by Forget increased by 100%. Rank 2 Lv20
- - 精神集中 Mind Concentration 30% of base RES added to INT when monster weapon is equipped. Rank 4 Lv100
- - 恨み節 Grudge Time INT increased by 50% when self HP is under 25%. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Slumber Cat 寝子猫族 なごみオーラ Calming Aura Damage taken from monster type units decreased by 50%. Innate
- - キャットステップ Cat Step 50% chance to evade if on higher height than attacker. Rank 2 Lv20
- - 集団心理 Mass Psyche Stats increased by 10% per same species unit. Rank 4 Lv100
- - ラピッドムーブ Rapid Move MV increased by 2 when SP is at max. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Prinny プリニー族 爆発体質 Explosive Nature Will explode when thrown. Innate
- - 単価1円 Unit Price, 1 Cent Healing cost at Nurse's Office becomes 1 HL. Rank 2 Lv20
- - 堕落人生 Degraded Life Mana gain increased by 100% when depraved. Rank 4 Lv100
- - 緊縛志願 Voluntary Bondage EXP gain increased by 100% when Paralyzed. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Undead 屍族 死肉喰らい Corpse Eater HP & SP fully recover if killing blow is by normal attack. Innate
- - 不浄の鉤爪 Unholy Talon 50% chance to add Paralyze effect to normal attack. Rank 2 Lv20
- - 毒性変異 Poison Mutilation ATK increased by 50% when Poisoned. Rank 4 Lv100
- - 闇の契約 Darkness Pact Stats increased by 30%, HP cannot be healed by magic. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Marionette 傀儡族 無魂相殺 Soulless Offset Ignore ailments. Innate
- - セーフティ Safety When attacked, attack cannot be critical. Rank 2 Lv20
- - リバースエレメント Reverse Element Reverse + and - values of elements. Rank 4 Lv100
- - ギミックボディ Gimmick Body Aptitude becomes 200%, but base stats decreased by 50%. Rank 6 Lv500
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Flora Beast 妖花族 スイートアロマ Sweet Aroma Recovers 20% of HP of adjacent ally units at end of turn. Innate
- - プレベンション Prevention Prevents ailments to adjacent allies. Rank 2 Lv25
- - リラクゼーション Relaxation SP consumption of adjacent ally units decreased by 50%. Rank 4 Lv120
- - ハーバルテラピー Herbal Therapy Element stats of adjacent ally units increased by 50%. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Aqua Demon 水魔族 マスブラスター Mass Blaster Damage increased by 10% per target in area attack. Innate
- - ゾーンアキュラシー Zone Accuracy Accuracy increased by 10% per target in area attack. Rank 2 Lv25
- - ペインジェネレート Generate Pain 20% of damage restores SP when attack is received. Rank 4 Lv120
- - サイコバリア Psycho Barrier 20% of current SP added to DEF if monster weapon is equipped. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Roc 怪鳥族 沈黙の瘴気 Miasma of Silence Prohibits special skill use by adjacent enemy units. Innate
- - 怠情の瘴気 Miasma of Laze SPD of adjacent enemy units decreased by 50%. Rank 2 Lv25
- - 暗黒の瘴気 Miasma of Darkness Deprave effect doubled to adjacent enemy units. Rank 4 Lv120
- - 冒涜の瘴気 Miasma of Defiance Element stats of adjacent enemy units decreased by 50%. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Death 死告族 デスウィスパー Death Whisper Normal attack will one-shot targets with less than 25% SP. Innate
- - ディスマルオーメン Dismal Omen Heal magic effects by enemies on the map decreased by 50%. Rank 2 Lv30
- - マインドシャックル Mind Shackle SP consumption of enemies on map increased by 100%. Rank 4 Lv150
- - ソウルクラッシュ Soul Crush 50% of damage dealt also deals damage to SP. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Mystic Beast 幻獣族 アサルトチャージ Assault Charge Crit rate increased by panels moved x10%. (within turn) Innate
- - アクセルブロー Axel Bow Crit damage increased by panels moved x10%. (within turn) Rank 2 Lv25
- - 風の祝福 Wind's Blessing Wind attack damage increased by 30%. Rank 4 Lv120
- - マッハストライク Mach Strike 30% of base SPD added to ATK when monster weapon is equipped. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Holy Dragon 聖竜族 天空の加護 Heaven's Blessing Attack power increased by half of current dm x1%. Innate
- - ミストクローク Mist Cloak Damage decreased by 50% when receiving magic attack. Rank 2 Lv25
- - 氷の祝福 Ice's Blessing Ice attack damage increased by 30%. Rank 4 Lv120
- - ディバイン Divine Body 30% of base RES added to ATK when monster weapon is equipped. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Succubus 夜魔族 セクシーオーラ Sexy Aura Decrease stats of adjacent male enemy units by 20%. Innate
- - テンプテーション Temptation 50% chance to add Deprave effect to normal attack. Rank 2 Lv25
- - ドリームハンド Dream Hunt Damage to Sleeping targets increased by 100%. Rank 4 Lv120
- - プリティモーション Pretty Motion Damage taken from male units decreased by 50%. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Dragon Zombie 死竜族 イモータルボディ Immortal Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving physical attacks. Innate
- - ブラッドインサニティ Blood Insanity Damage dealt increased by 30% when target HP is under 50%. Rank 2 Lv30
- - デスファング Death Fang Damage to Paralyzed targets increased by 100%. Rank 4 Lv150
- - ヴェンデッタ Vendetta 10% chance to one-shot target on counter attack. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Wood Golem 樹巨人族 光合成 Photosynthesis 10% of HP recovered at end of turn. Innate
- - 活性化 Activation Stats increased by 20% when HP is max. Rank 2 Lv30
- - 大地の怒り Anger of Earth 10% of damage dealt by normal attack recovers HP. Rank 4 Lv150
- - 新緑の芽吹き Fresh Green Sprout Fully recovers upon level up. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Rifle Demon 銃魔神族 ダブルロックオン Double Lock-on Normal attack occurs twice if attacking without moving. Innate
- - アンチエレメンツ Anti Elements Element stats increased by 50% when HP is under 25%. Rank 2 Lv30
- - 星の祝福 Star's Blessing Star attack damage increased by 30%. Rank 4 Lv150
- - ヘビースタンス Heavy Stance Cannot be lifted, but stats increase by 20%. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Flame Demon 焔鬼族 オーバードライブ Overdrive ATK increased by # of criticals occurred x10%. Innate
- - エナジーイーター Energy Eater 10% of damage dealt by normal attack recovers SP. Rank 2 Lv30
- - 炎の祝福 Flame's Blessing Fire attack damage increased by 30%. Rank 4 Lv150
- - 復讐の炎 Fire of Revenge Stats increased by 10% per ally unit defeated. Rank 6 Lv800
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Nekomata 猫娘族 特殊カウンター Special Counter Counter attacks to a special attack. Innate
- - クロスカウンター Cross Counter Increases the DMG for counter counter attacks by 50%. Rank 2 Lv25
- - 奇襲攻撃 Surprise Attack Increases ATK when dispatched from base panel by 20%. Rank 4 Lv120
- - フェイタルカウンター Fatal Counter Increases the DMG of counter ATK when HP is below 25% by 100%. Rank 6 Lv600
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Dragon 邪竜族 竜の逆鱗 Dragon's Rage Increase DMG dealt by 10% every time DMG is taken. (Capped at 200%) Innate
- - 桎梏 Bounded Increases stats by 50% but cannot use skills. Rank 2 Lv25
- - 竜の秘宝 Dragon's Emblem Aptitude increased by 20% when emblem is equipped. Rank 4 Lv120
- - 王者の風格 King's Image Damage dealt against boss type units increased by 50%. Rank 6 Lv600

Credit to : [5]

MAbilities (Common MAbilities)

MAbilitiy (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Characters
ヒールゲイン Heal Gain Heal amount increased by 50% when receiving healing magic. Almaz, Master Big Star, Warrior, Valkyrie, Martial Artist, Fight Mistress, Wood Golem
ファイアボディ Fire Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving fire attack. Raspberyl, Etna, Mr. Champloo, Red/Prism/Galaxy Skull/Mage, Magic Knight, Spirit, Flame Demon
ウインドボディ Windy Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving wind attack. Mr. Champloo, Kyoko Needleworker, Flonne, Green/Prism/Galaxy Skull/Mage, Magic Knight, Mystic Beast, Flora Beast
クールボディ Cool Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving ice attack. Sapphire, Asuka Cranekick, Asagi, Blue/Prism/Galaxy Skull/Mage, Magic Knight, Holy Dragon, Aqua Demon
スターボディ Star Body Damage decreased by 50% when receiving star attack. Mao, Salvatore, Laharl, Axel, Star/Galaxy Skull/Mage, Wiseman, Rifle Demon, Marionette
マッスルマスタリ Muscle Mastery HP Aptitude increased by 10%. Mao, Magician, Witch, Gunner, Gunslinger, Ranger, Archer, Rifle Demon, Aqua Demon, Marionette, Sludge, Slumber Cat
マインドマスタリ Mind Mastery SP Aptitude increased by 10%. Mao, Warrior, Valkyrie, Martial Artist, Fight Mistress, Beast Master, Armor Knight, Rifle Demon, Mystic Beast, Wood Golem, Dragon Zombie, Marionette
オフェンスマスタリ Offense Mastery ATK Aptitude increased by 10%. Sapphire, Clergy, Cleric, Masked Hero, Thief, Wiseman, Cheerleader, Sorcerer, Winged Warrior, Flora Beast, Sludge, Succubus
ディフェンスマスタリ Defense Mastery DEF Aptitude increased by 10%. Raspberyl, Magician, Witch, Ranger, Archer, Masked Hero, Thief, Winged Warrior, Aqua Demon, Spirit, Undead, Slumber Cat
キャストマスタリ Casting Mastery INT Aptitude increased by 10%. Sapphire, Clergy, Cleric, Ninja, Kunoichi, Wiseman, Magic Knight, Sorcerer, Flora Beast, Succubus, Death, Holy Dragon
ダッジマスタリ Dodge Mastery SPD Aptitude increased by 10%. Almaz, Gunner, Gunslinger, Samurai, Lady Samurai, Cheerleader, Brute Warrior, Roc, Holy Dragon, Death, Spirit, Flame Demon
スナイプマスタリ Snipe Mastery HIT Aptitude increased by 10%. Almaz, Martial Artist, Fight Mistress, Ninja, Kunoichi, Magic Knight, Armor Knight, Orc, Roc, Wood Golem, Flame Demon, Shroom
レジストマスタリ Resist Mastery RES Aptitude increased by 10%. Raspberyl, Warrior, Valkyrie, Samurai, Lady Samurai, Beast Master, Brute Warrior, Orc, Mystic Beast, Dragon Zombie, Shroom, Undead
毒予防 Poison Vaccine Chance to evade Poison effect increased by 50%. Almaz, Master Big Star, Kyoko Needleworker, Etna, Marona, Ninja, Kunoichi, Brute Warrior, Sludge, Undead
眠り予防 Sleep Vaccine Chance to evade Sleep effect increased by 50%. Raspberyl, Master Big Star, Salvatore, Asuka Cranekick, Flonne, Samurai, Lady Samurai, Beast Master, Succubus
マヒ予防 Paralyze Vaccine Chance to evade Paralyze effect increased by 50%. Mr. Champloo, Sapphire, Kyoko Needleworker, Etna, Gunner, Gunslinger, Masked Hero, Shroom, Winged Warrior
ド忘れ予防 Forget Vaccine Chance to evade Forget effect increased by 50%. Mao, Raspberyl, Flonne, Marona, Ranger, Archer, Slumber Cat, Orc
堕落予防 Deprave Vaccine Chance to evade Deprave effect increased by 50%. Mao, Almaz, Mr. Champloo, Salvatore, Asuka Cranekick, Axel, Asagi, Clergy, Cleric, Dragon Zombie, Death, Roc
状態免疫 Ailment Immunity Chance to evade ailments increased by 20%. Mao, Sapphire, Laharl, Axel, Asagi, Armor Knight, Thief, Sorcerer, Cheerleader

MAbilities (Unusual MAbilities)

Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Idol Master (Cheerleader R6) アイドルマスター ラブリーソング Lovely Song Stats of allies on map increased by 5%. Innate
- - 対飛行防御UP Anti-Air DEF Up Damage taken decreased by 20% if enemy can fly. -
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Battle Master (Warrior R6) バトルマスター ワイルドクライ Wild Cry Increase stats by 20% per adjacent enemy unit. Innate
- - 光合成 Photosynthesis 10% of HP recovered at end of turn. -
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Bastet (Nekomata R6) バステト 特殊カウンター Special Counter Counter attacks to a special attack. Innate
- - フューリー Fury Number of counter hits x25% damage increase. (within turn) -
Class (English) Class (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Dragon 邪竜族 竜の逆鱗 Dragon's Rage Increase DMG dealt by 10% every time DMG is taken. Innate
- - ネクロマンサー Necromancer Increase stats of adjacent ally zombie units by 20%. -

MAbilities (Enemy Exclusive)

Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Super Hero Aurum (Boss) 超勇者オーラム 虚ろう正義 Void Justice Odd Turns: Immune to physical. Even Turns: Immune to magic. Innate
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Etna (Boss) エトナ ドミナントスマイル Dominant Smile Stats of ally Prinnies on map increased by 20%. Innate
- - ダブルロックオン Double Lock-on Normal attack occurs twice if attacking without moving. -
Name (English) Name (Japanese) MAbility (Japanese) MAbility (English) Effect Requirements
Baal バールの 超魔王プロテクト Super Overlord's Protect Negates all damage once every turn. Innate
- - 超魔王カルト Super Devil Cult Increases the effect of Super Overlord's Protect by 1 for every ally. -