Makai Senki Disgaea 2/Geo Panels

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Geo Effects

Geo Effects Trans Description
攻撃力±50% ATK ± 50% Attack increases or decreases by 50 percent.
防御力±50% DEF ± 50% Defense increases or decreases by 50 percent.
経験値±50% EXP + 50% Experience gained increases by 50 percent.
敵強化±50% Enemy Boost + 50% Enemy stats increases by 50 percent.
超敵強化3倍 Enemy Boost x3 Enemy stats increases x3.
移動力±1 Move ± 1 Movement is boosted or downgraded by 1.
攻撃回数+1 Attacks + 1 Attacks performed from this panel are executed twice (not sure if this stacks with ninja double attack ability).
ヘル±50% HL + 50% Hell gained from defeated enemy increases by 50 percent.
マナ±50% Mana + 50% Mana gained from defeated enemy increases 50 percent.
侵食 Encroach The number of panels "grows" from the geo symbol.
ワープ Warp Objects on this panel are randomly warped to another panel of the same color at the end of each round.
回避 Evade Hit chance against objects on this panel is halved.
回復20% Heal 20% Recovers 20% health every round.
沈黙 Silence Prohibits use of skills.
遠距離攻撃禁止 No Range Attack Prohibits ranged attacks.
隣接攻撃禁止 No Close Combat Prohibits attacks to adjacent panels.
無敵 Invincibility Take no damage. (Excludes Geo Effects like Recovery and Ally Damage.)
増殖 Clone Character on panel will be cloned at end of turn as an enemy.
持ち上げ禁止 No Lifting Objects on this panel cannot be lifted.
色変化禁止 No Color Change No Geo Change if a Geo Symbol is destroyed.
一撃死 Critical Anything standing on this Geo Panel will die from one hit.
敵レベルアップ10% Enemy Level Up 10% Enemies on this panel gain 10% of their current exp per round.
炎属性±50% Fire Element ± 50% Fire resistance raised/lowered by 50%.
風属性±50% Wind Element ± 50% Wind resistance raised/lowered by 50%.
水属性±50% Water Element ± 50% Water resistance raised/lowered by 50%.
融合 Fusion Merges any enemies standing on these panels.
ダメージ反転 Reverse Damage Damage and Recovery effects is reversed on these panels. (Doesn't seem to include items, prinny bombs, poison.)
ダメージ拡散 Disperse Damage When someone is damaged/healed, all other characters on the same panel color receive (value/number of people) damage/health *Note: only seems to damage characters of the same 'faction', ie. enemies only, allies only, or neutral only.
タワー攻撃禁止 No Tower Attack No tower attacks are allowed if on the panel.
ダメージ20% Damage 20% Characters on it will receive 20 percent damage at the end of the turn.
味方ダメージ20% Ally Damage 20% Allies on it will receive 20 percent damage at the end of the turn.

Special Geo Effects

Geo Effects Trans Description
進入禁止 No Entry The panel cannot be stepped on or thrown over.
ステージクリア Stage Clear Clear the stage if standing on it at the end of the turn.
ゲームオーバー Game Over Game over if any character is standing on it at the end of the turn.

*These effects are only on preset maps and do not occur randomly in Item World or from the Geo Change ability.