Makai Senki Disgaea 3/Item World

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イノセント / Specialists

Specialist Translation Limit Description
HP屋 Dietician 19998 Increases HP
SP屋 Master 19998 Increases SP
ATK屋 Gladiator 19998 Increases ATK
DEF屋 Sentry 19998 Increases DEF
INT屋 Tutor 19998 Increases INT
RES屋 Physician 19998 Increases RES
HIT屋 Marksman 19998 Increases HIT
SPD屋 Coach 19998 Increases SPD
たくましい屋 Muscleman* 19998 Increases ATK+HP
あたまいい屋 Nerd* 19998 Increases INT+SP
ねらいうち屋 Sniper* 19998 Increases ATK+HIT
すばしっこい屋 Sprinter* 19998 Increases ATK+SPD
がんばり屋 Hard Worker* 19998 Increases ATK+INT
がまんづよい屋 Patient* 19998 Increases DEF+RES
毒屋 Alchemist 100 Add Poison effect
眠り屋 Hypnotist 100 Add Sleep effect
マヒ屋 Witch Doctor 100 Add Paralysis effect
堕落屋 Gangster 100 Add Deprave effect
ド忘れ屋 Amnesiac 100 Add Forget effect
クリティカル屋 Professional 100 Increases Critical chance
耐毒屋 Pharmacist 100 Increases Poison resistance
耐眠り屋 Coffee Maker 100 Increases Sleep resistance
耐マヒ屋 Medicine Man 100 Increases Paralysis resistance
耐堕落屋 Social Worker 100 Increases Deprave resistance
耐ド忘れ屋 Psychologist 100 Increases Forget resistance
耐炎屋 Firefighter 100 Increases Fire resistance, Increases Fire Damage
耐水屋 Cryophile 100 Increases Water resistance, Increases Water Damage
耐風屋 Aeronaut 100 Increases Wind resistance, Increases Wind Damage
マナ増加屋 Manager 300 Increases Mana gained from enemy kills by 1% per level
ヘル増加屋 Broker 300 Increases Hell gained from enemy kills by 1% per level
EXP増加屋 Statistician** 300 Increases EXP gained from enemy kills by 1% per level
技上達屋 Mentor** 300 Increases Skill Exp by 1% per level
仲人屋 Mediator** 100 Allows two other specialists to have a child
イノセント凶師屋 Teacher** 100 Increases level of other specialists by 5%
拳マスタリー屋 Fist Fighter** 500 Increases the stats on the Fist this lives in by 1% per level
剣マスタリー屋 Fencer** 500 Increases the stats on the Sword this lives in by 1% per level
槍マスタリー屋 Lancer** 500 Increases the stats on the Spear this lives in by 1% per level
弓マスタリー屋 Eros** 500 Increases the stats on the Bow this lives in by 1% per level
銃マスタリー屋 Deadeye** 500 Increases the stats on the Gun this lives in by 1% per level
斧マスタリー屋 Lumberjack** 500 Increases the stats on the Axe this lives in by 1% per level
杖マスタリー屋 Cane Man** 500 Increases the stats on the Staff this lives in by 1% per level
魔物マスタリー屋 Monster Hunter** 500 Increases the stats on the Monster Weapon this lives in by 1% per level
ガードマスタリー屋 Guardian** 500 Increases the stats on the armor this lives in by 1% per level
レアリティ屋 Collector** Fixed Increases the rarity value by 1, 2, 4, or 8
魔チェンジ大好き屋 Magichange Lover** 25 Increases the stats of the ma-changed weapon by 1% per level
やさしくして屋 Kinder Gardender*** Fixed Reduce damage by 50% from attacks.
トゥギャザー屋 Berry Picker*** Fixed 100% Chance for a Team Attack.
秘密特訓屋 Secret Trainer*** Fixed Stat growth increases by 10% at level up.
かろやかステップ屋 Hop Step Cheer*** Fixed x1.8 hit rate for attacks.
喝! High Spiriter*** Fixed Normal attack may cure an ailment.
食欲の秋屋 Glutton*** Fixed Normal attack heals HP instead.
パニッシュ屋 Punisher*** Fixed Normal attack from behind reduces HP by 1/2.
甘い誘惑屋 Sweet Tempter*** Fixed Recover 50% HP at the end of a turn.
マナ泥棒屋 Mana Robber*** Fixed Gain 10% of target's Mana from normal attack.
ねこばば屋 Cat Burglar*** Fixed Randomly get defeated enemy's equipment.
掘りまくり屋 All Digger*** Fixed Normal attack from behind causes paralysis.
ミソクソ屋 Trash Talker*** Fixed Normal attack from behind causes poison.
ゴシゴシ屋 Rubber*** Fixed Normal attacks are executed twice in a row.
感じさせ屋 Sensationalist*** Fixed Normal attack from behind causes deprave.
叩くべからず屋 Wuss*** Fixed Physical attack damage down 80%.
ラリー屋 Town Crier*** Fixed Counter Attack +5.
ひなたぼっこ屋 Sun Bather*** Fixed Normal attack from behind causes sleep.
つっこみ屋 Joke Slapper*** Fixed Normal attack from behind causes forget.
やさしさ差しのべ屋 Motivator*** Fixed Magic attack damage down 80%.
ミディアムレア屋 Medium Rare*** Fixed Ally monster's attack power +20%.
ホーミング屋 Heat Seeker*** Fixed Attacks never miss.
スメル屋 Smeller*** Fixed Enemy stats reduced by 20% when attacked.
ふわふわ屋 Fluffifier*** Fixed Restores damage from Geo Block chains.
モードチェンジ屋 Mode Changer*** Fixed Null physical attacks on odd turns, magic on even.
ぽっくり屋 Reaper*** Fixed 20% chance of Deathblow if target's HP is under 25%.

* Born from Mediator
** Obtained through reverse pirating or item world event tiles.
*** Unique Weapons and Accessories.

不思議ゲート / Mystery Gates 

Location Room (English) Room (Japanese) Possible Battle Description
B1-99F Bribe Shop 闇商人 Talk too many times to Domgo. Able to purchase special items for bribing.
B1-99F Corsica's Tower この塔に居座る猫神 - Corsica sells Serums to improve your stats.
B1-99F Guarded Treasure Room 宝箱部屋Ⅱ - Defeat Ifrit to get the Treasure Chests.
B1-99F Illegal Room 堕腐屋 Talk too many times to Spiritus. Purchase Illegal Tickets. Inventory from B1-49F differs from B51-99F.
B1-99F Item Fortune Teller 占い部屋 Talk too many times to Zour. Fortune telling: Great (+5), Good (+3), Bad (-3), Worst (-5).
B1-99F Item Shop 行商人 Talk too many times to Chekitoutyo. Sells up to Rank 34 Items. (39 in LoC.)
B1-99F Item World Carnivale アイテム界憤渦祭 Talk too many times to Mint. PA Microphone, Mana Potion, Bribe and Item Shops.
B1-99F Item World Nurse's Room アイテム界病院 Talk too many times to the Alraune on the right. Item World Hospital.
B1-99F Mana Potion Room マナポーション屋 Talk too many times to Shortie. Purchase Mana Potions.
B1-99F Mr. Gency Exit Room アイテム界屋のシーフ Talk too many times to Misha. Talk to Misha for a free Mr. Gency Exit.
B1-99F Music Room 音楽屋 Talk too many times to Tenpay. Purchase BGMs you have heard at least once.
B1-99F PA Microphone Shop DJユイチの店 Talk too many times to DJ Yuichi. Purchase PA Microphones.
B1-99F Painting Room キャラ塗師 Talk too many times to Painta. Recolor a generic character.
B1-99F Prinny's Inn のお宿 Talk too many times to Piyokko. Pick one of the three Treasure Chests.
B1-99F Rip Off Bar ぼったくりバー Talk too many times to the attendants. Pay HL to increase the Bonus Gauge.
B1-99F Treasure Room 宝箱部屋 - Rare and Legendary Treasure Chests.
B1-99F Winding Road 経験値ポーション屋 Talk too many times to Prin Roshi. Purchase EXP Potions.
B1-99F Worker Room 仕事人部屋 Refuse the assassination request too many times. Pay 50k HL to assassinate Gatekeepers for the next five floors.
B1-99F Save Icon Shop Talk too many times to Pickles. Purchase Savegame Icons.
B31-99F Monster Room 戦闘部屋 - Defeat all enemies in two turns to add +3 levels to the Item.
B31-99F Picture-Story Teller 紙芝居屋(ゴールドナックル先輩) Talk too many times to Goldknuckle. Purchase recovery items.
B31-99F Monster Training Room モンスター娘。 Talk too many times to Swami Kanda. Receive a free Magichange Weight.
B31-99F Level Sphere Collector* レベルスフィア蒐集家 Talk too many times to Sphere King. Claim prizes for Collected Level Spheres.
B31-99F Diez Gentlemen Room 戦闘部屋2 - Defeat all Diez Gentlemen within two turns to add +5 levels to the Item.
B61-99F Axel's Room アクターレ Talk too many times to Axel. You can talk to Axel.
B61-99F Skill Transfer Room 特殊技継承士 Talk too many times to Bandu. Transfer skills from one ally to another.
B91-99F Trophy Shop** トロフィー屋のシーフ Talk too many times to Lacos. Get the Trophy Shop Trophy (Silver).

* See Level Sphere Rewards.
** Trophy Patch.

Level Sphere Rewards

# Level Spheres Collected Prize
5 Dark Rosary
10 Devil Ring
20 Feather Token
40 Sophia's Mirror
80 Pravda Pendant
100 Tambourine
120 Paper Fan
140 Shovel
160 Baked Potato
180 Vajra
200 Tennis Racket
220 Deck Brush
240 Lolipop Candy
260 Dumbbell
280 Primal Meat
300 Magic Hand
320 Putty Stick
340 Flower Circle
360 Umbrella
380 Sign
400 Puppy Paw Stick
440 Baton
460 Sunflower
480 Toy Hammer