超ヒロイン戦記 - Super Heroine Chronicle/Flow Chart/Episode 46: Electronics District Lawless Zone (Meru Route)

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Episode 46: Electronics District Lawless Zone

Dejiko: Listen up, people nya! Gamers is being targetted by the Dark Army nya!

Dejiko: In order to defend this place at all costs, an interception system must be installed in the shop and fortified nya!

Dejiko: That's why I'd like you all to contribute a little money to the army. What do you think nya?

Louise: You know, we don't have any of this worlds currency.

Dejiko: You'll have to do something about it nya! We'll pawn treasures or something to make money!

Usada: Right, it turns out that we don't need Dejiko's lousy money plan!

Dejiko: Usada, you were out on patron nya! Why have you come back all of a sudden nya!?

Usada: All right, let's get out of here! Come on, everyone!

Chris: Is it the enemy?

Usada: You'll know it when you see it, so hurry!

Jeanne: Are they not just enemies?

[Battle map]

Episode 46 Electronics District Lawless Zone


Dejiko: This is.....Akibahara nya!?

Usada: Right? You can see it, can't you?

Meru: It's better than the haunted house in Mirror City! If only there were more of them! Since there are so many I could take home 10 or 100 of them!

Siesta: 100 of them.....We wouldn't have enough to pay for the food.

Puchiko: Nothing is more expensive than free nyu.

Claude: This happened in mirror city because the polyal there went out of control, but this doesn't seem to be like that......

Puchiko: Unfortunately we will have to close Akibahara nyu.

Usada: That's right.

Siesta: Where did they come from?

Tiffania: Do you think it's the work of demons?

Dejiko: Even in Akibahara, where everything is available, you won't find anything like that.

Chris: So what, we can just clean them up right?

Puchiko: You are a fool nyu.

Chris: What was that!?

Puchiko: No matter how many of them you kill, there will always be one after another nyu. Aim for the ones that are leading them nyu.

Chris: Oh, I see.....I. I know! I just thought of it a little too late!

Siesta: But there's no leader-like enemy in sight, is there?

Jeanne: In such a case, all you have to do is lure them out. Louise, Dejiko, it's up to you.

Dejiko: Leave it to me nya!

Louise: It seems I don't have a choice.....

Dejiko: Nya nya? Look here, Louise! Only the weakest of the weak are here nya!

Louise: That's true! I don't know who is the amazing leader who was able to gather such a large number of people!

Dejiko: Don't makes jokes like that nya! They might be too embarrassed to come out nya!

Louise: Maybe they haven't started fighting yet, so they can save face?

Dejiko: "Now is the time! "Now is the time nya! Maybe they're worried If we start fighting, they're finished nya.

Louise: That's right! they're incompetent and inept, and don't have the guts to stand in the crowd. If you don't want to be called out, you should come out now!

Sonico: (It's amazing! Even though they're improvising, their sychronization is perfect!)

Chris: (But isn't the provocation too obvious?)

Dejiko: Nya maybe they aremixed in with the crowd! They could be too weak to be noticed, we might defeat them before we know it?

Dejiko: Ahahahahah!

Louise: Ahahahahaha!!

Dejiko & Louise: (Nice work)

[Dark Dejiko, Dark Puchiko, and Dark Usada appear]

Dark Dejiko:.....I wont stand for this nya.

Dark Puchiko: I'll kill you nyu.

Dark Usada: We just have to win.......

Dejiko: They came out nya!

Louise: You guys..... Of course.

Dark Dejiko: It's a rematch nya!

Dejiko: You're so annoying nya! You're the one who's responsible for the distribution of the copied books nya!

Dark Puchiko: We'll be free if we get rid of you nyu.

Puchiko: It's an unpleasant belief nyu.

Louise: I don't want to talk! Let's get started!

Jeanne: Once the three of them are defeated, the rest will retreat.

Chris: We just needed to target them? I'll do it!

Victory: Defeat Dark Dejiko. Defeat: Dejiko is defeated.

[Start of turn 1]

Dejiko: We'll get you nya!!

Dark Dejiko: ....It depends on whether you want to quit nya.....

Dejiko: Nya?

Dark Dejiko: The absence of people, the lack of activity, the loneliness of Akibahara nya...

Dejiko: If that's the case don't attack us in the first place nya!

Dark Puchiko: We would do that if we could nyu.

Usada: Is it possible that someone is forcing you to do this?

Siesta: You can stop now, can't you?

Dark Usada:.....Really?

Dejiko: Do not sin against others nya. If you're willing to change your mind and start over, don't be afraid to think about it nya.

Dark Dejiko: You're right...... I hope you'll take my word for it and accept this as proof that we're starting over.

Dejiko: Huh? Take what?

[Dark Dejiko runs up to Dejiko]

Dark Dejiko: A beam! Eye beam!

[Dark Dejiko attacks Dejiko]

Dejiko: Nya!?

Usada: Dejiko!?

[Dark Dejiko falls back, and Dark Sonico appears with more enemies]

Dark Dejiko: Naive nya.....

Puchiko: You're too naive nyu.

Dark Usada: Well, that's what happens with Dejiko, isn't it?

Jeanne: I had a feeling it would be like this, but their plan was too simple for me to stop.

Louise: It's fitting, both for the attacked and the attacker.

Chris: This is not the time to be impressed! Dejiko is in trouble!!

Dark Sonico: With this battle, I will become Super Sonico!

Sonico: Ah! You're, Supah Sonico!

Dark Sonico: You don't have any fans here. You are alone.....This time.......I'll win!

Sonico: I..... I know that there are people who support me even when I'm far away! That's why..... I will not lose!

Dark Dejiko: It's no use nya! From now on Akihabara will be a dark sanctuary where only the chosen will be allowed to enter nya!

Usada: What!?

Dark Dejiko: Dark rule for Dark Dejiko by Dark Dejiko nya! We will create a paradise nya!

Chris: Is that your dream?

Dejiko:.....Ho....It's a model answer to a rather tempestuous villain nya.

Dejiko: But there's one thing you've got wrong nya. It's that.....

Dejiko: Akihabara is already a paradise nya!

Dark Dejiko: !?

Dejiko: Don't you know what Dejiko means? Fufufu, that's your limit!

Louise: Dejiko! You're acting cool, but are you sure you're OK?

Dejiko: Who do you think Dejiko is nya! I am Akihabra's ruler, Lady Dejiko nya!!

Dejiko: This kind of damage is nothing, I'm going to make a full recovery nya!!

[Dejiko Heals]

Dark Dejiko: Huh!? You're cheating nya!!

Dejiko: If you're Louise and you're angry, you'll get your MP back! If you're Dejiko, you'll get a little bit of healing!

Louise: MP, what's MP?

Puchiko: Don't give it too much thought nyu.

Jeanne: (I hope she doesn't try asking me....)

Dejiko: Akihabara and Dejiko will never be the same! Come back again and again!!

Dejiko: It is Lady Dejiko who will protect this irreplaceable Otaku paradise nya! It's up to all of you to take a stand and save it nya!

Meru: Oh my gosh! You're amazing, Dejiko! It's a 2.5 style idol! I'm in love with it!

Dejiko: I'll give you an autograph later nya!

Usada: (Now she's getting full of herself again.....)

Victory: Defeat Dark Dejiko and Dark Sonico. Defeat: Dejiko or Sonico are defeated.

[Defeat Dark Usada]

Dark Usada:.......

[Dark Usada vanishes]

[Defeat Dark Puchiko]

Dark Puchiko:.....

[Dark Puchiko vanishes]

[Dejiko vs Dark Dejiko]

Dark Dejiko: I won't forgive you for insulting me nya!

Dejiko: I wont let you beat me nya!

[Defeat Dark Dejiko]

Dark Dejiko: It, It's not supposed to be like this nya!

Dejiko: What did you expect nya! This is how we roll nya!

Dark Dejiko:.....Did you expect me to say that nya?

Dejiko: Nya!?

Dark Dejiko: You've fallen for out trap nya!

Dark UsadaL Gamers takeover, great success!!

Dejiko: What nya!?

[Dark Dejiko remains on the field at 0hp, will act on enemy turns but cant actually deal any damage, unknown if this is intentional or a bug, or if it happens every time]

[Sonico vs Dark Sonico]

Dark Sonico: I'll win! Definitely...!

Sonico: I can't lose! Everyone, give me your support!!

[Defeat Dark Sonico]

Dark Sonico: I lost......I should have won, I was supposed to.......become Sonico.

Sonico: Huh, why?

Dark Sonico: If only you disappeares! I could have lived in this world as Sonico.....! Ahhhhhhh!

[Dark Sonico Vanishes]

Sonico:.....She dissapeared?

Sonico: Is this also........part of the film?

Sonico: (But.....)

[Stage end]

Dejiko: They're aim was Gamers from the start nya!

Louise: That's what Mii told us.

Usada: We shouldn't have neglected the defence system after all!

Chris: You're the one who came to us about the trouble, and brought us all outside.....

Usada: Oh? Is that right?

Jeanne: That said, there were so many of them spread around the city, we had no choice but to confront them.

Usada: That's right! Jeanne is right!

Tiffania: We have to take back Gamers.

Dejiko: Of course nya! On the contrary, it saves us the trouble of having to go looking for them nya!

Chris: Really though, what exactly is the strategic value of Gamers?

Claude: Because there's a Polyal here?

Jeanne: It's reasonable to think so. We should consider the enemy's defensive capabilities and decide how to attack....

Jeanne: No, the right thing to do here is to attack quickly! We're going into the gamers!

Siesta: Jeanne, don't you prefer caution and discretion?

Jeanne: That was why I lost to you all.

Jeanne: My own cautiousness does not define the whole of this group, but is sufficient to fill in the gaps.

Jeanne: So now we must go like the wind! This is also a way to read the subtleties of war and win!

Usada: Wow......You've got style! I've always thought of you as a secretive, behind-the-scenes kind of girl.

Sonico: Jeanne you're so cool! You really look just like Jeanne d'Arc!

J: (What do you think? She's beautiful, isn't she)

Claude: (That's....Well I can't deny it.)

Jeanne: They wont be expecting us to attack Gamers right now.

Usada: Is a fast attack really a good idea?

Jeanne: That's right. This is definitely not the type of situation where you can win by strategy. And I am one of you now.

Jeanne: Mhmm....

Louise: All right, I've decided! You're going to be the captain now.

Jeanne: The captain?

Louise: I've always thought that this group didn't have a leader. Wouldn't you be the best choice?

Jeanne: Are you sure? Leave it to me.

Puchiko: It's better than leaving it to Dejiko nyu.

Usada: Oh, Puchko gave the right answer.

Dejiko: What the hell nya!?

Siesta: I think it's a good choice because Jeanne has a lot of fighting experience.

Tiffania: That's right. She's calm at all times, I think she's perfect for the role.

Jeanne: Do you trust me even though I was your enemy not so long ago?

Sonico: Well, now we're very good friends!

Chris: But, if Jeanne does betray us I'll tear her to pieces!

Jeanne: You were they're enemy too you know.

Chris: Oh, yeah?

Chris: Tch, I don't want to talk about this! We're in a hurry, aren't we? Let's get a move on!

[Chris runs off]

Meru: Chris has run off. Captain, what are you going to do?

Jeane:....I know.

Jeanne: I'll respond to everyone's trust. Now, let me take the lead.

Jeanne: It's time to take back Gamers! All hands on deck, following Chris Yukine!

Everyone: Yeah!!

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